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Date: March 6, 2025 Thu

Time: 10:26 pm

Results for correctional education (u.s.)

1 results found

Author: Allen, Robert

Title: An Economic Analysis of Prison Education Programs and Recidivism

Summary: Previous research on criminal recidivism has attempted to quantify general socioeconomic factors that influence the decision to return to crime. This paper studies the specific effects of prison educational and vocational programs on recidivism using individual level data from a nationally representative sample of roughly 300,000 prisoners. In order to account for endogeneity problems that bias current studies, we use a two stage regression with the number of participants per state as an instrumental variable. Ultimately, we find insufficient statistical evidence to conclude that prison education courses have an effect on recidivism. This result suggests that such programs are either ineffective or their benefits are offset by a reduction in the deterrent value of prison.

Details: Atlanta, GA: Emory University, Department of Economics, 2006. 35p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 28, 2011 at: http://www.economics.emory.edu/Working_Papers/wp/Allen.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: United States

URL: http://www.economics.emory.edu/Working_Papers/wp/Allen.pdf

Shelf Number: 122188

Correctional Education (U.S.)
Correctional Programs