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    Chapter 1E:

      Section: 13:1E-134: Causes for revocation.

          9. Any license or soil and fill recycling license may be revoked by the department pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.) for any of the following causes:

a. Any cause which would require disqualification, pursuant to subsection a., b., c., e. or f. of section 8 of P.L.1983, c.392 (C.13:1E-133), from receiving a license or a soil and fill recycling license upon original application;

b. Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in securing or maintaining the license or soil and fill recycling license, or in the conduct of the licensed activity;

c. Offering, conferring or agreeing to confer any benefit to induce any other person to violate the provisions of P.L.1983, c.392 (C.13:1E-126 et seq.), or of any other law relating to the collection, transportation, treatment, storage, brokering, transfer or disposal of solid waste or hazardous waste, or the provision of soil and fill recycling services, or of any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto;

d. Coercion of a customer by violence or economic reprisal or the threat thereof to utilize the services of any permittee or licensee, or a business concern that holds a soil and fill recycling license;

e. Preventing, without authorization of the department, any permittee or licensee, or business concern that has been issued a soil and fill recycling license from disposing of solid waste or hazardous waste at a licensed, authorized or approved treatment, storage, transfer or disposal facility; or

f. Failing to file timely annual updates as directed by the Attorney General.

L.1983, c.392, s.9; amended 1991, c.269, s.9; 2019, c.397, s.10.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2020-02-19 11:19:50.

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