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Date: March 6, 2025 Thu

Time: 10:21 pm

Results for homicides (bogota, colombia)

1 results found

Author: Gaviria, Alejandro

Title: Assessing the Link Between Adolescent Fertility and Urban Crime

Summary: We use data of neighborhoods of Bogotá to assess the causal relation between their adolescent fertility and their homicide rates. We find that neighborhoods with high adolescent fertility rates, and that have low secondary enrollment and high crime rates at the moment the children of their teen mothers become teenagers, are more likely to have higher homicide rates in the future, when those children reach their peak crime ages, estimated to be between 18 to 26 years old in violent cities of Colombia. We did not find evidence of a positive effect on crime when the adolescent fertility rates are either isolated, or only coupled with low school enrollment, or high crime rates. We also find that increases in the secondary school enrollment always reduce the homicide rate. The results are robust to various specifications, including measurement error corrections, and the modeling of the spatial autocorrelation of homicides.

Details: Bogota, Colombia: Borradores de Economica, 2010. 56p.

Source: Internet Resource: Working Paper No. 594: Accessed February 9, 2011 at: http://www.banrep.gov.co/docum/ftp/borra594.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Colombia

URL: http://www.banrep.gov.co/docum/ftp/borra594.pdf

Shelf Number: 120733

Crime Rates
Economics and Crime
Homicides (Bogota, Colombia)
Urban Crime