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    Chapter 12: Administrative office of the courts; administrative director and deputy

      Section: 5:12-7: "Casino employee."

7. "Casino Employee"--Any natural person, not otherwise included in the definition of casino key employee, who is employed by a casino licensee, or a holding or intermediary company of a casino licensee, and is involved in the operation of a licensed casino or a simulcasting facility or performs services or duties in a casino, simulcasting facility or a restricted casino area, including, without limitation, boxmen; dealers or croupiers; floormen; machine mechanics; casino security employees; count room personnel; cage personnel; slot machine and slot booth personnel; collection personnel; casino surveillance personnel; simulcasting facility personnel involved in wagering-related activities in a simulcasting facility; data processing personnel; and information technology employees; or any other natural person whose employment duties predominantly involve the maintenance or operation of gaming activity or equipment and assets associated therewith or who, in the judgment of the commission, is so regularly required to work in a restricted casino area that registration as a casino employee is appropriate.

L.1977, c.110, s.7; amended 1979, c.282, s.2; 1987, c.353, s.1; 1991, c.182, s.5; 1992, c.9, s.2; 1992, c.19, s.23; 2011, c.19, s.8.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2013-06-10 16:36:30.

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