PAGENO="0001" [COMMITTEE PRINT] 101ST CONGRESS 1 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2d Session RESPITE CARE: A LISTING OF RESOURCES A REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES ONE HUNDRED FIRST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION 3~. ~;~t L ~OCT~R 1990 ~1 Pr,int d for the use of the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and ~ (/3/~Families U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 35-578 WASHINGTON: 1990 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 / `I'S PAGENO="0002" WILLIAM LEHMAN, Florida PATRICIA SCHROEDER, Colorado LINDY (MRS. HALE) BOGGS, Louisiana MA11~HEW F. McHUGH, New York TED WEISS, New York BERYL ANTHONY, JR., Arkansas BARBARA BOXER, California SANDER M. LEVIN, Michigan BRUCE A. MORRISON, Connecticut J. ROY ROWLAND, Georgia GERRY SIKORSKJ, Minnesota ALAN WHEAT, Missouri MATI'HEW G. MARTINEZ, California LANE EVANS, illinois RICHARD J. DURBIN, illinois DAVID E. SKAGGS, Colorado BILL SARPALIUS, Texas THOMAS J. BLILEY, JR., Virginia FRANK R. WOLF, Virginia BARBARA F. VUCANOVICH, Nevada RON PACKARD, California J. DENNIS HASTERT, Illinois CLYDE C. HOLLOWAY, Louisiana CURT WELDON, Pennsylvania LAMAR S. SMITH, Texas PETER SMITH, Vermont JAMES T. WALSH, New York RONALD K. MACHTLEY, Rhode Island TOMMY F. ROBINSON, Arkansas Cor~rrrFF STAFF KARABELLE PIZZIGATI, Staff Director JmL KAGAN, Deputy Staff Director Dx~n~ns G. 5Mm!, Minority Staff Director CARoL M. STATUTO, Minority Deputy Staff Director (II) SELECT COMMITI'EE ON CHILDREN, YOUTH, AND FAMILIES GEORGE MILLER, California, Chairman PAGENO="0003" RESPITE CARE: A LISTING OF RESOURCES CONTENTS Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL V FOREWORD vii RESPITE CARE RESOURCE LISTING Alabama 1 Alaska 5 Arizona 9 Arkansas 11 California 15 Colorado 21 Connecticut 25 Delaware 27 Florida 29 Georgia 35 Hawaii 37 Idaho 39 Illinois 41 Indiana 47 Iowa . . 51 Kansas .. 53 Kentucky ... 55 Louisiana . . . 61 Maine 65 Maryland 67 Massachusetts 71 Michigan 73 Minnesota 77 Mississippi 81 Missouri 83 Montana 85 Nebraska 87 Nevada 89 New Hampshire 91 New Jersey 93 New Mexico 97 New York 99 North Carolina 105 North Dakota 111 Ohio 113 Oklahoma 121. (III) PAGENO="0004" iv Oregon * 127 Pennsylvania 131 Rhode Island 137 South Carolina 139 South Dakota 141 Tennessee 143 Texas 145 Utah 159 Vermont 161 Virgini 163 Washington 167 West Virgini 171 Wisconsin 173 Wyoming 181 District of Columbia and Territories District of Columbia Guam 185 Puerto Rico 187 Virgin Islands 189 PAGENO="0005" GAO United States General Accounting Office Detroit Regional Office Room 865 Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building August 28, 1990 477M1chIganA~enue Detroit, MI 48226 The Honorable George Miller Chairman, Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: Early in our review of respite care for your office, we became aware of.various public and private agencies' grassroots efforts to develop a network of people involved in respite care services. In March 1990, we discussed these efforts with your staff, who asked us to compile a listing of providers, planners, and researchers involved in respite care services for families with children who are mentally retarded, behaviorally disturbed, or physically disabled. The enclosed listing is based on information available as of October 1989. Although the listing identifies over 1,800 respite care providers and agencies, it is not a complete listing and represents only the directories and listings that were voluntarily provided to us. Further, we did not verify the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the people and agencies listed. Notwithstanding these factors, however, the listing should be useful to people involved in respite care. Because your office indicated it may need a computerized data set that could be sent to the states and used to print a committee report, we are also providing a computer disk containing the data included in the listing. The disk is in a format usable with WordPerfect 4.2 software. We are pleased to provide you with this listing obtained as a by-product of our review of respite care. We are also sending a copy of this listing to the Honorable Major (v) PAGENO="0006" vi Owens, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Select Education, House Committee on Education and Labor, who jointly requested our review. If you have any questions, please call me on (313) 256-8000. Sincerely, 2L ~ii ~L John H. Luke Regional Manager Enclosures - 2 PAGENO="0007" RESPITE CARE A LISTING OF RESOURCES FOREWORD The Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families has shown that respite care holds promise in alleviating family stress, and promoting family stability. Families who use respite care report that they are satisfied with the service and that they derive numerous benefits Because respite care originated at the grassroots level, little mformation has been gathered on a national basis regardmg the availability or usefulness of this service A recent report by the United States General Accounting Office (GAO), RESPITE CARE: An Overview of Federal, Selected State, and Private Programs, [GAO/HRD~.9O425J provides critical new information on: * the availability and nature of respite care programs in the United States and charactenstics of families eligible to receive such services; * how families use respite care services, what difference these services make in their lives, and how families cope without such services; and * views of program officials, service providers, and users on enhancing the federal government's role in respite care and how existing services could be improved. During the course of this 25-state review, the GAO compiled a list of providers, planners and researchers involved in respite care services for families with disabled children. Although the list identifies over 1,800 resources, it is not exhaustive. It includes only listings voluntarily provided to the GAO. The list also does not address the adequacy or sufficiency of available respite care programs. The GAO found that despite the satisfaction and benefits families report from respite care use, study participants believe that the demand for respite care exceeds the supply. Forty state-funded programs identified by the GAO reported 3,700 families on waiting lists in FY 1988. In addition, 77 programs had referred families to other social programs for respite care services because the (vii) PAGENO="0008" vm families had requested more services than were available or the number of families and other caretakers requesting services exceeded those available. Given the dearth of information available at the national, state or local level on the availability of respite care, we are please4 to make this valuable resource, Respite Care: A Listin2 of Resources, available to families, providers, and interested parties We would like to acknowledge the efforts of David P Bixler, Assistant Director, Human Resources Division, GAO, Washmgton, D C, and William F Laune, Evaluator-rn Charge and Theodore F Boyden, Site Senior in GAO's Detroit Regional Office, and others, in compiling the report and making this listrng available to us for distnbution To the extent possible, staff of the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families has venfled the addresses and telephone numbers included in this listing. (Signed) GEORGE MILLER, Chairman WILLIAM LEHMAN PATRICIA SCHROEDER LINDY (MRS. HALE) BOGGS MATFHEW F. McHUGH TED WEISS BERYL ANTHONY, JR. BARBARA BOXER SANDER M. LEVIN BRUCE A. MORRISON J. ROY ROWLAND GERRY SIKORSKI ALAN WHEAT MATFHEW G. MARTINEZ LANE EVANS RICHARD J. DURBIN DAVID E. SKAGGS BILL SARPALIUS THOMAS J. BLILEY, JR., Ranking Minority Member FRANK R. WOLF BARBARA F. VUCANOVICH RON PACKARD J. DENNIS HASTERT CLYDE C. HOLLOWAY CURT WELDON LAMAR S. SMITH PETER SMITH JAMES T. WALSH RONALD K~ MACHTLEY TOMMY F. ROBINSON PAGENO="0009" ALABAMA I RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACFION State Program Office John D. Timmons Beacon Ridge Tower 600 Beacon Parkway West Room 770 Birmingham, AL 35209 205-731-1908 AGAPE Donna Allen, Supervisor P0 Box 26575 Birmingham, AL 35226 205-979-5433 Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program Rueben W. Cook, Director Box 870395 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0395 205-348-4928 Camp Fire of Birmingham 3600 8th Avenue South, #502 Birmingham, AL 35222~ 205-324-2434 Children's Aid Society SPAIN Community Center Joyce Greathouse, Executive Director 3600 8th Ave. 5, Suite 300 Birmingham, AL 35222 205-251-7148 Department of Human Resources, Jefferson County Joyce Clements, Director 1321 5th Ave., S Birmingham, AL 35233 205-933-6045 Dept. of Human Resources Family and Children Services Paul Vincent, Director 50 Ripley Street Montgomery, AL 36130 205-242-9500 Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Rita Wright, Regional Director 91 Black Creek Road Tarrant, AL 35217 205-849-0654 Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Brian McManus, Director 200 Interstate, P0 Box 3710 Montgomery, AL 36193-5001 205-271-9253 Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Region V Portis Cunningham, Project Director P0 Box 3710 Montgomery, AL 36109-0710 205-271-9291 (1) PAGENO="0010" 2 Easter Seal of Alabama Camp ASCCA P0 Box 21 Jackson's Gap, AL 36861 205-825-9226 Foster Grandparents City of Russeilville Kathy Williams P0 Box 1148 Russeilville, AL 35653 205-332-6800 Foster Grandparents Mobile Area Toni Mosley 204 E. Main Street Prichard, AL 36610 205-457-5700 Foster Grandparents Morgan-Lawrence Counties Sara Hall 701 Bank Street, NE P0 Box 1788 Decatur, AL 35602 205-355-7843 Foster Grandparents Positive Maturity, Inc. Nancy M. Cummings 3600 8th Avenue S., Suite 301 Birmingham, AL 35222 205-251-0296 Foster Grandparents Mae Debrunner 201 Sanford Way Opelika, AL 36801 205-749-3291 Foster Grandparents of Dothan Delia Wood P0 Box 636 Dothan, AL 36301 205-347-0881 Glenn Ireland II Developmental Center Barbara Brunson 91 Black Creek Road Tarrant, AL 35217 205-849-0654 MAFVP Inc. - Kiwanis DAS Sunshine Center Thomas McCoy, President P0 Box 4752 Montgomery, AL 36101 205-263-0063 Quality Care Complete Homecare Services Dean Hailman, General Mgr. 3940 Montcl4ir, Suite 303 Birmingham, AL 35213 205-870-5614 United Cerebral Palsy Gary Edwards, Executive Director 2430 11th Avenue N Birmihgham, AL 35234 205-251-0165 United Cerebral Palsy Glenn Harger, Executive Director 193 Lyons Park Ave. P0 Box 70274 Mobile, AL 36670 205-433-9432 PAGENO="0011" 3 United Cerebral Palsy Doris Santos, Executive Director 125 Robin Circle Gadsden, AL 35901 205-546-6809 United Cerebral Palsy East Central Alabama Margaret Coley, Executive Director P0 Box 694 Anniston, AL 36202 205-237-8203 Visiting Nurses Association Karen Hermanson, Executive Director 480 Palisades Blvd. Birmingham, AL 35209-5154 205-870-3341 PAGENO="0012" PAGENO="0013" ALASKA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Access Alaska Alaska Management 3710 Woodland Dr., Suite 900 Technologies Anchorage, AK 99502 Marilyn Irwin 907-248-4777 211 4th St., Suite 305 Juneau, AK 99801 907-586-3944 Alaska Children Services 1200 E. 27th Anchorage, AK 99504 Alaska Psychiatric Institute 907-276-4515 Brian Winsor 2900 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-4677 Alaska Division of Public 907-561-1633 Health - Department of Health and Social Services Elfrida Nord, Chief of Nursing Alaska Youth Village P0 Box H Juneau Children's Home Juneau, AK 99811-0611 Monty Ford 907-465-3150 P0 Box 32860 Juneau, AK 99803 907-789-2126 Alaska Division of Family and Youth Services Pouch H-OS Aleutian Pribil of Islands Juneau, AK 99811 Association 907-465-3191 Billy Lewis 401 E Firewood Lane Anchorage, AK 99503 Alaska Division of Local 907-276-2700 Government Day Care Assistance Program Delores Jones Bethel Social Services, Inc. 825 L Street Lou Aith Rank Anchorage, AK 99501 P0 Box 271 907-343-6700 Bethel, AK 99559 907-543-2840 (5) PAGENO="0014" 6 Bristol Bay Area Native Assn. Deedee Bennis P0 Box 310 Dillingham, AK 99576 907-842-5257 CHILD Inc. 9177 James Blvd. Juneau, AK 99801 907-789-6929 Catholic Social Service Susan Shiffer 3327 Fairbanks Street Anchorage, AK 99503 907-274-1546 Catholic Social Services Kendra Conroy 225 Cordova Anchorage, AK 99501 907-277-2554 Anchorage Center for Families Manly Moreno 3745 Community Park Loop Suite 102 Anchorage, AK 99508-3466 907-276-4994 Central Peninsula Counseling John Mulligan 215 Fidalgo St., Suite 102 Kenai, AK 99611 907-283-7501 Cook Inlet Tribal Council 670 W. Fireweed Anchorage, AK 99503 907-272-7529 Copper River Native Assn. Julie Wilson Drawer H Copper Center, AK 99573 907-822-5241 Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Child and Adolescent Mental Health Robert Sewell 230 S. Franklin, Suite 313 P0 Box H-04 Juneau, AK 99801 907-465-2195 Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Jacqueline Rummel 3601 C St., Suite 520 P0 Box 240249 Anchorage, AK 99524-0249 907-561-4247 Fairbanks Home Health Care 1512 Cushman Street, Suite 202 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-452-6404 Fairbanks Resource Agency Respite Care Coordinator Pete Tinney 805 Airport Way Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-456-8901 PAGENO="0015" `7 Foster Grandparents of Captain Cook Jaycees Dawnia Clements 420 M Street Anchorage, AK 99501 907-276-6472 Harborview Development Center P0 Box 487 Valdez, AK 99686 907-835-4344 Health and Social Services Developmental Disabilities Art Arnold, Director Pouch H-04 Juneau, AK 99811 907-465-3372 Health and Social Services Family and Youth Services Russ Webb, Director Pouch H-OS Juneau, AK 99811 907-465-3170 Homemaker Program P0 Box 310 Bethel, AK 99559 907-543-2144 Homemaker Program Alice May Davis 106 Main St., Upper Level Ketchikan, AK 99901 907-225-5810 Homemaker Program Ginger Beal, RN 203 West Dogwood, Suite 4 Palmer, AK 99645 907-745-2900 Homemaker Program Jennifer Nichaelson 702 West 32nd, Suite 205 Anchorage, AK 99503 907-563-6363 Homemaker Program Shelley Faulkner 1514 5. Cushman, Suite 305 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-452-2975 Hope Cottages, Inc. 540 W. International Airport Road Anchorage, AK 99518 907-561-5335 Kodiak Island Mental Health Center 316 Mission Road, Suite 119 Kodiak, AK 99615 907-486-5742 Presbyterian Hospitality House Drenda Boehm, Executive Director 626 2nd St., Suite 204 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-456-6445 PAGENO="0016" 8 Advocacy Services~ of Alaska 325 E. 3rd Anchorage, AK 99501 907-344-1002 REACH, Inc. P0 Box 34197 Juneau, AK 99803 907-781-7673 Sitka Parents Association for Children - Center for Community Maiy Wright P0 Box 6069 Mt. Edgecumbe, AK 99835 907-747-8733 St. Jude Center Denise Carrol 3272 Hospital, P0 Box 3050 Juneau, AK 99801 907-586-2624 Tanana Chiefs Conference 122 1st Avenue Fairbanks~ AK 99701 907-452-8255 Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corp. P0 Box 528.~ Bethel, AK 99559 907-543-3321 PAGENO="0017" ARIZONA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Casa de Los Ninos Foster Grandparents NAVAJO Crisis Nursery Irene Eldridge Jeanne Landdeck-Fisco P0 Drawer 1390 Executive Director Window Rock, AZ 86515 347 E. Speedway 602-871-6785 Tucson, AZ 85705 602-624-5600 Maryvale Samaritan Hospital Your Family Health Center Department of Economic Melvin Cunningham, Vice Security President Linda Moore-Cannon, Director 5102 West Campbell Ave. 1717 W. Jefferson Phoenix, AZ 85031 Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-848-5101 602-542-4791 Northland Crisis Nursery Department of Economic Dino Thompson Security - Developmental 2115 E. Cedar Avenue Disability, Respite Office Flagstaff, AZ 86004 Mike LeHew 602-774-7895 2626 5. Roosevelt Tempe, AZ 85282 602-921-1953 Department of Human Services Pinal County Robert Robb, Manager P0 Box 827 Florence, AZ 85232 602-868-5801 Family Health Center West Pinal John Romero, Administrator P0 Box 96 Casa Gránde, AZ 85222 602-836-3446 (9) PAGENO="0018" /~ PAGENO="0019" ARKANSAS RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Robert Torvestad, Director 700 W. Capitol, P0 Box 2506 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-378-5234 Adolescent Inpatient Unit Arkansas State Hospital Bariy Pipkin, Ph.D., Psychologist 4313 W. Markham Little Rock, AR 72201-4096 501-686-9000 Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families Amy Rossi, Executive Director 103 E. 7th, Suite 931 Little Rock, AR 72201-4531 501-371-9678 Arkansas Children Hospital Betty Lowe, Medical Director 800 Marshall Street Little Rock, AR 72202-3591 501-370-1100 Arkansas Disability Coalition Bonnie Johnson, Executive Director 10002 W. Markham Little Rock, AR 72205 501-221-1330 Association of Retarded Citizens Nancy Suffivan, Executive Director Union Station Sq., Suite 412 Little Rock, AR 72201 501-375-4464 Camp Aldersgate, Inc. Virginia A. Brissey, Director of Program Services 2000 Aldersgate Little Rock, AR 72205 501-225-1444 Department of Human Services Office Volunteerism Billie Ann Myers, Deputy Director 1300 Donaghey Plaza S. P0 Box 1437, Slot 1300 Little Rock, AR 72203-1437 501-682-7540 Department of Human Services Mental Health Service Division Jan Thame, Deputy Director 4313 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72205-4096 501-686-9000 (11) PAGENO="0020" 12 Department of Human Services Children and Family Services Richard L Dietz, Deputy Director 7th & Main Streets P0 Box 1437, Slot 626 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-682-8772 Department of Human Services Developmentally Disabled Services Mike McCreight, Interim Deputy Director P0 Box 1437, Slot 2500 Little Rock, AR 72203-1437 501-682-8662 Easter Seal Society of Arkansas 2801 Lee Avenue Little Rock, AR 72205 501-663-8331 Foster Grandparents Program East Arkansas Nina Peeler, Director P0 BOx 5035 Jonesboro, AR 72403 501-972-5980 Foster Grandparents of the Delta Counsel E.A. Rogers, Director 790 Roberts Drive Monticello, AR 71655 501-367-9732 Foster Grandparents White River Area Grace Gray, Director 3998 Harrison St., P0 Box 2637 Batesville, AR 72503 501-793-4431 Foster Grandparents Program Arkansas Department of Human Services Joyce Credit, Director Donaghey Plaza N., Suite 2500 P.O. Box 1437 Little Rock, AR 72203-1437 501-682-8673 Foster Grandparents of Ouachita Baptist University Shirley McMillan, Director P0 Box 3661 Arkadeiphia, AR 71923 501-246-4531, Ext. 156 Northeast Arkansas Comprehensive Learning Centers Dianna Way, Director P0 Box 2493 Jonesboro, AR 72401 501-932-1177 School Of Hope. Patty Manus, Director 426 S. Main, P0 Box 1540 Hope, AR 71801 501-777-4501 PAGENO="0021" United Cerebral Palsy of Central Arkansas Ed Benton, Executive Director 10400 W. 36th Street Little Rock, AR 72204 501-224-6067 Visiting Nurses Association Betty Maddox~ Executive Director 6701W. 12th St, Suite 14 Little Rock, AR 72204 501-664-4933 13 PAGENO="0022" PAGENO="0023" * CALIFORNIA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Ricardo Gerakas 11000 Wilshire, P0 Box 14218 Los Angeles, CA 90024 213-209-7421 Association for Retarded Citizens San Diego County 3035 G Street San Diego, CA 92102 619-233-8855 Association of Retarded Citizens - San Diego Cathy Wood, Director 5384 Unda Vista, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92110 619-574-6481 Berkeley Planning Associates Mary Veneill, Project Director 440 Grand Avenue Oakland, CA 94703 415-465-7884 Bienvenidos Child Center Jerome Seliger, President 421 South Glendora West Covina, CA 91790 818-919-3364 Camp Fire Central Valley 147 W. Oak Street Stockton, CA 95202 209-464-7609 Camp Fire Golden Gate 2914 Fulton Street San Francisco, CA 94118 415-752-2600 Camp Fire Kern County Council 508 18th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 805-327-7567 Camp Fire Los Angeles Area Council 1521 Wilshire Los Angeles, CA 90020 213-413-5501 Camp Fire Piedmont Council Helen K. Merkie, Executive Director 707 Highland Piedmont, CA 94611 415-655-7388 (15) PAGENO="0024" 16 Camp Fire Children's Home Society Santa Clara/Santa Cruz Judith Levin Gloria Jabot, Executive Director 3200 Telegraph 1600 Coleman Oakland, CA 94609 Santa Clara, CA 95050 415-655-7406 408-988-6969 Community Association for the Camp Fire - Ventura County Retarded Sue Baker Jane Mullen Respite House 1267 Gonzales, P0 Box 5363 Lorriane Picard Oxnard, CA 93031 3864 Middlefield 805-485-3417 Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-494-0550 Camp Fire Yuba Sutter County County of Los Angeles Kathy Marriotte Department of Children 908 11th Street Services Marysvffle, CA 95901 Robert Chaffee, Director 916-743-4164 1125 W. 6th Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-351-5602 Camp Fire - Alameda Joyce Carrier 1201 E. 14th Street Department of Mental Health Oakland, CA 94606 Special Population Branch 415-846-1823 Rachel Guerrero, Program Specialist 1600 9th Street Child Respite Care, Inc. Sacramento, CA 95833 Bob Hanson, Director 916-445-8467 P0 Box 41749 Sacramento, CA 95841 916-344-6735 Department of Mental Health Division of Community Programs Children's Home Society Betsy Burke, Ph.D., CASSP 2727 W. 6th Coordinator Los Angeles, CA 90057 1600 9th Street 213-389-6750 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-323-9289 PAGENO="0025" Department of Social Services Robert Garcia, Deputy Director of Administration P Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916-445-4500 - mental Services. Gary Macomber, Director 1600 9th Street ;nto, CA 95814 916-323-3131 Syndrome Parents Laurel Canyon, #429 - Hollywood, CA 91606 818-366-3199 Center Program = =~===-ient of Social Se~ces md Child Services P Street, MS 9-103 Sacramento, CA 95514 916-445-4500 Easter Seal Society Shasta County ~ ~~rtnell Redding, CA 96002 916-222-1177 Family Stress Center 2086 Commerce Avenue Concord, CA 94520 415-827-0212 Foster Grandparents Agnews Developmental Center Toni Tollack 3500 Zankor San Jose, CA 95134 408-433-2083 Foster Grandparents ~amarillo State Hospital and Developmental Center Jeri Bond 1878 5. Lewis Camanilo, CA 93010 805-484-3661 Foster Grandparents Fairview Developmental Center Tamera Jameson-Berg 2501 Harbor Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-957-5197 Foster Grandparents Fred C. Nelles School Pam Robinson 11850 E. Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90601 213-698-6781 Foster Grandparents Lanterman Development Earl Miller 3530 W. Pomona P0 Box 100 Pomona, CA 91769 714-595-1221 - 17 Center PAGENO="0026" 18 Foster Grandparents Foster Grandparents NAPA State Hospital Golden Umbrella, Inc. Robert Gibson Irene DeBord 2100 Napa-Vallejo Hwy. 980 Placer Napa, CA 94558 Redding, CA 96001 707-253-5468 916-241-6623 Foster Grandparents Foster Grandparents Stockton Developmental Center Los Angeles VAC Patricia Kenney Chantal Denny 510 E. Magnolia 621 S. Virgil Stockton, CA 95202 Los Angeles, CA 90005 209-948-7668 213-736-1311 Foster Grandparents Foster Grandparents California DDS Pepperdine University Betty Miller Faye Pinkett 1600 9th, Room 340 400 Corporate Poiin P0 Box 944202 Culver City, CA 90044 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-323-4856 Foster Grandparents of Sacramento Foster Grandparents Karla Crawford Family Service Agency 3013 D Street Jean Parrott Sacramento, CA 95814 1010 Gough Street 916-446-1431 San Francisco, CA 94109 415-474-7310 Foster Grandparents of Salinas 230 Abbot Foster Grandparents Salinas, CA 93901 Fresno and Madera Counties 408-422-8532 Esther Snider 1028 N. Fulton Fresno, CA 93728 Foster Grandparents San Diego 209-268-3584 County Margaret Bruce 349 Cedar Street San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6469 PAGENO="0027" 19 Foster Grandparents Santa Clara County Betty Manley 100 N. Winchester Santa Clara, CA 95050 408-280-5553 - - Grandparents of the - d Empire ilene Bostwick State Street - CA 95482 707-462-1954 Family Service * Forer-Dehrey Victory Blvd. - Hollywood, CA 91606 818-761-3447 L1uther King Jr. - - -~ Center - Pediatrics S. Wilmington Ave. Angeles, CA 90059 213-603-4640 Helping Parents Race Street Jose, CA 95126 408-288-5010 Service Project -san Anselmo Children's iderman - - Porteous Avenue CA 94930 415-454-1811 Rosa Parks Sexual Assault Crisis Center Rhonda Brinkley, Director 4182 South Western Ave Los Angeles, CA 90062 213-295-8582 United Cerebral Palsy North Bay 959 Transport Way Petaluma, CA 94954 707-765-6770 United Cerebral Palsy Sacramento/Yolo County Louis Kuehner, Executive Director 1507 21st St., Suite 204 Sacramento, CA 95816 916-442-3573 United Cerebral Palsy Central California 4224 N. Cedar Fresno, CA 93726 209-221-8272 Visiting Nurses Association of Los Angeles Sharon Flynn Grigsby, President 3755 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90004 213-381-5802 Visiting Nurses Association of Stanislaus County Liz Huebner, Executive Director 1905 Coffee Road, Suite 6 Modesto, CA 95355 209-571-1055 PAGENO="0028" 20 Visiting Nurses Association of the Mother Lode Joan Stothers, Executive Director POBox 4805 Sonora, CA 95370 209-532-7166 Visiting Nurses Association Anne Hassidin, Chief Executive Officer 5225 Avenida Encinas, Suite D Carlsbad, CA 92008-4367 619-438-9355 Visiting Nurses Association of Santa Barabara Shelly Sansbury, Jr., Executive Director 614 Santa Barbara St. Santa Barbara, CA 93103 805-963-6794 Visiting Nurses Association of San Gabriel Valley Audrey Mitchell, Executive Director 420 South Grand Covina, CA 91724 818-967-9311 Visiting Nurses Association Joseph Gonzalez, Chief Executive Officer 3250 Dutton Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 707-545-7114 PAGENO="0029" COLORADO RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Camp Fire Office for Colorado and Denver Area Council Wyoming 1595 Harlan Street Benjamin Knopp Denver, CO 80214 1845 Sherman, P0 Box 301 303-234-0700 Denver, CO 80203 FTS-564-1070 Child Opportunity Program, Inc Mitzi R. Barnes~ Executive Archdiocese of Denver Director Lu Glover 3607 Martin Luther King Blvd. 1050 5. Birch Street Denver, CO 80205 Denver, CO 80222 303-399-0603 303-759-5150 Colorado State University Association for Developmentally Paula Johnson Disabilities 134 Alyeeworth Kay Taylor Fort Collins, CO 80523 102 S. Union - 303-491-1101 Pueblo, CO 81003 719-545-5845 Department of Education Special Education Services Unit Association for Retarded Brian McNulty, Executive Citizens - Mesa County Director Roberta Cummings 201 E. Colfax 496 28-112 Road, #4 Denver, CO 80203 P0 Box 2292 303-866-6694 Grand Junction, CO 81502 303-245-5775 Department of Institutions Division for Developmental Community Health Services, Disabilities Inc. Brian Lensink, Director Sharon Mulford, Director 3824 W. Prince 100 Lone Pine Road Denver, CO 80236 Aspen, CO 81611 303-762-4404 303-920-5420 (21) PAGENO="0030" 22 Department of Institutions Handicapped Children's Division of Mental Health Program Hilde Wilkinson, Ph.D., Sue Dunn, Associate Director Program Coordinator 4210 E. 11th Avenue 3520 W. Oxford Denver, CO 80220 Denver, CO 80236 303-320-8333 303-762-4075 Social Services Developmentally Disability Children Family Services Center - Boulder County David Askmore, Director 1343 Iris 717 17th Street Boulder, CO 80304 Denver, CO 80218-0899 303-441-1090 303-866-5932 Families First Colorado Department of Social Karlie Cunningham, Executive Services - Children Protection Director Grant Unit P0 Box 14190 Janet Motz, Program Director 2760-R, S. Havanna Station 1600 Sherman Street, Suite 480 Aurora, CO 80014 Denver, CO 80203 303-745-0327 303-894-7747 Foster Grandparents Visiting Nurse Association Marie James Northwest Colorado 228 N. Union Patricia Barnett Pueblo, CO 81003 P0 Box 417 719-545-8900 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 303-879-1632 Foster Grandparents Mesa County Visiting Nurses Association Norma Frohock of Denver Area 28 D Road Judith Sutherland, President Grand Junction, CO 81501 3801 E. Florida 303-245-2100 Denver, CO 80204 303-757-6363 Foster Grandparents Volunteers of America Cathy Burr 1550 Yates Denver, CO 80204 303-623-8052 PAGENO="0031" Rehab. and Visiting Nurses Association of Larimer/Weld County Kaye Grounds, Executive Director 1500 11th Ave Greeley, CO 80631 303-352-5655 23 PAGENO="0032" PAGENO="0033" CONNECTICUT RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Camp Fire Foster Grandparents 350 Farmington Ron Webb Hartford, CT 06105-4402 201 Noble Street 203-278-2560 West Haven, CF 06516 203-933-5431 Children Youth Service Family Support Community Foster Grandparents of Thames Living Valley Sharon Carangelo, Project Marjorie Fondulas Director One Sylvandale 170 Sigourney P0 Box 215 Hartford, CF 06105 Jewett City, CF 06351 203-566-5522 203-889-5241 Companion/Sitter Course Foster Grandparents of American Red Cross Waterbury Community Health/Safety Helen Versickas Manane Dominice,. 232 N. Elm Administrator Waterbury, CF .06702 231 East Putnam Avenue 203-575-9799 Greenwich, CF 06830 203-531-8590 Health Service Fredrick G. Adams, Easter Seal of Hartford Commissioner 80 Coventry 150 Washington Hartford, CF 06112 Hartford, CF 06106 203-243-9741 203-566-2038 Foster Grandparents of Mental Retardation Hartford Toni Richardson, Commissioner Robert Dimbek 90 Pitkin St 115 Sigourney East Hartford, CF 06108 Hartford, CF 06105 203-528-7141 203-247-2272 (25) 35-578 - 90 - 2 PAGENO="0034" State of Connecticut, Region V Sue Blankcaslor, Respite Coordinator 104 S. Turnpike Wallingford, CT 06515 203-3974714 Wheeler Clinic 91 Northwest Drive Plainsville, CT 06062 203-747-6801 26 PAGENO="0035" DELAWARE RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families Charles Hayward, Secretary 1825 Faulkiand Road Wilmington, DE 19805 302-633-2500 Delmarva Easter Seal Society Georgetown Professional Park Sally Beaumont, Director 600 N. DuPont Hwy. Georgetown, DE 19947 302-856-7364 Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families Division of Child Mental Health Jeanne Dunn, Outpatient Services Director 1825 Faukiand, Murphy Cottage Wilmington, DE 19805 302-995-8369 Foster Grandparents of Delaware E. Virginia Van Pelt 10 The Circle, #115 Georgetown, DE 19947 302-856-5228 Department of Health and Social Services Mental Retardation Division Thomas Pledgie, Director 802 Silver Lake, Jesse Cooper Bldg. - P0 Box 637 Dover, DE 19903 302~739-4452 Home Visitors Program CHILD, Inc. Joseph M. Dell-Olio 507 Philadelphia Pike Wilmington, DE 19809-2177 302-762-8989 United Cerebral Palsy of Delaware 240 N. James St., Suite B3 New Port, DE 19804 302-996-9494 Visiting Nurses Association of Delaware Richard Chenin, President 1 Read's Way New Castle, DE 19720 302-323-8200 (27) PAGENO="0036" PAGENO="0037" FLORIDA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Heniy Jibaja 930 Woodcock P0 Box 221 Orlando, FL 32803 FTS-820-6117 Association for Retarded Citizens Dade County 4201 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33127 305-576-9675 Association for Retarded Citizens - Florida Terry Lino, President 411 E. College Tallahassee, FL 32301 904-681-1931 Association for Retarded Citizens Palm Beach Council 1201 Australian Ave. Rivera Beach, FL 33404 407-842-3213 Camp Fire Gulf Wind Council LaVonne Haven, Project Director 1814 Creighton Road Pensacola, FL 32504-7197 904-476-1760 Camp Fire North Florida Council Shirley Sedeker 2001 Art Museum Drive Jacksonville, FL 32207 904-396-2688 Camp Fire Sunshine Council Betty Keinert 2600 Buckingham Lakeland, FL 33803-3109 813-688-5491 Child Development Services Joyce Mccalla 111 NW 1 St, Suite 2210 Miami, FL 33128 305-754-2444 Children's Home Society Rebecca Coffee 11025 SW 84th Street. Miami, FL 33173 305-595-7560 Citizens for Children Nancy H. Traad, President 401 NW 2nd Aye, Room 1054 Miami, FL 33128 305-377-5531 . (29) PAGENO="0038" 30 Community Action Agency Broward County Grandparents, Metro Dade County Inc. Family Friends 5975 W. Sunrise Blvd., #208-B 395 NW 1st St., Room 209 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33313-6813 Miami, FL 33128 305-792-8589 305-347-4605, Foster Grandparents of Dade Family Resource Center County Sue Storm, Family Educator Sonya Williams 93001 US Highway One 395 NW First St., Suite 104 P0 Box 286 Miami, FL 33128 Tavernier, FL 33070 305-347-4644 305-852-9104 Foster Grandparents Program Family Management Center Escambia County Council on Sandrus Darden Aging 5400 NW 22nd Avenue Fred Castellucia Miami, FL 33142 21 S. Tarragma St. 305-634-5625 P0 Box 17066 Pensacola, FL 32522-7066 904-432-1475 First Baptist Church Donald Minton, Reverend 204 W. Morgan Street Foster Grandparents Brandon, FL 33510 Grandpeople Inc. 813-689-1204 Keith Hughes 403 Calhoun Tallahassee, FL 32301 Florida Council for Community 904-488-9469 Mental Health Baldwin Bunkley, Executive Director Foster Grandparents Program 111-A N. Gadsden St. Janna Steinke, Project Director Tallahassee, FL 32301 150 E. First St. 904-877-5188 Jacksonville, FL 32206 904-630-0995 Foster Grandparents of Alachua Foster Grandparents of Volusia County County 730 N. Waldo Building B Barbara Gilbert, Project Dir. P0 Box 300 100 Seabreeze Blvd., #122 Gainesville, FL 32601 Daytona Beach, FL 32118 904-374-5278 904-253-4700 PAGENO="0039" 31 Foster Grandparents Parent Resource Center West Central Golden Services Crisis Nursery Juanita McCrimmon Gwen Cockfleld, Director 6400 N. 15th, P0 Box 8360 Sheila Corrie, MSW Tampa, FL 33674 3201-3203 SW 29th Street 813-238-3019 Miami, FL 33133 305-446-5071 Foster Grandparents of HRS District 8 Parent Resource Center Larry MorriS Crisis Nursery 12381 S. Cleveland Mary Oldiges, Executive Fort Myers, FL 33907 Director 75 SW 8th Street, #303 Miami, FL 33130 Health Rehabilitative Services 305-358-8238 Children, Youth, and Families Jay Kassack, Asst. Secretary 1317 Winewood Pre-Natal Project Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Dade County Health 904-488-8762 1350 NW 14th Street Miami, FL 33125 305-324-2460 JESCA Family Management Center Sandrus Darden, Senior Sednet Severely Emotionally Program Administrator Disturbed Network 16405 NW 25th Avenue Chris Wells, Project Manager Opalocka, FL 32399 603 Canal Street 904-638-4070 Milton, FL 32570-6706 904-623-3663 Mental Health Care Center Marshall Wolfe, Executive Spectrum Programs Inc. Director H. Bruce Hayden, Executive Bldg. 1612 Truman Annex Director Key West, FL 33041 11055 NE Sixth Avenue 305-294-5237 Miami, FL 33161 305-754-1683 In-Home Respite Care Lynn Banjanin, Project Director 601 N. Baylen Pensacola, FL 32501 904-444-8505 PAGENO="0040" 32 Switchboard of Miami Lori Rosen, Director Public Information 35 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33130 305-358-1640 United Cerebral Palsy Panama City 621 Kraft Avenue Panama City, FL 32401 904-769-1593 United Cerebral Palsy Northwest Florida Bob Reeves, Executive Director 2912 N. E Street Pensacola, FL 32501 904-432-1596 United Cerebral Palsy - Tampa Nadine Johnson, Executive Director 2215 E. Henry Tampa, FL 33610 813-239-1119 University of Miami CMS Child Protection Team Department of Pediatrics Cheryl Lennon, Program Coordinator 1150 NW 14th St., #212 Professional Arts `Bldg., Miami, FL 33136 305-547-6916 Visiting Nurse Association Thomas Skemp, Executive Director 600 Courtland St, Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32804 407-628-0085 Visiting Nurses Association of Palm Beach County Ann Zielinski, President/CEO 6080-A Okeechobee Blvd `West Palm Beach, FL 33417 407-689-7862 Visiting Nurses Association of Indian River County Robert Horrobin, Executive Director 1111 36th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960-6514 407-567-5551 Visiting Nurses Association of Martin/St. Lucie Patricia Crow, Executive Officer 633 E. 5th Street Stuart, FL 34994 407-286-1844 Visiting Nurses Association of Tampa Bay Cathy Segelman, Executive. Director 4100 W. Kennedy Blvd., #210 Tampa, FL 33609 813-289-1696 PAGENO="0041" Visiting Nurses Association of Hardee County Shirley Hennig, Administrator 86 Hanchey Road Wauchula, FL 33873 813-773-9275 - - Nurses Association -----i florida -- Hartmann, Executive 2105 Jefferson Street ,ille, FL 32206 904-356-6355 33 PAGENO="0042" PAGENO="0043" GEORGIA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Foster Grandparents of Augusta David A. Dammann Marilyn Grau 75 Piedmont, NE 535 15th Street P0 Box 412 Augusta, GA 30901 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-826-4480 FTS-242-4646 Foster Grandparents of Bibb Atlanta Respite Services, Inc. County Economic Opportunity Gwendolyn Conley, Director Council, Inc. 1471 Gordon St., SW Jimmie Samuel Atlanta, GA 30310 Grand Bldg. 501 404-753-8622 Macon, GA 31201 912-738-3240 Camp Fire for Boys and Girls - Atlanta Council Foster Grandparents of Marion Long, Director of LaGrange Special Education 1514 Vernon 100 Edgewood NE LaGrange, GA 30240 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-882-1411 404-527-7125 Foster Grandparents Children and Adolescent Savannah-Chatham County Mental Health Services Frances Smith Division of Mental Health 3025 Bull Street and Mental Retardation Savannah, GA 31405 Ruth Coody, MSW, Director 912-236-0363 878 Peachtree, NE, Rm. 315 Atlanta, GA 30309-3999 404-894-6559 Foster Grandparents of Thomasville Fred Colson Foster Grandparents of Atlanta P0 Box 1378 Marshall Neil Thomasville, GA 31799 100 Edgewood NE 912-228-2275 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-527-3900 (35) PAGENO="0044" 36 Foster Grandparents of Department of Human Valdosta Resources Marcus Dickman Division of Family Services P0 Box 1645 Douglas Greenwell, Director Valdosta, GA 31603 878 Peachtree St. 912-244-7860 Atlanta, GA 30309 404-894-6386 Foster Grandparents - Overview Betty Simmons Southeastern Regional Troubled 120 Jefferson, P0 Box 693 Children's Committee Milledgeville, GA 31061 Steven Tanner, CASSP Project 912-453-4111 Director 311 E. Hall Savannah, GA 31401 Foster Grandparents 912-234-0130 Audrey Wünbley NW Georgia Regional Hos. 1305 Redmond Circle Child Care Support Office Rome, GA 30161 Save the Children 404-295-6251 Nancy Travis, Director 1340 Spring St, NW Suite 2(X) Atlanta, GA 30309 Georgia Council on Child 404-885-1578 Abuse, Inc. Sandra Wood, Associate Executive United Cerebral Palsy 1401 Peachtree St., NE, Greater Atlanta Suite 140 Barbara Sachs, Executive Atlanta, GA 30309 Director 404-870-6565 1687 Tullie Circle Atlanta, GA 30329 404-320-6880 Georgia Developmental Disabilities Council Bill Gaventa Visiting Nurses Association 2533 Empire Forest Drive of Metro Atlanta Tucker, GA 30084 Kathy Ziegler, President 404-621-0849 100 Edgewood NE, Suite 1500 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-527-0660 PAGENO="0045" HAWAU RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Association for Retarded Department of Social Services Citizens and Housing United Way of Kauai Family and Children Services Gail Lorenzo, Respite Linda Yoneyama, Administrator Coordinator P0 Box 339 3201 Akhi Street Honolulu, HI 96809 Lihue, HI 96766 808-548-5846 808-245-4132 Easter Seal Society - Hawaii Association for Retarded 710 Green Street Citizens Honolulu, HI 96813 3989 Diamond Head Road 808-536-1015 Honolulu, HI 96816 808-737-7995 Easter Seal Society Hilo Service Center Community Services Dana Carvaiho, Program Developmentally Disabled Director Ethel Yamane, Chief,. 49 Kiaulani St. Developmental Disabilities Hio, HI 96720 Division 808-961-3081 741 A Sunset Avenue Honolulu, HI 96816 808-732-0935 Family Health, Services Division Zero to Three Jean Stewart Department of Human Services 1600 Kapioni Blvd. Family and Adult Services Honolulu, HI 96816 Division 808-957-0066 Gerald K. Samida P0 Box 339 Honolulu, HI 96809 Foster Grandparents - Waimano 808-548-3207 Training School and Hospital. Rene Nakama 2201 Waunano Home Road Pearl City, HI 96782 808-455-5381 (37) PAGENO="0046" 38 Kauai Association for Retarded HUGS Citizens Unda Frenn 3201 Akahi Street 1210 Auahi St., Suite 123 Kauai, HI 96766 Honolulu, HI 96814 808-245-4132 808-521-4847 Leeward Oahu Mental Health Center Carl Yoshimoto, Director 860 Fourth SL Pearl City, HI 96782 808-735-5452 Queen Lilluokalani Children's Center - Main Office Charles M.LF. Nakoa 1300 Halona St Honolulu, HI 96817 808-847-1302 Society for Crippled and Disabled Children (IMUA) M. Janet Chapman, Executive Director Maui, HI 96793 808-244-7467 United Cerebral Palsy - Hawaii Theresa Tayabas-Shimoda, Program Coordinator 245 N. Kukui Street, Suite A Honolulu, HI 96817 808-538-6789 Waianae Coast Day Care Center Douglas Mersberg, Executive Director 84-1061 Noholio Road Waianae, HI 96792 808-695-9400 PAGENO="0047" IDAHO RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Wilford Overgaard 304 N. 8th, Room 344 Boise, ID 83702 208-334-1707 Boise Group Homes Michael Day 1736 N. 5 Mile Road Boise, ID 83704 208-376-1861 Department of Health & Welfare Family Child Services Anne McNevin, Regional Program Director P0 Box 87, 460 Maine Ave. S. Twin Falls, ID 83301 208-734-3901 Department of Health & Welfare Division of Community Rehabilitation - Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Paul Swatzenbarg, Ph.D, Chief 450 W. State, 7th Floor Boise, ID 83720 208-334-5531 Community Action Agency Family Advocacy Program Kate Andrus, Program Director P0 Box 531 Twin Falls, ID 83303-0531 208-733-9351 Senior Companion Program Marcia L Donner P0 Box 1238 Twin Falls, ID 83303-1238 208-734-7583 Foster Grandparents of Southeast Idaho Donna Collett P0 Box 400 Blackfoot, ID 83221 208-785-8452 Foster Grandparents of Boise Deborah Roetto P0 Box 6756 Boise, ID 83707 208-342-4666 South Central Community Head Start Donna Suhr, Director P0 Box 531 Twin Falls, ID 83303 208-733-9351 (39) PAGENO="0048" PAGENO="0049" ILLINOIS ACTION State Program Office James E. Braxton 175 W. Jackson, Suite 1207 Chicago, IL 60604 312-353-3622 Abraham Lincoln Center Minnie Riley 2831 S. Michigan Chicago, IL 60616 312-225-5545 Association FOr Handicapped Birth to Three Program Pam Dimmlich, Director for Children's Services 570 W. Lamm Road Freeport, IL 61032 815-235-7181 Association for Retarded Citizens - Jacksonville Area Loretta Lashmet 1201 S. Main, P0 Box 400 Jacksonville, IL 62651 217-245-6113 Association for Retarded Citizens - Peoria Ron Wisecarver 2006 West Altorfer Drive Peoria, IL 61615 309-691-3800 Augustana Center - Respite Care Program Ann Brandser 3344 W. Peterson Chicago, IL 60659 312-583-8292 Camp Fire, Inc. Salt Creek County Lucinda London, Executive Director Edgewood & Goodman Avenue Goodman School La Grange, IL 60525 708-352-6020 Children's Development Center Dorothy Huff, Respite Specialist 650 N. Main Street Rockford, IL 61103 815-965-6745 illinois Department of Child and Family Services Office of Program Development and Support Glenanne Farrington, Chief 406 E. Monroe Springfield, IL 62701 217-785-2459 RESPITE CARE RESOURCES (41) PAGENO="0050" 42 illinois Department of Child * and Family Services Office of Program Development and Support Bobby Hall, Program Director 406 E. Monroe Springfield, IL 62701-1498 217-785-2459 Community Action Association H. Brent DeLand, Executive Director P0 Box 1090 Springfield, IL 62705-1090 217-789-0125 Community Support Services Susan Woodrow 9021 Ogden Avenue Brookfield, IL 60513 708-354-4547 Coordinating Council for Handicapped Children 20 E. Jackson, Room 900 Chicago, IL 60604 312-939-3513 Countryside Association for the Handicapped Nancy Koch, Respite Care Manager 21154 W. Shirley Road Palatine, IL 60074 708-438-8944 Department of Alcohol and Substance Abuse William Atkins, Director 222 5. College St., 2nd Floor Springfield, IL 62704 217-782-0686 Department of Children and Family Services Donna Simonson, CASSP Coordinator 1 North Old State Capitol Springfield, IL 62701 217-785-2592 Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Division of Mental Health Bureau of Child Adolescent Services Kenley Wade, M.M., CASSP Project Director 401 5. Spring, Room 400 Springfield, IL 62765 217-785-7226 Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Division of Developmental Disabilities Wffliam Murphy, Deputy Director 402 Straton Office Bldg. Springfield, IL 62706 Department of Rehabilitation Home Services Program Susan Warmer 623 E. Adams, P0 Box 19429 Springfield, IL 62794-9429 217-782-2722 Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center Will-Grundy Counties 212 Barney Drive Joliet, IL 60435 815-725-2194 PAGENO="0051" 43 Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center Jeff Misavice 799 S. McLean Blvd. P0 Box 883 Elgin, IL 60121 708-742-3264 Elaine Boyd Creche, Inc. Maureen Petronzio 267 E. Lake Street Bloomingdale, IL 60108 708-529-3350 Family Service Center of Sangamon County Linda Miller, Executive Director 1308 South 7th Street Springfield, IL 62703 217-528-8406 Foster Grandparents Department of AgingfDisability Ken Bernat 510 N. Peshtigo Chicago, IL 60611 312-744-3221 Foster Grandparents of Joilet-Will County Area John C. Jackson 402 5. Independence Romeoville, IL 60441 815-838-2125 Foster Grandparents of Kankakeeland CAP Jean D. Morrow 1309 E. Court Street Kankakee, IL 60901 Foster Grandparents of Tn-County J. Anthony Smith 405 Emmons Ave., P0 Box 610 Rock Falls, IL 61071 815-625-7830 Foster Grandparents of Lincoln Development Center 861 S. State Lincoln, IL 62656 217-732-9391 Foster Grandparents of Madison County SCS Barbara Mitchell 3116 Acorn Street Alton, IL 62002 618-465-3298 Foster Grandparents of Peoria Jennett D. Spicer 2219 5. Idaho Peoria, IL 61605 309-671-3900 Foster Grandparents of State