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    Chapter 11:

      Section: 39:11-6: Public hearing.

39:11-6. Upon request of the governing body or zoning commission, as the case may be, of the municipality in which the yard or business is proposed to be located, the commission shall hold a public hearing within the municipality not less than three nor more than five weeks from the date of the application. Notice of the hearing shall be given to the applicant and to the council or mayor, by mail, postage prepaid, and be published once in a newspaper having a circulation within the municipality, not less than seven days before the date of the hearing. The hearing shall be conducted by the commission or its authorized representative, and the applicant shall pay to the commission or its representative a fee of twenty-five dollars, the costs of the notices and the expenses of the hearing. Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the commission shall, within five days, recommend in writing to the governing body or the zoning commission, as the case may be, the granting or refusal of the local permit or certificate of approval, giving its reasons for the recommendation.

Amended 2003, c.13, s.68.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:51.

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