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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 45, PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS

    Chapter 9: Effect of abolition of particular courts

      Section: 45:9-6: License required to practice medicine or surgery; applications; educational requirements; citizenship

           All persons commencing the practice of medicine or surgery in this State shall apply to the board for a license so to do. The board shall, except as herein otherwise provided, examine all qualified applicants for such a license. Every applicant shall present to the secretary of the board, at least 20 days before the commencement of the examination at which he desires to be examined, a written application for admission to the examination on a form provided by the board, together with satisfactory proof that he is more than 21 years of age, of good moral character, and a citizen of the United States or has declared his intention to become such a citizen. He shall also present to the board a certificate of the Commissioner of Education of this State showing that, before entering a professional school or college, he had obtained an academic education consisting of a 4 years' course of study in an approved public or private high school or the equivalent thereof. Any license issued to an applicant prior to becoming a citizen of the United States shall be a temporary license and subject to the provisions of Revised Statutes 45:9-14.

Amended by L.1939, c. 115, p. 403, s. 6; L.1968, c. 16, s. 1, eff. April 11, 1968.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:54.

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