Community College William Slaughter 601 James Thompson Blvd. East St. Louis, IL 62201 618-583-2543 Fox Valley Evaluation Center Aid of Aurora Jean Laughlin 610 5. First Street Geneva, IL 60134 PAGENO="0052" 44 Gateway Center Michele Lechner-Riehie 406 S. Gosse Boulevard Princeton, IL 61356 815-8754548 Glenkirk Alden and Clay Court Jean Nelson 3504 Commercial Avenue Northbrook~ IL 60062 708-272-5111, Ext. 236 Good Shepherd Center Scotty Alpert 2220 Carroll Parkway Flossmoor, IL 60422 Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities Cathy Ficker Terrell, Administrator 100 West Randolph Chicago, IL 60601 312-814-2080 illinois Department of Health Parents Too Soon Linda Miller 535 W. Jefferson Springfield, IL 62761 217-782-0564 Hope School Marsha Coultas 50 Hazel Lane Springfield, IL 62716 217-786-3350 Institute for Juvenile Research Edwin Bennett, Acting Director 907 5. Wolcott Chicago, IL 60612 312-996-1733 Little Angels Nursing Home Shelley Wasmond 1435 Summit Route 4, P0 Box 304 Elgin, IL 60120 708-741-1609 Marklund Children's Home Box 10, 164 5. Prairie Ave. Bloomingdale, IL 60108 708-529-2871 Pioneer CLF Marion Kyger 4001 Dayton Street McHenry, IL 60050 Services for Retarded Citizens Shore Community Lois Mawr 2525 Church St. Evanston, IL 60201 708-869-7900 Step by Step Learning Center Affiliated-St. John Hospital Faye Lee, Director 621 East Mason Street Springfield, IL 62702 217-523-Care PAGENO="0053" 45 United Cerebral Palsy Will County Michael Hennessey, Executive Director 311 S. Reed Street Joliet, IL 60436-2050 United Cerebral Palsy NW Illinois Allied Agencies Center Marilee Meyer, Executive Director 320 E. Armstrong Peoria, IL 61603 309-672-6325 The Parent Child Place Peggy Squibb, Director 2211 Wabash Springfield, IL 62704 217-546-5257 Victoiy Memorial Hospital Pediatric Respite Care Program Judy Sweda, R.N. 1324 N. Sheridan Waukegan, IL 60085 708-360-4059 Visiting Nurses Association of Fox Valley Janet Craft, Executive Director 57 E. Downer Place Aurora, IL 60505 312-892-0646 Visiting Nurses Association of West Towns Sandra Kubik, Executive Director 1441 5. Harlem Berwyn, IL 60402 708-749-7171 Visiting Nurses Association of Peoria Jo Hilman, Executive Director 510 West High Street Peoria, IL 61606 309-674-2139 Visiting Nurses Association of the Rockford Sue Schner, Executive Director 2905 Bildahl Rockford, IL 61109 815-229-1100 Visiting Nurses Association of Chicago Philip Moore, President/CEO 322 S. Green St., 3rd Floor Chicago, IL 60607-3599 312-738-8622 Visiting Nurses Association North Phyllis Anderson, Executive Director 2008 Dempster Street Evanston, IL 60202 708-328-1900 PAGENO="0054" Walter Lawson Children's Home Theo Brandel, Administrator 1820 Walter Lawson Drive Loves Park, IL 61111 815-633-6636 46 PAGENO="0055" INDIANA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACFION State Program Office Thomas Haskett 46 E. Ohio, #457 Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-226-6724 Camp Fire - Michiana Council Patricia Laing, Executive Director 2812 E. Jefferson South Bend, IN 46615 219-234-4145 Camp Fire - Mishawaka Council Barbara Emmans, Executive Director 405 W. Fourth Street Mishawaka, IN 46544 219-255-1187 Department' of Human Services Division of Social Services Janeba Shed, Choice Division Myrna Habig, Program Director 150 W. Market St. P0 Box 7083 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7083 317-232-1223 Department of Mental Health Grace Ketchum, ACSW, CASSP Coordinator 117 E. Washington Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-7834 Department of' Mental Health Division of Special Program Services Vicki Stidham 117 E. Washington Indianapolis, IN 46204-3647 317-232-7800 Department of Mental Health Division of Developmental Disabilities Barbara Stayton, Director 117 E. Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204-3647 317-232-7836 Department of Public Welfare Suzanne Magnant, State Commissioner 20 E. Georgia Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-0275 Department of Public Welfare Child Welfare Deena Heller, Director 141 5. Meridian St., 6th Floor Indianapolis, IN 46225 317-232-4420 Foster Grandparents of Fort Wayne Jeannette Monroe 233 W. Main St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 219-426-7829 (47) PAGENO="0056" 48 Foster Grandparents of Handcock-Henry-Rush Counties Mona D. Thomas P0 Box 644 New Castle, IN 47362 317-529-4403 Foster Grandparents of Indianapolis Jeanne Perkins 2445 N. Meridian Indianapolis, IN 46208 317-927-5713 Foster Grandparents of Jennings County Marilyn Morin 35 S. State St., P0 Box 77 Butlerville, IN 47265 812-346-7457 Foster Grandparents of St. Joseph County Gail J. Snyder 622 N. Michigan, P0 Box South Bend, IN 46634 219-233-8205 Foster Grandparents of Terre Haute Sandy L. Schroeder P0 Box 1018 Terre Haute, IN 47808 812-232-3261 Foster Grandparents of CAPE of Evansville Lori Bryant 906 Main Street Evansville, IN 47708 812-425-4241 Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence Inc. Gloria Lowe-Walker, Chair 475 Broadway, Suite 508 Gary, IN 46402 219-883-4155 Indiana Juvenile Justice Task Force Jim Miller, Executive 3050 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46208-4784 317-926-6100 Visiting Nurses Association of Northwest Indiana Susan Rehrer, Executive Director 6513 Kennedy Avenue Hammond, IN 46323 219-844-1410 Visiting Nurses Association of Porter County Laura Harting, Executive Director 501 Marquette Street Valparaiso, IN 46383 219-462-5195 Visiting Nurses Association Home Care Services Mary Caldwell-Craymer, Executive Director 1719 State St., Suites L & I LaPorte, IN 46350 219-362-5914 1835 PAGENO="0057" 49 Visiting Nurses Association of Southwest Indiana Narcissa Kraft, Executive Director 600 SE 6th Street Evansville, IN 47713 812-425-3561 Nurses Association Harriett Olson, President. 9050 N. Illinois Street )01i5, IN 46204 317-236-0445 / PAGENO="0058" PAGENO="0059" IOWA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Joel Weinstein 210 Walnut, #722 Des Moines, IA 50309 FTS-862-4816 Association for Retarded Citizen's Resource Development Office Sylvia Piper 715 East Locust Des Moines, IA 50309 515-283-2359 Camp Fire Heart Hawkeye Suz Welch 5615 Hickman Road Des Moines, IA 50310 515-274-1501 Camp Fire - Iowa County Amy Melchert, Project Director 534 11th Street Marion, IA 52302 319-377-8323 Camp Fire - Namequa County 702 Avenue F Ft. Madison, IA 52627 319-372-5154 Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health! Mental Retardation Development Disabilities William L. Gordon, Division Administrator Hoover State Office, 5th Floor Des Moines, IA 50319 515-281-8908 Easter Seal Society - Siouxland 406 29th Street Sioux City, IA 51104 712-258-5523 Easter Seal Society - Iowa P0 Box 4002 Des Moines, IA 50333 515-289-1933 Foster Grandparents of Fort Dodge Maggie Bice 26 S. 10th Street Fort Dodge, IA 50501 515-576-5401 Foster Grandparents of Rock Valley Rotary Club Mary Negaard 1800 19th Street Rock Valley, IA 51247 712-476-2628 (51) PAGENO="0060" 52 Foster Grandparents of United Way of Centralia Judy Ewing-Huegel 1111 9th Street, Suite 300 Des Moines, IA 50314 515-246-6539 Foster Grandparents - Dubuque Shirley Conry Windsor & Davis Streets Dubuque, IA 52001 319-588-9380 Foster Grandparents at Glenwood State School Paul Soergel 711 S. Vine Glenwood, IA 51534 712-527-4811 Foster Grandparents at Woodward State Hospital Judy Scultze P0 Box 600 Woodward, IA 50276 515-438-2600 Foster Grandparents of Northern Trails Area Diane Vermillion 501 Court Street Charles City, IA 50616 515-228-2536 PAGENO="0061" KANSAS RESPITE CARE RESOURCES AC'FION State Program Office James M. Byrnes 444 SE Quincy, Room 248 Topeka, KS 66603 913-295-2540 American Red Cross Respite Program KS Capital Area Chapter Edna Mae Evans, Family Health Specialist 1221 W. 17th Street Topeka, KS 66604 913-234-0568 Camp Fire - Sunflower Council Fayna Belzer 12430 W. 62nd Terrace Shawnee, KS 66216 913-631-6222 Department of Social and Rehabilitative Services Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services Randy Proctor, Director Docking State Office Bldg. SthFloorN Topeka, KS 66612 913-296-3472 Foster Grandparents at Winfleld Winfleld State Hospital and Training Center William A. Lybarger, Supt. RR 1, Box 123 Winfleld, KS 67156-9801 316.221-1200, Ext. 323 Foster Grandparents of Catholic Social Services Maxine Coppel 425 N. Topeka Wichita, KS 67202 316-264-5300 Foster Grandparents of Kansas City Dwynn Braunn 229 S. 8th Street Kansas City, KS 66101 913-621-1504 FOster Grandparents of Paola Sharen L. Duer 209 S. Silver Paola, KS 66071 913-294-3880 Foster Grandparents of Topeka Connie Thompson Stewart 3107 W. 21st Street Topeka, KS 66604 913-296-5474 (53) PAGENO="0062" 54 Department of Health and Environment - Special Health Services Azzie Young, Bureau Director 900 SW Jackson St. Topeka, KS 66612-1290 913-296-1313 Kansas Children's Service League - Topeka District Office Terry Moore, District Director P0 Box 5314 Topeka, KS 66605 913-232-0543 Kansas Families Together, Inc. Patricia Gerdel P0 Box 86153 Topeka, KS 66686 913-273-6343 Social & Rehabilitative Services Youth Services -. Wichita Area Jean A. Hogan, Section Chief P0 Box 1620 Wichita, KS 67201 316-651-5645 Social/Rehabilitation Services Youth Services Robert Barnum, Commissioner 300 SW Oakley Topeka, KS 66606 913-296-3282 PAGENO="0063" KENTUCKY RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Adult Day Health Care Margaret HelenfLydia Skaggs 325 S. Main St., P0 Box 13 Madisonville, KY 42431 502-825-0572 Adult Day Health Care Center Jill Norris 2530 Scottsville Bowling Green, KY 42101 502-842-6103 Allen Monroe Home Health Agency Joyce Mansfield, Nursing Coord. P0 Box 128 Scottsville, KY 42164 502-237-4423 American Nursing Care, Inc. Karen Braun 8142 Mall Road Florence, KY 41042 606-283-1500 Anchor House Susan Holtz Route 2, P0 Box 2876 Brandenburg, KY 40108 502-422-5335 Community Hospice Susan Hunt 620 16th Street Ashland, KY 41101 606-329-1890 Bellefonte Home Health Jennifer Moore St. Christopher Drive Ashland, KY 41101 606-833-3467 Bluegrass Home Health Agency Evelyn Carter 650 Newtown Pike Lexington, KY 40508 606-252-2371 Caretenders Vicki Gorman, R.N. 9200 Shelbyville, Suite 220 Louisville, KY 40222 502-425-2273 Carmel Home Kathy Roberts 2501 Old Hartford Owensboro, KY 42303 502-683-0227 Central State Intermediate Care Facility for Mentally Retarded Rob Brown LaGrange Road Louisville, KY 40223 502-245-4121 401 (55) PAGENO="0064" 56 Clark County Home Health Agency Ammie Lee Webb, R.N. 400 Professional Winchester, KY 40391 606-744-1488 Communicare Inc. Jewel! Jones 1311 N. Dixie Elizabethtown, KY 42701 502-769-3377 Department of Mental Health/ Mental Retardation Children and Youth Services Branch Creasa Reed 275 E. Main Street Frankfurt, KY 40621 502-564-7610 Family Care Home Health Agency Irene Fisher 1110 College St. Bowling Green, KY 42101 502-781-5498 Foster Grandparents of KY Department of Mental Health/Mental Retardation Ritchey Yost 275 E. Main Street Frankfort, KY 40621 502-564-7610 Foster Grandparents of Louisville - Jefferson County CAA Judy Wilson 1018 S. 7th Street Louisville, KY 40203 502-585-1631 Foster Grandparents of Owensboro Cindy Ferrell 1800 W. 4th St., P0 Box 630 Owensboro, KY 42302 502-686-1626 Galilean Home Ministries Jeny Tucker P0 Box 880 Liberty, KY 42539 606-787-5120 Gateway Home Health Agency Carol Richardson 125 Foxglove Drive Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 606-498-5199 Health Department Home Health Agency Whitley County Carol Ball, MSW North 2nd St., P0 Box 147 Williamsburg, KY 40769 606-549-3380 Highlands Community Ministries Adult Day Center Shirley Ackerman 2000 Douglass Blvd. Louisville, KY 40205 502-459-4887 PAGENO="0065" 57 Home Health Agency Cumberland Valley District Rhonda Moore P0 Box 250 McKee, KY 40447 606-287-8421 Home Health Agency Franklin County Rosie Mikivacic, R.N. #5 Physicians Park Frankfort, KY 40601 502-564-7383 Home Health Agency Johnson Magoffin Company Anna Bowen, R.N. P0 Box 111 Paintsville, KY 41240 606-789-2596 Home Health Agency Kentucky River District Health Department Renee Blair 400 Gorman Hollow Hazard, KY 41701 606-439-2361 Home Health Agency Livingston County Hospital Inc Linda Odom Highway 60 East, P0 Box 138 Salem, KY 42078 502-988-2299 249 Home Health Agency North Central District MaIy Ann Bright, R.N. P0 Box 358 New Castle, KY 40050 502-845-2761 Home Health Agency Wedco District Lynn Whitker 525 High Street, Suite 301 Paris, KY 40361 606-987-7413 Home and Health Care Services Tanya Robinson P0 Box 7566 Louisville, KY 40257-0566 502-893-0356 Hospice of Bluegrass Gretchen Brown 1105 Nicholasville Road Lexington, KY 40503 606-276-5344 Hospice, Inc-Jessamine County Susan Swinford 3075 Main, P0 Box 873 Nicholasville, KY 40356 606-887-2696 Kimberly Quality Care Ann Woodard 4010 Dupont Circle, Suite 275 Louisville, KY 40207 502-893-8888 35-578 - 90 - 3 PAGENO="0066" 58 Knox County Health MEPCO Home Health Agency Department Marylou Whitt Home Health Agency P0 Box 906 Phyllis Mason Richmond, KY 40475 Liberty Street, P0 Box 897 606-623-3441 Barbourville, KY 40906 606-546-3486 Medical Personnel Pool Marilyn Robinson Lake Cumberland Home Health 1051 Red Mile Agency, Inc. Lexington, KY 40504 Stella Creel, R.N. 606-231-0801 310 Langdon St., P0 Box 1149 Somerset, KY 42501 606-679-7439 Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Seven Counties Services Lifeline Health Care of Donna Burks Kentucky 3717 Taylorsville Rd., Suite 222 Donna Hammer Louisville, KY 40220 1230 Ashley Circle 502-459-5292 Bowling Green, KY 42101 800-999-2321 502-781-0702 Mental Health/Mental Retardation Board Ron Bixler Lifeline Health Care of 822 Woodway Dr. Kentucky, Inc. - III P0 Box 9849 Donna J. Hammer Bowling Green, KY 42102 West 9th St., P0 Box 715 502-842-2696 Russellville, KY 42276 502-726-2408 Mental Health/Mental Retardation Board, Inc. Lifeline Home Health Care Cumberland River Greg Speck Vivian Zehr 600 Clifty Road P0 Box 568 Somerset, KY 42501 Corbin, KY 40702 606-679-4100 606-528-7010 Lourdes Home Care Jim Rierglein 2850 Lone Oak Paducah, KY 42001 502-554-3911 PAGENO="0067" 59 Mountain Comprehensive Care Regional Mental Health/ Center Mental Retardation Board, Inc. Terrie A. Harris-Back Western Kentucky 18 S. Front Street Cheryl Murray Prestonburg, KY 41653 1530 Lone Oak, P0 Box 7287 606-886-8572 59 Paducah, KY 420002-7287 502-442-7121 NCJW Parkside Senior Adult Center Short Long Term Residential Mary Hale, MSW Care 2101 Ellerbe Susan Bevaul Louisville, KY 40205 11 Spiral Drive, Suite 1 502-458-9711 Florence, KY 41042 606-525-8288 Nazareth Community Health Services St. Anthony's Hospice Sue Greenwell Rebecca Curry P0 Box 47 700 N. Elm Nazareth, KY 40048 Henderson, KY 42420 502-348-1585 502-826-2326 Nursefinders, Inc. St. Claire Medical Center Avram Levine Home Health Agency 274 Southland, P0 Box 205 Janet Shrout, R.N. Lexington, KY 40503 222 Medical Circle 606-276-1417 Morehead, KY 40351 606-784-8403 Nurses Registry & Home Health Corporation Sunshine Center Laurel Hawley, MSW 409 W. Broadway 607 S. Broadway Frankfort, KY 40601 Lexington, KY 40508 502-875-3495 606-255-4411 TJ. Samson Home Health Pathways, Inc. Agency Greg Brown Wanda Humphrey, R.N. P0 Box 790 North Race St., P0 Box 257 Ashland, KY 41105-0790 Glasgow, KY 42141 606-324-1141 502-651-4430 PAGENO="0068" 60 The Family Place 982 E. Parkway Louisville, KY 40217 502-636-2801 The Nest 530 N. Limestone Lexington, KY 40508 606-252-7488 Three Rivers Home Health Agency Susan Stevens Route 5, P0 Box 16A Owenton, KY 40359 502-484-3412 Upjohn Health Care Services Vicki Simmons 950 Brecinridge Lane Louisville, KY 40207 502-895-4213 Upjohn Health Care Services Cindy Pence 2670 Chancellor Dr., Suite 240 Crestview Hifis, KY 41017 606-331-5800 Visiting Nurses Association of Louisville Robert Liversidge, Executive Director 101 West Chestnut Louisville, KY 40202 502-584-2456 PAGENO="0069" LOUISIANA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Williard L. Labrie 626 Main, 102 Baton Rouge, LA 70801 FTS-687-0471 Alexandria Mental Health Center Tommy Davis, MSW, Program Manager P0 Box 7473 Alexandria, LA 71306 318-487-5611 Association for Retarded Citizens 900 North Third Monroe, LA 71202 318-387-7817 Association for Retarded Citizens/G.N.O. 5700 Loyola Avenue New Orleans, LA 70115 504-897-0134 Camp Fire - Big River Council Betty Niven, Executive Director 4874 Constitution Baton Rouge, LA 70808 504-275-1824 Camp Fire - Greater New Orleans S. (Boots) Provensal, Field Service Director 3939 N. Causeway Blvd., Suite 101 Metairie, LA 70002 504-834-2700 Camp Fire - Sowela Council Vicki Rigsby, Program Services Director 2126 Oak Park B Lake Charles, LA 70601-7896 318-478-6550 Department of Health/Human Services - Division of Children, Youth and Families Office of Community Services Terry Gibson, Administrative Program Section P0 Box 3318 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 504-342-4011 Developmental Disabilities Council of Louisiana Anne Farber, Executive Director P0 Box 3455, Bin 14 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 504-342-6804 (61) PAGENO="0070" 62 Easter Seal Society - Louisiana Foster Grandparents 4937 Hearst Plaza of Pinecrest P0 Box 8425 Richard Graalman Metairie, LA 70011 P0 Box 5191 504-455-5533 Pineville, LA 71361 318-640-0754 Foster Grandparents of Baton Rouge Health & Human Resources Deborah Carter Mental Retardation 18005 Acadian Jeny J. Vincent, Deputy Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Assistant Secretary P0 Box 3117 Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3117 Foster Grandparents 504-342-0095 of Caddo County Neva Jones 4015 Greenwood Health & Human Services Shreveport, LA 71109 Office of Community Services 318-632-2090 Children, Youth, & Families Sue Stieb, Project Director P0 Box 3318 Foster Grandparents Baton Rouge, LA 70821 of Hammond State School 504-342-9926 Sandra Cavalier 501 State School Hammond, LA 70401 Mental Health Association of 504-567-2526 Louisiana Jo M. Pine, PhD, CASSP Coordinator Foster Grandparents P0 Box 4049 of Lafayette Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Delores Kidder 504-342-2540 105 W. Congress Lafayette, LA 70501 318-236-7037 NO YWCA 601 5. Jefferson Davis Pkwy. New Orleans, LA 70119 Foster Grandparents 504-482-9922 of New Orleans Doris Lala 1231 Prytania New Orleans, LA 70130 504-523-3755 PAGENO="0071" Office of Mental Health Division of Special Programs Martha G. Forbes, ACSW, Director P0 Box 4049 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 504-342-2540 Project H.E.LP Glenda A. Signonno 7100 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70118 Social Services Children, Youth, & Families Shirley Goodwin, Director 1967 N. Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 504-342-4011 United Cerebral Palsy SW Louisiana 5200 N.E. Road Monroe, LA 71202 318-387-4560 63 PAGENO="0072" PAGENO="0073" / MAINE RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Thomas E. Endres, Director U.S. Courthouse 76 Pearl Street, #305 Portland, ME 04101 207-780-3414 American Red Cross Respite Care for Families with Handicaps - Pine Tree Chapter Ralph Button Pamela Jefsen, Chapter Mgr. 33 Mildred Avenue Bangor, ME 04401 207-941-2903 Bangor District Nursing Association, Inc. Helen Genco, Administrator/Director 268 State Street Bangor, ME 04401 207-947-0589 Camp Fire - Hitinowa Council Michael Bowen 336 Black Point Scarborough, ME 04074 207-883-8977 Department of Mental Health & Mental Retardation Bureau of Children with Special Needs Robert Durgan, PhD, Director 411 State Heath Station #40 Augusta, ME 04333 207-289-4250 Foster Grandparents Bureau of Elder and Adult Services Doris Russell 1 Amherst St., SHS #11 Augusta, ME 04333 207-289-2561 Foster Grandparents of Portland Neighborhood Martha Elkus, Director 284 Danforth St. Portland, ME 04102 207-773-0202 Department of Human Services Bureau of Child and Family Services Peter Walsh, Director 221 State St., SHS #11 Augusta, ME 04333 207-289-2971 Maine Respite Project Susan Failing 159 Hogan Road Bangor, ME 04401 207-941-4400 (65) PAGENO="0074" School Administration District #22 Sue Putman, Special Services Coordinator Main Road, P0 Box 279 Hampden, ME 04444 207-862-3255 United Cerebral Palsy NE Maine Ruth Shook, Executive Director 103 Texas Avenue Bangor, ME 04401 207-941-2885 66 PAGENO="0075" MARYLAND RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office for Maryland & Delaware Jerry Yates 31 Hopkins P1., P0 Box 1125 Baltimore, MD 21201 FTS-922-4443 Association for Retarded Citizens - Montgomery County Marilyn Johnson 11600 Nebel Street Rockville, MD 20852 301-984-5777 Camp Fire Potomac Area Council Barbara La Posta 8737 Colesville Road, Suite 300 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-495-7833 Court Appointed Special Advocate Paula Sayag, Director 50 Monroe, Suite B-06 Rockville, MD 20850 301-340-7458 Department of Health Office of Child and Adolescent Services John E. Myhill, PhD, CASSP Director 201 W. Preston Baltimore, MD 21201 301-225-6649 Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Developmental Disabilities Administration Lois Meszaros, PhD, Director 201 W. Preston Street Baltimore, MD 21201 301-225-5600 Department of Human Resources 1100 N. Eutaw Street Baltimore, MD 21201 301-333-0988 Eastern Shore Hospital Center Sally Dolch, CASSP Regional Director POBox 800 Cambridge, MD 21613 301-228-0800 454 Foster Grandparents of Arundel County Brenda L. Jones 101 Crane Highway NW Glen Burnie, MD 21061 301-222-6837 Foster Grandparents of Baltimore Clarice Brooks 1301 Park Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 301-669-2144 (67) PAGENO="0076" 68 Foster Grandparents - Department of Juvenile Services Administration Ola Jackson 2500 Eutaw Place Baltimore, MD 21217 301-333-7493 Foster Grandparents of Shore Up! Inc. Christel Wilson 520 Snow Hill Road Salisbury, MD 21801 301-749-1142 Foster Grandparents of Prince George's County Ruby Peyton 5012 Rhode Island Hyattsville, MD 20781 301-699-2666 Human Resources/Social Services Child Protective Services Laura Skaff, Project Director 311 W. Saratoga Baltimore, MD 21201 301-333-0221 Human Resources/Social Services Myra White-Gray, Project Director 311 W. Saratoga Baltimore, MD 21201 301-333-0212 Kennedy Institute of Handicapped Children 707 N. Broadway Baltimore, MD 21205 301-550-9000 Mental Health Association Montgomery County Sandra Schwartz, Director 10920 Connecticut Avenue Kensington, MD 20895 301-949-1255 Regional Center Infants and Young Children Serena Wieder, Director 11710 Hunters Lane Rockville, MD 20852 301-984-4444 Social Services Administration Ellen Rubin 311 W. Saratoga St., 5th Floor Baltimore, MD 21201 301-333-0173 Social Work Department