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65 results found

Author: Pauls, Monica

Title: An Evaluation of the Mamowichihitowin Community Wellness Program: Phase 1: Program Description and Logic Model

Summary: The purpose of this research project was to conduct the first phase of an evaluation of the Mamowichihitowin Community Wellness Program (MCWP) located in Hinton, Alberta. Developed under the umbrella of the Hinton Friendship Centre, the MCWP is a holistic and comprehensive response to the issue of intra-familial child sexual abuse, with a specific focus on Aboriginal communities.

Details: Ottawa: Aboriginal Corrections Policy Unit, Public Safety Canada, 2004

Source: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family

Year: 2004

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 114769

Child Sexual Abuse

Author: Grekul, Jana

Title: An Investigations into the Formation and Recruitment Processes of Aboriginal Gangs in Western Canada: "When You Have Nothing to Live For, You Have Nothing to Die For"

Summary: Gangs are attractive to recruits because they promise material benefits; in many instances joining a gang is means to increase an individual's income significantly. This report provides a brief literature review of current gang research, including the incorporation of information from documents produced by agencies that work with gang-involved youth. The contribution of this report is an integration of the information found in the documents with analysis of in-depth interviews conducted with ex-gang members (incarcerated and non-incarcerated), law enforcement officials, correctional workers, and elders who work within the correctional system.

Details: Alberta: Public Safety Canada, 2007

Source: Native Counselling Services of Alberta

Year: 2007

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 114778

Juvenile Gangs

Author: Paletta, Anna

Title: Understanding Family Violence and Sexual Assault in Territories, First Nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples

Summary: From the abstract: "research was completed on family and sexual assault offences in the territories using Crown Prosecutor files for the time period of January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2004. This study examines the relationship between the offender and the offender's personal history of violent abuse within the framework developed through the work of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, and subsequent studies undertaken based on the RCAP findings. The findings provide evidence of a relationship between offence and offender's history abuse. This report also provides details of the family violence and sexual assault offences committed."

Details: Ottawa: Department of Justice Canada, 2008

Source: rr08-le

Year: 2008

Country: Canada


Shelf Number: 114415

Family Violence
Indigenous Peoples
Sexual Assault

Author: Baldry, Eileen

Title: Aborginal Women with Dependent Children Leaving Prison Project: Needs Analysis Report

Summary: This project investigates the transitional and post release needs of Aborginal women with dependent children who are exiting prison in Western Sydney, Australia. It aims to understand their needs; appropriate services available and servive gaps in the area, in order to recommend a service model and evaluation framework addressing these needs. In the longer term it is meant to inform a supported housing pilot project for this group of women and their children.

Details: Sydney: University of New South Wales; NSW Department of Community Services; Homelessness NSW, 2008. 114p.


Year: 2008

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 113490

Children of Prisoners
Ex-Offenders, Services for

Author: Blagg, Harry

Title: Models of Best Practice: Aboriginal Community Patrols in Western Australia

Summary: This discussion paper explores best practice issues in relation to Aboriginal Community Patrols in Western Australia in the context of crime prevention and community safety. Aboriginal Community Patrols have become an accepted feature of localized responses to crime and anti-social behavior in many Aboriginal communities across the state, and this paper addresses a range of issues connected with the role of the patrols in crime prevention.

Details: Perth: Crime Research Centre, University of Western Austraia, 2007. 60p.


Year: 2007

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 118085

Community Safety
Crime Prevention
Peace Officers

Author: Pilkington, James

Title: Aboriginal Communities and the Police's Taskforce Themis: Case Studies in Remote Aboriginal Community Policing in the Northern Territory

Summary: The Northern Territory government built 18 new police stations in Aboriginal communities and labeled this Taskforce Themis. This report examines the impact of these new police stations on the various communities in which the stations were placed. Each of the communities was examined as a separate case study in remote community policing. Part 2 contains a detailed examination of the experience of each community with the police. The first clear conclusion from the fieldwork is that each community has had a distinct and different experience with the police presence. There are no factors in common across all the communities of Taskforce Themis; policing styles, priorities, and levels and methods for community engagement vary, as do crime levels, crime improvement and community responses to the police.

Details: Darwin, NT, AUS: North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency and Central Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service, 2009. 198p., app.

Source: Internet Resource

Year: 2009

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.naaja.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Themis-Stations-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 118705

Community Policing
Indigenous Peoples
Police-Community Relations
Policing (Australia)

Author: Wunderlitz, Joy

Title: Indigenous Perpetrators of Violence: Prevalence and Risk Factors for Offending

Summary: This report focuses on Indigenous perpetrators of violence and aims to quantify the prevalence and nature of violent behaviour as well as examine empirical evidence on the relationship between violence and its associated risk factors.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2010. 129p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research and Public Policy Series No. 105: Accessed August 23, 2010 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/2/A/4/%7B2A48440C-E61B-41E4-AD8D-28F536F8B586%7Drpp105.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/2/A/4/%7B2A48440C-E61B-41E4-AD8D-28F536F8B586%7Drpp105.pdf

