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    Chapter 27G: Legislative findings and declarations

      Section: 52:27G-11: Procedure for handling correspondence; written notice, information relative to rights, entitlements.

          11. a. Any correspondence or written communication from any patient, resident, or client of a facility to the office shall, if delivered to or received by the facility, be promptly forwarded, unopened, by the facility to the office. Any correspondence or written communication from the office to any patient, resident, or client of a facility shall, if delivered to or received by the facility, be promptly forwarded, unopened, by the facility to such patient, resident, or client.

b. The office shall prepare and distribute to each facility written notices, in English and Spanish, which set forth the address and telephone number of the office, a brief explanation of the function of the office, the procedure to follow in filing a complaint, and other pertinent information. The notice shall also indicate the option to call 9-1-1.

The administrator of each facility shall ensure that such written notice is given to every patient, resident, or client or the patient's, resident's, or client's guardian upon admission to the facility and to every person already in residence or the person's guardian. The administrator shall also post such written notice in a conspicuous, public place in the facility in the number and manner set forth in the guidelines adopted by the office.

c. The facility shall inform patients, residents, or clients, and their guardians, resident representatives, or families, of their rights and entitlements under State and federal laws and rules and regulations in a format and language that the recipient understands, by means of the distribution of educational materials as provided in subsection b. of this section.

d. The office shall facilitate the filing of complaints with the office concerning matters within the authority of the office. The measures taken in connection therewith shall include, but need not be limited to, maintenance of a toll-free telephone, either by the office or in conjunction with another appropriate State agency, at least during regular working hours of the office for the filing of complaints.

e. The administrator of each facility shall annually provide all caretakers, social workers, physicians, registered or licensed practical nurses, and other professionals and staff members employed at the facility with a notice explaining the requirements of section 2 of P.L.1983, c.43 (C.52:27G-7.1) concerning the reporting of suspected abuse or exploitation of an institutionalized elderly person, and require, as a condition of employment at the facility, that the employee acknowledge in writing receipt of the notice. The signed acknowledgement shall be retained in the employee's personnel file.

L.1977, c.239, s.11; amended 2017, c.186, s.3.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2017-08-30 13:12:41.

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