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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 58, WATERS AND WATER SUPPLY

    Chapter 10: Commission established; members; powers and duties

      Section: 58:10-30: Removal of pipe line on failure to reconstruct

           The reconstruction, in the manner approved by the commission, of the portion of such pipe line specified in its decision, shall be begun within thirty days after service of the notice required by section 58:10-29 of this title, and shall be continued with such dispatch as shall seem reasonable to the commission. If such reconstruction is not begun and continued as herein provided, the commission shall remove, or cause to be removed, the portion of the pipe line specified in its decision, or any part thereof. The cost and expense of such removal shall be recoverable at law from the owners or users of the pipe line in any court of competent jurisdiction by the commission in the name of the state.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:57.

Older versions of 58:10-30 (if available):

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