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Results for randomized experiment
1 results foundAuthor: Minnesota. Department of Corrections Title: An Outcome Evaluation of Minnesota Circles of Support and Accountability (MnCoSA): Preliminary Results from a Randomized Experiment Summary: In 2008, the Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) implemented MnCoSA, a sex offender reentry program based on the COSA model developed in Canada during the 1990s. Using a randomized experimental design, the DOC evaluated the effectiveness of MnCoSA by conducting a cost-benefit analysis and comparing recidivism outcomes in the MnCoSA (N = 31) and control groups (N = 31). The average follow-up period for the 62 offenders in this study was nearly two years. KEY FINDINGS • Compared to sex offenders in the control group, MnCoSA participants had lower rates of recidivism for all five measures. o Rearrest: 39% MnCoSA vs. 65% Control No MnCoSA participants were rearrested for a new sex offense compared to one sex offender in the control group o Reconviction: 26% MnCoSA vs. 45% Control o New Offense Reincarceration: 10% MnCoSA vs. 26% Control o Technical Violation Revocation: 48% MnCoSA vs. 68% Control o Any Reincarceration: 48% MnCoSA vs. 61% Control • Participation in MnCoSA significantly decreased three of the five measures of recidivism. The reductions in recidivism risk were: o 62 percent for rearrest o 72 percent for technical violation revocation o 84 percent for any return to prison • Due to less recidivism, MnCoSA has reduced costs to the State of Minnesota. o MnCoSA has produced an estimated $363,211 in costs avoided o The benefit per MnCoSA participant is $11,716 o For every dollar spent on MnCoSA, the program has generated a benefit of $1.82 (an 82 percent return on investment). Details: St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Department of Corrections, 2012. 36p. Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 10, 2012 at: Year: 2012 Country: United States URL: Shelf Number: 127196 Keywords: Cost-Benefit AnalysisPrisoner ReentryRandomized ExperimentRecidivismSex Offender TreatmentSex Offenders (Minnesota, U.S.) |