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Date: March 6, 2025 Thu
Time: 9:39 pm
Time: 9:39 pm
Results for juvenile delinquency (japan)
1 results foundAuthor: Aoki, Yu Title: Does schooling reduce juvenile delinquency? Evidence from a natural experiment in Japan Summary: Individual returns to schooling have been examined intensively but social returns to schooling have received less attention. If schooling yields not only individual returns but also social returns – such as a reduction in crime – then the rationale for policies which encourage individual investments in schooling is strengthened. In this paper, we explore the effect of schooling on juvenile delinquency. To address endogeneity of schooling, we use exogenous variation in schooling caused by a policy intervention in specific municipalities after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, which occurred in the Midwestern part of Japan in 1995. Using the Instrumental Variable estimator, our results indicate that higher school attainment significantly reduces both violent and property crimes comitted by youth. The negative impact of schooling supports a theoretical prediction that more education reduces crimes through a higher opportunity cost of committing crimes. Details: Bonn, Germany: Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), 2011. 22p. Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 13, 2012 at Year: 2011 Country: Japan URL: Shelf Number: 124526 Keywords: Education (Japan)Experimental MethodsJuvenile Delinquency (Japan)Schools (Japan) |