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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 45, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS

    Chapter 9: Effect of abolition of particular courts

      Section: 45:9-14.5: Definitions relative to practice of chiropractic.

45:9-14.5. a. "Chiropractic subluxation" means a complex of functional, structural or pathological articular lesions or a local or systemic aberration of the nervous system caused by injury, pressure, traction, stress, torsion, or by chemical or electrical irritation, stimulation, or inhibition of a nerve that compromise neural integrity as determined by chiropractic analytical procedures.

"Practice of chiropractic" means a philosophy, science and healing art concerned with the restoration and preservation of health and wellness through the promotion of well-being, prevention of disease and promotion and support of the inherent or innate recuperative abilities of the body. The practice of chiropractic includes the reduction of chiropractic subluxation, and the examination, diagnosis, analysis, assessment, systems of adjustments, manipulation and treatment of the articulations and soft tissue of the body. It is within the lawful scope of the practice of chiropractic to diagnose, adjust, and treat the articulations of the spinal column and other joints, articulations, and soft tissue and to order and administer physical modalities and therapeutic, rehabilitative and strengthening exercises.

"Prescription" means a written direction of remedy for a disease, illness or injury and the instructions for using that remedy.

b. A licensed chiropractor shall have the right in the examination of patients to use the neurocalometer, X-ray, and other necessary instruments solely for the purpose of diagnosis or analysis. No licensed chiropractor shall perform endoscopy, or prescribe, administer, or dispense drugs or medicines for any purpose whatsoever, or perform surgery as requires cutting by instruments or laser excepting adjustment of the articulations of the spinal column or extremities.

No person licensed to practice chiropractic shall sign any certificate required by law or the State Sanitary Code concerning reportable diseases, or birth, marriage or death certificates.

c. A chiropractor licensed by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners may, subject to the requirements of subsection e. of this section:

(1) Use methods of treatment including chiropractic practice methods, physical medicine modalities, rehabilitation, splinting or bracing consistent with the practice of chiropractic, nutrition and first aid and may order such diagnostic or analytical tests, including diagnostic imaging, bioanalytical laboratory tests, and may perform such other diagnostic and analytical diagnostic tests including reagent strip tests, X-ray, computer-aided neuromuscular testing, and nerve conduction studies, and may interpret evoked potentials;

(2) Sign or certify temporary or permanent impairments and other certifications consistent with a chiropractic practice such as pre-employment screenings. A chiropractic physician may use recognized references in making his determination; and

(3) Provide dietary or nutritional counseling, such as the direction, administration, dispensing and sale of nutritional supplements, including, but not limited to, all food concentrates, food extracts, vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, amino acids, homeopathic remedies and other dietary supplements, including, but not limited to, tissue or cell salts, glandular extracts, nutraceuticals, botanicals and other nutritional supplements; provided the chiropractor has successfully completed a course of study concerning human nutrition, consisting of not less than 45 hours from a college or university accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education and approved by the board.

d. It shall be unlawful for any person, not duly licensed in this State to practice chiropractic, to use terms, titles, words or letters which would designate or imply that he or she is qualified to practice chiropractic, or to hold himself or herself out as being able to practice chiropractic, or offer or attempt to practice chiropractic, or to render a utilization management decision that limits, restricts or curtails a course of chiropractic care.

e. A chiropractic diagnosis or analysis shall be based upon a chiropractic examination appropriate to the presenting patient, except that a licensed chiropractor who, at any time during the examination has reasonable cause to believe symptoms or conditions are present that require diagnosis, analysis, treatment, or methods beyond the scope of chiropractic as defined in subsection a. of this section, shall refer an individual to a practitioner licensed to practice dentistry, medicine or surgery in this State or other appropriate licensed healthcare professionals. Nothing contained in this subsection shall preclude a licensed chiropractor from rendering concurrent or supportive chiropractic care to any patient so referred.

(added) 1939, c.115, s.19; amended 1953, c.233, s.3; 2009, c.322, s.1.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:54.

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