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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 30, INSTITUTIONS AND AGENCIES

    Chapter 4: Boards of trustees; appointment; terms; vacancies; removal; compensation; organization

      Section: 30:4-116: Retaking persons leaving without discharge

           The chief executive officer of any state institution, or any subordinate officer or employee of the institution appointed by him in writing as a special officer, shall have power to arrest without warrant any inmate committed thereto by order of any court, who shall leave such institution, without first obtaining a parole or discharge, and return him or her to the institution. For purpose of retaking, the chief executive officer or special officer may go to any place either within or without this state, where the escaped inmate may be.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:49.

Older versions of 30:4-116 (if available):

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