Salisbury State University Marvin Tossey, PhD, Chairman 1101 Camden Avenue Salisbury, MD 21801 301-543-6304 United Cerebral Palsy Montgomery County Patricia Salapka, Executive Director 6110 Executive Blvd. Rockville, MD 20852 301-762-6379 PAGENO="0077" United Cerebral Palsy Central Maryland Patricia Sandusky, Executive Director 31 Walker Ave. Baltimore, MD 21208 301-484-4544 69 PAGENO="0078" PAGENO="0079" MASSACIIUSE11~S RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Department of Public Health Ma! Coles (Mr.) Recruiting Project 12 Causeway, P0 Box 473 D. Ragan, Project Director Boston, MA 02222 150 Tremont 617-565-7019 Boston, MA 02111 617-727-2700 Autism Services Association Joe! Smith Developmental Disabilities 99 School Street Council Weston, MA 02193 Jo Bower, Associate Planner 617-891-9386 600 Washington Street BOston, MA 02111 617-727-6374 Camp Fire Central Massachusetts Council Sonia Dobson Foster Grandparents 71 Elm of Boston Area Worcester, MA 01609 Edith Stein 508-753-5398 178 Tremont Boston, MA 02111 617-357-6000 Child-Adolescent Services Department of Mental Health Joan Mikula, Assistant Foster Grandparents Commissioner of Coastline Elderly 24 Fansworth Libby Robert Boston, MA 02210 888 Purchase St., Room 310 617-727-9850 New Bedford, MA 02740 617-997-5425 Department of Mental Retardation Foster Grandparents Family Support Services of Springfield Casey Seamen, Director Loretta Starr 160 N. Washington 756 State Street Boston, MA 02114 Springfield, MA 01109 617-727-5608 413-739-7211 (71) PAGENO="0080" 72 HMO-Child/Adolescent Mental Health Project Stephen Antler, PhD, CASSP Project Director 132 Naples Road Brookline, MA 02146 617-277-0161 Human Services Research Institute Valarie Bradley, Director 2336 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02140 617-876-0426 Mount Tom Institute for Human Services Donna Sroka 507 Appleton Street Holyoke, MA 01040 413-536-5473 Office For Children Gailanne Reeh, Commissioner 10 W. Street Boston, MA 02111 617-727-8900 Office of Human Services SOcial Services Marie Matava, Commissioner 150 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02114 617-727-0900 Social Services Control Office, Special Projects Linda Spears 150 Causeway Boston, MA 02114 617-727-0900 Sommerville Mental Association, Inc. Carol Silva, CASSP Coordinator 63 College Avenue Sommerville, MA 02144 617-623-3278 Temporaiy Care Services, Inc. Heather Hall P0 Box 542 Cambridge, MA 02238 617-492-4630 Visiting Nurses Association of South Shore George Laban, CEO 400 Franklin St., P0 Box 334 Braintree, MA 02184 617-843-0947 Visiting Nurses Association of Greater Lynn Doris Henry, President/CEO 16 City Hall Square Lynn, MA 01901-1003 617-598-2454 Visiting Nurses Association of North Shore Susan Comparone, President/CEO 5 Hutchison Drive Danvers, MA 01923 508-777-6100 PAGENO="0081" ACTION State Program Office Stanley Stewart 231 W. Lafayette, Room 658 Detroit, MI 48226 313-226-7848 Camp Fire - North Oakland Margie Williams, Executive Director 50 Wayne Street Pontiac, MI 48342 313-338-4036 Camp Fire - Tawanka Council 502 W. Elm Avenue Monroe, MI 48161 313-241-6889 Camp Fire of Eaton County Sherri Crandell, President 147 5. Cochran, P0 Box 52 Charlotte, MI 48813 517-543-4520 Lansing Area Parents Respite Project Judy Wagner 918 Southland Lansing, MI 48910 517-393-0305 Child Abuse Prevention Services Lizbeth Leesen, Executive Director 300 N. Washington Square Suite 51 Lansing, MI 48933 517-484-2610 Community Mental Health Board Kenneth Slater, Supervisor 838 Louisa Street Lansing, MI 48911 517-394-5100 Michigan Department of Mental Health Division of Children's Services Paul D. Vander Velde, Director 320 Walnut Blvd. Lansing, MI 48913 517-373-0451 Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council Elizabeth Ferguson, Executive Director Lewis Cass Building, 6th Floor Lansing, MI 48913 517-373-0341 Easter Seal Society of Michigan 4065 Saladin Drive Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616-942-2081 MICHIGAN RESPITE CARE RESOURCES* (73) PAGENO="0082" 74 Foster Grandparents Foster Grandparents of of Branch & Calhoun Counties Muskegon & Newago Counties Karl Masters-Kelly Val Dozeman 11 S. Hudson 290 Monroe Coidwater, MI 49036 Muskegon, MI 46441 517-278-2351 616-722-2226 Foster Grandparents Community Service Agency of of Eight-CAP, Inc. Northeast Michigan Rose Jones Marlene Pear 904 Oak Drive Turk Lake 2373 Gordon Road Greenville, MI 48838 Alpena, MI 49707 616-754-9315 517-356-3474 Foster Grandparents Foster Grandparents of Grand Rapids of Oakland County Peggy Burns Janet Hunter 516 Cherry SE 5770 Highland Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Pontiac, MI 48054 616-456-6135 313-333-3705 Foster Grandparents Foster Grandparents of Lenawee County of St. Clair County Tom MacNaughton Marie Aline Irvine 1040 S. Winter 1321 8th Street Adrian, MI 49221 Port Huron, MI 48060 517-264-5280 313-987-8813 Foster Grandparents of Foster Grandparents of Livingston, Eaton, & Ingham St. Joseph Counties Michele Kossack do COMSB 2919 Division Alysón Burwell St. Joseph, MI 49085 715 W. Willow 616-983-7058 Lansing, MI 48913 517-482-7611 Foster Grandparents of Washtenaw County Mignon Walls 425 Main Street Ann Arbor, MI 48107 313-996-3088 PAGENO="0083" 75 Foster Grandparents Pediatric Intensive Care of Wayne & Macomb Counties Sparrow Hospital Genevieve Rakocy Stephen Guertin, Director 9851 Hamilton 1215 E. Michigan. Detroit, MI 48202 P0 Box 30480 313-883-2100 Lansing, MI 48909 517-483-2117 Foster Grandparents Menominee-Delta Schoolcraft Office of Child & Youth Molly Cassidy Services 507 First Avenue N. . L Annette Abrams, Director Escanaba, MI 49829 235 S. Grand Ave. 906-786-7080 P0 Box 30037 Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-4506 Foster Grandparents of Thumb Area Michelle Ziel United Cerebral Palsy 429 Montague Respite Subcommittee Caro, MI 48723 Greater Lansing RICC 517-673-4121 Judy Widder, Executive Director 5801 5. Washington Lansing, MI 48911 Foster Grandparents Program 517-887-0100 Isabella County, Commission on Aging Louise Booker Visiting Nurse Services and 3480 5. Isabella Visiting Nurse Hospice Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Greater Lansing 517-772-0748 Susan Hamm, President 4801 Willoughby, #7 Holt, MI 48842 In Home Help 517-694-8300 P.O Box 240 Grawn, MI 49637 616-943-4020 Visiting Nurse - Home Care Services, Inc. Michigan 4C Assn.-Community Nancy McCarthy, Executive. Coordinated Child Care Director J. Mark Sullivan, Executive 1415 Leahy Street Director Muskegon, MI .49442 2875 Northwind, Suite 200 616-726-5025 East Lansing, MI 48823 517-351-4171 PAGENO="0084" 76 Visiting Nurse Services of Southern Michigan Sally Whitten, Executive Director 311 E. Michigan, #200 Battle Creek, MI 49017-4939 616-962-0303 Visiting Nurse Association of Southeast Michigan Rebecca Pott, President and Chief Executive Officer 7700 Second Avenue Detroit, MI 48202 313-876-8506 Visiting Nurse Services of Western Michigan Sharon Buursma, Executive Director 1401 Cedar N.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-774-2702 Visiting Nurse Association of Southwest Michigan Jill Eldred, President 348 N. Burdick Street Kalamazoo, MI 49007 616-343-1396 Visiting Nurse Association of Huron Valley Nadine Nelson, President 3983 Research Park Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108-7519 313-668-0333 PAGENO="0085" MINNESOTA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Peter Marks 212 3rd S., #126 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-784-4083 Association for Retarded Citizens - Hennepin County Pam Argus 2344 Nicollet Minneapolis, MN 55404 612-874-6650 Camp Fire - Minneapolis Council Julie Stevenson, Training Director 4100 Vernon Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55416 612-925-0205 Child/Adolesceüt Services Mental Health Division Joan Sykora, Director 444 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155-3828 612-296-2710 Council on Disability Minnesota State Tom Brick, Information Specialist 145 Metro Square Building St Paul, MN 55101 612-297-2029 Department of Human Services Community Social Services Division Ron Abato 444 Lafayette, Human Services Bldg. St. Paul, MN 55155-3839 612-297-2673 Department of Human Services Division for Persons With Developmental Disabilities Shirley Schue, Director 444 Lafayette Rd, 2nd Floor N. St. Paul, MN 55155-3825 612-297-1241 Foster Grandparents BRHSC Ann Bowman 1777 Highway 18 E. Brainerd, MN 56401 218-828-2354 Foster Grandparents Cambridge RegionaF~Center 1235 Highway 293 Ardis Evans Cambridge, MN 55008 612-689-2121 Foster Grandparents at Gilfillian Center Elaine Haugen P0 Box 744 Bemidji, MN 56601 218-751-6553 (77) PAGENO="0086" Foster Grandparents at Homeward Bound Constance Jenkins 4741 Zealand Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55428 612-535.6171 Foster Grandparents Of Catholic Charities Diane Jensen 1726 S. 7th St. Cloud, MN 56301 612-251-8811 Foster Grandparents of Rochester Alice Plumb 1805 7th St. S.W. Rochester, MN 55902 507-289-2735 Foster Grandparents at Dakota's Children, Inc. Laurel Shiely, Director 400 W. Marie West St. Paul, MN 55118 612-455-1286 Foster Grandparents at Fairbault Regional Center Ben Prange (Mrs.) 802 Circle Drive Fairbault, MN 55021 507-332-3000 Foster Grandparents at Fergus Falls State Hospital Deb Graff, Coordinator P0 Box. 157 Fergus Falls, MN 56538-0157 218-739-7200 78 Foster Grandparents at Glacial Ridge Training Center Paula Brandt Willniar State Hospital P0 Box 1128 Wilimar, MN 56201 Foster Grandparents at Home for Creative Living Rita Schmidt 108 9th Street Windom, MN 56101 507-831-5033 Foster Grandparents at Moose Lake State Hospital Mary Lindgren 1000 Lake Shore Drive Moose Lake, MN 55767 218-485-4411 Foster Grandparents at State Training School Eileen Welsch P0 Box 45 Red Wing, MN 55066 Foster Grandparents at Tn-Valley Opportunity Angele Burlingame 102 N. Broadway Crookston, MN 56716 218-281-5832 PAGENO="0087" Foster Grandparents at Wadena County Health Department Marge Kesler 415 S. Jefferson Wadena, MN 56482 218-631-1344 Senior Companion Program MNARC John Pribyl 3225 Lyndale Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-827-5641 79 PAGENO="0088" PAGENO="0089" MISSISSIPPI RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Foster Grandparents Arthur Brown, III, Director of Lafayette County 100 W. Capital, Room 1005A Arledia Bennett Jackson, MS 39269 P0 Box 967 601-965-5664 Oxford, MS 38655 601-234-1476 Association for Retarded Foster Grandparents Citizens - Jones County of Lauderdale County P0 Box 1233 Debi K. Kreutz Arcade Bldg., Central Avenue do East Mississippi State Laurel, MS 39441 Hospital 601-426-2944 P0 Box 4128, West Station Meridian, MS 39302 601-482-6186 Department of Health Children's Medical Program Sam Valentine, Director Foster Grandparents of Felix Underwood Jones County P0 Box 1700 do Ellisville State School Jackson, MS 39215-1700 Jean H. Breland 601-960-7613 Highway 11 S.E. Ellisville, MS 39437 601-477-9384 Department of Mental Health Division of Children & Youth Services Department of Human Services Brenda Scafidi Office for Children~ and Youth 1101 Robert E. Lee Jane Emling Jackson, MS 39201 421 West Pascagoula St. 601-359-1288 Jackson, MS 39203 601-960-4281 Foster Grandparents Department of Human Services of Hinds & Rankin Counties Division Social Services Hudspeth Retardation Center Yolanda Diaz, Director Respite Penny Corn Care Program P0 Box 127-B P0 Box 352 Jackson, MS 39193 Jackson, MS 39205 601-939-8640 601-354-6665 (81) PAGENO="0090" PAGENO="0091" MISSOURI RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office John McDonald 911 Walnut, P0 Box 1701 Kansas City, MO 64106 FTS-867-5256 Camp Fire - Ozarks Council 330 E. Walnut Springfield, MO 65806 417-869-2844 Department of Mental Health Children & Youth Services Linda Roebuck, CASSP Coordinator 1706 E. Elm, P0 Box 687 Jefferson City, MO 65101 314-751-9482 Department of Social Services Division of Children's Services Richard Matt, Deputy Director Broadway Bldg., P0 Box 88 Jefferson City, MO 65103 314-751-2981 Foster Grandparents Program Bi-County Services Alice J. Jones, Director 1923 Main, P0 Box 127 Higginsville, MO 64037 816-584-7421 Foster Grandparents of Central Missouri Counties Ann Gilchrist, Director Human Development Corp. P0 Box 1038 Columbia, MO 63205 314-443-8706 Foster Grandparents of Kansas City~ MO Brenda McDaniel, Director 414 E. 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 816-274-2253 Foster Grandparents of Lewis County Janis VanMeter P0 Box 52 Lewiston, MO 63452 314-497-2746 Foster Grandparents of Sikeston Jolene Walker, Director 307 Cresap Sikeston, MO 63801 314-471-8676 Foster Grandparents of Springfield Elsie Hawkins, Project Director 1451 E. Pythian Springfield, MO 65802 417-864-3420 (83) PAGENO="0092" 84 Foster Grandparents of St. Louis Charles B. McLaughlin, Director 4483 Lindell St. Louis, MO 63108 314-652-3600 Judavine Center for Autistic Children Kathy Striley, Respite Coordi- nator 9455 Rott Road St. Louis, MO 63127 314-849-4440 Department of Mental Health/Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Joann Leykam, Acting Director 1706 E. Elm, P0 Box 687 Jefferson City, MO 65102 314-751-4054 United Cerebral Palsy Greater St. Louis Dennis Costello, Executive Director 8645 Old Bonhomme St. Louis, MO 83122 314-725-0901 University of Missouri - KC Institute of Human Development Carl Calkins, Director 2220 Holmes Street Kansas City, MO 64108-2676 816-276-1770 Visiting Nurses Association of Central Missouri Lydia Coad, Executive Director 800 N. Providence, Suite 5 Columbia, MO 65201 314-449-0005 Visiting Nurses Association of SW Missouri Suzanne Dollar, Executive Director 531 South Union Springfield, MO 65802 417-866-4374 Visiting Nurses Association of S.E. Missouri Larry Campbell, Executive Director 100 Harrison, P0 Box 805 Kennett, MO 63857 314-888-5892 Visiting Nurses Association of Greater Kansas City Rich Roberson, Executive Director 527 West 39th Street Kansas City, MO 64111 816-531-1200 Visiting Nurses Association Health Care Group Susan Petit, President 1129 Macklind Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63110 314-533-9680 PAGENO="0093" MONTANA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Foster Grandparents of Helena Joseph Lovelady Linda Kelly-Nolan 301 S. Park, Room 192 201 Last Chance Gulch Helena, MT 59626 P0 Box 1717 406-449-5404 Helena, MT 59624 406-442-1552 Cascade Foster Grandparents Nancy J. Wilson Foster Grandparents of 1601 2nd Avenue N. St.Vincent Hospital & Health Great Falls, MT 59401 Center 406-761-1919 Sr. Georgeanne Desch P0 Box 35200 Billings, MT 59107 Department of Institutions 406-657-7106 Mental Health Administrator Robert Anderson 1539 Eleventh Avenue Helena, MT 59620 406-444-3907 Department of Family Services Tom Olsen, Director P0 Box 8005 Helena, MT 59604 406-444-5900 Foster Grandparents Missoula Aging Services Ann Cook 227 W. Front Missoula, MT 59802 406-728-7682 (85) PAGENO="0094" PAGENO="0095" NEBRASKA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Department of Public Anne Johnson Institutions 100 Centennial Mall N, Office of Mental Retardation Suite 156 Region V Lincoln, NE 68508 David Merrill, Director 402-437-5493 2202 S. 11th Street Lincoln, NE 68502 402-471-4400 Camp Fire - Lincoln Council Sunny Richardson 4600 Valley Road, Suite 311 Department of Public Lincoln, NE 68510 Institutions 402-483-7771 Office of Mental Retardation Cathy Anderson, Director P0 Box 94728 Cedars Home for Child Lincoln, NE 68509 Development 402-471-2851 Lee Ann Johnson 6601 Pioneers Blvd. 110 Ruth Leverton Hall Department of Social Service Lincoln, NE 68506 Deb Thomas, Director 402-488-4067 301 Centennial Mall 5, 5th P0 Box 95026 Lincoln, NE 68509-5026 Child Saving Institute 402-471-3121 Andrea Kuhn 115 S. 46th Street Omaha, NE 68132 Department of Social Services 402-553-6000 Statewide Central Administrative Office Department of Public Lois Perlman, Specialist Institutions - Office of Mental 301 Centennial Mall South Health/Mental Retardation Lincoln, NE 68509-5026 Patricia Urzadowski 402-471-9220 State Capitol P0 Box 94728 Lincoln, NE 68509-4728 402-471-2851 (87) PAGENO="0096" 88 Family/Medical Support Service Nebraska Developmental Eastern Nebraska Community Disability Council Office of Retardation Mary Gordon, Staff Director Central Office, Region VI P0 Box 95007 Nancy Cahill, Director Lincoln, NE 68509 885 S. 72nd Street 402-471-0143 Omaha, NE 68114 402-444-6500 Nebraska State Department of Social Services Foster Grandparents of Foster Care Recruitment Eastern Nebrasksa 1001 "0" Street Maria Miller Lincoln, NE 68509 885 S. 72nd 402-471-5185 Omaha, NE 68114 402-444-6541 University of Nebraska Medical Foster Grandparents of Center - C. Louis Myer Panhandle Children Rehabilitation Joan Van Horn Institute 4502 Avenue I Bruce Buehler, Director Scottsbluff, NE 69361 600 5. 42nd Street 308-635-3731 Omaha, NE 68198-5450 402~559-7451 Foster Grandparents of Pioneer Visiting Nurses Association of Ellen Kuhns Omaha 3000 Lincoln DeLanne Simmons, Beatrice, NE 68310 President/CEO 402-223-2302 10840 Harney Street Omaha, NE 68154 402-334-1820 Foster Grandparents of Grand Island Darlene F. During P0 Box 1302 Grand Island, NE 68802 308-381-5323 PAGENO="0097" NEVADA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Association for Handicapped Department Human Resources Mike O'Callaghan Handicapped Welfare Division Center Vince Fallon, District Manager Karen Taycher State Mail Complex 6200 West Oakey 700 Beirose Street Las Vegas, NV 89102 Las Vegas, NV 89158 702-870-7050 702-486-5000 Child & Adolescent Mental Department of Health Health Programs Washoe County Northern Nevada Respite Care Program Wilford W. Beck, PhD. P0 Box 11130 2655 Enterprise Reno, NV 89520-0027 Reno, NV 89512 702-328-2400 Foster Grandparents of Child & Adolescent Mental Clark County Health Services Fred Morgan South Nevada 300 Washington Christa Peterson, PhD, Clinic Las Vegas, NV 89106 Director 702-647-1515 6171 W. Charleston Las Vegas, NV 89158 702-486-6190 Foster Grandparents of Northern Nevada Mary Ann Dyer Crisis Home Based Child Care 1155 E. 9th Project Star Reno, NV 89512 Marilyn Walter, Grants Project 702-328-2603 Administrator 480 Galletti Way Sparks, NV 89431 Human Resources 702-789-0284 Social Services April Wilson, Deputy Administrator 505 E. King Street Carson City, NV 89710 702-687-4964 (89) 35-578 - 90 - 4 PAGENO="0098" 90 Mental Hygiene Mental Retardation Division Brian Lahren, Acting Administrator 505 East King St., Rm. 403 Carson City, NV 89710 702-687~5943 United Cerebral Palsy South Nevada Lonnie James, Executive Director 1050 East Sahara, Suite 412 Las Vegas, NV 89104 702-731-3895 University of Nevada Early Childhood Education for the Handicapped Program Nasim DII, Director 4505 Maryland Parkwa~r Las Vegas, NV 89154-3012 702-739-3205 We Can Inc. Working to Eliminate Child Abuse/Neglect Barbara Ballentine, Executive Director 3441 W. Sahara, Suite C-3 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-368-1533 PAGENO="0099" NEW HAMPSHIRE RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Association for Retarded Citizens The Concord Center Christine Nicoletta, Executive Director 10 Ferry St., Box 4 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-9092 Camp Fire - Piscataqua Council Ann Spenser, Field Director 317 Myrtle Street Manchester, NH 03104 603-668-2270 Center of Hope for Developmental Disabilities, Inc. P0 Box 1400 Conway, NH 03818 603-356-6921 Department of Health and Human Services Child Youth Services Bureau of Children Ray Barrett 6 Hazan Drive Concord, NH 03301-6505 603-271-4456 Developmental Services of Strafford County, Inc. 1 Forum Court, Crosby Road Dover, NH 03820 603-749-4015 Easter Seal Society New Hampshire/Vermont Birch Hill Road New Durham, NH 03855 Foster Grandparents of Crotchel Mountain Gina Gomes 650 Elm Street, Room 410 Manchester, NH 03101 603-668-1990 Friends Foster Grandparents William Jarvis 249 Pleasant, P0 Box 1331 Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1193 Lakes Region Community Services Council P0 Box 509 Laconia, NH 03247 603-524-8811 Monadnock Developmental Services, Inc. 106 Roxbury Street Keene, NH 03431 603-352-1304 Northern New Hampshire Mental Health and Development Services, Inc. P0 Box 1000 Conway, NH 03818 603-447-3347 (91) PAGENO="0100" 92 Office of Community Mental Sullivan County Health & Developmental Rehabilitation Center Services RFD 3, Box 305 S. Reid Warren, III, CASSP West Claremont Road Coordinator Claremont, NH 03743 105 Pleasant Street 603-542-8706 Concord, NH 03301 United Developmental Services Philbrook Center for Children 104 Lyme Road & Youth Hanover, NH 03755 Joseph Perry, Superintendent 603-643-5439 121 S. Fruit Street Concord, NH 03301 603-271-5300 University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability Jan Nisbet, Director Region W Area Agency Morrill Hall 44 Warren Street Durham, NH 03824-3595 Concord, NH 03301 603-862-4320 603-225-4153 Visiting Nurses Association Region VI Area Agency of Greater Manchester, Inc. Suite 22, Harris Pond Sarah Hubbard, President 32 D. Webster Hwy., Room 22 194 Concord Street Merrimack, NH 03054 Manchester, NH 03104 603-882-6333 603-622-3781 Region VIII Community William J. Moore Developmental Services Agency Regional Services Portsmouth Circle 132 Titus Avenue Business Center, N-125 Manchester, NH 03103 P0 Box 3058 603-668-5423 Portsmouth, NH 03802-3058 603-436-6111 Region X Community Support Services, Inc. 8 Commerce Drive Atkinson, NH 03811 603-893-1299 PAGENO="0101" NEW JERSEY RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Stanley Gorland 402 E. State St., Room 422 Trenton, NJ 08608 609-989-2243 Bureau of Children's Services Division of Mental Health & Hospitals Joyce B. Wale, MSW, CASSP Coordinator 13 Roszel Road Princeton, NJ 08540 609-777-0744 Department of Human Services Division of Developmental Disabilities Robert B. Nicholas, Ph.D., Director Capitol Center, CN 726 Trenton, NJ 08625 609-292-3742 Edison Habilitation Center Roosevelt Hospital Beverly Gornick 114 Parsonage Edison, NJ 08837 201-321-6800 Foster Grandparents at New Jersey Developmental Center Carol Meyer P0 Box 169 Totowa, NJ 07511 201-256-1700 Foster Grandparents at North Princeton. Developmental Center Marie Eck P0 Box 1000 Princeton, NJ 08540 609-466-1047 Foster Grandparents at Vineland Developmental Joan Achey 1676 E. Landis Ave.. Vineland, NJ 08360 609-696-6000 Foster Grandparents at Woodbine Developmental Center Carol Leming Dehirsch Avenue Woodbine, NJ 08270 609-861-2164 Foster Grandparents at Woodbridge Developmental Center Cathleen McCarthy Rahway Ave., P0 Box 189 Woodbridge, NJ 07095 201-499-5529 Foster Grandparents at New Lisbon Developmental Center. William N. Williams Route 72 New Lisbon, NJ 08064 609-726-1000 Center (93) PAGENO="0102" 94 Foster Grandparents of Huntingdon Development Center Maggi Brousveld CN4220 Clinton, NJ 08809-4220 201-735-4031 Foster Grandparents of Catholic Community Services Roberta Mays, Director 249 Virginia Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07304 201-332-2175 Foster Grandparents of Johnson Research & Training Institute Marie Eck Burlington Road Bordentown, NJ 08505 609-298-2500 Human Services Youth & Family Services Nicholas R. Scalera, Director P0 Box CN717 Trenton, NJ 09625 609-292-6920 Human Services Youth and Family Services Ertha Drayton, Project Director 1 S. Montgomeiy Trenton, NJ 08625 609-984-2851 Respite Care Health Services Nancy Hendrickson, Director 312 Cooper Street Camden, NJ 08101 609-365-7100 SEARCH Day Program Margaret Odom 73 Wickapecko Drive Ocean, NJ 07712 201-531-0422 UMD- University of Medicine & Dentistry Gary W Lamson, Vice President 671 Hoes Lane, P0 Box 1392 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1392 201-463-4338 United Cerebral Palsy Hudson County. Nicola Starita, Executive Director 1005 Washington Hoboken, NJ 07030 201-656-3779 United Cerebral Palsy Monmouth & Ocean Cities Anita Kneeley, Executive Director 1111 Green Grove Road Neptune, NJ 07753 201-222-4741 PAGENO="0103" 95 United Cerebral Palsy Cumberland County Gunilla Martz, Executive Director 313 N. 10th St. Miliville, NJ 08332-3103 609-825-5840 Visiting Nurses Association Homecare/Health Services, Inc. Marianne Czoch, President P0 Box 508 Woodbury, NJ 08096 609-845-0460 Visiting Nurses Association of Morris County Faith Falco-Scott, Administrator 38 Elm Street Morristown, NJ 07960 201-539-1216 PAGENO="0104" PAGENO="0105" NEW MEXICO RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Foster Grandparents of Ernesto Ramos Albuquerque First Interstate Plaza Henrietta Nieto 125 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 2143 714 7th SW Santa Fe, NM 87501 Albuquerque, NM 87102 505-988-6577 Foster Grandparents of Alta Mira Respite Program Carlsbad Barbara Chase Loretta Tyrrell 3201 4th St., NW 506 E. Center Avenue Albuquerque, NM 87107 Carlsbad, NM 88220 505-345-6889 . 