Shelf Number: 119202

Indigenous Peoples
Violence (Australia)
Violent Crime
Violent Offenders

Author: Charron, Mathieu

Title: Police-reported Crime in Inuit Nunangat

Summary: Recent history has brought Inuit communities face to face with particular challenges in terms of health, education, employment, income, and demography. As is the case for many other Aboriginal peoples around the world, many studies suggests that Inuit communities also face high crime rates. Inuit are one of three Aboriginal groups, defined in the Constitution Act of 1982, the other two being First Nations and Métis. Inuit are distinct from these two other groups, with their own unique history, language and culture. Inuit have lived in the northern region of what is now called Canada for more than 5,000 years. Until relatively recently, they lived a nomadic lifestyle of hunting and fishing. Over the past few generations, Inuit life and culture have seen an accelerated transition from a traditional economy into permanent settlements. Although Inuit have largely shifted to Western social structures, such as an economy based on wages and formal education, some Inuit alive today were born on the land and lived a traditional nomadic lifestyle for the first part of their lives. According to the 2006 Census, 50,485 Inuit live in Canada. Of these, 39,475, or 78%, live in one of the four settled Inuit land-claims regions, known collectively as Inuit Nunangat, or “the place where Inuit live.” The Inuit population is young, with a median age of 22 years, compared with 40 years for the non-Aboriginal population. More than half of Inuit (56%) were aged 24 or under in 2006; among the non-Aboriginal population, less than one-third (31%) were 24 or younger. A number of studies have shown that criminal incidents are not distributed evenly across Canada, but are more prevalent in certain provinces, territories, metropolitan areas, regions and neighbourhoods. This is an exploratory study seeking to determine whether it is possible to measure police-reported crime for Inuit Nunangat, in the absence of Inuit-specific crime data. Since there is no reliable and complete information on the Aboriginal identity of the victims or perpetrators of crime, the current study is based on a geographical approach as a proxy for Inuit-specific information. In addition, we compare crime rates for communities based on alcohol restrictions. We look at some socio-economic indicators, but we do not fully explore the relationships between these indicators and crime patterns in the present study. The study focuses on communities where the Inuit live, rather than on individual Inuit. That is, it focuses on communities where more than 33% of the population self-identified as Inuit in the 2006 Census. All of these communities are part of the Inuit Nunangat, a vast territory that extends from Labrador to the Northwest Territories. The data in this report are from the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. These data are reported by police. Many criminal incidents do not come to the attention of the police, thus, the UCR data provide only a partial picture of total crime. In addition, Inuit are less likely than other Canadians to report incidents of victimization to the police because they fear their community’s reaction and because they lack confidence in the justice system. Other information comes from the 2006 Census of Population and the Homicide Survey. Finally, some Inuit Nunangat communities are excluded from parts of the analysis because data are unavailable. In particular, Inuit-inhabited communities of Nunavik are excluded from the analysis of the police-reported data.

Details: Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2010. 18p.

Source: Internet Resource: Crime and Justice Research Paper Series: Accessed September 8, 2010 at: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-561-m/85-561-m2010020-eng.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-561-m/85-561-m2010020-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 119770

Crime Statistics
Crime Victimization

Author: Totten, Mark

Title: Investigating the Linkages between FASD, Gangs, Sexual Exploitation and Women Abuse in the Canadian Aboriginal Population: A Preliminary Study

Summary: Over the last decade there has been an increase in the reporting of Aboriginal gangs and the impact on individuals, communities and youth in Canada. Some reports have described youth involvement in these gangs as reaching crisis proportions, particularly in prairie provinces, since the social impacts of gangs are directly linked to the drug trade, violence, weapons trade, sexual exploitation and the trafficking of women and girls. The impact on Aboriginal women and girls is particularly worrisome, as their involvement in gang activity is increasing, which may be directly related to their vulnerability and marginalization in Canadian society. This link is surmised by the fact that Aboriginal girls and women are significantly more likely than any other group in the country to die at a young age from suicide, homicide or serious illness; they suffer disproportionately elevated rates of sexual and physical abuse as children and adults; rates of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) appear to be elevated in the Aboriginal (particularly the First Nations) population, which is directly linked to higher rates of drug and alcohol use and addictions at a young age; and, they make up the large majority of all individuals in Canada who are involved in the sex trade and sexual trafficking. In addition to these indicators, there is increasing evidence that suggests gangs are responsible for the sexual exploitation and sexual slavery of Aboriginal women and girls. While there is an increasing awareness of the involvement of Aboriginal girls in gangs, there is little published evidence to determine concrete linkages between gangs, sexual exploitation and violence. One factor that has not yet been explored, as both a cause, consequence and compounding factor of the exploitation of Aboriginal women and girls and gang involvement is FASD. The purpose of this research report for the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is to provide an exploratory investigation into the linkages between many of the abovementioned phenomena - to begin a journey into making the connection between FASD, sexual exploitation, gangs, and extreme violence in the lives of Aboriginal young women. In so doing, we hope to develop a plan to prevent Aboriginal young women from using alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy.

Details: Ottawa: Native Women's Association of Canada, 2009. 25p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 28, 2010 at: http://www.nwac.ca/sites/default/files/imce/NWAC%20FASD%20SexExplGangs%202009.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.nwac.ca/sites/default/files/imce/NWAC%20FASD%20SexExplGangs%202009.pdf

Shelf Number: 120115

Alcohol Abuse
Female Victims
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Human Trafficking
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Title: Juvenile Justice in Australia 2007-2008

Summary: In Australia, responsibility for juvenile justice lies with the states and territories, and involves both juvenile justice agencies and other justice agencies such as the police and the courts. This report presents information on one aspect of the juvenile justice process: the supervision of young people in the juvenile justice system. There were 4,708 young people under juvenile justice supervision on an average day in 2007–08 in all states and territories except New South Wales, for which data were not available, and 9,540 young people experienced supervision at some time during the year. Most young people were supervised in the community. Around 87% of those under supervision on an average day were under community-based supervision while 13% were in detention. One-quarter of young people who were under supervision during 2007–08 had both community-based supervision and detention during the year. The number of young people in detention on an average day in Australia (excluding New South Wales) rose from 540 in 2004–05 to 630 in 2007–08—a 17% increase. The rate of young people aged 10–17 years in detention during the year increased from 1.7 per 1,000 to 2.0 per 1,000, indicating that a young person aged 10–17 years in 2007–08 was around 1.2 times as likely to be in detention during the year as a young person aged 10–17 years in 2004–05. In 2004–05, just over one-third of the average daily detention population was unsentenced but, by 2007–08, unsentenced young people in detention outnumbered those who were sentenced. The increase in the unsentenced population occurred for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous young people. Although only about 5% of young Australians are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, 40% of those under supervision on an average day were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. Their over-representation was particularly prominent in detention, where over half of those in detention on an average day and 60% of those who were unsentenced in detention were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. An Indigenous young person aged 10–17 years was 16 times as likely as a non-Indigenous young person of the same age to be under supervision in 2007–08, nearly 15 times as likely to be under community-based supervision as a non-Indigenous young person, and nearly 30 times as likely to be in detention.

