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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:48 am

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Author: Boff, Andrew

Title: Silence on Violence: Improving the Safety of Women. The policing of off-streete sex work and sex trafficking in London

Summary: All evidence available demonstrates that female sex workers1 are at a far higher risk of violence than any other group of women. Active sex workers were almost 18 times more likely to be murdered than women of similar age and race in one study on the mortality rates among sex workers. The reasons for female sex workers' vulnerability are complex and manifold; but a belief by the perpetrators that their attacks and even murders will be underreported to police by prostitutes or their colleagues and families plays an important role. There is an extensive and morally equivocal debate about the rights and wrongs behind selling sexual services, reflecting different standpoints on exploitation, markets, inequality, gender roles, morality, freedom of choice, and safety. Highly personal attitudes towards sex work from all sides have made discussions and policy in this area very difficult to formulate and, as such, areas of potentially significant concern within sex work have often been overlooked. This report leaves aside, as far as possible, the debate described above, and focuses on one crucial area within sex work - the safety of the women involved. The report aims to look into two overarching areas related to women's safety within the sex industry: the policing of sex trafficking, and within that policing for the Olympics; and the general policing of sex workers. It also aims to focus on off street prostitution. This is for several reasons including the fact that evidence shows that street prostitution very rarely, if at all, involves trafficked women.

Details: London: GLA Conservatives, 2012. 67p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 3, 2015 at: http://glaconservatives.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/03/Report-on-the-Safety-of-Sex-Workers-Silence-on-Violence.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://glaconservatives.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2012/03/Report-on-the-Safety-of-Sex-Workers-Silence-on-Violence.pdf

Shelf Number: 136283

Sex Trafficking
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation