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Date: March 6, 2025 Thu

Time: 9:20 pm

Results for crime prevention through environment design (cpted

1 results found

Author: Bamzar, Roya

Title: Assessing the Effect of Environmental Characteristics of Stockholm Underground Stations on SL Crime and Disorder Rates

Summary: The objective of the thesis is to analyze whether the environmental characteristics (physical and social) of underground stations affect acts of crime and disorder registered by SL at the stations during 2006-2009. Researchers have suggested that transport nodes, such as underground stations, are more criminogenic than surrounding areas. In order to have a robust measure, crime data was standardized by passengers flow. A fieldwork was carried out in order to obtain information on the physical characteristics of underground stations. To find out whether there is a relationship between environmental features of the stations and rates of crime and disorder, Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis was used. The results show that Social disorder is the most common event at Stockholm underground stations. Crime and disorder in Stockholm underground stations mostly occur at evening, more often in holidays and during the cold months of the year (winter and autumn). Most of the crimogenic stations are located at the end of the lines. Platforms with good sunlight illumination have the lower rates of crime and disorder. Effective illumination reduces rates of threat in transition areas. Underground stations with fewer numbers of entrances have higher rates of crime and disorder. Platforms with higher number of CCTV cameras have lower rates of property crime. Stations perceived as ‘pleasant’ have less rates of fight. Threat, vandalism and theft tend to be higher in the lounges with presence of cafes in their immediate areas. Future researches should be carried out to find out whether there is any interaction between variables used in this study, for instance, distance to city centre and platform layout – this is important since the effect of the environmental characteristics may vary over space. Future studies should also assess the effects of socio-economic context of the immediate areas of underground station on crime and disorder at the stations.

Details: Stockholm: Department of Urban Planning and Environment, Royal Institute of Technology, 2011. 68p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed April 23, 2014 at: http://www.trafiktekniska.se/uploads/Biblioteket/Final_Report-Roya_Bamzar.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Sweden

URL: http://www.trafiktekniska.se/uploads/Biblioteket/Final_Report-Roya_Bamzar.pdf

Shelf Number: 132142

Antisocial Behavior
Crime Prevention Through Environment Design (CPTED
Disorderly Conduct
Nuisance Behaviors and Disorder
Transit Crime
Transportation Security