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NOTE: This section is repealed by L.2016 C.5, effective 2015-01-01


    Chapter 12: Administrative office of the courts; administrative director and deputy

      Section: 5:12-221: Actions of authority after creation of tourism district.

7. a. After the creation of the tourism district pursuant to section 5 of P.L.2011, c.18 (C.5:12-219):

(1) The authority shall enter into an agreement establishing a public-private partnership with a not-for-profit corporation comprising a majority of the casino licensees of this State whose investors have invested a minimum of $1 billion in Atlantic City. The purpose of the partnership shall be to undertake a full scale, broad-based, five-year, marketing program; provided, however, that the corporation shall be primarily responsible for the development and implementation of the program. If such not-for-profit corporation is created after the Transfer Date, the authority shall delegate its duty to enter into such an agreement to the Convention Center Division created pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection b. of section 12 of P.L.2011, c.18 (C.5:12-226). In its implementation of the marketing program, the corporation shall develop a brand identity for Atlantic City and the tourism district that can be effectively and widely communicated. The brand identity shall be designed in a manner that will emphasize, to potential investors and tourists, Atlantic City's unique character, boardwalk attractions, and appeal as a destination resort. The corporation shall submit its plans for the marketing program, and any revisions thereto, to the authority, or division, as appropriate, for recommendations. The agreement between the authority, or the division, and the corporation shall have a term of five years, and may be extended for an additional term as determined by the authority, or the division, and the corporation. In addition to providing for the establishment of the marketing program, the agreement may provide that the corporation provide assistance to the authority concerning the establishment of the tourism district and implementation of the master plan. The agreement shall provide that the corporation, or the casino licensees which shall comprise its membership, will make a contribution of $5,000,000 prior to 2012 toward the formation of the corporation and the marketing plan, or for the support and furtherance of the tourism district, and the percentage of such contribution by each casino licensee shall be made in proportion to such casino licensee's gross revenue in the preceding fiscal year. The authority, or the Convention Center Division, as the case may be, shall not enter into an agreement with the corporation, unless the corporation provides evidence that it has taken appropriate steps to ensure that it has the necessary administrative resources to assess and collect the contributions. Such contributions shall be allocated for the support of the marketing program, but any contributions not utilized or allocated for such purposes during the term of the agreement or any extension thereof shall be remitted to the authority for its use to support the marketing program or the tourism district.

Any public-private partnership or similar arrangement under this paragraph shall, subject to the oversight of the authority or the Convention Center Division, permit the corporation to control and employ other public and private funds made available to further implement the marketing program and advance the purposes of the tourism district.

(2) The authority or the Convention Center Division, as appropriate, shall assess a fee upon each casino licensee that does not make a contribution to the corporation as prescribed under paragraph (1) of this subsection, calculated in the same manner as the contribution. The fee so assessed shall be collected by the authority, and shall be remitted to and held by the corporation in trust for expenditure exclusively in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the authority or the division.

(3) The corporation shall file with the authority, or the division, a quarterly report of its expenditures made pursuant to the agreement.

(4) Assessment and collection of the contributions under paragraph (1) and fees under paragraph (2) of this subsection shall commence on January 1, 2012. If the establishment of the agreement created pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection shall commence after January 1, 2012, such assessment and collection shall commence upon the date the agreement is established. The total amount to be assessed, as contributions or fees, as appropriate, collectively upon all casino licensees for each year shall be $30,000,000, in proportion to the casino licensee's gross revenues generated in the preceding fiscal year, but the authority and not-for-profit corporation described in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall provide in the agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection that the assessed contributions and fees may be increased for the marketing program, or for the support of the tourism district, and allocation of the revenue from any such additional contributions and fees shall be made in accordance with the terms of the agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection. Any moneys collected pursuant to this subsection not used for the marketing program shall be allocated to the support of the tourism district according to terms set forth in the agreement established pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection.

(5) Any moneys collected pursuant to this subsection not used for or obligated to any purpose prior to the expiration of the agreement entered into pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, or any extension thereof, shall be allocated by the authority for the support of the tourism district.

b. If within one year after the effective date of P.L.2011, c.18 (C.5:12-218 et al.), the not-for-profit corporation described under paragraph (1) of subsection a. of this section does not exist or is unable to perform its obligations under an agreement with the authority, or if the agreement is not renewed upon expiration of the term of the agreement, the authority, or the Convention Center Division, shall create a commission to be known as the Atlantic City Tourism Marketing Advisory Commission, consisting of members to be appointed by the authority. The authority shall appoint to the commission representatives of the casino and tourism industries, public citizens, and any other individual or organization the authority deems appropriate. The division shall develop and implement a full scale, broad-based, five-year marketing program. The commission shall be authorized to review the authority's annual budget and the authority's plans concerning the marketing program, and the authority shall give due consideration to those recommendations. The commission shall, from time to time, make recommendations to the authority concerning the authority's development and implementation of the marketing program. In its implementation of the marketing program, the authority, or the Convention Center Division, as the case may be, shall develop a brand identity for Atlantic City and the tourism district that can be effectively and widely communicated. The brand identity shall be designed in a manner that will emphasize, to potential investors and tourists, Atlantic City's unique character, boardwalk attractions, and appeal as a destination resort.

c. After the Transfer Date, all duties assumed by the authority pursuant to subsection a. of this section shall be delegated by the authority to the Convention Center Division.

L.2011, c.18, s.7.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2013-06-10 16:36:30.

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