Details: Canberra: AIHW, 2009. 146p.

Source: Internet Resource: Juvenile Justice Series No. 5: Accessed October 29, 2010 at: http://www.aihw.gov.au/publications/juv/juv-5-10853/juv-5-10853.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aihw.gov.au/publications/juv/juv-5-10853/juv-5-10853.pdf

Shelf Number: 120133

Juvenile Corrections
Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Inmates
Juvenile Justice Systems
Juvenile Offenders

Author: McHutchison, Judy

Title: Indigenous Deaths in NSW Corrective Services Custody 1996-97 to 2006-07

Summary: This study seeks to establish the prevalence and causes of the deaths of Indigenous offenders in the full-time custody of the New South Wales Department of Corrective Services between 1996/97 and 2006/07. The study also describes the characteristics pertaining to the deceased Indigenous offenders.

Details: Sydney: New South Wales Department of Corrective Services, 2008. 36p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Publication No. 49: Accessed August 26, 2011 at: http://www.correctiveservices.nsw.gov.au/_media/dcs/information/research-and-statistics/research-publication/RP049.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.correctiveservices.nsw.gov.au/_media/dcs/information/research-and-statistics/research-publication/RP049.pdf

Shelf Number: 122556

Deaths in Custody (Australia)
Indigenous Peoples

Author: Heckbert, Doug

Title: Turning Points: A Study of the Factors Related to the Successful Reintegration of Aboriginal Offenders

Summary: This study examined the lives of 68 Aboriginal ex-offenders who, at one time, had been very serious offenders and who had turned their lives around to become law-abiding citizens successfully integrated into the community. A similar study (Hodgson & Heckbert, 1995) identified a number of factors associated with the successful integration of Aboriginal offenders. The present study served as a follow-up to examine these factors more thoroughly and to explore other factors associated with success. The sample, chosen from the Edmonton (Alberta) area had to meet three conditions: the participants had to be Aboriginal; they had to have served one or more sentences in a federal penitentiary; and, they had to have been out of trouble for at least two years. Twelve women and 56 men took part in the study. The participants were interviewed according to a questionnaire (Appendix A) that guided them through; their early years, getting into trouble, getting out of trouble and staying out of trouble. Each interview was tape recorded, the tapes were transcribed and the transcripts were used as the primary source of data, which is presented using basic statistical methods with excerpts from the interviews. The study found that the majority of the participants said that their childhood years were dysfunctional. Almost two-thirds (62%) described their childhood as negative and 81% described their adolescence as negative. They experienced unstable family environments and living conditions of abuse and neglect. For example, 40% said that they had lived in an orphanage or in foster care and 28% said that they had been placed in a residential school. In addition, 40% reported being abused (physically, mentally, and/or sexually). As a result of their early living conditions, many respondents resorted to crime and violence. The respondents reported committing a great number of offences and having spent large amounts of time in the correctional system. When asked what would have prevented them from getting into trouble in the first place, the two main factors were communication and family support. Gradually, however, the respondents turned their lives around. This process took many different forms and different lengths of time for each person. There were many variables that influenced their getting out of trouble, but some of the main influences were: controlling alcohol and drug use, family support, and feeling sick and tired of being in trouble. At this point in time, the participants have stayed out of conflict with the law for at least two years, but most have been crime-free for many years. There were many factors that influenced their life choices, but some of the main factors in staying out of trouble include: personal values and identity, family, staying clean and sober, self-improvement activities, and friends. For each respondent the pivotal turning point was different. For some, it was the combination of different variables. Change was often slow with many relapses, but change took place. This process of change was often personal, thus, difficult to quantify. This study also demonstrates that Aboriginal spirituality and cultural activities were a major factor in the respondents’ recovery. However, many respondents mentioned that these activities were not always respected while they were in jail.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2001. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 6, 2011 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/rsrch/reports/r112/r112_e.pdf

Year: 2001

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/rsrch/reports/r112/r112_e.pdf

Shelf Number: 122649

Indigenous Peoples (Canada)
Offenders Rehabilitation
Prisoner Reentry

Author: Human Sector Resources

Title: Challenge, Choice, & Change: A Report on Evidence-Based Practice in the Provision of Policing Services to Aboriginal Peoples

