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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 54, TAXATION

    Chapter 32B:

      Section: 54:32B-13: Tax payment prerequisite to registration

           Tax payment prerequisite to registration. (a) The Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles in the State Department of Law and Public Safety shall not issue a registration certificate for any motor vehicle, except in the case of a renewal of registration by the same owner, except upon proof, in a form approved by the Director of the Division of Taxation and the Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles, that any tax imposed by section 3 or section 6 of this act with respect to the sale of the motor vehicle to the registrant or to the lessor or the use thereof has been paid, or that no such tax is due.

(b) The Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development shall not issue a registration certificate or an exempt certificate for any boat or vessel subject to registration under the New Jersey Boat Act of 1962 (c.73, laws of 1962, and all amendments thereto) except in the case of a renewal of registration by the same owner, except upon proof, in a form approved by the Director of the Division of Taxation and the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, that any tax imposed by section 3 or section 6 of this act with respect to the sale of the boat or vessel to the registrant or to the lessor or the use thereof has been paid, or that no such tax is due.

L.1966,c.30,s.13; amended 1989,c.123,s.7.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:56.

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