89 N.J.L.J. 801
December 15, 1966
Corporate Research and
Brief Writing Advertising
Two New Jersey attorneys who are principals in a New Jersey
corporation organized to do legal research and brief writing for
the legal profession inquire whether or not advertisement of such
services in a legal periodical would constitute the unethical
advertisement of a legal service. They also ask: "... whether a
corporation wholly owned and run by New Jersey attorneys could
perform legal writing and research strictly for other members of
the bar."
The articles of incorporation and the by-laws of the
organization include provisions to keep services confidential, and
for the development and use of all types of information retrieval
R.1:26A limits the charge of this Committee to matters "...
concerning proper conduct for a member of the legal profession
under the Canons of Professional Ethics and other rules of this
court governing the practice of attorneys." In the context of the
function of this Committee, the inquiry is restated as: