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Results for reentry (wyoming)
1 results foundAuthor: McLean, Marcus Title: Recidivism Survival Analysis of the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative 2003-2007 Summary: This evaluation report focuses on the Wyoming Adult Offender Reentry Program that was funded through a federal reentry program designed to reduce the extremely high rates of recidivism among the most serious and violent offenders in corrections systems. The Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) prescribed a three phase approach to prisoner reintegration based on successful models of community reentry programming found in the peer-reviewed literature of the field . The SVORI strategy included an initial risk assessment to determine key risk and need factors commonly found in correctional populations. After development of a case management plan, offenders were provided access to the appropriate mental health and substance abuse treatment, skills and job training, education and other interventions needed to prepare them for community reentry. Once released into the community, offenders had continued access to services and interventions. At the national level, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that “at least 95% of all State prisoners will be released from prison at some point; nearly 80% will be released to parole supervision” (Reentry Trends in the United States,” BJS website). Of the state parole discharges in 2000, only 41% successfully completed their term of supervision. This report is based on data collected by the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC) over the past five years (both data collected by WYSAC data compiled by WDOC). The Wyoming SVORI program began in April of 2003 and ran through December of 2007. Outcome data on the legal status of participants was gathered as late as February 2008. This evaluation report tracks SVORI participants and a similar non-participant, serious and violent comparator group that were incarcerated at the Wyoming State Penitentiary (WSP) or the Wyoming Women’s Center (WWC). After release most offenders were paroled to either Cheyenne or Casper, two small urban centers in Wyoming (pop. ~ 50,000). Through statistical procedures (survival analysis) this report measures the relative success of offenders at reentering Wyoming communities and maintaining their freedom. Details: Laramie, WY: Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center, University of Wyoming, 2008. 54p. Source: Internet Resource: WYSAC Technical Report No. CJR-801: Accessed April 11, 2011 at: Year: 2008 Country: United States URL: Shelf Number: 121291 Keywords: RecidivismReentry (Wyoming)RehabilitationViolent Offenders |