Summary: This is paper #12, one of more than 20 research documents commissioned by the Ipperwash Inquiry for the purpose of assisting in the development of the Inquiry’s “Part 2” recommendations. Those recommendations will consider both “systemic” and “operational” issues relating to the Inquiry’s mandate of assessing evidentiary information and making recommendations regarding the avoidance of violence during confrontations between police and Aboriginal peoples. In preparing this report, researchers reviewed more than 15,000 pages of material gleaned from inquiries, commissions, studies, reports and evaluations of Aboriginal–police relations in Canada, Australia, and the United States. Unfortunately, the original plan to identify only “evidence-based” initiatives had to be abandoned—there was little evidence about what really worked. There was, however, consensus in three significant areas as to what “should” and, in some cases, what “seemed” to be working. It also became evident that the potential for significantly impacting crime and victimization of Aboriginal peoples simply through adjustments to Aboriginal–police relations was limited. The reality of Aboriginal “overrepresentation” in the Canadian criminal justice system is that the circumstances that give rise to this overrepresentation are principally age, poor education, unemployment, and substance abuse; by and large, conditions that are beyond the criminal justice system’s ability to ameliorate. Notwithstanding, there are opportunities to make a difference. The first area of consensus was the potential for community policing approaches to reduce crime and to improve relationships between police and the people they are to serve. Unfortunately there were few examples where the strategy has been applied comprehensively and/or where police have had the resources to witness its full potential—at least in relation to Aboriginal people. A second area of consensus was with regard to “governance” models. Aboriginal people must be given greater control over police services and in turn, must be more accountable for results. The key dimension of a successful governance model includes the right to self-determination and the full and effective participation of Aboriginal people in overseeing police activity. The third area of consensus was in relation to recruitment, training, and retention of police officers. The key dimensions of a successful approach include screening for racism, recruitment of more Aboriginal people to police service, employee and family assistance programs, and cross-cultural training that utilizes Aboriginal officers in an experiential model. This report goes on to identify other innovations in Aboriginal police relations that appear to have great promise. These include: • Community Justice Groups • National Indian Youth Academy • Diversion • Circle Sentencing • Gang Resistance Education and Training • Aboriginal Police Commissions • Watch House • Rules for Interrogation The report concludes with a summary of the various program choices that would appear to have the potential to make a difference, a challenge that we must finally act on these choices, and a caution that real change will occur only if we address the underlying economic and social conditions experienced by Aboriginal people in Canada.

Details: Ottawa: Ministry of the Attorney General, 2004. 73p.

Source: Internet Resource: accessed September 6, 2011 at: http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/inquiries/ipperwash/policy_part/research/pdf/Human_Sector_Resources_Report.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/inquiries/ipperwash/policy_part/research/pdf/Human_Sector_Resources_Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 122654

Indigenous Peoples
Police-Community Relations
Policing (Canada)

Author: Brennan, Shannon

Title: Violent Victimization of Aboriginal Women in the Canadian Provinces, 2009

Summary: In Canada, numerous programs and policies have been developed to address violence against women (Johnson and Dawson 2010; Status of Women Canada 2002). Despite these efforts, previous studies have shown that violence against women in Canada continues to be a persistent and ongoing problem, one that is compounded for Aboriginal women (Brzozowski 2006). Given these findings, it is important to differentiate between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women’s experiences of victimization, to better understand the extent of violence against Aboriginal women and the context in which it occurs. One source of information that can be used to measure violence against Aboriginal women in Canada is the General Social Survey (GSS) on Victimization. By asking respondents aged 15 years or older to recount their experiences of victimization, the GSS captures detailed information on criminal incidents that may or may not have been brought to the attention of police. Using GSS data from 2009, this article looks at the prevalence and nature of self-reported violence against Aboriginal women in the ten provinces. In addition, reporting of victimization to police, victims’ use of formal and informal support services, and the consequences of violent victimization are discussed. Finally, this report examines Aboriginal women’s perceptions of personal safety and their satisfaction with the criminal justice system.

Details: Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2011. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Juristat Article: Accessed September 20, 2011 at: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2011001/article/11439-eng.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85-002-x/2011001/article/11439-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 122794

Crime Statistics
Indigenous Peoples
Victim Services
Victimization Surveys
Victims of Crime
Violence Against Women

Author: New South Wales Ombudsman

Title: Inquiry Into Service Provision to the Bourke and Brewarrina Communities

Summary: The over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in the child protection and juvenile justice systems is of significant concern. This report examines the provision of community and child protection services in Bourke and Brewarrina, in particular, the adequacy of the response to vulnerable children in these communities. While the report focuses on the experiences for the Bourke and Brewarrina communities, its recommendations are relevant to rural and regional communities across the State.

Details: Sydney: NSW Ombudsman, 2010. 74p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 18, 2011 at: http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/publication/PDF/specialreport/SR_ServiceProvisionBourke_Dec10.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/publication/PDF/specialreport/SR_ServiceProvisionBourke_Dec10.pdf

Shelf Number: 123037

Child Protection
Juvenile Justice Systems(Australia)
Juvenile Offenders

Author: New South Wales Ombudsman

Title: Addressing Aboriginal Disadvantage: The Need To Do Things Differently

Summary: This report details our audit of the implementation of the NSW Interagency Plan to Tackle Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities 2006 - 2011 (Interagency Plan). The report seeks to bring together what we have said over a number of years publicly - as well as to agencies directly - about the systemic reforms that are needed to address Aboriginal disadvantage in NSW. It also builds on the findings and recommendations contained in our December 2010 report about service delivery to the Bourke and Brewarrina communities. The report highlights the importance of taking bold approaches to the priority areas of education, building economic capacity and protecting vulnerable children in Aboriginal communities.

Details: Sydney: New South Wales Ombudsman, 2011. 84p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 18, 2011 at: http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/publication/PDF/specialreport/SR_Aboriginal%20disadvantage%20report.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/publication/PDF/specialreport/SR_Aboriginal%20disadvantage%20report.pdf

Shelf Number: 123038

Child Protection
Child Sexual Abuse (Australia)

Author: Arney, Fiona

Title: Men's Places: Literature Review

Summary: This report provides detail from a review of the literature regarding the prevention of and response to family violence with a focus on engaging Aboriginal men in remote communities. The literature review has been derived at the request of Department of Children and Families in the Northern Territory Australia to inform efforts in violence protection and response with a focus on men. A search of the peer-reviewed and grey literature was conducted to report on the practice and programs related to (i) community-focused activity for men aimed at reducing family violence before it occurs and (ii), community focused activity aimed at providing effective responses to men involved in family violence. The literature review focuses on activity that has been successful in (i) remote Australian communities and (ii), activity that has been successful in remote indigenous communities of other countries. The literature review highlights the need to work with Aboriginal men for their own healing as people that experience violence and for the benefit of family and community where men perpetrate violence. In Aboriginal communities, it is more than likely that abusive men will remain in the lives of their partners for a range of reasons. The review also highlights the limitations of mainstream law and order approaches to reducing family violence in Aboriginal communities, but also describes the lack of a solid evidence base for community based approaches to preventing and responding to violence. The review describes approaches for engaging men in service delivery, and the need to incorporate models which accurately represent men’s attitudes to violence, health, service delivery and behaviour change.

