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    Chapter 17B: Legislative findings

      Section: 52:17B-236: Risk-based audits, performance reviews conducted by State Comptroller.

15. a. The State Comptroller, established pursuant to P.L.2007, c.52 (C.52:15C-1 et seq.), shall conduct risk-based audits and performance reviews of the Division of State Police and the office to examine stops, post-stop enforcement activities, internal affairs and discipline, decisions not to refer a trooper to internal affairs notwithstanding the existence of a complaint, and training. The State Comptroller may also make recommendations on the funding and staffing levels of the office and the State Police.

b. The State Comptroller shall report to the Governor, the Legislature and the public on the results of the audits and performance reviews. The State Comptroller shall conduct an audit and performance review on a semi-annual basis during the first 18 months following the enactment of P.L.2009, c.121 (C.52:17B-222 et seq.), and thereafter shall conduct an audit and performance review on an annual basis.

c. Within the limits of funds appropriated for such purposes, the State Comptroller may obtain the services of consultants and other professionals necessary to conduct the risk-based audits and performance reviews required by this section.

d. The Division of State Police, the office, and the Department of Law and Public Safety shall cooperate with the State Comptroller and provide to the State Comptroller such information, resources, and other assistance deemed necessary by the State Comptroller to conduct the audits and performance reviews required by this section.

L.2009, c.121, s.15.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:55.

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