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 Results for ("N.J.S.A. 17:30d-22")   1 to 2 of 2 results. Run time: 0.688 seconds | Search time: 0.685 seconds    
1 A.T. v. M. COHEN, M.D. -- rank: 1000
... without prejudice might have on a health care professional under N.J.S.A. 17:30D-22, wherein a medical malpractice premium may not be increased if ...
docket: a0589-14
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2016-04-27
status: published
citation: 445 N.J.Super. 300 137 A.3d 1218
Document Size: 43307
2 JOHN P. DINOIA v. JACQUES F. TOHME, M.D. -- rank: 690
... return date would "avoid the consequences of increased premiums." See N.J.S.A. 17:30D-22 (requiring dismissal within 180 days of last responsive pleading). (continued ...
docket: a2267-07
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2009-04-08
status: unpublished
Document Size: 29635

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