505-885-9030 Department of Health and Foster Grandparents of Environment Espanola Division of Developmental Marcia Medina Disabilities P0 Box 3459 FS Steve Dossey, Chief Espanola, NM 87533 1190 St. Francis. P0 Box 968 505-753-9717 Santa Fe, NM 87504-0968 505-8Z7-0200 Foster Grandparents of Chavez County Department of Social Services Dolores Barrera Human Services 1120 S. Grand Paul D. Gonzalez, Roswell, NM 88201 Administrator 505-623-5008 P0 Box 2348 Santa Fe, NM 87504-2348 505-827-8464 Foster Grandparents of Curry-Roosevelt County Merlinda Stella Baca Foster Grandparents of 1100 Community Los Lunas Portales, NM 88130 Nick Carrasco P0 Box 1269 Los Lunas, NM 87031 505-865-9611 (97) PAGENO="0106" 98 Foster Grandparents of Grant County Rose L Sanchez 500 E 18th Street Silver City, NM 88C~2 505-388-3500 Foster Grandparents of Las Vegas Angela Arguello 932 Gallinas St. Las Vegas, NM 87701 505-454-0976 Foster Grandparents of Las Cruces - Condilio Compesiro del Sudoeste Rito Medina (Mr.) 255 W. Hadeley Las Cruces, NM 88005 505-523-2731 Foster Grandparents of Sierra County Ken James 100 Date Street Truth or Consequences, NM 87901 Foster Grandparents of Socorro Odelia C. Tafoya 1410 Ake Street Socorro, NM 87801 505-835-2119 Foster Grandparents of Taos County Diana Miera P0 Box 2449 Taos, NM 87571 505-758-4331 Foster Grandparents of Zuni Margaret M. Dosedo P0 Box 339 Zuni, NM 87327 505-782-5541 Foster Grandparents of the City of Sante Fe Patricia Rodriquez 1121 Alto P0 Box 909 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-984-6869 PAGENO="0107" NEW YORK RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office for the New York City Area Bernard Conte, State Director 6 World Trade Ctr., Suite 758 New York, NY 10048 212-466-4471 ACTION State Program Office Carolyn Whitlock, State Program Specialist 445 Broadway, Room 103 Albany, NY 12207 518-472-3664 ARC In-Home Respite Program 415 River Street Troy, NY 12180 518-274-3110 Heritage Centers (formerly Association for Retarded Children) Family Support Unit Association for Retrarded Children - Erie County 101 Oak Street Buffalo, NY 14203 716-856-4201 Beth David Institute Jacob Landman 460 W. 34th Street New York, NY 10001 212-465-8416 Brooklyn Children's Psychiatric Hospital Mildred Breyer, Director, Community Services 681 Clarkson Brooklyn, NY 11203 Brooklyn Children's & Family Services Network Maxwell Manning, ACSW, CASSP Project Manager 16 Court Street, Suite 610 Brooklyn, NY 11241 718-643-7741 Camp Fire - Olean Council Deborah Johnson, Executive Director 924 W. State St., P0 Box 722 Olean, NY 14760 716-372-6196 Camp Fire - Rochester/Monroe 274 N. Goodman, Box K10 Rochester, NY 14607 716-271-0570 New York State Department of Health Bureau of Child and Adolescent Health Barry Sherman, Project Director Room 780 Corning Tower Bldg Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12237 518-474-2749 (99) PAGENO="0108" 100 Dominican Sisters Family Health Services Sr. Virginia Hanrahan, Executive Director P0 Box 1050 Ossining, NY 10562 914-941-1710 National Down Syndrome Society Donna Rosenthal, Executive Director 666 Broadway New Yorlç, NY 10012 212-460~9330 Family Partnership Program Community - Service Society 105 E. 22nd Street New York, NY 10010 212-254-8900 Foster Grandparents Billie Hicks, Director 172 5. Broadway White Plains, NY 10605 914-328-8921 Foster Grandparents of Broome County Office for Aging Jean Smith Governmental Plaza Binghamton, NY 1901 607-778-2411 Foster Grandparents of Capitol District Susan J. Aluer 2331 5th Avenue Troy, NY 12180 518-272-6052 Foster Grandparents of Federation of Organizations Pennie Perryman 400 Montauk West Islip, NY 11795 516-669-5355 Foster Grandparents of Livingston County Livingston County Campus P0 Box Bldg. 1 Mt. Morris, NY 14510 Foster Grandparents of Lutheran Social Services Barbara A. Johnson 715 Falconer Jamestown, NY 14701 716-663-5354 Foster Grandparents of Nassau County Juanita Harvey 250 Fulton Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 516-535-5990 Foster Grandparents of Rockland County Betty Meisler Whitman Bldg. Theills, NY 10984 914-947-1000 PAGENO="0109" 101 Foster Grandparents of Foster Grandparents of New Sunmount York City Joseph LaLonde Amy Metroka Thpper-Saranac Highway 280 Broadway, Room 202 Thpper Lake, NY 12986 New York, NY 10007 518-359-3311 212-577-0371 Foster Grandparents of Foster Grandparents of Oneida P.E.A.C.E., Inc. Antionio Gauther Verne A. Nesbitt 207 N. James Street 800 S. Wilbur Avenue Rome, NY 13440 Syracuse, NY 13204 315-473-5017 Helderberg Respite Care Route 3, Box 133 Foster Grandparents of Altamont, NY 12009 Wayne County 518-456-2463 Annette Hawver 159 Montezuma Street Lyons, NY 14489 Holmes Dale 315-946-0037 Respite Residence 163 Holmes Dale Albany, NY 12208 Foster Grandparents of the 518-459-8525 Bronx Myrna Ramos 1997 Bathgate Avenue NYS Council on Children & Bronx, NY 10457 Families 212-583-0152 Bureau of Research and Information Services Lorraine Noval, Director Foster Grandparents of Buffalo Empire State Plaza, 28th Floor Mimi Ferraro-Smith Albany, NY 12223 525 Washington Street 518-474-8038 Buffalo, NY 14203 716-856-6917 National Down Syndrome Society Foster Grandparents of Lewis Project CHILD Street Center, Inc. Linda Zehnder, Project Director Carolyn Daniels 666 Broadway 120 Ontario New York, NY 10012 Rochester, NY 14605 212-460-9330 716-546-3230 PAGENO="0110" 102 New York Easter Seal Society 845 Central Avenue Albany, NY 12206 518-438-8785 New York Foundling Hospital Crisis Nursery Sue Sawicki 590 6th Avenue New York, NY 10011 212-633-9300 212-472-8555 Help Line New York State Office of Mental Health Caren Craine, MS, CASSP Program Director 44 Holland Avenue Albany, NY 12229 518-473-8394 New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Elm M. Howe, Commissioner 44 Holland Avenue Albany, NY 12229 518-473-1997 Exceptional Family Resources Michaeline Vendetti 731 James St., Suite 302 Syracuse, NY 13203 315-478-1462 Project Time-Out Elizabeth Stern 25 Moor Avenue Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914-666-0908 Residential Opportunities Respite Care 73 Congress Street Cohoes, NY 12407 518-237-9012 Retarded Infant Services 386 Park Ave S. New York~ NY 10016 212-889-5464 Sitter/Companion Respite Program for Developmentally Disabled Children 246 Union Street Schenectady, NY 12305 518-393-1369 New York State Department of Social Services Division of Family and Child Services Joseph Semidei, Deputy Commissioner 40 N. Pearl Street Albany, NY 12243 518-474-9428 United Cerebral Palsy Western New York Duane Schielke, Executive Director 7 Community Road Buffalo, NY 14225 716-894-5399 PAGENO="0111" 103 United Cerebral Palsy United Cerebral Palsy Nassau County Greater Suffolk Salvatore Gullo, Executive Ira Jacobs, Executive Director Director 159 Indian Head Road 380 Washington Avenue Commack, NY 11725 Roosevelt, NY 11575 516-543-5100 516-378-2000 Visiting Nurses As~ociation United Cerebral Palsy in Westchester, Inc. Capitol District Joseph Burns, Executive Gerald Fitzgerald, Executive Director Director 360 Mamaroneck Avenue 314 S. Manning Blvd. White Plains, NY 10605 Albany, NY 12208 914-682-1480 518-489-8336 Visiting Nurses Association United Cerebral Palsy of Western New York Sullivan County Alexine Janiszewski, President Patrick Dollard, Executive 4230 Ridge Lea Road Director Buffalo, NY 14226 P0 Box 440 716-831-8281 Harris, NY 12742 914-794-1400, Ext. 888 Visiting Nurses Association of New York United Cerebral Palsy Carol Raphael, Executive Rockland County Director Paul J. Tendler, Executive 107 E. 70th Street Director New York, NY 10021 260 Little Tor Road, North 212-794-9200 New City, NY 10956 914-634-4648 Visiting Nurse Service Home Care United Cerebral Palsy Carol Odnoha, Registered New York City Nurse Mike Kearns, Director 41-61 Kissena Blvd. 1770 Stillwell Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 Bronx, NY 10469 718-670-8540 212-652-9790 PAGENO="0112" Westchester Community College Self-Help Clearing House Leslie Borck 75 Grasslands Valhalla, NY 10595 914-347-3620 104 PAGENO="0113" NORTH CAROLINA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Alamance Respite - S.T.E.P.S. Deborah Jones 1212 Turrentine St. Burlington, NC 27215 919-222-6566 Association for Retarded Citizens of North Carolina David Richard, Executive Director 16 Rowan St., P0 Box 20545 Raleigh, NC 27619 919-782-4632 Buncombe Arc, Inc. United Way Community Services Center Roxanne Rotondo, Director P0 Box 1365 Asheville, NC 28802 704-253-1255 Cape Fear Respite Home Terry Brown, Director 209 North 16th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 919-343-1884 Catawba County Respite Center Catawba County MHC Barbara Kaliman, Coordinator Fairgrove Church Road P0 Box 339, Route 3 Hickory, NC 28602 704-328-5361 (105) Children & Adolescent Services Department of Mental Health! Mental Retardation!SAS Susan Robinson, CASSP 325 N. Salisbury Raleigh, NC 27603 919-733-0598 Cleveland Respite Program Cleveland Devlopmental Disabilities/Mental Retardation Services Katie Norris, Director 222 Crawford Street (Mail) Shelby, NC 28150 704-481-1337 Community Mental Health Services Administrative Office Ronald Metzger, Executive Director 800-A Fleming Street Hendersonville, NC 28739 704-692-7790 DD Respite Care Olivia Angelo P0 Box 1636 New Bern, NC 28560 919-633-4171 PAGENO="0114" 106 Department of Human Resources Division of Medical Assistance Barbara Matula Director 1985 Umstead Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 919-733-2060 ACTION State Office Ronald Winston, Director 300 Fayetteville Mall P0 Box 2091. Raleigh, NC 27602-2091 919-856-4731 Mental Health Service Center Western Regional Office Pat Sokol Regional Director Building 17 Black Mountain, NC 28711 704-669-3392 Department of Human Resources South Central Regional Office Wachovia Bldg. Terrance Dyer Regional Director 225 Green Street, Suite 504 Fayetteville, NC 28301 919-486-1475 Department of Human Resources - Division of Mental Health/Mental Retardation Substance Abuse Services Richard Parker Assistant Deputy Director 325 N Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27611 919-733-7011 Department of Social Services Family/Children Services Alice Stone, Supervisor 106 Hillcrest Dr., P0 Box 1066 Sanford, NC 27330 919-774-4955 Division of Facility Services Child Daycare Section Council Building Nancy Sampson 701 Barbour Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 919-733-4801 Durham County Respite Velma Johnson Director 2821 Duke Homestead Durham, NC 27701 919-560-7445 Easter Seal In-The-Pines P0 Box 217D Carthage, NC 28327 919-692-8655 Easter Seal Society of North Carolina 2315 Myron Drive Raleigh, NC 27607 919-783-8898 Foothills Respite Program Debbie Lail, Director 101 Poplar Street Morganton, NC 28655 704-584-2122 PAGENO="0115" 107 Foster Grandparents DOA Joan Outlaw 2415 W. Vernon Ave. Kinston, NC 28501 919-559-5100 Foster Grandparents Program Betty Roach P0 Box 2061 Beaufort, NC 28557 919-726-5219 Foster Grandparents of Black Mountain Center Jack St. Clair, Director Old Highway 70 Black Mountain, NC 28711 704-669-3100 Foster Grandparents of Red River Area Wanda L Brooks P0 Box 216 Jefferson, NC 28640 919-246-4542 Foster Grandparents of Wayne County Martha Ray P0 Box 1638 Goldsboro, NC 27533 919-734-1178 Foster Grandparents of Western Carolina Center Carol Stephan, Director 300 Enola Morganton, NC 28655 704-433-2870 Foster Grandparents of Raleigh P0 Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602 919-890-3155 Gaston-Lincoln Respite Program Robert Harris, Director 970 Roberts Drive Gastonia, NC 28052 704-867-8461 Haywood County ARC Respite Service - Professional Bldg. Rita Phillips, Director Route 2, Box 322-C Clyde, NC 28721 704-648-1241 Irene Wortham Respite Program Irene Wortham Center Bruce Fitchett, Director 916 W. Chapel Road P0 Box 5655 Asheville, NC 28803 704-274-7518 Johnston County Respite Program Johnston County MHC Gem Edgeton, Coordinator Highway 210, Route 1 P0 Box 290 Smithfield, NC 27577 919-934-9213 PAGENO="0116" 108 Kendall Center Piedmont Area Respite Claire Emerson, Director Piedmont Area Mental 4015 W. Wendover Avenue Retardation/Developmental Greensboro, NC 27407 Disabilities Services 919-373-7563 Margarette Clegg, Director 47 Spring Street, NW Concord, NC 28025 Mainstay 704-782-2132 Salley Stepp, Executive Director P0 Box 359 Hendersonville, NC 28793 Piedmont Residental 704-693-3840 Development Center Jerry Morton, Director Highway 200, P0 Box 909 Mecklenburg Day Respite Concord, NC 28025 Services 704-788-2304 Meredeth Henry, Director 3127 Kalynne Street Charlotte, NC 28208 Pitt Respite 704-393-5914 Carl Rothrock 1600 E. Greenville Blvd. Greenville, NC 27834 Mitchell County Respite Prog. 919-758-0413 Blue Ridge Center Kim Stewart, Director 123 School Road Project Enlightenment Bakersville, NC 28705 Charles Kronberg, Assistant 704-688-2210 Director 501 5. Boylan Ave. Raleigh, NC 27603 Onslow Respite Care 919-755-6935 Adrcine Alvaraz Director 215 Memorial Drive Jacksonville, NC 28540 Project Keepsafe 919-353-5118 Western Carolina Center Michelle Davis, Director 300 Enola Road Lifegains Morganton, NC 28655 Jack White, Director 704-433-2671 P0 Drawer 1569 Morganton, NC 28655 704-433-0233 PAGENO="0117" 109 Providing Respite Opportuni- ties for People Davidson Area Mental Health! Mental Retardation/SAS Delee Mabe, Director 166 Radio Drive, 5E Lexington, NC 27292 704-242-2440 Respite Care of Lenoir County Benny Conwell 2901 N. Heritage St. Kingston, NC 28501 919-522-1287 Respite Care of Scotland County Debbie Brigman, Director 1224 Biggs Street Lauringburg, NC 28352 919-276-7360 Respite Care, Inc. Beverly Tirsun, Director 249 Billingsley Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704-336-4673 Robeson Company Respite Program Judy Leese, Coordinator Highway 711, P0 Box 2096 Lumberton, NC 28359 919-738-1431 Rockingham Respite Program Marcell Wessel, Director Route 8, P0 Box 702-A Reidsville, NC 27320 919-342-1611 Rowan ARC - Respite Care Teresa Carlton, Director 1500 Stokes Ferry Road POBox 4436 Salisbury, NC 28144 704-637-1521 Smoky Mountain Center Companion Sitter and Respite Service - Smoky Mountain Counseling Center Lynn English, Director WCU, Killian Annex P0 Box 2784 Cullowhee, NC 28723 704-293-9281 Tammy Lynn Center Steve Ramey, Director 739 Chappell Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 919-832-3909 Thomas Rehabilitation Hospital Center for Child Development Arthur Hayes, Medical Director 68 Shitton Creek Road Asheville, NC 28803 704-837-2178 Transylvania County Health Department Community Service Bldg. Mildred Orr, PHN Supervisor Gaston and Morgan Streets Brevard, NC 28712 704-884-3135 PAGENO="0118" 110 Tn-County Industries Respite Janice Joyner 123 Stratford Drive Rocky Mount, NC 27801 919-977-3800 University of North Carolina Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center Albert Collier 105 Smithlevel Road Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8180 919-966-2622 V-W-G-F Respite Program Ann Walker, Director 125 Emergency Road Henderson, NC 27536 919-492-4011 Wake Medical Center Melissa Johnson, Pediatric Psych 3000 New Bern Avenue Răliegh, NC 27610 915-755-8575 Wilson-Greene Respite Care Barbara Bynum 801 S. Tarboro Wilson, NC 27893 919-243-6692 Yáncey County Respite Program Blue Ridge Center Joe Martin, Director 113 Old Highway 19E Bürnsville, NC 28714 704-682-2111 PAGENO="0119" NORTH DAKOTA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health Sam Ismir, Director 600 E. Boulevard Ave. Bismark, ND 58505-0271 701-224-2767 Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Division Sandra Noble 600 E. Boulevard Ave. Bismark, ND 58505-0270 701-224-2768 Foster Parents of Red River Valley John Preston 1407 24th Ave S., Suite 108C Grand Forks, ND 58201 701-746-9411 Respite Care Services Easter Seal Society of North Dakota Marilyn Bender, Director P0 Box 490 Bismark, ND 58502 701-663-6828 (111) PAGENO="0120" PAGENO="0121" 0mb RESPITE CARE RESOURCES. ACTION State Program Office: Association for Retarded Paul Schrader Citizens 85 Marconi, Suite 500 117 W, Church Street Columbus, OH 43215 Newark, OH 43055 614-469-7441 614-345-9793 Adams County Board of Mental Association for Retarded Retardation/Developmental Citizens - Erie County Disabilities 220 Haze Avenue 3964 Wheat Ridge Sandusky, OH 44870 West Union, OH 45693 419-625-9677 513-544-2574 Blanchard Valley Residential Allen County Board of Mental Center Retardation/Developmental 1700 E. Sandusky Disabilities Findlay, OH 45840 Marimor School 419-422-6503 2550 Ada Road Uma, OH 45801 419-221-1262 Brookhill Center Putnamco Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities Ashland County Board of 7989 State Route 108 Mental Retardation/ Ottawa, OH 45875 Developmental Disabilities 419-876-3944 1256 5. Center Ashland, OH 44805 419-289-0470 Camp Fire Central Ohio Dee Covey 2130 Steela Court Association for Retarded Columbus, OH 43215 Citizens of Miami County 614-481-8137 204 E. Franklin Troy, OH 45373 513-339-6222 (113) -7 PAGENO="0122" 114 Champaign County Board of Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities 2200 State Route 68 P0 Box 38205 Urbana, OH 43078 513-653-5214 Clark County - Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities 2527 Kenton Street Springfield, OH 45505 513-328-2675 Cleveland Metropolitan Hospital RSVP of Cleveland Family Friends Sharon Alexander 608 Rockefeller Bldg. 614 Superior Avenue Cleveland, OH 44113 216-621-5220 Clinton County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities P0 Box 870 Wilmington, OH 45177 513-382~7519 Council of Retarded Citizens Franklin County 777 Neil Avenue, Suite B-9 Columbus, OH 43215 614-221-9115 Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities Time Out for Parents 1050 Terminal Cleveland, OH 44113 216-241-8230 Defiance County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities 195 Island Park Ave. Defiance, OH 43512 419-782-6621 Delaware County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities 325 S. Sandusky, Suite 100 Delaware, OH 43015 614-368-1752 Department of Human Services Division of Family Children Services Richard Morgan 30 East Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-2208 Department of Mental Health Bureau of Children's Services Patrick Kanary, Chief 30 E. Broad Street Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-2337 PAGENO="0123" 115 Champaign County Board of Fairfield County Board of Dept. of Human Services Mental Retardationl Office of Program Enhancement Developmental Disabilities Ann Louise Maxwell, Director Family Resource Services 30 East Broad, 30th Floor 1592 Granvifie Pike Columbus, OH 43226 Lancaster, OH* 43130 614-466-8510 614-687-7240 The Easter Seal Society Family Resource Service Break-A-Way Respite Care 2610 Philadelphia Drive 299 Edwards Street Dayton, OH 45405 Youngstown, OH 44502 513-496-7843 216-743-1168 Family Resource Service Easter Seal Society Program Lorain/Huron Counties 155 Donald Drive 43085 N. Ridge Road Fairfield, OH 45014 Elyria, OH 44035 513-867-5965 216-233-8503 Family Resource Services Easter Seal Society of Stark, 1304 Newark Road Summit & Medina Counties Zanesville, OH 43701 Brenda Ritchie 614-453-2283 2604 W. Tuscarawas St. Canton, OH 44708 216-452-5938 Family Resources - Residential Development Division Marion Mental Retardation! Easter Seal Society of Developmental Disabilities Greater Cleveland 2387 Harding Hwy. East 26777 Lorain Road Marion, OH 43302 North Olmsted, OH 44070 614-387-1035 216-734-3380 Fayette County Erie County Board of Mental 733 State Route 41 SW Retardation/Developmental Wash Courthouse, OH 43160 Disabilities 614-335-7948 4405 Galloway Sandusky, OH 44870 419-626-0208 PAGENO="0124" 116 Foster Grandparents of Foster Grandparents of Ohio Cincinnati Department of Mental David Mikkelsen Retardation/Developmental 100 E. 8th Street Disabilities Cincinnati, OH 45202 Patricia Caldwell 513-241-7745 30 E. Broad St., Room 1275 Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-5148 Foster Grandparents of Cleveland Sharyn Davis Foster Grandparents of Senior 3737 Lander Centers, Inc. Cleveland, OH 44124 Louvenia McQueen 216-831-6960 2308 Jefferson Toledo, OH 43624 419-242-9511 Foster Grandparents of Community Action Council Barbara Hellwig Franklin County Board of 380 W. Crosier Mental Retardation! Akron, OH 44307 Developmental Disabilities 216-376-7730 2879 Johnstown Columbus, OH 43219 614-475-6440 Foster Grandparents of Kno-Ho-Co-Cac Lois O'Hara Franklin County Children