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Date: February 16, 2025 Sun

Time: 5:19 pm

Results for racial profiling (toronto)

1 results found

Author: Toronto Police Service

Title: Policing a World within a City: The Race Relations Initiatives of the Toronto Police Service

Summary: This report was prepared at the direction of Chief of Police Julian Fantino with the co-operation and involvement of senior officers and members from all commands of the Toronto Police Service. Statistics Canada has referred to Toronto as “a world within a city”. Policing a richly multicultural and multiracial environment can be very rewarding, but can also present challenges for a police organization that is dedicated to delivering effective services to all stakeholders equally. This report outlines the most significant efforts made by the Toronto Police Service to ensure that it can meet these challenges. "Moreover, in my opinion Policing A World Within A City – The Race Relations Initiatives of the Toronto Police Service report is testament to the Service’s exemplary record of performance in the field of race relations. While it is not exhaustive, this report presents an inventory of the highlights of race relations initiatives undertaken by the Service which are indicative of the degree of involvement between Service members and the community. This report also illustrates the accomplishments and responsiveness of our organization towards the issue, including recommendations for change, throughout the years. It is self-evident that by any standards the Service has been an innovator in the vanguard of police race relations for at least a quarter of a century."

Details: Toronto: Toronto Police Service, 2003. 337p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 17, 2012 at http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/publications/files/reports/2003.02.13-policingaworldwithinacity.pdf

Year: 2003

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/publications/files/reports/2003.02.13-policingaworldwithinacity.pdf

Shelf Number: 124560

Police-Community Relations (Toronto)
Policing (Toronto)
Race Relations (Toronto)
Racial Profiling (Toronto)