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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 18A, EDUCATION

    Chapter 40: Gaming transactions unlawful

      Section: 18A:40-1: Employment of medical inspectors, optometrists and nurses; salaries; terms; rules

           Every board of education shall employ one or more physicians, licensed to practice medicine and surgery within the state, to be known as the medical inspector or medical inspectors, and any board, not furnishing nursing services under a contract pursuant to section 18A:40-3.1 shall employ one or more school nurses, and it may also employ one or more optometrists, licensed to practice optometry within the state, to be known as the school vision examiner or school vision examiners, and the board shall fix their salaries and terms of office.

Every board of education shall adopt rules, subject to the approval of the state board, for the government of such employees.

L.1967, c.271.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:47.

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