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 Results for ("N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.39")   1 to 2 of 2 results. Run time: 0.816 seconds | Search time: 0.809 seconds    
1 /usr/local/share/www/libweb/collections/courts/supreme/a9813annavmarisela.opn.html -- rank: 1000
... tenants, with all doubts resolved in favor of the tenant. N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.39; Cmty. Realty Mgmt. v. Harris, 155 N.J. 212, 227 ...
court: NJ Superior Court Law/Chancery Division
Document Size: 47938
2 Anna Mae Cashin v. Marisela Bello -- rank: 1000
... tenants, with all doubts resolved in favor of the tenant. N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.39; Cmty. Realty Mgmt. v. Harris , 155 N.J. 212, 227 ...
docket: A-98-13
court: NJ Supreme Court
decided: 2015-10-07
citation: 223 N.J. 328 123 A.3d 1042
Document Size: 80516

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