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Title: 18A - EDUCATION

Chapter: 18A -

18A:18A-1 Short title; citation (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15503.000000000)
18A:18A-2 Definitions. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15504.000000000)
18A:18A-3 Bid threshold. (2024-04-11 15:11:57,15505.000000000)
18A:18A-3.1 Private driver education schools (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15506.000000000)
18A:18A-3.2 Group legal insurance. (2017-03-10 13:09:09,15507.000000000)
18A:18A-3.3 Payment of premiums (2017-03-10 13:09:11,15507.000100000)
18A:18A-3.4 Employment payment for retirees (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15508.000000000)
18A:18A-4 Contract awarded by board of education resolution; disqualification conditions (2024-06-14 13:53:02,15509.000000000)
18A:18A-4.1 Use of competitive contracting by boards of education; purposes. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15510.000000000)
18A:18A-4.2 Five-year contract term limit; exceptions. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15511.000000000)
18A:18A-4.3 Competitive contracting initiated by board of education resolution; process administration. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15512.000000000)
18A:18A-4.4 Request for proposals; documentation; provisions. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15513.000000000)
18A:18A-4.5 Competitive contracting proposal solicitation. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15514.000000000)
18A:18A-4.6 Implementation of energy savings improvements program by board of education; definitions. (2013-06-10 16:57:27,15515.000000000)
18A:18A-5 Exceptions to requirement for advertising. (2013-06-10 16:57:29,15516.000000000)
18A:18A-6 Standards for purchase of fresh milk; penalties; rules and regulations (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15517.000000000)
18A:18A-7 Emergency contracts. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15518.000000000)
18A:18A-8 Contracts not to be divided. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15519.000000000)
18A:18A-8.1 Rules. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15520.000000000)
18A:18A-9 Periodic solicitation of bids. (2017-03-10 13:09:13,15521.000000000)
18A:18A-10 Board of education purchases through State agency; procedure. (2017-03-10 13:09:15,15521.000100000)
18A:18A-10.1 Payment of interest by board of education; definitions. (2018-11-06 11:47:04,15521.500000000)
18A:18A-11 Joint purchases by districts, municipalities, counties; authority. (2014-03-06 15:07:52,15522.000000000)
18A:18A-12 Contents of agreement. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15523.000000000)
18A:18A-13 Purchases and contracts subject to law and rules and regulations. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15524.000000000)
18A:18A-14 Controversies or disputes; determination; appeal. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15525.000000000)
18A:18A-14.1 Electronic data processing defined (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15526.000000000)
18A:18A-14.2 Contract or lease for electronic data processing for another school district; combination of records and information (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15527.000000000)
18A:18A-14.3 Contract or lease; contents (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15528.000000000)
18A:18A-14.4 Party to contract as agent (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15529.000000000)
18A:18A-15 Specifications generally. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15530.000000000)
18A:18A-15.1 Payment from bequest, legacy or gift; conditions. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15531.000000000)
18A:18A-16 Preparation and approval of plans and specifications for public schoolhouses (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15532.000000000)
18A:18A-16.1 Regulation, policy adoption, restriction (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15533.000000000)
18A:18A-17 Facilities for persons with physical disabilities. (2017-08-09 10:04:31,15534.000000000)
18A:18A-17.1 Commissioner of Education authorized to withhold State aid. (2017-08-09 10:04:33,15535.000000000)
18A:18A-18 Preparation of separate plans, specifications for certain construction work, goods and services; bidding; awarding of contracts. (2013-06-10 16:57:33,15536.000000000)
18A:18A-19 Number of working days specified (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15537.000000000)
18A:18A-20 American goods and products to be used where possible. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15538.000000000)
18A:18A-21 Advertisement for bids; bids; general requirements; notice of revisions. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15539.000000000)
18A:18A-22 Rejection of bids. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15540.000000000)
18A:18A-23 Certificate of bidder showing ability to perform contract (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15541.000000000)
18A:18A-24 Security to accompany bid; amount. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15542.000000000)
18A:18A-25 Guarantee certificate. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15543.000000000)
18A:18A-26 Classification of bidders as requisite to bidding (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15544.000000000)
18A:18A-26.1 Board of education may use electronic procurement processes. (2020-08-11 11:41:13,15544.000100000)
18A:18A-27 Regulations for qualifications of prospective bidders. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15545.000000000)
