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Results for case processing (australia)
1 results foundAuthor: Moore, Elizabeth Title: Youth Justice Conferences versus Children's Court: A comparison of time to finalisation Summary: Aim: To compare police-referred youth justice conferences (YJCs), court referred YJCs and Children’s Court matters on the time to finalisation (i.e., the number of days from referral/charge date to conference/court finalisation date), and assess the contribution of index offence- and/or offender-related characteristics as potential confounders. Method: The study utilised data from the NSW Re-Offending Database (ROD) for three cohorts of young people: those with a court-referred YJC held in 2010 (C-YJC), those with a police-referred YJC held in 2010 (P-YJC), and those with a proven Children’s Court (CC) appearance finalised in 2010. Negative binomial regression models were fitted to determine index offence- and offender-related characteristics associated with time to finalisation. Results: The C-YJC cohort had a significantly longer time to finalisation compared to the CC cohort and the P-YJC cohort, even after controlling for confounders. In addition, the CC cohort had a significantly longer time to finalisation compared to the P-YJC cohort. Older age, being Indigenous, having a case dealt with in a Metropolitan region, and having more concurrent index offences remained significant predictors of an increase in number of days to finalisation in the adjusted model. Conclusion: The findings suggest that police should be encouraged to refer eligible matters to a YJC given the time-related efficiency identified via this pathway. The findings suggest it may be appropriate to consider further revising the legislated time-frames as there may be legitimate reasons for why delays occur. Details: Sydney: NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, 2011. 8p. Source: Issue paper no. 74: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2012 at$file/BB74.pdf Year: 2011 Country: Australia URL:$file/BB74.pdf Shelf Number: 124446 Keywords: Case Processing (Australia)Juvenile Justice (Australia)Juvenile Offenders (Australia)Re-Offending (Australia) |