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 Results for ("N.J.S.A. 2c:25-29")   451 to 465 of 625 results. Run time: 0.912 seconds | Search time: 0.904 seconds    
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451 STATE OF NEW JERSEY v. MARK A. MARTIN -- rank: 410
... complaint when ex parte restraints were ordered in a TRO, N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29, but it is silent as to any time limits for ...
docket: a4032-17
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2020-03-09
status: Unpublished
Document Size: 26865
452 F.P. v. H.L -- rank: 410
... by an award of custody to the non - abusive parent.' N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(b)(11). 5 The February 24, 2017 order noted that ... Super. 58, 64-65 (App. Div. 2014) (holding that while N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(b)(11) requires the domestic violence court to 'presume that ...
docket: a0382-19
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2020-11-05
status: Published
Document Size: 22191
453 S.M. v. I.A. -- rank: 410
... in the simultaneous or subsequent criminal proceeding against the defendant." N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a). In Brown , we also explained that application of the ...
docket: a0706-13
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2015-09-22
status: unpublished
Document Size: 13241
454 R.C v. D.U -- rank: 407
... J.D. , supra , 207 N.J. at 475-76; see N.J.S.A.   2C:25-29(b). Though defendant does not explicitly challenge the trial courtâ ...
docket: a4419-12
court: New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2014-07-15
status: Published
Document Size: 39063
455 C.J.R v. L.M.V L.M.V v. C.J.R -- rank: 407
... violence between the parties and the existence of immediate danger. N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a); see Peranio , supra , 280 N.J. Super. at 54 ...
docket: a1218-11
court: New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2013-04-01
status: Published
Document Size: 27005
456 M.E.C v. G.L.C -- rank: 407
... the hearing or hearings on which the order was based. [ N.J.S.A. 2C: 25-29(d).] However, before a court will entertain an application for ...
docket: a3109-12
court: New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2014-01-01
status: Published
Document Size: 20569
... s testimony recounting other past instances of harassing calls. See N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a)(1)(authorizing judges to consider the previous history of ...
docket: a5449-05
court: njappellate
decided: 2007-06-29
status: unpublished
citation: *CITE_PENDING*
Document Size: 31766
458 B.B v. K.K.C -- rank: 407
... to decide whether the protection of an FRO is needed, N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a) requires the court to consider, among other factors: '(1 ...
docket: a2834-21
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2023-03-31
status: Unpublished
Document Size: 29663
459 A.M v. J.S.V. -- rank: 407
... while at work with the Department of Corrections, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(b). 1 At that time, defendant was a probationary employee ... in our society"). Relief from an FRO is governed by N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(d), which requires a showing of good cause. In Kanaszka ... history, plaintiff's fear is objectively reasonable. A ffirmed. 1 N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(b) provides: [A]ny restraining order issued by the court ...
docket: a4525-11
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2013-06-20
status: unpublished
Document Size: 20448
460 L.I v. C.M., III -- rank: 407
... 322 N.J. Super. 222 , 228 (App. Div. 1999) (citing N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a)(1)). Once a court finds a defendant has committed ...
docket: a2840-14
court: New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2016-05-05
status: Published
Document Size: 27433
461 /usr/local/share/www/libweb/collections/courts/appellate/a0054-19.opn.html -- rank: 405
... 449 N.J. Super. 208, 220 (App. Div. 2017) (quoting N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a)(1)). The testimony considered by the trial judge was ...
Document Size: 21485
462 M.M. v. M.P. -- rank: 402
... award of attorney fees as an element of compensatory damages. N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(b)(4). Because fees are specifically permitted under the PDVA ...
docket: a4499-16
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2019-02-21
status: Unpublished
Document Size: 25079
463 c.l. v. R.L. -- rank: 402
... attempt to elicit a fuller picture of the circumstances" under N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a)(1), which states that previous history of violence should ... s findings, which were based on substantial credible evidence. Under N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(b)(4), the court may issue an order "requiring the ...
docket: a5739-14
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2017-04-03
status: unpublished
Document Size: 28189
464 A.G. v. Y.S. -- rank: 402
... necessary, upon an evaluation of the factors set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a)(1) to -29(a)(6), to protect a victim ...
docket: a3425-14
court: NJ Superior Court Appellate Division
decided: 2016-11-22
status: unpublished
Document Size: 19503
465 /usr/local/share/www/libweb/collections/courts/appellate/a0273-19.opn.html -- rank: 402
... necessary, upon an evaluation of the factors set forth in N.J.S.A. 2C:25-29(a)(1) to -29(a)(6), to protect the victim ...
Document Size: 11224
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