18A:18A-27.1 Prequalification of certain persons performing school construction management services. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15546.000000000)
18A:18A-28 Application for classification; fee (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15547.000000000)
18A:18A-29 Classification by classes; notice to applicants (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15548.000000000)
18A:18A-30 Appeal from determination as to classification; hearings; change (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15549.000000000)
18A:18A-31 Change in classification as affecting bids; review and reconsideration of classification (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15550.000000000)
18A:18A-32 Bidders not submitting statements within one year ineligible to bid; affidavit of no change in status to accompany bid; reports as to performance, etc (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15551.000000000)
18A:18A-33 Penalties for false statements (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15552.000000000)
18A:18A-36 Time for making awards, deposits returned. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15553.000000000)
18A:18A-37 Award of purchases, contracts or agreements. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15554.000000000)
18A:18A-40 Form and execution of contracts and bonds. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15555.000000000)
18A:18A-40.1 Partial payments. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15556.000000000)
18A:18A-40.2 Withholding, deposit of negotiable bearer bonds, notes (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15557.000000000)
18A:18A-40.3 Withholding of partial payments. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15558.000000000)
18A:18A-41 Liquidated damages; void provisions as to contractor's remedies (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15559.000000000)
18A:18A-41.1 Regulations promulgated, school districts, encourage completion of construction projects on schedule. (2024-06-14 13:53:02,15559.000100000)
18A:18A-42 Multiyear contracts. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15560.000000000)
18A:18A-42.2 Report to board on school district contracts. (2015-05-20 09:09:54,15560.049804688)
18A:18A-43 Supervision of school building repairs (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15561.000000000)
18A:18A-44 Inspection, condemnation and rejection of work and materials. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15562.000000000)
18A:18A-45 Manner and method of sale. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15563.000000000)
18A:18A-46 No action for damages for action by officials (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15564.000000000)
18A:18A-46.1 Limitation on withholding of State funds from school districts for certain violations of public school contracts law. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15565.000000000)
18A:18A-47 Indemnity agreement with the United States, etc. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15566.000000000)
18A:18A-48 Contracts, etc.; validated and confirmed (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15567.000000000)
18A:18A-49 Approval required for school building (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15568.000000000)
18A:18A-49.1 Transportation of pupils to and from schools (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15569.000000000)
18A:18A-49.2 Rules. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15570.000000000)
18A:18A-49.3 Contract for taking yearbook pictures, use of other photographers' photos permitted. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15571.000000000)
18A:18A-49.4 Civil action brought on behalf of board of education. (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15572.000000000)
18A:18A-49.5 Board of education, compliance; report of false certification. (2022-04-19 16:14:29,15572.000100000)
18A:18A-50 Statutes repealed (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15573.000000000)
18A:18A-51 Definitions (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15574.000000000)
18A:18A-52 Set-aside programs (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15575.000000000)
18A:18A-53 Attainment of goals (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15576.000000000)
18A:18A-54 "Public School Contracts Law" applicable (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15577.000000000)
18A:18A-55 Designation of contracts (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15578.000000000)
18A:18A-56 Withdrawal of designation (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15579.000000000)
18A:18A-57 Annual report (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15580.000000000)
18A:18A-58 Rules, regulations (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15581.000000000)
18A:18A-59 False information; penalties (2013-06-10 16:36:30,15582.000000000)
18A:18A-60 Definitions relative to school district partnership with private entities. (2024-06-14 13:53:09,15582.000100000)
18A:18A-61 Definitions. (2021-07-06 15:52:12,15582.000200000)
18A:18A-62 Entry into design-build contracts permitted. (2021-07-06 15:52:15,15582.000300000)
18A:18A-63 Procedures for awarding design-build contracts. (2021-07-06 15:52:18,15582.000400000)
18A:18A-64 Evaluation factors contained in proposals. (2021-07-06 15:52:21,15582.000500000)
18A:18A-65 Inclusions in solicitations for design-build contracts. (2021-07-06 15:52:24,15582.000600000)
18A:18A-66 Inclusions on design-build team. (2021-07-06 15:52:27,15582.000700000)
18A:18A-67 Submission of received proposals. (2021-07-06 15:52:30,15582.000800000)
18A:18A-68 Regulations. (2021-07-06 15:52:34,15582.000900000)