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Date: March 6, 2025 Thu
Time: 9:33 pm
Time: 9:33 pm
Results for demographic trends (australia)
1 results foundAuthor: Rosevear, Lisa Title: The association between birth cohort size and fluctuating crime levels: A Western Australian case study Summary: Official Australian crime statistics indicate that individual offence levels peak around 15–24 years of age and decline thereafter (eg see AIC 2011). Change in this general age–crime trend could be expected to coincide with change in age-related demographic phenomena (South & Messner 2000). This paper is one of two by this author that investigate the impact of structural ageing on crime patterns. A case study of the South Australian population (Rosevear 2011) confirmed that total crime levels declined in that state when the proportion of young people in the population declined. In this paper, another aspect of the association between crime and demography is considered—age-specific offence rates and birth cohorts. Australia has experienced waves of differently sized birth cohorts (Jackson 2001; McDonald & Kippen 1999), yet the impact of these waves on long-term crime trends is frequently overlooked. This paper uses a case study of the Western Australian population to illustrate the extent to which Australia’s largest (‘baby bust’) cohort have engaged in higher levels of criminal activity compared with smaller birth cohorts. Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2011. 7p. Source: Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice No. 434: Internet Resource: Accessed March 11, 2012 at Year: 2011 Country: Australia URL: Shelf Number: 124442 Keywords: Crime RatesDemographic Trends (Australia) |