Details: Darwin, NT, Australia: The Centre for Child Development and Education, Menzies School of Health Research, 2012. 58p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 7, 2012 at: http://ccde.menzies.edu.au/sites/default/files/Arney%20Westby%202012%20Mens%20Places.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://ccde.menzies.edu.au/sites/default/files/Arney%20Westby%202012%20Mens%20Places.pdf

Shelf Number: 125899

Abusive Men
Domestic Violence
Family Violence (Australia)
Violence Against Women

Author: Hudson, Sara

Title: Alcohol Restrictions in Indigenous Communities and Frontier Towns

Summary: Double standards in the responsible serving of alcohol have contributed to the growing alcohol problem in remote Indigenous communities, and are one reason why alcohol restrictions are now in place in communities across the Far North. But until the same standards are applied everywhere, there is no way of knowing whether such restrictions are really necessary. More controls on alcohol will have little effect until all the double standards that permeate Aboriginal people’s lives are addressed. Australia has a long history of treating Aboriginal people differently. First they were subjected to discriminatory laws that prevented them from living where they chose, drinking legally, voting, and being paid a fair wage. When these inequitable laws were finally abolished, they were replaced by equally damaging affirmative action and ‘culturally appropriate’ separatist policies. Denied the same educational and housing opportunities provided to others, remote Indigenous Australians have become increasingly reliant on the state to meet their every need. The harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption are a problem across Australia but more pronounced in many Aboriginal communities because nearly every resident is reliant on welfare. The absence of a real economy and appropriate controls on alcohol has created social environments where welfare payments are spent on alcohol and heavy drinking has become endemic. Few canteens on Indigenous lands and taverns in remote areas serve alcohol responsibly, with devastating results for communities. Aurukun was once described as a ‘liveable and vibrant community,’ but following the introduction of a regular supply of alcohol and no controls on its use, levels of violence, abuse and neglect skyrocketed. In 2000, the town’s homicide rate was estimated at 120 times the state average. In the 1970s, increasing liberalisation of liquor licensing laws saw an increase in the number of liquor outlets and extended opening hours of premises. Along with an increase in the total number of licensed premises, there was an increase in the numbers of licenses to sell takeaway alcohol. As a result, per capita consumption of pure alcohol in Australia grew rapidly in the 1970s (from an average of 9.3 litres in 1961 to a peak of 13.1 litres per person in 1974–75). Since then, state and territory liquor authorities have tried to offset this increasing liberalisation with new legislation to mitigate the harms caused by excessive alcohol consumption. This has contributed to the overall reduction in total per capita consumption of alcohol nationwide to around 10 litres of alcohol, but the Far North has not followed these trends. Per capita alcohol consumption in the Northern Territory remains high (14.35 litres in 2006–07), with the average consumption among Indigenous Territorians even higher at 16.1 litres. Many Indigenous people (particularly women) are concerned at the level of harm caused by excessive alcohol consumption and have used Aboriginal land and liquor legislation to restrict and even ban alcohol. The decision to introduce additional restrictions should be up to communities to decide, through a democratic process where everyone gets a voice no matter how marginalised they are. The problem is what to do in places where alcohol causes significant problems and communities do not want to be ‘dry’ or restrict alcohol. Community initiatives to introduce alcohol restrictions have been followed by territory, state and Commonwealth initiatives, including the Queensland government’s Alcohol Management Plans in Cape York and the federal government’s Northern Territory Intervention (NTI) in 2007 that introduced alcohol prohibitions in ‘73’ prescribed communities. The NTI restrictions have proven ineffective: they have increased ‘sly-grogging,’ displaced the drinking problem to ‘drinking paddocks’ on the outskirts of communities, and increased the number of homeless or itinerant drinkers in the larger towns and cities where alcohol is freely available. Drinking to extreme intoxication often occurs in ‘drinking camps’ on town fringes where there are no formal controls. Until recently, their existence has been unofficially tolerated because it has served everyone’s interests to segregate Aboriginal drinkers. Non-Indigenous people do not want them in the pubs and taverns in towns, and Indigenous drinkers have enjoyed the freedom and perceived the tacit license to do what they like as a minor victory over those who disapprove of their drinking and behaviour. However, recent concerns about the increasing numbers of itinerant drinkers coming to Alice Springs and causing problems have led to suggestions for more ‘wet canteens’ or ‘clubs’ in communities. The idea of drinking in a controlled environment, where people can consume alcohol with food and enjoy other recreational activities, has its merits but the failure of past experiences must be kept in mind. If on-premise options are to be a viable means of reducing the harms associated with drinking takeaway alcohol, then their risks need close attention. Poor governance and management is likely to be an issue. The pressure on such enterprises to produce profits for the community’s benefit could make them reluctant to regulate the sale of alcohol. Clubs also risk continuing (and institutionalising) racially segregated drinking, with the potential for different (lower) standards in the responsible serving of alcohol. In Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek, where the impetus for alcohol restrictions came from strong local women and where responsible serving of alcohol is now being enforced, there has been a noticeable decline (between 20% and 40%) in the number of alcohol-related crimes and alcohol-related admissions to hospitals. Having stricter controls on alcohol has made these towns more pleasant places to live, but the restrictions have not addressed the reasons why people are drinking in the first place. Controls on alcohol supply help mitigate the harms that alcohol causes, but they will not solve the alcohol problem. Restrictions may act as a circuit breaker and provide a ‘breathing space’ for other changes to occur, but they do very little for problem drinkers who will continue to try and obtain alcohol through other means. Alcohol restrictions should go hand in hand with proper enforcement and initiatives that address the underlying causes of the problem, not just the symptoms. Unfortunately, in all the states and territories where alcohol restrictions have been introduced, government has failed or been slow to deliver on promised rehabilitation programs and on real and substantive reforms to education, employment and housing. As a result some residents have transferred their addiction to other drugs and others have found ways to circumvent the law by bringing alcohol in illegally. The gradual erosion of the benefits of alcohol restrictions highlights the futility of introducing restrictions without addressing the aimlessness and boredom of lives lived on welfare.

