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Author: Frost, Natasha A.

Title: Recidivism Among Inmates Released from the Billerica House of Correction

Summary: In May 2008, the Center for Criminal Justice Policy Research at Northeastern University was awarded a grant from the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office (MSO) to conduct a study of recidivism among inmates released from the Middlesex House of Correction at Billerica. The MSO project involved (1) developing profiles of all inmates released from the facility annually between 1994 and 2007 (initially submitted as an interim report in January 2009); (2) conducting a comprehensive recidivism study that would establish recidivism rates for samples of inmates released from the facility in 1994, 2004, and 2007; and (3) delivering a platform for ongoing recidivism research. The Middlesex Sheriff’s Office provided electronic records for all inmates released from the Billerica House of Correction (BHOC) between 1994 and 2007. An interim report using data for all releases from the BHOC summarized release patterns annually (for every year between 1994 and 2007) and examined release trends over time (between 1994 and 2007). This interim report is included as a part of this final report as well. Data from calendar‐years 1994, 2004, and 2007 were used to conduct a more comprehensive recidivism study. Collection of release data across three points in time allowed for the study of time‐to‐recidivism using both one‐year and three‐year windows for recidivism and allowed for the study of changes in recidivism rates across the two release cohorts (spaced ten years apart). These years (1994 and 2004) were selected to allow for a three year time‐to‐recidivism window. Three‐year windows for recidivism are standard and customary for this type of study and are used in national and state studies of inmate recidivism. Although most released inmates who reoffend will do so in the first year following release, it can take some time to process offenders through the criminal justice system and therefore a three‐year window for recidivism is more reliable (particularly when recidivism is measured as either reconviction or reincarceration as it is in the present study). Due to some fairly substantial structural and programmatic changes at the facility, we also conducted a one‐year recidivism analysis for inmates released more recently in 2007. The report itself is divided into a number of sections and opens with a general introduction to issues related to prisoner reentry and recidivism. In this opening section of the report, we summarize key findings from earlier national recidivism studies conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and state recidivism studies conducted by state agencies and research organizations. We then describe the Billerica House of Correction (BHOC) including descriptions of: (1) the recent renovation and modernization project, (2) the processes most related to programming and to prisoner reentry, and (3) the programs in place at the BHOC when the study launched. A description of the overall methodology for the study is followed by a description of the sample in terms of demographic and justice system relevant characteristics. The core findings are then described with an emphasis on four major areas: (1) program participation and completion; (2) recidivism – measured as both reconviction and reincarceration – at one‐ and threeyear from release; (3) program participation, program completion, and recidivism; (4) recidivism among specific subsets of released inmates. A supplemental section describes a smaller project focused on the LS‐CMI assessment instrument and program participation/completion. Key findings from each of the four primary results sections are included in this executive summary.

Details: Boston: Northeastern University 2009. 204p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 12, 2013 at: http://www.middlesexsheriff.org/Northeastern%20Recid%20Study.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: United States

URL: http://www.middlesexsheriff.org/Northeastern%20Recid%20Study.pdf

Shelf Number: 127588

Correctional Programs
Prisons (Massachusetts)