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Date: March 6, 2025 Thu
Time: 10:30 pm
Time: 10:30 pm
Results for age-crime curve
1 results foundAuthor: Andersen, Lars Hojsgaard Title: First Imprisonment and the Age-Crime Curve Summary: For decades criminologists have debated the connection between age and crime, along with the role criminal justice contacts such as imprisonment play for this connection. But even though a host of consequences of imprisonment have been analyzed thoroughly, we only know little about the effect of age at first imprisonment on criminal recidivism. In this paper, I address this issue and provide a causal estimate of the effect of age at first imprisonment on criminal reconvictions among young violent offenders in Denmark. I exploit a policy reform in Denmark in 1994 to obtain variation in age at first imprisonment that is plausibly exogenous to offender characteristics and criminal justice characteristics, and I use register data to follow these young offenders from age 15 to age 30. Results show that even though younger age at first imprisonment increases criminal convictions significantly in the short run, the overall shape of the Age-Crime Curve up to age 30 is similar, although not identical. Details: Copenhagen: Rockwool Foundation Research Unit, 2015. 39p. Source: Internet Resource: Study Paper No. 93: Accessed May 18, 2016 at: Year: 2015 Country: Denmark URL: Shelf Number: 139082 Keywords: Age and Crime Age-Crime Curve |