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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 45, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS

    Chapter 9: Effect of abolition of particular courts

      Section: 45:9-5: Monthly meetings and meetings for examinations; salaries; records; official register

           The board shall hold meetings once a month, and shall hold meetings for examinations on the third Tuesday of June and October of each year, which shall be held at the capital of this State and at such other times and places as it may deem expedient. The secretary of the board shall receive an annual salary as provided by section 45:1-4 of this Title, and each member thereof, including said secretary shall receive the sum of $250.00 for each regular examination so held, which sum shall be paid from the receipts of the board before any unused balances are paid over to the State Treasurer; but if an appropriation is made for the expenses of the board such sums shall be paid from such appropriation. The board shall keep an official record of all its meetings and an official register of all applicants for a license to practice medicine and surgery in this State. The register shall show the name, age, nativity, last and intended place of residence of each applicant, the time he has spent in obtaining a competent academic and professional education as hereinafter provided, and the names and location of all professional schools or colleges, or examining and licensing boards which have granted the applicant any degree or certificate of attendance upon lectures upon medicine and surgery or State examinations. The register shall also show whether the applicant was licensed or rejected under this article; if licensed, whether the applicant was examined or licensed without examination, and the register shall be prima facie evidence of all matters therein contained.

Amended by L.1938, c. 277, p. 602, s. 6; L.1939, c. 115, p. 401, s. 4; L.1946, c. 84, p. 292, s. 2; L.1953, c. 420, p. 2113, s. 27; L.1973, c. 187, s. 2, eff. June 26, 1973.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:54.

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