Details: St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Centre for Independent Studies, 2011. 40p.

Source: Internet Resource: CIS Policy Monograph 116: Accessed August 10, 2012 at: http://cis.org.au/images/stories/policy-monographs/pm-116.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://cis.org.au/images/stories/policy-monographs/pm-116.pdf

Shelf Number: 125952

Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder (Australia)
Alcohol Restrictions
Indigenous Peoples

Author: Goodwill, Alanaise O.

Title: In and Out of Aboriginal Gang Life: Perspectives of Aboriginal Ex-Gang Members

Summary: This research project generated a categorical scheme to describe the facilitation of gang entry and exit for Aboriginal ex-gang members using the Critical Incident Technique (Flanagan, 1954; Woolsey, 1986) as a method of qualitative data analysis. Former gang members responded to the questions: (a) What facilitated gang entry for you? (b) What facilitated gang exit for you? Participants provided 103 and 136 critical incidents which were categorized into two separate category schemes each containing 13 different categories. The 13 categories for gang entry were; engaging in physical violence, proving one’s worth, hanging around delinquent activity, family involved in gangs and following a family pattern; going to prison, gang becoming family and support system, looking up to gang members and admiring gang lifestyle, becoming dependant on gang, experiencing unsafe or unsupportive parenting practices, gaining respect by rank increase, reacting to authority, caught in a cycle of fear, and partying. The 13 categories for gang exit were; working in the legal workforce, accepting support from family or girlfriend, helping others stay out of or move away from gang life, not wanting to go back to jail, accepting responsibility for family, accepting guidance and protection, participating in ceremony, avoiding alcohol, publically expressing that you are out of the gang, wanting legitimate relationships outside gang life, experiencing a native brotherhood, stopping self from reacting like a gangster, and acknowledging the drawbacks of gang violence. Diverse methods of checking trustworthiness and credibility were applied to these category schemes, and it was found that both category schemes can be used confidently.

Details: Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 2009. 191p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed August 10, 2012 at: https://circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/handle/2429/11076/ubc_2009_fall_goodwill_alanaise.pdf?sequence=1

Year: 2009

Country: Canada

URL: https://circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/handle/2429/11076/ubc_2009_fall_goodwill_alanaise.pdf?sequence=1

Shelf Number: 125955

Gangs (Canada)
Indigenous Peoples
Youth Gangs

Author: Cripps, Kyllie

Title: Communities Working to Reduce Indigenous Family Violence

Summary: This brief describes some of the promising efforts to reduce Indigenous family violence in Australia and overseas, including both government and community initiatives, as well as support mechanisms and measures for victims. Some of Memmott et al.’s (2001) nine categories of violence program types are adopted as headings: support programs; behavioural reform programs; community policing and monitoring programs; justice programs; mediation programs; education and awareness programs; and composite programs. Evaluations of alcohol restrictions are also considered.

Details: Canberra: Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse, 2012. 8p.

Source: Internet Resource: Brief 12: Accessed August 13, 2012 at: http://www.indigenousjustice.gov.au/briefs/brief012.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.indigenousjustice.gov.au/briefs/brief012.pdf

Shelf Number: 125997

Family Violence (Australia)
Indigenous Peoples
Intimate Partner Violence
Violence Against Women

Author: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Title: Indigenous Young People in the Juvenile Justice System

Summary: Indigenous young people are over-represented in the juvenile justice system, particularly in the most serious processes. Although only about 5% of young Australians are Indigenous, in 2010–11, almost 2 in 5 (39%) of those under juvenile justice supervision on an average day were Indigenous. There were 2,820 Indigenous young people under supervision in Australia on an average day and 5,195 under supervision at some time during the year. Indigenous young people aged 10–17 were 4–6 times as likely as non-Indigenous young people to be proceeded against by police during 2010–11 and 8–11 times as likely to be proven guilty in the Children’s Court (among the states and territories with available data). At a national level, they were, on average, 14 times as likely to be under community-based supervision during the year and 18 times as likely to be in detention. They are more likely to experience supervision when aged 10–17. Among the cohorts of young people for whom a complete juvenile justice supervision history is available (those born between 1990–91 and 1992–93), 14–16% of Indigenous young people experienced supervision at some time when they were aged 10–17, compared with just over 1% of non-Indigenous young people born in each year. They enter the juvenile justice system at younger ages Indigenous young people aged 10–17 who were proceeded against by police (in the states and territories with available data) were more likely than non-Indigenous young people to be in the youngest age groups (age 10–12). In addition, the majority (58%) of Indigenous young people under supervision in 2010–11 had first entered supervision when they were aged 10–14, compared with less than one-third (32%) of non-Indigenous young people (excluding Western Australia and the Northern Territory, as standard data were not provided). They complete shorter periods of supervision, but spend more time under supervision overall. In 2010–11, Indigenous young people tended to complete slightly shorter periods of supervision than non-Indigenous young people (median duration 62 days compared with 68; excluding Western Australia and the Northern Territory as standard data were not provided). However, they completed more periods during the year, on average, and spent just over 3 weeks longer (200 days compared with 178) under supervision during the year. However, their over-representation in supervision has decreased. In the 5 years to 2010–11, there was a slight drop in the level of Indigenous over-representation in supervision, as shown by the rate ratio. Indigenous young people were 15 times as likely as non-Indigenous young people to be under supervision on an average day in 2010–11, down from 16 times as likely in 2006–07. The largest decrease in over-representation was in detention, where the rate ratio dropped from 28 to 24 over the period.

