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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 19, ELECTIONS

    Chapter 15: Actions in person or by attorney

      Section: 19:15-4: Official ballots only used; place of keeping and distribution; no envelopes

           The board shall permit no other ballots to be used at the general election except the ballots which are by this title provided for. It shall confine the distribution and use of such ballots to the polling room in the manner herein directed, and shall distribute no ballots (other than official sample ballots as herein provided) outside the polling place.

The board shall keep no ballots in the polling booths and shall not permit the use of envelopes for enclosing ballots on election day.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:48.

Older versions of 19:15-4 (if available):

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