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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 45, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS

    Chapter 9: Effect of abolition of particular courts

      Section: 45:9-22.23: Information included in profile of physician, podiatrist, optometrist.

3. a. The following information shall be included for each profile of a physician, podiatrist or optometrist, as applicable:

(1) Name of all medical or optometry schools attended and dates of graduation;

(2) Graduate medical or optometry education, including all internships, residencies and fellowships;

(3) Year first licensed;

(4) Year first licensed in New Jersey;

(5) Location of the physician's, podiatrist's or optometrist's office practice site or sites, as applicable;

(6) A description of any criminal convictions for crimes of the first, second, third or fourth degree within the most recent 10 years. For the purposes of this paragraph, a person shall be deemed to be convicted of a crime if the individual pleaded guilty or was found or adjudged guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction. The description of criminal convictions shall not include any convictions that have been expunged. The following statement shall be included with the information about criminal convictions: "Information provided in this section may not be comprehensive. Courts in New Jersey are required by law to provide information about criminal convictions to the State Board of Medical Examiners (or the New Jersey State Board of Optometrists).";

(7) A description of any final board disciplinary actions within the most recent 10 years, except that any such disciplinary action that is being appealed shall be identified;

(8) A description of any final disciplinary actions by appropriate licensing boards in other states within the most recent 10 years, except that any such disciplinary action that is being appealed shall be identified. The following statement shall be included with the information about disciplinary actions in other states: "Information provided in this section may not be comprehensive. The State Board of Medical Examiners (or the New Jersey State Board of Optometrists) receives information about disciplinary actions in other states from physicians (or optometrists) themselves and outside sources.";

(9) In the case of physicians and podiatrists, a description of: the revocation or involuntary restriction of privileges at a health care facility for reasons related to the practitioner's competence or misconduct or impairment taken by a health care facility's governing body or any other official of the health care facility after procedural due process has been afforded; the resignation from or nonrenewal of medical staff membership at the health care facility for reasons related to the practitioner's competence or misconduct or impairment; or the restriction of privileges at a health care facility taken in lieu of or in settlement of a pending disciplinary case related to the practitioner's competence or misconduct or impairment. Only those cases that have occurred within the most recent 10 years and that were reported by the health care facility pursuant to section 2 of P.L.2005, c.83 (C.26:2H-12.2b) shall be included in the profile; and

(10) All medical malpractice court judgments and all medical malpractice arbitration awards reported to the applicable board, in which a payment has been awarded to the complaining party during the most recent five years, and all settlements of medical malpractice claims reported to the board, in which a payment is made to the complaining party within the most recent five years, as follows:

(a) Pending medical malpractice claims shall not be included in the profile and information on pending medical malpractice claims shall not be disclosed to the public;

(b) A medical malpractice judgment that is being appealed shall be so identified;

(c) The context in which the payment of a medical malpractice claim occurs shall be identified by categorizing the number of judgments, arbitration awards and settlements against the physician, podiatrist or optometrist into three graduated categories: average, above average and below average number of judgments, arbitration awards and settlements. These groupings shall be arrived at by comparing the number of an individual physician's, podiatrist's or optometrist's medical malpractice judgments, arbitration awards and settlements to the experience of other physicians, podiatrists or optometrists within the same speciality. In addition to any information provided by a physician, podiatrist or optometrist, an insurer or insurance association authorized to issue medical malpractice liability insurance in the State shall, at the request of the division, provide data and information necessary to effectuate this subparagraph; and

(d) The following statement shall be included with the information concerning medical malpractice judgments, arbitration awards and settlements: "Settlement of a claim and, in particular, the dollar amount of the settlement may occur for a variety of reasons, which do not necessarily reflect negatively on the professional competence or conduct of the physician (or podiatrist or optometrist). A payment in settlement of a medical malpractice action or claim should not be construed as creating a presumption that medical malpractice has occurred."

b. If requested by a physician, podiatrist or optometrist, the following information shall be included in a physician's, podiatrist's or optometrist's profile:

(1) Names of the hospitals where the physician, podiatrist or optometrist has privileges;

(2) Appointments of the physician or podiatrist to medical school faculties, or the optometrist to optometry school faculties, within the most recent 10 years;

(3) Information regarding any board certification granted by a specialty board or other certifying entity recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Osteopathic Association or the American Board of Podiatric Medicine or by any other national professional organization that has been demonstrated to have comparable standards;

(4) Information regarding any translating services that may be available at the physician's, podiatrist's or optometrist's office practice site or sites, as applicable, or languages other than English that are spoken by the physician, podiatrist or optometrist;

(5) Information regarding whether the physician, podiatrist or optometrist participates in the Medicaid program or accepts assignment under the Medicare program;

(6) Information regarding the medical insurance plans in which the physician, podiatrist or optometrist is a participating provider;

(7) Information concerning the hours during which the physician, podiatrist or optometrist conducts his practice; and

(8) Information concerning accessibility of the practice site or sites, as applicable, to persons with disabilities.

The following disclaimer shall be included with the information supplied by the physician, podiatrist or optometrist pursuant to this subsection: "This information has been provided by the physician (or podiatrist or optometrist) but has not been independently verified by the State Board of Medical Examiners (or the New Jersey State Board of Optometrists) or the Division of Consumer Affairs."

If the physician, podiatrist or optometrist includes information regarding medical insurance plans in which the practitioner is a participating provider, the following disclaimer shall be included with that information: "This information may be subject to change. Contact your health benefits plan to verify if the physician (or podiatrist or optometrist) currently participates in the plan."

c. Before a profile is made available to the public, each physician, podiatrist or optometrist shall be provided with a copy of his profile. The physician, podiatrist or optometrist shall be given 30 calendar days to correct a factual inaccuracy that may appear in the profile and so advise the Division of Consumer Affairs or its designated agent; however, upon receipt of a written request that the division or its designated agent deems reasonable, the physician, podiatrist or optometrist may be granted an extension of up to 15 calendar days to correct a factual inaccuracy and so advise the division or its designated agent.

d. If new information or a change in existing information is received by the division concerning a physician, podiatrist or optometrist, the physician, podiatrist or optometrist shall be provided with a copy of the proposed revision and shall be given 30 calendar days to correct a factual inaccuracy and to return the corrected information to the division or its designated agent.

e. The profile and any revisions thereto shall not be made available to the public until after the review period provided for in this section has lapsed.

L.2003,c.96,s.3; amended 2004, c.115, s.6; 2005, c.83, s.18.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:54.

Older versions of 45:9-22.23 (if available):

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