Details: Sydney: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Bulletin 109: Accessed November 28, 2012 at: http://www.aihw.gov.au/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=60129542188

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aihw.gov.au/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=60129542188

Shelf Number: 127016

Indigenous Peoples (Australia)
Juvenile Justice System
Juvenile Offenders

Author: Queensland. Crime and Misconduct Commission

Title: Indigenous People in Policing Roles: A follow-up review to the Restoring Order report

Summary: Police and Queensland’s Indigenous communities have had a complex and often difficult history. A long line of reviews and reports have attempted to influence the way that criminal justice and policing services are delivered to remote and other discrete Indigenous communities. The Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) became more involved following the death of Cameron Doomadgee (Mulrunji) in the police watch-house on Palm Island in November 2004 and the rioting against police that occurred in January 2007 in Aurukun. In February 2007, the Government of Queensland asked the CMC to examine issues relating to policing in Indigenous communities and in 2009 we published the results of our inquiry in Restoring order: crime prevention, policing and local justice in Queensland’s Indigenous communities. Restoring order provided a blueprint for improving the relationship between police and Queensland’s Indigenous communities. Fundamental to our approach was the recognition that government alone should not seek to solve problems in communities. Rather, government should see its role as providing support and funding to enable communities to develop appropriate responses to these problems. Indigenous people in policing roles — Police Liaison Officers, Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Police and Community Police Officers — can develop community capacity, ownership and involvement in dealing with local crime and disorder. In doing so, individuals in these roles can play an important part in improving police legitimacy and relations between police and the community. Despite their potential, Restoring order highlighted a number of significant challenges that undermined the effectiveness of the existing models. Consequently, we made a commitment to revisit Indigenous people in policing roles. This report focuses on how the Queensland Police Service utilises, manages and supports individuals in these roles. While our terms of reference did not allow us to review, more broadly, the delivery of policing services to remote and other discrete Indigenous communities, we acknowledge the significant and innovative steps that the Queensland Police Service has taken in this regard.

Details: Brisbane: Crime and Misconduct Commission, 2012. 138p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 1, 2012 at: www.cmc.qld.gov.au

Year: 2012

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 127094

Indigenous Peoples (Australia)
Police-Citizen Interactions
Police-Community Relations

Author: Jeffries, Samantha

Title: Indigenous Disparity in Lower Court Imprisonment Decisions: A Study of Two Australian Jurisdictions, 1998 to 2008

Summary: This paper reports findings from statistical analyses of Indigeneity and lower court sentencing in New South Wales and South Australia from 1998 to 2008. The aim was to explore the probability of Indigenous versus non-Indigenous defendants receiving a prison sentence over time, while controlling for other key sentencing determinates (ie sex, age, criminal history, seriousness of current offence, plea, bail status). Across the study period, results generally showed that Indigenous offenders were more likely to receive a prison term than similarly situated non-Indigenous offenders. However, the pattern of disparity over time differed by jurisdiction. In New South Wales, Indigenous offenders were more likely to receive a prison sentence throughout the entire period. By contrast, in the South Australian lower courts, disparity was found to have increased, with earlier years showing parity and leniency, before a trend towards a greater likelihood of a prison sentence for Indigenous offenders. Focal concerns theory is used to provide a possible explanation for the study's finding of Indigenous lower court sentencing disparity.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2012. 6p.

Source: Internet Resource: Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice no. 447: Accessed January 24, 2013 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/441-460/tandi447.html

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/tandi/441-460/tandi447.html

Shelf Number: 127392

Indigenous Peoples (Australia)
Racial Disparities
Sentencing Disparities

Author: Deloitte Access Economics

Title: An Economic Analysis for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Offenders. Prison vs Residential Treatment

Summary: Deloitte Access Economics was appointed by NIDAC to: • examine the patterns and prevalence of Indigenous people in the prison system • outline the impact and implications of incarceration of Indigenous people, and • analyse the costs and benefits of addressing Indigenous problematic alcohol and drug use with treatment, particularly residential rehabilitation, as compared to prison. Indigenous Australians are over-represented in Australian prisons. At 30 June 2011, there were 29 106 prisoners in Australian prisons, of which 7656 (26%) were Indigenous (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011a). By comparison, 2.5 per cent of the total population was Indigenous in 2011 (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011b). In 2010–11, the imprisonment rate for Indigenous adults (aged 18 years or over) was 1746.51 per 100 000 compared with a corresponding rate of 125.4 for non-Indigenous people — a ratio of Indigenous to non- Indigenous imprisonment rates of 13.9 (Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision 2012). In 2011, 70 per cent of Indigenous prisoners convicted of a violent offence had been previously convicted, and 81 per cent of Indigenous prisoners convicted of a non-violent offence (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011a). Indigenous prisoners were more likely to have been convicted of a prior offence than non-Indigenous prisoners. The majority of prisoners whose primary conviction was non-violent faced sentences (or expected to serve time) of less than five years, with more than three-quarters expected to serve less than two years. Overall, the proportion of Indigenous prisoners with an expected serving time of less than two years was 31 per cent. Around 68 per cent of Indigenous (and 65 per cent of non-Indigenous) prison entrants selfreported having used illicit drugs during the preceding 12 months (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2011a). Of all Indigenous prison entrants, those aged 18–24 years old were most likely to have used illicit drugs (76%). Based on data from a New South Wales survey, Indigenous prisoners are also significantly more likely to be dependent on alcohol than non-Indigenous prisoners, and Indigenous men were significantly more likely to report that they were intoxicated at the time of the offence for which they were incarcerated (Indiget al. 2010). Over the course of 2011, approximately 2476 Indigenous men and 400 Indigenous women entered2 prisons in Australia (based on analysis of data from Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011a). For the purposes of this study, Indigenous people who experience problematic drug or alcohol use and who are in prison for non-violent offences were seen as potentially benefiting from diversion from prison into a residential treatment program. Approximately half of Indigenous prisoners linked their offending to drug and alcohol use — suggesting approximately 3827 Indigenous prisoners in 2011 (see section 2.2). Excluding those who stated that their most serious offence was a violent offence leaves approximately 1607 Indigenous prisoners in 2011 who committed a non-violent offence which they attributed to drug and alcohol use. There are many factors that influence the choice of treatment, and the appropriateness of diversion, so the estimates here should be interpreted as broad approximations. Nevertheless, the potential quantum of the offender population who could be considered for diversion into residential rehabilitation treatment is around 1600 in 2011.