Sanitorium Road Services Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 Margaret Sandberg, Executive 614-824-3511 Director 1951 Ganz Road Grove City~ OH 43123 Coad, Inc. Foster Grandparents 614-275-2571 Program Rose Marie Thomas 254 Front St., P0 Box 120 Fulton County Board of Mental Marietta, OH 45750 RetardationfDevelopmental 614-373-9420 Disabilities 1210 N. Ottokee Foster Grandparents of Ohio Wauseon, OH 43567 Youth Commission 419-337-4575 Frank Varacalli 51 N. High * Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-4314 PAGENO="0125" 117 Greene County Board of Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities 115 Fairground Xenia, OH 45385 513-372-9974 Guernsey County Board of Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities 60770 Southgate Byesville, OH 43723 614-439-4451 Hardin County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities 705 N. Ida Street Kenton, OH 43326 419-674-4158 Henry County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Family Resource Services J-169 State Route 65 McClure, OH 43534 419-278-3050 Highland County Board of Mental Retardationl Developmental Disabilities Hills & Dale Training Center 8919 U.S. 50 Hilisboro, OH 45133 513-393-4237 Hocking County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities POBox 387 Logan, OH 43138 614-385-6805 Home Health Services of Ashtabula County 3923 Jefferson Rd., P0 Box 920 Ashtabula, OH 44004 216-992-4663 Human Services Program Development Family Child Services David Schwertfager, Chief 30 E. Broad Street Columbus, OH 43266-0423 614-466-2208 Huron County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Christie Lane School 306 S. Norwalk W Norwalk, OH 44857 419-668-8840 Knox New Hope Center-Family Resource Services Earl Cline 1375 Newark Rd., P0 Box 1110 Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 614-397-4657 PAGENO="0126" 118 Lorain County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities 1095 Infirmary Road Elyria, OH 44035 216-329-3734 Madison County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities POBox 88 London, OH 43140 614-852-7052 Medina County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities 3076 Remsen Road Medina, OH 44256 216-336-8444 Meigs County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Family Resource Program 1310 Carleton St., P0 Box 307 Syracuse, OH 45779 614-992-6681 Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities Robert Brown, Director 30 E. Broad Street Columbus, OH 43125 614-466-5214 Morrow County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities Whetstone School & Industries Marsha Carroll 406 Bank Street Mt. Gilead, OH 43338 419-947-7045 National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse Ohio Chapter Susan RUffing, Associate Executive Director 615 Copeland Mill Road Westerville, OH 43081 614-899-4710 Paradise Village 4283 Paradise Road Seville, OH 44273 216-722-1900 Parent to Parent 266 Oldman Road Wooster, OH 44691 216-345-6016 Perry County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities 2235 State Route 13 New Lexington, OH 43764 614-342-5156 Preble County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities 111 S. Barron Street Eaton, OH 45320 513-456-5891 PAGENO="0127" 119 Richiand County Board of St. Rita's Medical Center Mental Retardation/ 730 W. Market Developmental Disabilities Lima, OH 45801 Family Resource Services 419-226-9440 314 Cleveland Avenue Mansfield, OH 44903 419-526.0120 Stark County Board of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities Ross County Board of Mental Family Resource Program Retardation/Developmental 2121 Ashland Disabilities Louisville, OH 44641 Case Management Office 216-875-3347 P0 Box 6194 Chillicothe, OH 45601 614-775-7044 State of Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission Sandusky County Board of Heidi Radde Mental Retardation/ 400 E. Campusview Blvd. Developmental Disabilities Columbus, OH 43235-4604 1001 Castalia 614-438-1270 Fremont, OH 43420 419-332-9296 Time Out for Parents 8 Plaza Drive Scioto County Board of Mental Cleveland, OH 44022 RetardationlDevelopmental 216-247-3401 Disabilities 2619 Gallia Street Portsmouth, OH 45662 Tn-Countiy 614-353-1876 Easter Seal Society 3105 W. Market Akron, OH 45333 Seneca County Opportunity 216-836-9741 Center 780 E. County Road 20 Tiffin, OH 44883 Thrning Point 419-447-7521 94 E. Third Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 Shelby County Board of Mental 614-299-1131 Retardation/Developmental Disabilities P0 Box 258 Sidney, OH 45365 513-498-4565 PAGENO="0128" 120 Tuscarawas County Board of Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities 518 Church Avenue, SW New Philadelphi, OH 44663 216-339-3577 United Cerebral Palsy & Services for the Handicapped Time Out for Me Peggy Arnold 326 Locust Street Akron, OH 44302 216-762-9755 United Cerebral Palsy Metro Dayton Joe Balbasare, Executive Director 722 Valley Street Dayton, OH 45404 513-222~2113 United Home Care Respite Care Program Carol Deem 2400 Reading Road Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-421-0209 Vinton County Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities 112 N. Market McArthur, OH 45651 614-596-5515 Visiting Nurses Association of Cleveland Mary Lou Stricklin, President/CEO 3300 Chester Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114 216-432-0700 Visiting Nurses Association of the Toledo District Lea Stresen-Reuter, Executive Director 1806 Madison, Suite 300 Toledo, OH 43624 419-255-0983 Williams County Board of Mental Retardation! Developmental Disabilities Route 3 Montpelier, OH 43543 419-485-5221 Wyandot County Family Resource Program Angeline School Barb Shumaker 11028 CH44 Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 419-294-4901 PAGENO="0129" OKLAHOMA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office H. Zeke Rodriguez 200 N.W. 5th, Suite 912 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-231-5201 ARC Group Homes, Inc. Ivery Anderson P0 Box 1422 Bartlesville, Ok 74005 918-336-5928 ARC Homelife Association for the Handicapped, Inc. Frances Day P0 Box 35903 Tulsa, OK 74153 918-496-2447 Aid for Individual Development Jerry Cline 2805 North Utah Oklahoma, OK 73107 405-943-2346 Edwin Fair Community Mental Health Center William Hamilton, Executive Director 1500 N. 6th Street (Joy Havens) Ponca City, OK 74601 405-762-7561 (121) Bridge Builders Foundation Betty Zink P0 Box 1519 Bethany, OK 73008 405-789-8311 Caddo County Sheltered Workshop and Act Center Lyndia McMahon P0 Box 804 Anadarko, OK 73005 405-247-7377 Camp Fire - Green Country Council Ron Blanton 5305 E. 41st Street Tulsa, OK 74135 918-663-3443 Carter County Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc. Sandra Eubanks P0 Box 1944 Ardmore, OK 73402 * 405-226-3580 Center of Family Love P0 Box 245 Okarche, OK 73762 405-263-4658 35-578 - 90 - 5 PAGENO="0130" 122 Children's Developmental Center Ben Ferem, Principal 4620 S. Irvington Thisa, OK 74135 918-663-2506 Commission on Children and Youth Thomas Kemper, Director 4545 N. Lincoln, #114 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405-521-4016 Comprehensive Community Services, Inc. Clarence Hammer, Executive Director P0 Box 271078 Oklahoma City, OK 73137-1078 405-495-3757 Council for Developmental Disabilities, Inc. 2227 W. Lindsay, #1500 Norman, OK 73070 405-329-3922 Delaware County Friendship Homes, Inc. Kathy ~early P0 Box 720 Jay, OK 74346 918-253-6032 Department of Human Services Developmental Disability Services Eranell McIntosh-Wilson, Division Administrator Sequoyah Memorial Bldg. P0 Box 25352 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 405-521-3571 Department of Mental Health Oklahoma Youth Center Rock Richardson, CASSP Director 1200 E. Main Street Norman, OK 73071 405-364-9004 Department of Mental Health Youth Community Services Marla Graham, Director Capitol Station, P0 Box 53277 Oklahoma City, OK 73152 405-271-7474 Duncan Group Homes, Inc. Robin Arter P0 Box 291 Duncan, OK 73534 405-252-8000 Edmond ARC Group Homes Belinda Stephens/Nova Cox P0 Box 268 Edmond, OK 73083 405-341-7132 Chisholm Trail Counseling Services John Quinn, Executive Director 1501 Commerce Yukon, OK 73085-1290 405-354-1927 PAGENO="0131" 123 Edmond Public Schools Foster Grandparents of Special Program, Laura Sequoyah Beckham Mitchell Sheffield Administrative Asst. P0 Box 745 1216 South Rankin Tahlequah, OK 74464 Edmond, OK 73034 918-456-0571 405-341-3457 Foster Grandparents of Enid Enid Group Homes, Inc. Susie Daniels Jim Hutchinson 2600 E. Willow P0 Box 2015 Enid, OK 73701 Enid, Ok 73702 405-237-1027 405-242-3031 Foster Grandparents of Hissom Memonal Center Family Mental Health Jim Finnell Center, Inc. Route 4, P0 Box 14 Paul Greever Sand Springs, OK 74063 Executive Director 918-245-5911 2725 E. Skelly Dr., #200 Tulsa, OK 74105-6253 918-749-3030 Fountain House Group Home Debi Sufficool 403 S. Smith St. Foster Grandparents of DELTA Vinita, OK 74301 Community Action 918-256-8534 Kay Stephans 921 Maple Duncan, OK 73533 Francis Tuttle Vo-Tech Center 405-255-3222 12777 N. Rockwell Oklahoma City, OK 73127 405-722-7799 Foster Grandparents of Pauls' Valley Sheila Jacobson Garvin County Community P0 Box 44A Uving Center Pauls' Valley, OK 73035 Cathy Cash 405-238-6401 P0 Box 1119 Pauls Valley, OK 73075 405-238-3773 PAGENO="0132" 124 Gatesway Foundation, Inc. Cleeta Meadows 1217 East College Broken Arrow, OK 74012 918-251-2676 Grace-Harding Homes, Inc. Margaret Coleman P0 Box 506 Lawton, OK 73502 405-248-1814 Great Plains Improvement Foundation, Inc. P0 Bo~ 926 Lawton, OK 73502 405-353-2364 Home of Hope Charlotte McComb P0 Box 903 Vinita, OK 74301 918-256-7825 Department of Human Services, Division of Children and Youth Services Stacy Hall, Div. Administrator P0 Box 25352 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 405-521-4088 Human Services Marilyn Knott, Project Director P0 Box 25352 Oklahoma City~ OK 73125 405-521-2907 KiBois Community Action Foundation, Inc. Natalie Green 423 W. Carl Albert McAlester, OK 74501 918-423-6573 Kiamichi Opportunities, Inc. Pat Chastain P0 Box 802 Hugo, OK 74743. 405-326-8341 Life Inc. Jessie Eubanks P0 Box 1259 Lone Grove, OK 73443 405-657-4676 Logan County Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc. Cindy Kyle P0 Box 1574 Guthrie, OK 73044 405-282-8699 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Western Oklahoma Chapter Darlene Dunn Chapter Director 6051 N Brookline, #126 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405-848-4631 Maximum Potential, Inc. Margaret Paveletich 1241 5 Harvard Tulsa, OK 74112 918-836-0373 PAGENO="0133" 125 McCall's Chapel School, Inc. Eileen Wofford Route 7, Box 232 Ada, OK 74820 405-332-4842 Options, Inc. Donna Garrett 118 NW Main Checotah, OK 74426 918-473-2614 Meadowbrook Acres Center for Independent Living Elizabeth Hoog, Executive Director P0 Box 6953 Moore, OK 73153 405-692-1000 Mid-Del Group Homes, Inc. Ray Walker P0 Box 30033 Midwest City, OK 73140 405-733-3012 ~Mukogee Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc. Marie Skaggs P0 Box 546 Muskogee, OK 74402 918-683-2488 New Horizons Mental Health Services, Inc. Robert Kogan, Executive Director 90 N. 31st St., P0 Box 609 Clinton, OK 73601 405-323-6021 North Oklahoma Mental Health Center Mark Hayes, Executive Director 6300 N. Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-843-9004 Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy Anne Roberts, Executive Director 4030 N. Lincoln, #208 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405-424-8014 Oklahoma Production Center Center for Developmental Disabilities, Inc. Effie Foster PO Box 774 Tahlequah, OK 74465 918-456-1929 Opportunity Center, Inc. 2225 N. Union St. Ponca City, OK 74601 405-765-5701 Positive Reflections, Inc. Dana Baidridge Executive Director Atrium Towers 6441 NW Grand, Suite 103 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 405-843-9114 PAGENO="0134" 126 Project PHASE Children's Developmental Center 4620 S Irvington Tulsa, OK 74135 Sagebrush Workshop, Inc. Tom Baines P0 Box 839 Sayre, OK 73662 405-928-5715 Sand~ Springs Group Home, Inc. P0 Box 398 Sand Springs, OK 74063 918-245-3923 Sapulpa Homes for Adult Retarded Endeavor, Inc. Roger Tweedy P0 Box 503 Sapulpa, OK 74066 918-224-1629 Searchlight Center, Inc. Larry McElreath 700 North Hifi Hobart, OK 73651 405-726-6252 Special Young Adults Grant Featherston 1002 South 5th Chickasha, OK 73018 405-222-1023 Stifiwater Group Homes, Inc. Valerie Donaldson 910 West 11th Stiliwater, OK 74074 405-743-2496 Sunbeam Family Services, Inc. Day Treatment Program 616 NW 21st Oklahoma City, OK 73103 405-528-7721 University of Oklahoma Department of OB/GYN Health Sciences Center John I. Fishburne, Medical Director South Pavilion, RM 700 P0 Box 26901 Oklahoma City, OK 73190 405-271-8787 Visiting Nurses Association Thomasia Duncan, Executive Director 3200 NW 48th St, Suite 4 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 405-848-0125 Weatherford Opportunity Workshop Allan Markum P0 Box 1628 Weatherford, OK 73096 405-772-6388 Woodward Chapter of OARC Bud Cowsert P0 Box 158 Woodward, OK 73802 405-256-9412 PAGENO="0135" OREGON RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Camp Fire - Willamette Doug Cameron P0 Box 2352 511 N.W. Broadway Salem, OR 97308 P0 Box 647 503-581-0478 Portland, OR 97209 503-326-2261 Department of Human Resources Association for Retarded Mental Health Division Citizens- Lane County James Toews, Assistant Pam Ring Administrator 45 W. Broadway, #205 2575 Bittern N.E. P0 Box 5543 Salem, OR 97310 Eugene, OR 97405 503-378-2429 503-343-5256 Children's Services Camp Fire - Portland Area Placement and Permanency Jessie Cox Karen Pierson, Manager 718 W. Burnside 198 Commercial SE Portland, OR 97209 Salem, OR 97310 503-224-7800 503-378-5093 Camp Fire - Umpqua Council Easter Seal Society Liz Emerson Regional Office 2035 N.E. Stephen Medford, OR 97504 Roseburg, OR 97470 503-772-6191 503-673-8277 Easter Seal Society of Oregon Camp Fire - Wilani Council 5757 S.W. Macadam Cindy Jensen Portland, OR 97201-3793 3800 Ferry 503-228-5109 Eugene, OR 97405 503-342-6338 (127) PAGENO="0136" Easter Seal Society of Oregon Respite Resources Donna Hilderbrand, Program Coordinator 820 Crater Lake, Suite 112 Medford, OR 97504 503-772-1343 Foster Grandparents Mental Health Division Developmental Disabilities Programs Barbara Rees 2250 Strong Road S.E. Salem, OR 97310 503-378-5232 Foster Grandparents of Metropolitan Family Services Frank Hales 2281 N.W. Everett Portland, OR 97210 503-228-7238 Foster Grandparents of Umatilla County. John Brenne 1601 Southeast Court Pendleton, OR 97801 503-276-4474 Foster Grandparents Program of Jackson County Bonnie Pickering 33 N. Central, #219 Medford, OR 97501 503-776-2760 128 Human Resources Child Services Jewel Goddard, Administrator 198 Commercial Salem, OR 97310 503-378-4121 Parent's Relief Nursery Judy McEver P0 Box 555 Roseburg, OR 97470 503-673-4354 Portland State University Family Assistance Allies Marilyn McManus, Respite Services Coordinator 1912 S.W. 6th Ave. P0 Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 Relief Nursery - Lane County Valerie Oldham, Program Director 1659 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97401 503-343-97(~ Research/Training Center Portland State University Barbara Freeson, Phi) P0 Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 503-725-4040 Tn-County Respite Care Cheryl Connell 4950 SW Washington Beaverton, OR 97005 503-643-0914 PAGENO="0137" Visiting Nurses Association of Portland Ken Jones, President 2701 N.W. Vaughn, Suite 750 Portland, OR 97210 503-220-1000 129 PAGENO="0138" PAGENO="0139" PENNSYLVANIA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Association for Retarded 2nd & Chestnut, Suite 108 Citizens-Project Time-Out Philadelphia, PA 19106 1001 Brighton Road 215-597-3543 Pittsburgh, PA 15233 412-322-6008 Albert Gallatin VNA. Gerald Shuttlesworth, CEO Association for Retarded 22 5. Main Street Citizens Masontown, PA 15461 305 S. Burrows 412-438-6660 State College, PA 16801 814-238-1444 Allegheny Valley Counseling Center Camp Fire - Greater Pittsburg 402 Mellon Bank Patricia Moran New Kensington, PA 15068 Community/Special Programs 412-337-8855 1945 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219 American Red Cross Respite Care Training Program Camp Fire - Reading Berks SE Pennsylvania Chapter County Council Elaine Eldred, Respite Care Reed & Washington Streets Coordinator P0 Box 1622 23rd and Chestnut Reading, PA 19603-1622 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-374-4937 215-299-4846 Caregiver Program Association for Retarded Family Services & Children's Citizens-Beaver County Aid Society Family Support Services 716 E. Second Street 1260 N. Brodhead, Suite 103 Oil City, PA 16301 Monaca, PA 15061 814-677-4005 412-775-1602 (131) PAGENO="0140" 132 Charles R. Drew Center Diversified Human Services, Inc. Janice Johnson Eastgate 8 1351 Tabor Road Monessen, PA 15062 Philadelphia, PA 19141 412-684-9000 215-276-5847 Easter Seal Society of Chartiers Mental Health/ Central Pennsylvania Mental Retardation Center 6410 4th St., Lime Ridge 437 Railroad Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Bridgeville, PA 15017 717-387-0229 412-221-3302 Evergreen Homes, Inc. 101 Ross Ave., P0 Box 471 Clearfield Community Mental Ford City, PA 16226 Health 412-763-3125 100 Caldwell Drive DuBois, PA 15801 814-371-1100 Foster Grandparents of Allegheny County Jim Farwell Liberty Family Support Services P0 Box 1769 1001 BaltimOre Pike Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Springfield, PA 19064 412-263-3181 215-874-9300 Foster Grandparents of Berks County Department of Mental Health Marie Kase Allegheny County 15 S. 8th Street Georgianno Palaoro Reading, PA 19602 304 Wood Street Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-355-7118 Foster Grandparents of Blair County Kimber Lee Wilson Department of Public Welfare 1404 Eleventh Mental Retardation Altoona, PA 16601 Steve Eidelman, Deputy 814-946-1235 Secretary Health & Welfare Bldg. Room 512 Harrisburg, PA 17120 717-787-3700 PAGENO="0141" 133 Foster Grandparents of Foster Grandparents of Cambria County Union/Snyder Counties Deborah J. Dolan Mary Louise Schweikert 1540 Scalp Avenue Laurelton Center Johnstown, PA 15904 Laurelton, PA 17835 717.9224130 Foster Grandparents of Delaware County Indiana County Guidance Richard Edstrom Center Government Center 699 Philadelphia St., Media, PA 19063 Suite 201 215-892-8888 Indiana, PA 15701 412-465-5576 Foster Grandparents of Greater Erie Latrobe Area Hospital Joann Calabrese Mental Health Center 18 W. 9th Street Mt. Pleasant Clinic Erie, PA 16501 500 5. ChuEch Street 814-459-4581 Mt. Pleasant, PA 15666 412-547-7720 Foster Grandparents of Luzerne/Wyoming Counties Liberty Family Support Services Mary Lou Zerfoss 1001 Baltimore Pike 680 Wyoming Springfield, PA 19064 Kingston, PA 18704 215-284-6823 717-287-5949 Mercer County Association for Foster Grandparents of the Retarded Montgomery County 850 N. Hermitage Road Gail L Buckingham P0 Box 1069 180 W. Germantown Pike, Hermitage, PA 16148 Suite B-3 412-981-2950 Norristown, PA 19401 215-272-8997 Monessen Respite Center Foster Grandparents of 108 8th Street & Donner Philadelphia Monessen, PA 15062 Vanessa Kennedy 412-684-7260 101 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-686-9163 PAGENO="0142" 134 Office of Mental Health United Cerebral Palsy of Bureau of Children & Central Pennsylvania Youth Services Carol A. Baker, Executive Constance Deilmuth, MSW, Director CASSP Director 20 N. Brown Street Bertolino Bldg, 6th Floor Lewistown, PA 17044 1401 N. 7th Street 717-242-2212 Harrisburg, PA 17102-1422 717-772-2764 United Cerebral Palsy of Crawford, Venango, Clarion & PLEA Mercer Counties Carol Roarabough Jill Mattson, Executive Director 733 South Avenue 405 Finley Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Meadville, PA 16335 412-243-3464 814-336-4157 Public Welfare VNA Health Home Services Child Youth Families Marie Fraser, President/CEO George B. Taylor, Deputy 218 E. Market Street Secretary York, PA 17403 P0 Box 2675 717-846-9900 Harrisburg, PA 17105 717-787-4756 VNA/HHS of Montgomery County Turtle Creek Valley Board of Agnes Ferrara, Executive Mental Health/Mental Director Retardation 1109 DeKaib Street 1800 W. Street, Rear Norristown, PA 19401 homestead, PA 15120 215-272-1160 412-462-9901 Visiting Nurses Association United Cerebral Palsy of Home-Health Care Services Philadelphia Mary Ann Keirans, 102 E. Mermaid Lane Administrator Philadelphia, PA 19118 468 N. Hampton Street 215-242-4200 Edwardsville, PA 18704 717-283-0681 PAGENO="0143" 135 Visiting Nurses Association Westmoreland Hospital Home Care Association of Community Mental Health Lancaster County Clinic Emily Fedullo, Executive 532 W. Pittsburgh Director Greensburg, PA 15601 1347 Fruitville Pike 412-832-4428 Lancaster, PA 17601 717-397-8251 Women's Christian Alliance 1610-1616 Broad Visiting Nurses Association Philadelphia, PA 19121 of Hanover/Spring Grove 215-236-9911 Bobby Malkus 217 Broadway Hanover, PA 17331 Wyoming Valley - Children's 717-637-1227 Association Bernard Kolodziej 71 N. Franklin Visiting Nurses Association Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1393 of Venango County 717-829-2453 Ruthanne Nerlich, Executive Director P0 Box 231 Franklin, PA 16323 814-437-7826 Visiting Nurses Association Community Health Services Timothy Cousounis President/CEO 104-108 Ardmore Ave. Ardmore, PA 19003 215-642-76% Waynesburg RespiCenter Tamara Watreas 154 W. High Street Waynesburg, PA 15370 412-627-7029 PAGENO="0144" PAGENO="0145" RHODE ISLAND RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Kathy Nicodimus FACTS Crisis Nurseiy Community Service Coordinator Raymond B. Maim, President 610 Mt. Pleasant, Bldg. II FACTS Providence, RI 02908 239 Oxford Street 401-457-4514 Providence, RI 02905 401-461-6330 Groden Center 86 Mt. Hope Avenue Foster Grandparents of Providence, RI 02906 Providence 401-274-6310 Sonja Y. Rogers, Director 7 Burgess Street Providence, RI 02903 Children Mental Health 401-421-6993 Services Ron Caldarone, Assistant Foster Grandparents of Director Warwick 610 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Bldg. I Katharine M. Hickey Providence, RI 02908 765 W. Shore, P0 Box 9596 401-457-4701 Warwick, RI 02889 401-732-4660 Department for Children and Their Families Visiting Nurses Association Stephen Lieberman, Assistant of Rhode Island Director Jane Mackenzie, Executive 610 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Bldg. I Director Providence, RI 02920 184 Waterman, 2nd Floor 401-457-4550 Providence, RI 02906-2128 401-331-8842 Department of Mental Health, Retardation, and