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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 45, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS

    Chapter 9: Effect of abolition of particular courts

      Section: 45:9-37.59: Licensing required for occupational therapists

           9. a. No person shall practice occupational therapy, whether or not compensation is received or expected, or represent himself as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant, unless the person holds a valid license to practice in this State.

b. Only an individual may be licensed to practice occupational therapy within the State. No firm, partnership, association or corporation may advertise or otherwise offer to provide or convey the impression that it is providing occupational therapy services unless an individual holding a current valid license pursuant to the provisions of this act shall be rendering the occupational therapy services.


This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:54.

Older versions of 45:9-37.59 (if available):

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