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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 30, INSTITUTIONS AND AGENCIES
Chapter 4: Boards of trustees; appointment; terms; vacancies; removal; compensation; organization
Section: 30:4-3.17: Report of professional misconduct
3. Any employee of a State psychiatric hospital who, as a result of information obtained in the course of his employment, has reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a clinical treatment staff or nursing direct care staff member working at the hospital has or is engaging in professional misconduct shall report the information to the person designated by the Commissioner of Human Services pursuant to this act to receive the report.
The report shall contain the name of the staff member, the name of the psychiatric hospital and the unit to which the staff member is assigned, information regarding the nature of the suspected professional misconduct and any other information which might be helpful in an investigation of the case.
This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:49.
Older versions of 30:4-3.17 (if available):
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