Hospitals Visiting Nurses Service Division of Mental Retardation of Newport County Robert Carl, Jr., Executive Florence Tankevich, Executive Director Director 600 New London 21 Chapel Street Cranston, RI 02920 Newport, RI 02840 401-464-3234 401-849-2100 (137) PAGENO="0146" PAGENO="0147" SOUTh CAROLINA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Jerome J. Davis 1835 Assembly, P0 Box 872 Columbia, SC 29201 FTS-677-5771 Department of Mental Health Division of Child and Adolescent Services Jerome H. Hanley, PhD., CASSP Project Director 2414 Bull St., P0 Box 485 Columbia, SC 29202 803-734-7859 Department of Social Services Children, Family and Adult Services Barry Dowd, Deputy Commissioner P0 Box *1520 Columbia, SC 29202 803-734-5670 Foster Grandparents of Aiken-Barnwell Counties George A. Anderson P0 Box 2094 Aiken, SC 29802 803-648-6836 Foster Grandparents of Charleston Area Vera Padgett 259 Meeting Charleston, SC 29401 803-722-4127 Foster Grandparents of Laurens County P0 Box 239 Laurens, SC 29360 803-833-2733, Ext. 595 Foster Grandparents of The Midlands Susan Carlton 1 Greyston W., Suite 207 240 Stone Drive Columbia, SC 29210 803-252-7734 Mental Retardation Philip Massey, Commissioner 3440 Harden St. Ext. P0 Box 4706 Columbia, SC 29240 803-737-6444 Piedmont Center for Mental Health Services Linda Smith, MA, Local CASSP Coordinator 12 Village Plaza Simpsonville, SC 29681 803-963-3421 South Carolina Department of Social Services James Solomon, Commissioner P0 Box 1520 Columbia, SC 29202-1520 803-734-6179 (139) PAGENO="0148" 140 ~South Carolina Department of Mental Health Mary Jones, Respite Director 652 Bush River Rd. Suite 210 Columbia, SC 29210 803-731-5466 South Carolina Department of Social Services Preventive Services Beth Williams, Assistant Director 1535 Confederate, P0 Box 1520 Columbia, SC 29202 803-734-5670 South Carolina Department of Mental Health Joseph Bevilacqua, Ph.D., State Commissioner 2414 Bull St., P0 Box 485 Columbia, SC 29202 803-734-7780 South Carolina Department of Social Services - Marlboro County Crisis Nursery Joan Johnakin, Program Director P0 Drawer 120 Bennettsville, SC 29512 803-479-7188 South Carolina Department of Social Services - Richiand County Crisis Nursery Shirley Fitz-Ritson, Director 3220 Two Notch Road Columbia, SC 29204 803-256-4200 University of South Carolina College of Social Work for Child/Family Studies Lois Abramczyk, Professor Columbia, SC 29208 803-777-5291 PAGENO="0149" SOUTh DAKOTA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES American Indian Services, Inc. Michael Spears, Chairman Foster Grandparents of the 1400 W. Russell Aberdeen Area Sioux Falls, SD 57102 Linda Dillavou 605-334-4060 1019 1st Avenue, SE Aberdeen, SD 57401 605-229-1313 Department of Social Services Developmental Disabilities Thomas Scheinost, Program Office of Mental Health Administrator Dianne Weyer, CASSP Kneip Building Coordinator 700 Governor's 700 Governor's Pierre, SD 57501 Pierre, SD 57501 605-773-3438 605-773-5991 Department of Social Services Child Protection Timothy Koehn, Proj. Director 700 Governor's Pierre, SD 57501 605-773-3227 Easter Seal Society of South Dakota 106 W. Capitol Pierre, SD 57501 605-224-5879 Foster Grandparents of Oglala Sioux Elaine Quiver P0 Box F Pine Ridge, SD 57770 605-867-5412 (141) PAGENO="0150" PAGENO="0151" Camp Fire - Clinch Valley 345 Emory Valley Road Oak Ridge, TN 37830 615-483-3303 Community Health Services Judy Anthony, Director 3918 Dickerson Nashville, TN 372074398 615-865-7400 Department of Human Services Davidson County Office Rosemary Park, ICAM Representative 1000 2nd Avenue N Nashville, TN 37202-1135 615-244-9706 Department of Human Services Social Services Betty Gayle, Assistant Commissioner 400 Deaderick Nashville, TN 37219 615-741-5924 Department of Mental Health! Mental Retardation Adolescent Services Charlotte Bryson, CASSP Director 706 Church Street Nashville, TN 37243-0675 615-741-3708 Department of Mental Health! Mental Retardation Development Center John Redditt, Superintendent Agency Service 275 Stewarts Ferry Pike P0 Box 140500 Nashville, TN 37214-0500 615-889-9247 Easter Seal Society of Tennessee 2001 Woodmont Nashville, TN 37215 615-292-6639 Foster Grandparents of Knoxville - Knox County Community Action Committee Juna Pate 2661 Magnolia, P0 Box 51650 Knoxville, TN 37950-1650 615-525-4102 Foster Grandparents of Memphis Jane M. Watkins P0 Box 111229 Memphis, TN 38111 901-577-2500 Foster Grandparents of Southwest Area P0 Box 264 Henderson, TN 38340 901-989-5111 TENNESSEE RESPITE CARE RESOURCES (143) PAGENO="0152" 144 Foster Grandparents of Senior Citizens, Inc. Jean Akin 1801 Broad Nashville, TN 37203 615-327-4551 Foster Grandparents of 1TFA DV Kathy England P0 Box 120972 Nashville, TN 37212 615-242-8288 Foster Grandparents of Northeast Tennessee Brenda Hensley P0 Box 910 Greenville, TN 37690 615-639-2131 273 Foster Parents of Chattanooga Beverly Jones 501 W. 12th Chattanooga, TN 37402 615-757-5551 United Cerebral Palsy of Mid-South Diana Reid, Executive Director 2670 Union Ave., Suite 914 Memphis, TN 38112 901-323-0190 Visiting Nurses Association Cathey Boksa 3100 Walnut Grove Road Memphis, TN 38111 901-323-8300 PAGENO="0153" TEXAS RESPITE CARE RESOURCES A Division of Pro Nurses Angel Unawares Lane Holmes, Administrator Mark & Debbie Groves 3716 20th Street 8526 Pendragon Lubbock, TX 79410 San Antonio, TX 78250 806-793-1931 512-680-7804 ACTION State Program Office Aransas Pass Nursing & Jerry G. Thompson Convalescent Center 611 E. 6th, 107 Jack Keys, Administrator Austin, TX 78701 P0 Box 1208 Aransas Pass, TX 78336 512-758-7686 AMI Heights Hospital Nancy Sims 1917 Ashland Association for Retarded Houston, TX 77008 Citizens - Tyler 713-861-6161 Linda Douglas, Executive. Director 810 Vine Heights Abilene State School Tyler, TX 75701 Martha King 214-597-0995 P0 Box 451 Abilene, TX 79604 915-692-4053 Association for Retarded Citizens of Wichita County Marlene Goldstein, Executive Adult Day Care of San Angelo, Director Inc. 1501 D-Kemp Blvd. Jan Weaver, Director Wichita Falls, TX 76309 P0 Box 3187 817-692-2303 San Angelo, TX 76902 Association for Retarded Amarillo State Center Citizens of Dallas Jim Connor Joan Boyle P0 Box 3070 2114 Anson Road * Amarillo, TX 79116-3070 Dallas, TX 75235 806-358-1681 214-634-9810 (145) 35-578 - 90 - 6 PAGENO="0154" 146 Austin State School Community Program Vicki Clark-Bradley Admissions Coordinator 2203 West 35th P0 Box 1269 Austin, TX 78767 512-454-4731 Avondale House Barbara Boyett, Executive Director 3611 Cummins Lane Houston, TX 77027 713-993-9544 Beaumont State Center Gary Hadalgo 655 S. 8th Street Beaumont, TX 77701 409-833-1485 Bethphage Community Services Lisa Hammond 16990 Dallas Parkway Dallas, TX 75248 214-380-8811 Brenham State School James E. Lather 40001 Highway 36 South Brenham, TX 77833-%11 409-836-4511 140 Camp Fire - Center Ridge P0 Box 208 Temple, TX 76503 817-773-6614 Camp Fire - Dublin County Vernon Gibson P0 Box 338 Dublin, TX 76446 817-445-3397 Camp Fire - East Texas Area Council Linda Phillips 1601 W. Fairmont Longview, TX 75604-4599 214-759-1726 Camp Fire - First Texas Council Jean Kelly 2700 Meachem Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76137 817-831-2111 Camp Fire - Hereford County Susan Owens 903 14th St., P0 Box 1621 Hereford, TX 79045 Camp Fire - Orange 1204 W. Elm Street Orange, TX 77630 409-883-8841 Camp Fire - Texoma County Etta Lincecuni, Program Director 728W.Sears Denison, TX 75020 214-465-2790. PAGENO="0155" 147 Casa de Ninos Gretchen Thorp 1803 Old Spanish Trail Houston, TX 77054 713-796-CASA Center For The Retarded, Inc. Richard Gruen, Director 3550 W. Dalls Houston, TX 77019 713-528-6371 Center for Human Advancement - Concho Valley Jeanne Daly 418 5. Oakes San Angelo, TX 76903 Central Plains Comprehensive Health and Mental Retardation Center Enck Stockley, Director 2700 Yonkers Plainview, TX 79072 806-293-2636 Children's Association for Maximum Postential (C.A.M.P) Betty Worth Building 6369 Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5000 512-671-2598 Corpus Christi State School Charles Sportsman P0 Box 9297 Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9297 512-888-5301 Del Mar Health Care Center Chet Clark, Administrator 4130 Santa Elena Corpus Christi, TX 78405 512-882-3655 Denton State School Donna Whitmore, Director of Admissions P0 Box 368 Denton, TX 76202 817-387-3831 Department of Human Services Service Delivery Maryanne Harvey, Project Director P0 Box 2960 Austin, TX 78769 512-450-3746 Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Children and Youth Services Regenia A. Hicks, Ph.D. Program Director Capitol Station, P0 Box 12668 Austin, TX 78711-2668 512-465-4832 Diversicare Corp. of America Conny McKelvey, Administrator 600 Hilisdale Beevillle, TX 78102 Domestic Agency Hope Andrade 4011 McCullough San Antonio, TX 78212 512-822-3409 PAGENO="0156" 148 Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center - Capitol Area 919 W. 28 1/2 Street Austin, TX 78705 512-478-2581 El Paso State Center Ronald Prieto, Admissions Coord. P0 Box 20019 El Paso, TX 79998-0019 915-779-0800 Family Service Center Information and Appointment Service 4625 Lillian Houston, TX 77007 713-867-7700 Family Service, Inc. Maggie Hoffman, Director 1424 Hemphill Fort Worth, TX 76104 817-927-8884 Fort Worth State School Gary Choice, Coordinator 5000 Campus Drive Fort Worth, TX 76119 817-534-4831 Foster Grandparents at Abilene State School Nina Truitt P0 Box 451 Abilene, TX 79604 Foster Grandparents at Austin State School Alice Lee Bowser 2203 W. 35th Austin, TX 78703 512-454-4731 Foster Grandparents at Denton State School Harvey Evans P0 Box 368 Denton, TX 76202-0368 817-387-3831 Foster Grandparents at Lubbock State School Dean Redus P0 Box 5396 Lubbock, TX 79417 806-763-7041 Foster Grandparents at Lufkin State School Woody Cooper P0 Box 1648 Lufkin, TX 75901 409-634-3353 Foster Grandparents at Mexia State School Edward Moore P0 Box 1132 Mexia, TX 76667 817-562-2821 Foster Grandparents Program Rio Grande Valley OYC Viola de Ia Rosa 319 E. Los Torritos P0 Box 1467 Weslaco, TX 785% 512-968-6671 PAGENO="0157" 149 Foster Grandparents of San Antonio Linda Lee Davis 4502 Medical Drive San Antonio, TX 78284 512-270-3691 Area Agency on Aging of Southeast Texas Joyce Philen P0 Box 1387 Nederland, TX 77627 409-727-2384 Foster Grandparents of Dallas Janice Moore 2905 Swiss Avenue Dallas, TX 75204 214-823-5700 Foster Grandparents of El Paso Mathias Benedicto Two Civic Center Plaza Third Floor El Paso, TX 79901-1196 915-541-4372 Foster Grandparents of Houston Karen Absher 701 North Post Oak, Suite 500 Houston, TX 77024 713-524-6560 Department of Mental Health and Retardation Dennis Jones, Commissioner Capital Station, P0 Box 12668 Austin, TX 78711-2668 512-452-0381 Four Seasons Nursing Center Northwest Lynn Martinelli-Bellows 8300 Wurzbach San Antonio, TX 78229 512-690-1040 Four Seasons Rehabilitation and Nursing Home Center Lucy Kitchen, Admissions Director 1975 Babcock San Antonio, TX 78229 512-341-8681 Fredericksburg Nursing Home Cindy Whitehead 1117 5. Adams Fredericksburg, TX 78624 512-997-4364 Grandparents Unlimited David Duval 10920 Crown Colony Drive Austin, TX 78747 512-280-5108 Green Tree Health Center Florence M. Gray 7210 Northline Houston, TX 77076 713-697-4771 HDA Development Centers, Inc. Ed Armeson, Vice-President 3101 5. 77 Sunshine Strip Harlingen, TX 78550 512-428-0371 PAGENO="0158" 150 Health, Inc. Roy James Thomas 217 Cactus Street San Antonio, TX 78203 512-532-3977 Healthcare Plaza Hank Hames 1606 Memorial Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455 214-572-3618 Health/Human Services City of Houston John Arradondo, Director 8000 N. Stadium Drive Houston, TX 77054 713-794-9311 Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Ralph Culler Univ. of Texas - Austin P0 Box 7998 Austin, TX 78713-7998 512-471-5041 Hope Foundation for Retarded Citizens Claire Hollins, Administrator 15403 Hope Village Road Friendswood, TX 77546 713-482-7926 Human Services Families and Children Donald Kelley, Deputy Commissioner P0 Box 14930 Austin, TX 78714-9030 214-450-3054 Institute for Rehabilitation and Research 1333 Moursund Avenue Houston, TX 77030 713-799-5000 Interagency Council - Early Child Intervention Program Mary Elder, Project Director 1100 W. 49th Street Austin, TX 78756 5i2-458-7673 Lake Lodge Home Health Care, Inc. Theresa McDonnell 209 Pennsylvania Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76104 817-334-0366 Laredo State Center Gloria Turner P0 Box 1835 Laredo, TX 78044-1835 512-723-2926 Life Management Center David Rios, Deputy Director POBox 9997 El Paso, TX 79990 915-593~5085 Lubbock State School Lynette Wall, Director 1926 34th Street Lubbock, TX 79411 806-742-8000 PAGENO="0159" 151 Lufkin State School Linda Hyams, Admissions Coordinator P0 Box 1648 Lufkin, TX 75902-1648 409-634-3353 Marbridge Foundation Dr. John Peck P0 Box 250 Manchaca, TX 78652 512-282-1144 Marian-Christopher Foundation, Inc. Glenda Willis, President P0 Box 1261 League City, TX 77573 713-621-3332 Marian-Christopher Foundation, Inc. Jean L. Jackson P0 Box 2190 Galveston, TX 77553 Martin Luther King Community Health Center Ann Thomas, Vice-President 8106 Martin Luther King Blvd. Houston, TX 77033 713-733-8364 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center ARC House Tern Holman, Coordinator 1214 FM 528 Friendswood, TX 77546 713-482-7793 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Austin-Travis County Glen Givens, Unit Manager 1800 Houston Street Austin, TX 78756 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Austin-Travis County Tina Coy, Unit Manager 2706 South 1st Austin, TX 78704 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Austin-Travis County Texas Respite Resource Network Jerry Frampton, Coordinator P0 Box 3548 Austin, TX 78764-3548 512-447-4141 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Bexar County Adelfa Sanchez, Social Worker II 227 Old Guilbeau San Antonio, TX 78204 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Central Counties Cindy Lewellen, Coordinator P0 Box 518 Temple, TX 76503 817-778-4841 PAGENO="0160" 152 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Central Texas Von Heflin, Program Director P0 Box 250. Brownwood, TX 76804 915-646-9574 / Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Cohn County Carolyn Shelton, Director POBox 828 McKinney, TX 75069 214-542-0394 Mental Health and Mental Retardation - Dallas County Fran Kimberland 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane Suite 1000E Dallas, TX 75217 214-637-4600 Mental Health and Mental Retardation - Dallas County Mental Retardation Mary Jo Herndon 101 N. Zang Blvd. Dallas, TX 75208 214-948-9950 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Deep East Texas Region Danna Turner, Respite Care Coordinator 108 Raintree Court Lufkin, TX 75901 409-639-5381 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Diana Briggs, Coordinator of Community Resources P0 Box 2346 Denton, TX 76202 817-565-1606 Mental Health and. Mental Retardation Center Gulf Bend Pedro Magel, Director 1404 Village Drive Victoria, TX 77901 512-575-0611 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Heart of Texas Region Jan Lamar P0 Box 890 Waco, TX 76703 817-752-3451 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center Johnson County Child Development Program Margaret Owens, Coordinator P0 Box 196 Cleburne, TX 76033 817-645-6309 Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center. Lubbock Region Deb Adair 1210 Texas. Avenue Lubbock, TX 79401 806-766-0314 PAGENO="0161" 153 Mental Health and Mental Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority of Retardation - Nueces County Harris County Raydie Neck Cathie Gail 1630 S. Brownlee 2850 Fannin Corpus Christi, TX 78404 Houston, TX 77002 512-886-6900 713-683-4012 Mental Health and Mental Mental Health and Mental Retardation Region Retardation Regional Center Pecan Valley of East Texas Doug Irwin, Program Manager Ron Fox, Respite Coordinator P0 Box 973 2323 W. Front, P0 Box 4730 Stephenville, TX 76401 Tyler, TX 75712 817-968-4181 214-593-4004 Mental Health and Mental Mental Health and Mental Retardation - Sabine Valley Retardation Services Michael Bearden, Program of Texoma Director Lloyd A. Bergman, II, Director P0 Box 6800 203 Airport Drive Longview, TX 75601 Denison, TX 75020 214-758-2471 903-786-2902 Mental Health and Mental Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services Retardation Tarrant County Mental Retardation Services Nedra Kirkland, Coordinator Jaylon Fincannon, Deputy 1319 Summit Avenue Commissioner Fort Worth, TX 76102 P0 Box 12668 817-335-5371 Austin, TX 78711 512-465-4520 Mental Health and Mental and Mental Retardation Authority Mental Health and Mental of Brazos Valley Retardation Center Roberta Shipman, Director Northeast Texas P0 Box 4588 Marilyn Dixon, MR Service Bryan, TX 77805-4588 Coordinator 409-822-6467 2717 Summerhill Texarkana, TX 75501 214-793-7585 PAGENO="0162" 154 Mexia State School Sandra Pokluda, Outreach Director P0 Box 1132 Mexia, TX 76667 817-562-2821 Northwest Mediplex Vicke Judkins 5301 Duval Road. Austin, TX 78727 512-345-1805. Olsen Manor Nursing HOme Judith Pleshek, Administrator 3350 Olsen Blvd. Amarillo, TX 79109 806-355-9726 Pecan Valley Mental Health and Mental Retardation Region Theresa Malloy P0 Box 973 Stephenville, TX 76401 817-965-7806 Permian Basin Community Centers for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Don Bard, MR Resident Coordinator 3128 Kermit Highway Odessa, TX 79764 915-563-0288 Family Friends Component of Project ABC Christine Nedwed P0 Box 7330, Station A San Antonio, TX 78285 512-228-2631 Project Any Baby Can (ABC) Peggy Williams P.O. Box 7330, Station A San Antonio, TX 78285 512-228-2653 Quality Convalescent Care Dee Day 1000 6th Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76104 817-336-2586 Respite Care of San Antonio Patti Teter, Executive Director 8706 Mission Road San Antonio, TX 78214-0038 512-923-1313 Richmond State School Carmella Ernest 2100 Preston Richmond, TX 77469 713-342-4681 Saint James House Mary Garcia 5800 Baker Road Baytown, TX 77520 713-424-4541 San Antonio State School Center for Health Services Rebecca Harvey, Admissions Coordinator P0 Box 14700 San Antonio, TX 78214-0700 512-532-9610 PAGENO="0163" 155 San Pedro Manor Mary Anne Keogh, Assistant Administrator 515 W. Ashby San Antonio, TX 78212 512-732-5181 Santa Rosa Children's Hospital - Texas Respite Cecilia Villanueva, Director 519 W. Houston P0 Box 7330A San Antonio, TX 78285 512-228-3497 Scott and White Santa Fe Center Pat Morgan 600 S. 25th & Avenue H Temple, TX 76504 817-771-8346 Seaton Medical Center Home Health Care Elizabeth Clarke 3724 Jefferson St., Suite 100 Austin, TX 78731 512-459-2121 Senior's Respite Service, Inc. Debbie Hoffman, Director P0 Box 4117 Austin, TX 78765 512-467-6168 Seven Acres Jewish Geriatric Center Malcolm P. Slatico, Executive Director 6200 N. Braeswood Houston, TX 77074 713-778-5700 Sheltering Arms Ferrell Bivins, Coordinator 701 N. Post Oak Houston, TX 77024 713-524-2835 Sunnyside Nursing & - Convalescent Center - Prashant Nadkarni (Mr.) Administrator P0 Box 1129 Taylor, TX 76574 512-352-2700 Texas Agriculture Extension Service & Del Mar Special Populations Office Pat Crenshaw, Director P0 Box 672 Robstown, TX 78380 512-767-5216 Texas Department of Human Services Kathy Kramer, Project Specialist 701 West 51st Austin, TX 78751 512-450-3011 PAGENO="0164" 156 Texas Department of Human Services Child Protective Service Gene Daniel, Regional Director 5100 SW Freeway Houston, TX 77056 713-626-5701 Texas Panhandle Mental Health Authority Linda Saavedra, Director 1200 Wallace Amarillo, TX 79106 806-353-7235 Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabifities Roger A. Webb, Executive Director 4900 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751-2316 512-483-4099 Texas Respite Resource Network The Children's Hospital Jennifer M. Cernoch, Ph.D., Respite Director Liz Newhouse, Asst. Director P0 Box 7330 San Antonio, TX 78285 512-228-2794 Texas School for the Blind Susan Houghtling 1100 W. 45th Street Austin, TX 78756 512-454-8631 Texoma Regional Care Center Bob Welch, Administrator 4301 Hospital Vernon, TX 76384 817-552-2568 Travis State School David Maly, Admissions Coordinator P0 Box 430 Austin, TX 78767 512-926-2410 Tn-County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Jim Barnes P0 Box 3067 Conroe, TX 77305 409-756-8331 Tropical Texas Center for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Espy Brattin, Director P0 Box 1108 Edinburg, TX 78540 512-383-0121 Unicorn Centers, Inc. Edith Gai-wood, Executive Director 1300 West Ave. San Antonio, TX 78201 512-737-3355 United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Houston, Inc. Mary Shimell, Coordinator 1415 California Houston, TX 77006-2693 713-522-1131 PAGENO="0165" 157 Villa Haven Nursing Center Windcrest Nursing Center Earle Bolton Darrell Cross Administrator 300 S. Jackson 607 W. Avenue B Breckenridge, TX 76024 Copperas Cove, TX 76522 817-559-3386 817-547-1033 Visiting Nurses Association Wood Memorial Nursing Home of Brazoria County Lou Berry, Social Service Mary Ann Beachier, Executive Coordinator Director 320 Greenville P0 Box 1777 Mineola, TX 75773 Angleton, TX 77516-1777 214-569-3852 409-849-6476 Visiting Nurses Association of San Antonio G. Therese Meyers, Executive Director P0 Box 120097 San Antonio, TX 78212-9297 512-734-7292 Visiting Nurses Association of Midland Steve Edwards, Executive Director 3301 Sinclair Midland, TX 79707 915-689-6693 Visiting Nurses Association of Texas Emily Tripp 8200 Brrok River Dr., Ste 200N Dallas, TX 75247-4078 214-689-0000 PAGENO="0166" PAGENO="0167" UTAH RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Gary O'Neal 350 S. Main, #484 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-524-5411 Department of Mental Health Gary Jensen, CASSP 120 N. 200 West Salt Lake City, UT 84103 801-538-4270 Department of Social Services Office of Community Operations McCord Marshall, District Director 1052 W. Market Drive Vernal, UT 84078 801-789-5946 Department of Social Services Division of Mental Health Bill Geurts, MSW, Program Specialist 120 N. 200 West P0 Box 45500 Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0500 801-538-4270 Family Support Center Marty Shannon 2020 Lake Street Salt Lake City, UT 84105 801-487-7778 Family Support Center 75 W. Center Street Midvale, UT 84047 801-255-6881 Family Support Center 622 23rd Street Ogden, UT 84401 801-393-3113 Family Support Center of Ogden, Inc. Gary Mugridge, Jr., Executive Director 622 23rd Street Ogden, UT 84401 801-393-6666 Family Support Center Board