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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 18A, EDUCATION

    Chapter 66: Defective record; order for new or supplemental certificate

      Section: 18A:66-172: Allocation of contributions; mobility of pension credit

           6. Participants in the alternate benefit program shall be allowed to allocate portions of their own contributions and the contributions of their employer, including amounts used by the employer to purchase an annuity pursuant to a salary reduction agreement under section 24 of P.L.1969, c.242 (C.18A:66-190), to accounts with two or more insurers or mutual fund companies designated pursuant to the provisions of section 3 of P.L.1993, c.385 (C.18A:66-172.1) as companies from which alternate benefit contracts may be purchased, and shall, subject to such rules and regulations as the Division of Pensions may adopt, be permitted to direct the withdrawal of such contributions from their account with one such company for deposit in an account with another such company. Since the establishment of the alternate benefit programs for the several public institutions of higher education in New Jersey is designed to provide mobility of pension credit from within the academic community in and outside the State, and since it is imperative that eligibility for participation in this program be of uniform application in the several schools, it shall be the responsibility of the Director of the Division of Pensions to establish regulations which shall provide for such uniformity.

L.1969,c.242,s.6; amended 1993,c.385,s.4; 1994,c.48,s.189.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:48.

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