102 N.J.L.J. 451
November 16, 1978
Conflict of Interest
Attorney Real Estate Salesman
Representing Buyer of Seller - P.B.A.
Attorney Defending in Municipal Court
The inquiry attorney is, also a licensed real estate salesman.
He asks two questions: if he were to sell a house, could he
represent either the buyer or seller, or if a fellow salesman in
the same office were to sell a house, could he represent either the
buyer or seller?
This Committee in Opinion 312, 98 N.J.L.J. 646, (1975),
discussed the issues where the attorney was the husband of the
salesman. That opinion directed a negate result where the attorney
was the broker, citing ABA Comm. on Professional Ethic Informal
Opinion 775 (1965). The prohibition against an attorney who is
also a broker should extend to the attorney who is also a real
estate salesman employed by a broker.
Where a fellow salesman sells the house, the real estate
agency has a financial interest in the completion of the
transaction and it would appear that DR 5-101, which relates to the
refusal of employment where the interests of the lawyer may impair
his independent professional judgment, would prohibit the
acceptance of employment by the lawyer in this case. The
disciplinary rule makes an exception where there is a consent of
the client after full disclosure. The factual situation as to the
interest of the attorney in the successful completion of the sale
and the communication to the brokerage office would be major
considerations in determining whether or not the attorney might
ethically accept employment on behalf of either buyer or seller.