of Directors Nancy Vidalakis, President 2020 Lake Street Salt Lake City, UT 84105 801-487-7778 Foster Grandparents of Salt Lake City Dwight Rasmussen 2001 S. State, #S-1500 Salt Lake City, UT 84190-2300 801-468-2474 (159) PAGENO="0168" 160 Foster Grandparents of Utah County Charles Dearing 170 W. 100 N., P0 Box Provo, UT 84601 801-379-8547 Social Services/Family Services Jean Nielsen, Director 150 W N Temple P0 Box 45500 Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0500 801-533-5094 Southwest Utah Mental Health and Alcohol/Drug Center Administrative Office Eugene Chatlin, Director 354 E. 600 5, Suite 202 St. George, UT 84770 801-628-0426 UTE Indian Tribe Social Service Donald Goff, Director POBox 190 La Point, UT 84039 801-247-2677 United Cerebral Palsy of Utah O'Neil Brereton, Executive Director 2500 Emigratio Salt Lake City, UT 84108 801-582-0700 Utah Division of Family Services Sherry Reese 120 N 200 West, P0 Box 45500 Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0500 801-538-4171 Utah Easter Seal Society Aging Adult Services Jay Rosenburg 331 S. Rio Grande Street Suite 206 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 801-531-0522 Utah Valley Family Support Center Julie Mackay, President 358 North 400 West 4 Provo, UT 84601 801-374-9080 Utah Valley Rimily Support Center Susie B. Seggar, Executive Director 358 N 400 West #4 Provo, UT 84601 801-374-9080 Visiting Nurses Association Community Nursing Service of Utah Janice Treml, President 1370 South West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84115 801-486-2186 127 PAGENO="0169" VERMONT RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Department Social! / Rehabilitation Agency of Human Services Charles Gingo, District Director 1 Veterans Memorial Drive Bennington, VT 05201 802-442-8138 Department of Health Division for Children with Special Needs - Handicapped Children's Section 1193 N. Avenue, P0 Box 70 Burlington, VT 05401 802-863-7338 Department of Human Services Social Rehabilitation Services Social Services Stephen Dale, Director 103 S. Main Street Waterbury, VT 05676 802-241-2251 Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Division of Mental Retardation Charles Moseley, Director 103 S. Main Street Waterbury, VT 05676 802-241-2636 (161) Foster Grandparents of Green Mountain Virginia Heck 56 1/2 Merchant, Room 210 Rutland, VT 05701 Foster Grandparents of Tn-County Nancy Rivolta 284 East Avenue Burlington, VT 05401 802-658-1900 Services of Children and Families CASSP Team Floyd Nease, Director R.R.3, Box 747 Mornisvffle, VT 05661 802-888-4635 35-578 - 90 - 7 PAGENO="0170" PAGENO="0171" VIRGINIA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office for Virginia and District of Columbia Lindsay Scott 400 N. 8th St., P0 Box Richmond, VA 23240 Association for Retarded Citizens Roanoké Valley Chapter Chairman 335 Shenandoah Roanoke, VA 24016 804-342-9624 Association for Retarded Citizens Elaine Joyce, Executive Director 100 N. Washington, Suite 238 Falls Church, VA 22046 703-532-3214 Association of Retarded Children Ellen Seal 222 W. 19th St. Norfolk, VA 23517 804-622-7017 Childrens Center Barbara Mease, Executive Director 507 Third Avenue Franklin, VA 23851 804-562-6806 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health Professions Bernard L. Henderson, Jr., Director 1601 Rolling Hills Drive Richmond, VA 23229-5005 804-662-9919 Department Rights for Virginian Disabled Jim Rothrock, Executive Director 101 N. 14th Street, 17th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 804-225-2042 Commonwealth of Virginia Department Social Services Larry Jackson, Commissioner 8007 Discovery Drive Richmond, VA 23229-8699 804-662-9204 Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Children & Adolescent Mental Health Service Gary Macbeth, MSW/MEd, Director P0 Box 1797 Richmond, VA 23214 804-786-2991 10066 (163) PAGENO="0172" 164 Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Stanley Butkus, Director P0 Box 1797 Richmond, VA 23214 804-786-1746 Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services Wayne Thacker, Director P0 Box 1797 Richmond, VA 23214 804-786-2991 Department of Social Services Fairfax County Crisis Parents Program Kevin Filby 10301 Democracy Fairfax, VA 22030 703-246-7500 Department of Social Services Gloucster Services Linda Miller P0. Box 1390 Gloucster, VA 230610186 804-693-2671 Department of Social Services James City County Diana Hybicki P0 Box 69 Lightfoot, VA 230900069 804-565-6855 Department of Social Services Service Program Ray Sirry, Director 8007 Discovery Richmond, VA 23229-8699 Department of the Deaf and and Hard of Hearing Commonwealth of Virginia Lily Bess, Director Washington Bldg., Capital Sq. 1100 Bank St., 12th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 804-225-2570 Easter Seal Society Time Out For Parents Respite Care Program P0 Box 5496 Roanoke, VA 24012 Easter Seal Society of. Virginia, Inc. Errol Hess, Regional Director 969 Oakview Ave. P0 Box 5496 Bristol, VA 24201 Easter Seal Society of Virginia 3101 Magic Hollow P0 Box 9185 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 804-468-3140 Foster Grandparents of Hampton Michael Moore 1320 LaSalle Hampton, VA 23669 PAGENO="0173" 165 Foster Grandparents of Virginia Commonwealth Petersburg University - School of Mattie Robertson Education 233 S. Adams St., P0 Box 227 Irene Carney, Project Director Petersburg, VA 23804 MCV Station, P0 Box 568 804-861-3185 Richmond, VA 23298-0568 Foster Grandparents of Virginia Foundation for the Richmond - Capital Area Exceptional Child and Agency on Aging Adolescent Fran Blum Tern Silverman, Director 316 E. Clay 1825 Monument Avenue Richmond, VA 23219 Richmond, VA 23220 804-648-8381 Volunteer Emergency Families Foster Grandparents of for Children Roanoke William Christian Barbara James 2317 Westwood, Suite 109 706 Campbell SW Richmond, VA 23230 Roanoke, VA 24016 804-353-4698 703-345-0451 Parent to Parent Program Mary Cunningham, Coordinator 1314 W. Main St, P0 Box 3020 Richmond, VA 23284 Residential Respite and Community Education City of Virginia Beach Patti Phelps, Supervisor 6 Pembroke E, Suite 218 Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2891 804-473-5223 Stop Child Abuse Now Karen Case, President 216 S. Peyton Alexandria, VA 22314 703-644-5011 PAGENO="0174" PAGENO="0175" / WASHINGTON RESPITE CARE RESOURCES The Children's Alliance Jon LeVeque, Executive Director 172 20th Avenue Seattle, WA 98122 206-324-0340 Camp Fire - Juan de Fuca Council Dons Doyle, Executive Director 619 E. 4th Street Port Angles, WA 98362 206-457-8442 Camp Fire - KIT-NO-MA Council 1109 Warren Avenue Bremerton, WA 98310 206-377-5513 Camp Fire - Olympus Council 509 12th Ave. SE, #4 Olympia, WA 98501 206-357-7787 Camp Fire - Pilchuck Area 11627 Airport Rd., Suite F Everett, WA 98204-3790 206-355-9734 Camp Fire - Samish 230 Mason Bldg. Bellingharn, WA 98225 .206-733-5710 (167) Camp Fire - Seattle King Council Pam Tazioli, Director 8511 15th Avenue NE Seattle, WA 98115 206-461-8550 Camp Fire -. Tacoma Area Council 412 St. Helens Tacoma, WA 98402 206-627-8153 Camp Fire - Tyee Denise Cox, Program Director 117 S. "H" Street Aberdeen, WA 98520 206-552-7067 Camp Fire - Yakima Valley Joan Jorgenson 343 Washington Mut B Yakima, WA 98901 509-453-9151 Department of Health Division of Developmentally Disabled John Stern 12th & Jefferson OB42C Olympia, WA 98504 206-753-3900 PAGENO="0176" Department of Social and Health Services Mental Health Division CASSP Project Director 0B42F Mail Stop Olympia, WA 98504 206-586-3775 Foster Grandparents at Rainier School Angie Chambers POBox 600 Buckley, WA 98321 206-829-1111 Foster Grandparents of Kitsap County Christa Schulz 3423 6th Street, W18-4 Brernerton, WA 98312 206-478-4717 Foster Grandparents of Okanogan-Ferry Counties Matilda Absher P0 Box 150 Nespelem, WA 99155 509-634-4711 Foster Grandparents of Seattle-SWC County Kay Howell 15230 15th NE Seattle, WA 98155 206-364-0300 168 Foster Grandparents of Washington Bureau of Aging and Adult Services Doug Yeager 623 8th, SE Olympia, WA 98504 206-493-2549 Foster Grandparents of Yakima County Lila Robison 609 Speyers Selah, WA 98942 509-697-2173 Foster Grandparents of Interlake School Pam Hoffing P0 Box B Medical Lake, WA 99022 509-299-3111 Mental Health Division Child and Adolescent Services Sharon Stewart Johnson, Administrator 0B42F Mail Stop Olympia, WA 98504 206-753-5414 Social Health Services Child Family Services Colleen Waterhouse Office Bldg. II, 0B41 Mail. Stop Olympia, WA 98504 206-753-7002 PAGENO="0177" 169 Social Health Services Child Family Services Jerome Wasson, Director State Office Bldg. 0B44T Mail Stop Olympia, WA 98504 206-753-7002 Social Health Services Developmentally Disabled Sue Elliott, Director 0B42C Mail Stop Olympia, WA 98504 206-753-3900 Social Health Services Developmentally~ Disabled Jane Mozena 0B621 Mail Stop Vancouver, WA 98666 206-696-6350 Visiting Nurses Association Affiliates Geneva Tulga, CEO 400 North 34th Seattle, WA 98103 206-548-8100 PAGENO="0178" PAGENO="0179" WEST VIRGINIA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Jean Taylor-Brown 603 Morris, 2nd Floor Charleston, WV 25301 304-930-5246 Department of Behavioral Health Division of Health and Human Resource Rose Lowther, Acting Director 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East Bldg. 3, Room 451 Charleston, WV 25305 304-348-0627 Department of Mental Health Children's Mental Health Services Ted Johnson 1900 Kanawha Blvd. East Bldg. 3, Room 451 Charleston, WV 25305 304-348-0627 Foster Grandparents of Central West Virginia Nancy Smythe 5 5. Florida, P0 Box 901 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-0395 (171) Foster Grandparents of West Virginia Department of Education Margaret A. Mills 1900 Kanawha Blvd. Bldg. 6, Room 318 Charleston, WV 25305 304-348-2691 Foster Grandparents of West Virginia Department of Education Maryann D. Adkins 1900 Kanawha Blvd., Bldg. 6 Charleston, WV 25305 304-348-2276 PAGENO="0180" PAGENO="0181" WISCONSIN RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTiON State Program Office Michael Murphy 517 E. Wisconsin, Room 601 Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-297-1118 Association for Retarded Citizens Teresa Stephenson P0 Box 12770 Green Bay, WI 54307-2770 414-498-2799 Chileda Hab Institute 1020 Mississippi, P0 Box 2799 LaCrosse, WI 54601 608-782-6480 Florence County Human. Services Department P0 Box 170 Florence, WI 54121 715-528-3296 Community Human Services 500 River View Waukesha, WI 53188 414-548-7212 Community Services Clark County Courthouse R507 Neillsville, WI 54456 715-743-3241 (173) Comprehensive Community Service Agency Washington County 515 E Washington West Bend, WI 53095 414-335-4583 Comprehensive Planning Board Sawyer County S P0 Box 729 Hayward, WI 54843 715-634-4751 Dane County Family Support and Resource Center 2059 Atwood Ave. Madison, WI 53703 608-246-2533 Department of Community Programs - Ozaukee County 121 W. Main Street Port Washington, WI 53704 414-377-6400 Department of Health and Social Services - Adams County 149 North Main, P0 Box 601 Adams, WI 53910 608-339-3356 PAGENO="0182" 174 Department of Health and Social Services Division of Community Service Eleanor E. McLean, CASSP Project Director 1 W. Wilson, P0 Box 7851 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-6838 Department of Health. and Social Services Developmentally Disabled Office Dennis Harkins, Director P0 Box 7851 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-9329 Department of Health and Social Services John Shaffer P0 Box 7851 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-7754 Department of Human Services Eau Claire County 202 Eau Claire, P0 Box 840 Eau Claire, WI 54702 715-833-1977 Department of Human Services LaFayette County 700 N. Main St., P0 Box 206 Darlington, WI 53530 608-776-4006 Department of Human Services Outagamie County 3365 W. Brewster Appleton, WI 54914 414-832-5270 Department of Human Services Pepin County P0 Box 39 Durand, WI 54736-0039 715-672-8941 Department of Human Services Pierce County Courthouse, P0 Box 670 Ellsworth, WI 54011 715-273-3531 Department of Human Services Portage County 817 Whiting Avenue Stevens Point, WI 54401 715-344-1214 Department of Human Services P0 Box 21 Baraboo, WI 53913 608-356-4866 Department of Human Services P0 Box 398 Reedsburg, WI 53959 608-524-4391 Human Service Center Vilas, Forest and Oneida Counties P0 Box 897 Rhinelander, WI 54501 715-369-2215 PAGENO="0183" 175 / Department of Human Services / Waupaca County 811 Harding Waupaca, WI 54981-2080 715-258-6300 Department of Human Services Douglas County 1313 Belknap Superior, WI 54880 715-394-0304 Department of Social Services Barron County Courthouse R338 Barron, WI 54812 715-537-5691 Department of Social Services Brown County 111 N. Jefferson Green Bay, WI 54301 414-436-3737 Department of Social Services Burnett County Route 1, Box 300 P0 Box 130 Siren, WI 54872 715-349-2131 Department of Social Services Iowa County 109 W. Fountain P0 Box 98 Dodgeville, WI 53533 608-935-9311 Department of Social Services Lincoln County 503 5. Center Merrill, WI 54452 715-536-6200 Department of Social Services Marathon County 400 E. Thomas Wausau, WI 54401 715-847-5700 Department of Social Services Marinette County P0 Box 46 Marinette, WI 54143 715-732-0191 Department of Social Services Winnebago 448 Algoma Blvd. P0 Box 2646 Oshkosh, WI 54903-2646 414-236-4600 Department of Health and Social Services Community Services Linda Hisden, Acting Director P0 Box 7851 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-3443 Developmentally Disabled Family Support Program Beverly Doherty 1 W. Wilson, #443 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-7469 PAGENO="0184" 176 Easter Seal Society - Milwaukee County 3090 N. 53rd Street Milwaukee, WI 53210 414-449-4444 Fathily Support Resource Center Heidi Rossiter 521 N. Sherman Madison, WI 53704 608-246-0414 Foster Grandparents Arrowhead Region Isobel Rapaich 1100 Weeks Avenue, Suite C Superior, WI 54880 715-394-5384 Foster Grandparents of Antigo caron Schauer 120 5. Dorr Antigo, WI 54409 715-627-4355 Foster Grandparents Ethan Allen School Barbara Kresse POBox 900 Wales, WI 53183-0900 414-646-3341 Foster Grandparents at Bethesa Lutheran Home Wanda Altreuter 700 Hoffmann Watertown, WI 53094 414-261-3050 Foster Grandparents at Central Wisconsin Center Robert Crahen 317 Knutson Madison, WI 53704 608-249-2151 Foster Grandparents at Lincoln Hills School Alice Krueger 4380 Copper Irma, WI 54442-9720 715-536-8386 Foster Grandparents at Northern Wisconsin Center Robert Brace P0 Box 340 Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 715-723-5542 Foster Grandparents at Southern Wisconsin Center Arvilla Blunck 21425 Spring St. Union Grove, WI 53182 414-878-2411 Foster Grandparents of Community Relations Social Development Commission Jan Kemp-Cole 161 W. Wisconsin P0 Box 6146 Milwaukee, WI 53203 414-272-5600 PAGENO="0185" - 177 Foster Grandparents of Foster Grandparents of Green Bay Day Nursery Wittenberg Birnamwood School Marge Bader District 2589 S. Webster Ave. Jacki Schmidt Green Bay, WI 54301 Whittenberg Elementary School 414-436-7550 Webb Street Wittenberg, WI 54499 715-253-2221 Foster Grandparents of James Madison School Dorothy Minster Foster Grandparents of the 2302 David Avenue Association for Retarded Sheboygan, WI 53081 Citizens 414-459-3372 Joan Dreifuerst 101 Morningside Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Foster Grandparents of Portage 414-923-3810 County Commissionon Aging Mary Sullivan 1519 Water Foster Grandparents of Great Stevens Point, WI 54481 Lakes Inter-Tribal Council 715-346-1401 Cynthia LaCount P0 Box 9 Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538 Foster Grandparents of 715-588-3324 Southwestern Wisconsin Bill Bastian 149 N. Iowa Kenosha County Developmental Dodgeville, WI 53533 Disability Center 608-935-2326 Lori Wightman Dominican Medical Building 3734 Seventh, Suite 3 Foster Grandparents of Kenosha, WI 53140-8098 Winnebago Mental Health 414-657-6185 Institute Diane Meschefske P0 Box 9 Office of Mental Health Winnebago, WI 54985 Division of Community Services 414-235-4910 Larry Reuter, Acting Director 1 W. Wilson, P0 Box 7851 Madison, WI 53707 608-266-6838 PAGENO="0186" 178 Penfleld Children Center Tom Tomczyk, Executive Director 833 N. 26th Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 414-344-6358 Respite Care Columbia County 711 East Cook Portage, WI 53901 608~742-9205 Respite Center 2120 Fordem Madison, WI 53704 608-244-5730 Unified Board Fond du Lac County 459 East First Fond du Lac, WI 54935 414-929-3571 Unified Board Kewaunee County 522 Fourth Street Algoma, WI 54201 414-487-5231 Unified Services Board Marquette County Courthouse, P0 Box 274 Montello, WI 53949 608-297-9151 Department of Community Programs - Winnebago County 435 Algoma Street Oshkosh, WI 54903-2808 414-236-4812 Unified Service Dodge County 199 Home Road Juneau, WI 53039 414-386-3500 Unified Services Wood County 2611 12th Street S. P0 Box 729 Wisconsin Rapid, WI 54495- 0729 715-421-0880 United Cerebral Palsy West Central Ruth Gullerud, Executive Director 206 Water Street Eau Claire, WI 54703 715-832-1782 United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Dane County 1502 Greenway Cross Madison, WI 53713 608-273-4434 United Cerebral Palsy Southeast Joyce Altman, Executive Director 230 W. Wells St., Suite 502 Milwaukee, WI 53203 414-272-4500 PAGENO="0187" 179 United Cerebral Palsy Visiting Nurses Association South Central Elizabeth Jensen, Executive Nancy Hansen-Bennett, Director Executive Director 128 E. Olin Avenue, #200 17 S. River Street Madison, WI 53713-1466 Janesville, WI 53545 608-257-6710 608-754-1117 United Cerebral Palsy Winnebagoland Judy Britton, Executive Director P0 Box 1241 Oshkosh, WI 54902 414-233-1895 United Cerebral Palsy North Central Barbara J. James, Executive Director 108 Scott Street Wausau, WI 54401 715-842-8700 Visiting Nurses Association Kenosha Debra Hertzberg, Executive Director 5159 Sixth Ave. Kenosha, WI 53140 414-657-3435 Visiting Nurses Association Rachel Jackson, Executive Director 307 Lincoln Avenue Sheboygan, WI 53801 414-458-4314 PAGENO="0188" PAGENO="0189" WYOMING RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Pat (Mr) Galizzi 2120 Capitol, P0 Box #8036 Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-772-2385 Camp Fire Boys and Girls Laramie Council Nancy Brockmann, Executive Director 2117 Spring Creek Laramie, WY 82070 307-742-2013 Department of Health and Social Services Community Programs Wayne Johnson, Program Manager 355 Hathaway Blvd. Cheyenne, WY 82002-1710 307-777-6489 Foster Grandparents of Cheyenne Judy Fullwood-Johnston 1114 Logan Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-634-1265 Foster Grandparents of Big Horn Basin ilene Johnson 319 S. 6th Thermopolis, WY 82443 307-864-5544 Outreach Work for State of Wyoming Lariy Zeitner, Fieldworker 45 E Louchs Suite 300-b Sheridan, WY 82801 University Wyoming Early Child SEP 348 Laramie Hall P0 Box 3114 Laramie, WY 82071 307-766-1121 (181) PAGENO="0190" PAGENO="0191" DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA RESPITE CARE RESOURCES American Red Cross Program Exchange Process Patricia Horan, Coordinator Washington, DC 20006 202-639-3535 Association for the Care of Children's Health Family Centered Care Program Ibby Jeppson 3615 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 617-251-7075 CSR, Inc. Ruth Hubbell, Senior Associate 1400 I Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 202-842-7600 Family Friends Catholic University of America Hospital for Sick Children Tom Long Box 1214 Cardinal Station 620 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20064 202-319-5949 Children Youth Services Mental Health Services Mareasa Isaacs, Ph.D., CASSP Administrator 1875 Connecticut, P0 Box 1130 Washington, DC 20009 202-673-7783 Community Social Services Mental Retardation Services Regnald F. Wells, Ph.D., Acting Administrator 4290 Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 202-673-7678 D.C. Commission on Mental Health Nancy Ware, Family Support Coordinator 1875 Connecticut, NW P0 Box 1130 Washington, DC 20009 202-673-7783 Easter Seal Society The Children Center 2800 13th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 202-232-2342 Foster Grandparents of the District of Columbia Constance Todd-Browne 612 Alabama St., S.E. Washington, DC 20020 202-678-4215 Human Services David Rivers, Director 801 N. Capitol Washington, DC 20002 202-727-0310 (183) PAGENO="0192" Commission on Soda! Services Barbara Burke-Tatum 609 H St., N.E., 5th Floor Washington, DC 20024 202-727-5930 Visiting Nurses Association Paul Riger, Executive Director 5151 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20009 -202-387-7333 184 PAGENO="0193" GUAM RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Residential Treatment Services Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Bernadette Lufrano, MSW, Administrator P0 Box 8896 Tamuning, GU 96911 671-646-9261 (185) PAGENO="0194" PAGENO="0195" PUERTO RICO RESPITE CARE RESOURCES ACTION State Program Office Foster Grandparents of Salinas for Puerto Rico & Virgin Carmelo Cintron Gonzalez Islands Union Station Ruben Nazario Salinas, PR 00751 Carlos Chardon Ave. 809-839-5545 P0 Box 649 Hato Rey, PR 00917 809-498-5314 Foster Grandparents of San Juan Sandra Alvarez Department of Health Carlos Chardon Jorge L. Suria-Colon, M.D. San Juan, PR 00936 P0 Box 61 809-756-7300 San Juan, PR 00936 809-765-6833 Mental Health - Family Services Eva de Orama, Assistant Foster Grandparents of Secretary Bayaman P0 Box 11398 Silva Concepcion Santurce, PR 00910 Avenue Laurel 809-723-2127 Bayamon, PR 00619 809-783-7953 Social Services Resident Facility Day Care Foster Grandparents of Ivan Palacios, Project Director Carolina P0 Box 11398 Adelaida Agosto San Juan, PR 00910 Calle Bernardo Garcia N-6 809-722-7400 P0 Box N-6 Carolina, PR 00630 809-752-6142 Foster Grandparents of Ponce Annie Martinez Playa Station, P0 Box 254 Ponce, PR 00731 809-844-7045 (187) PAGENO="0196" PAGENO="0197" VIRGIN ISlANDS RESPITE CARE RESOURCES Association for Independent Living Virgin Islands Donna Lambert, Program Coordinator P0 Box 3305 St. Thomas, VI 00803 809-775-9740 Division of Mental Health, Alcoholism, and Drug Dependency Martha Bruce, CASSP Project Director C Street Oswald St. Thomas, VI 00801 809-775-5570 Division of Mental Health, Alcoholism, and Drug Dependency Corinne Allen, PhD, CASSP Director 7 Estate Diamond P0 Box Ruby St. Croix, VI 00821 809-773-1992 Foster Grandparents of the Virgin Islands Alberta Francis P0 Box 5128 Charlotte Amali, VI 00801 809-774-0930 (189) 0 35-578 (200) PAGENO="0198"