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Date: September 19, 2024 Thu

Time: 9:45 pm


Results for austria

36 total results found

9 non-duplicate results found.

Author: Leggett, Ted

Title: Transnational Trafficking and the Rule of Law in West Africa: A Threat Assessment

Summary: West Africa is arguably the poorest and least stable area on earth. It is also afflicted by a number of transnational trafficking flows, attracted by and aggravating the special vulnerability of this region. This report examines these flows in a similar way, looking at the potential impact on the rule of law, with an eye to facilitating comparison and prioritization.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: Austria

Keywords: Trafficking

Shelf Number: 115646

Author: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Title: Addiction, Crime and Insurgency the Transnational Threat of Afghan Opium

Summary: This report looks at multiple consequences of Afghan drugs as they move through neighboring states, along the Balkan and Eurasian routes, ending up in Europe, the Russian Federation, even China and India. This analysis intends to aid the international community appreciate the inter-connected nature of the world community and the Afghan drug trade. This is pursued utilizing three main points related to the drug chain: 1) assistance to farmers to reduce supply 2) drug prevention and treatment to curb demand, and 3) law enforcement against intermediaries.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: Austria

Keywords: Afghanistan

Shelf Number: 116654

Author: Atabay, Tomris

Title: Handbook on Prisoners with Special Needs

Summary: This handbook aims to support countries in implementing the rule of law and the development of criminal justice reform. Specifically, this handbook covers the special needs of eight groups of prisoners, which have a particularly vulnerable status in prisons, including: prisoners with mental health care needs; prisoners with disabilites; ethnic and racial minorities and indigenous peoples; foreign national prisoners; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) prisoners; older prisoners; prisoners with terminal illness; and prisoners under sentence of death.

Details: Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2009

Source: Criminal Justice Handbook Series

Year: 2009

Country: Austria

Keywords: Correctional Institutions

Shelf Number: 115356

Author: Klein, Sabine, ed.

Title: The Poverty Risks of Women Affected by Violence and Their Children: Report on the Socioeconomic Situation in Austria

Summary: An expert group studied various aspects of the social and economic situation of women experiencing violence in Austria. This was paralleled by an in-depth analysis of Austria's report on strategies of social protection and social inclusion 2008-10, especially with regard to the central themes of poverty and violence against women. This report summarizes the results of the work of the expert group. It details the individual risk factors that are frequently found in the context of poverty and violence and describes the range of services that women's shelters provide and that specifically focus on combating poverty.

Details: Vienna: WAVE - Women Against Violence Europe, 2009. 940.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Austria

Keywords: Poverty (Austria)

Shelf Number: 118169

Author: Gelb, Karen

Title: Predictors of Confidence: Community Views in Victoria

Summary: This report is the fourth in a series1 on community views about crime, courts and sentencing. It presents evidence about the predictors of confidence in the courts and sentencing in a random sample of 1,200 Victorians. This report shows that members of the Victorian public are moderately confident in their courts and in judges’ ability to impose appropriate sentences. Some people are more confident than others, with several factors underlying confidence in the courts and sentencing. People who are less punitive, who are more accepting of information presented by the media and who do not perceive crime to be increasing have the highest levels of confidence in the courts and sentencing. Higher levels of confidence are also evident among those with a higher income and younger respondents. The prominence of the attitudinal factors highlights the connections among confidence in sentencing, punitiveness and knowledge of crime. These connections have implications for the ways in which the courts and the criminal justice system more generally tackle the question of public confidence. Public confidence in the criminal justice system is a high priority for governments in many western countries, with public education and information campaigns, court media liaison officers, accessible websites, large national conferences and public surveys all contributing to efforts to promote confidence in the administration of justice. Understanding the drivers of confidence in the courts and sentencing is another important facet of these efforts. With greater understanding come greater opportunities for developing initiatives to improve public confidence. Given the strong constellation of factors identified in this report, any attempt to improve public confidence in the courts will, of necessity, need to consider levels of public punitiveness and people’s perceptions of crime as well.

Details: Melbourne: Sentencing Advisory Council, 2011. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Sentencing Matters: Accessed September 2, 2011 at: http://sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au/sites/sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au/files/predictors_of_confidence_community_views_in_victoria_0.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Austria

Keywords: Courts

Shelf Number: 122621

Author: Linder, Barbara

Title: Corporate Social Responsibility to Prevent Human Trafficking: The Construction Sector in Austria - A Mapping

Summary: This research report outlines the problem of exploitation and human trafficking related to the construction sector of Austria.

Details: Vienna, Austria: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, 2013. 43p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 11, 2014 at http://bim.lbg.ac.at/files/sites/bim/Untersuchung_Construction%20Sector%20Austria_engl.%20Version.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Austria

Keywords: Crime Prevention

Shelf Number: 132442

Author: Ochsner, Christian

Title: Migrating Extremists

Summary: We show that migrating extremists shape political landscapes toward their ideology in the long run. We exploit the unexpected division of the state of Upper Austria into a US and a Soviet occupation zone after WWII. Zoning prompts large-scale Nazi migration to US occupied regions. Regions that witnessed a Nazi influx exhibit significantly higher voting shares for the right-wing Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) throughout the entire post-WWII period, but not before WWII. We can exclude other channels that may have affected post-war elections, including differences in US and Soviet denazification and occupation policies, bomb attacks, Volksdeutsche refugees and suppression by other political parties. We show that extremism is transmitted through family ties and local party branches. We find that the surnames of FPO local election candidates in 2015 in the former US zone are more prevalent in 1942 phonebook data (Reichstelefonbuch) of the former Soviet zone compared to other parties.

Details: Dresden, Germany: Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Institute, 2016. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: CESifo Working Paper No. 5799: Accessed march 16, 2016 at: https://www.cesifo-group.de/ifoHome/publications/working-papers/CESifoWP/CESifoWPdetails?wp_id=19190307

Year: 2016

Country: Austria

Keywords: Extremism

Shelf Number: 138259

Author: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Title: Austria Drug Report 2018

Summary: This report presents the top-level overview of the drug phenomenon in Austria, covering drug supply, use and public health problems as well as drug policy and responses. The statistical data reported relate to 2016 (or most recent year) and are provided to the EMCDDA by the national focal point, unless stated otherwise.

Details: Lisbon: Author, 2018. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 8, 2019 at: http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/publications/8891/austria-cdr-2018-with-numbers.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Austria

Keywords: Drug Abuse and Addiction

Shelf Number: 154879

Author: Peschak, Jorg

Title: From Criminals to Terrorists and Back? Quarterly Report: Austria

Summary: The analysis of an initial small sample suggests that there is indeed a certain crime-terror nexus within the Austrian prison population of interest. These findings are preliminary, and they might change with more cases being examined so that the true extent of the crime-terror nexus remains to be determined. Nevertheless, it can already be concluded that among the imprisoned jihadists there are individuals who displayed violent criminal behaviour ahead of their conviction. In 2015, 48 individuals were arrested for committing terrorist offenses associated with jihadist ideology in Austria. Out of these 48 arrestees, 19 were sentenced to imprisonment, while others received a suspended sentence. This sample of 19 imprisoned jihadists will constitute the object of this initial report, as well as 5 cases analysed in detail. Religion is an important factor in all the five cases examined so far. One individual converted from Christianity to Islam and subsequently became a violent extremist.

Details: Bratislava, Slovak Republic: GLOBSEC Policy Institute, 2018. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 20, 2019 at: https://www.globsec.org/projects/criminals-terrorists-back/#publications

Year: 2018

Country: Austria

Keywords: Austria

Shelf Number: 155918