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Date: February 16, 2025 Sun

Time: 5:20 pm

Results for sexual violence (democratic republic of the congo)

1 results found

Author: Kelly, Jocelyn

Title: Hope for the Future Again: Tracing the Effects of Sexual Violence and Conflict on Families and Communities in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

Summary: The vicious and widespread sexual violence that characterizes the conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) not only traumatizes individuals, it fractures families and communities. In our search for solutions to this protracted and brutal war, the collective voice of affected communities has been largely silent. This project is an attempt to amplify these community voices – bringing forward their own words, needs, concerns and hopes for the future. This report outlines how violence in general, and sexual violence in particular, has changed the family foundations, economies and community structures of those touched by it. While difficult to trace and quantify, these effects are not secondary to individual trauma – they are fundamental to how individuals, families and communities experience, and ultimately recover from, conflict. Only through understanding the ripple effects of this particularly savage and destabilizing violence can we begin to address holistic needs for healing.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, 2011. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 4, 2011 at: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13218750/Hope-for-the-Future-Again-report-2011.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Congo, Democratic Republic

URL: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13218750/Hope-for-the-Future-Again-report-2011.pdf

Shelf Number: 121617

Sexual Violence (Democratic Republic of the Congo)