Details: Canberra: National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee, Australian National Council on Drugs, 2012. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: ANCD Research Paper; 24: Accessed February 8, 2013 at: https://www.deloitteaccesseconomics.com.au/uploads/File/NIDAC_Deloitte%20Access%20Economics%20Report(1).pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.deloitteaccesseconomics.com.au/uploads/File/NIDAC_Deloitte%20Access%20Economics%20Report(1).pdf

Shelf Number: 127551

Alternatives to Incarceration
Community-based Corrections
Costs of Criminal Justice
Indigenous Offenders
Indigenous Peoples (Australia)

Author: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Title: Juvenile Justice in Australia 2010-11: An Overview

Summary: On an average day in 2010–11, there were an estimated 7,265 young people under juvenile justice supervision in Australia. Most (86% or 6,250) were supervised in the community and the remainder (14% or 1,045) were in detention. There were 2.6 young people aged 10–17 under supervision on an average day for every 1,000 in the population—2.2 per 1,000 under community-based supervision and 0.4 per 1,000 in detention. Over the 4-year period to 2010–11, rates of young people under community-based supervision and in detention remained relatively steady. Among the states and territories for which data are available, rates of young people aged 10–17 under supervision on an average day ranged from 1.9 per 1,000 in Victoria to 4.7 per 1,000 in Tasmania. Indigenous young people aged 10–17 were 15 times as likely to be under supervision on an average day as non-Indigenous young people. This level of over-representation decreased slightly over the 4 years to 2010–11. The over-representation of Indigenous young people in detention decreased over the 4-year period. In 2010–11, Indigenous young people aged 10–17 were 24 times as likely as non-Indigenous young people to be in detention on an average day, down from 28 times as likely in 2007–08. Although on an average day most young people under juvenile justice supervision were supervised in the community, about 2 in 5 (41%) were in detention at some time during the year (estimates are not available for Western Australia and the Northern Territory). Most (87%) of those who were in detention during 2010–11 experienced unsentenced detention at some time during the year. On an average day in 2010–11, half (50%) of all young people in detention were unsentenced.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012. 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Bulletin 106: Accessed February 11, 2013 at: http://www.aihw.gov.au/publication-detail/?id=10737422551

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aihw.gov.au/publication-detail/?id=10737422551

Shelf Number: 127567

Juvenile Corrections
Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Inmates
Juvenile Justice Systems
Juvenile Offenders

Author: Allard, Troy

Title: Targeting Crime Prevention: Identifying communities which generate chronic and costly offenders to reduce offending, crime, victimisation and Indigenous over-representation in the criminal justice system

Summary: Indigenous over-representation is the most significant social justice and public policy issue within the Australian criminal justice system. Despite the existence of justice agreements and plans in every jurisdiction over the past decade, the gap has continued to widen in every jurisdiction. Indigenous people aged 10 and over were between 5.6 and 8.4 times more likely than non-Indigenous people to be arrested during 2009-2010. Indigenous youth were 13.4 times more likely than non-Indigenous youth to be under community supervision and 23.9 times more likely to be in youth detention during 2009-2010. Indigenous adults were 14.3 times more likely than non-Indigenous adults to be incarcerated during 2011. Two national policy initiatives are driving attempts to reduce Indigenous disadvantage, including Indigenous over-representation in the criminal justice system. The Closing the Gap strategy recognises the need for a long-term approach to reduce Indigenous disadvantage. The strategy aims to achieve simultaneous improvements in seven areas of life: early childhood, schooling, health, economic participation, healthy homes, safe communities and governance and leadership. The National Indigenous Law & Justice Framework aims to create safer Indigenous communities. One of the main mechanisms proposed to reduce Indigenous over-representation as offenders in the criminal justice system is through the use of effective and targeted crime prevention programs. Unfortunately little publically available information exists regarding how programs might be targeted to reduce offending by Indigenous peoples.

Details: Report to the Criminology Research Advisory Council, 2012. 69p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 11, 2013 at:

Year: 2012

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 127583

Chronic Offenders
Communities and Crime
Costs of Crime
Crime Prevention (Australia)
Indigenous Peoples
Minority Groups

Author: New South Wales. Ombudsman

Title: Responding to Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities A report under Part 6A of the Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Act 1993

Summary: This report outlines the findings and recommendations from our audit of the implementation of the NSW Interagency Plan to Tackle Child Sexual Assault in Aboriginal Communities. The Interagency Plan was released in January 2007 and operated for five years. Approximately $60 million was earmarked for implementing Interagency Plan initiatives. The Plan committed 11 government agenciesii and a number of non-government organisations to implementing 88 actions. The goals underpinning the Interagency Plan recognise that child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities cannot be tackled in isolation of the broader issues of disadvantage – including poor health, education and employment outcomes, and the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in the child protection and criminal justice systems. In response to recommendation 18.1 of the Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services, the Ombudsman was required to audit the implementation of the Interagency Plan. When Justice Wood assessed what the Interagency Plan had achieved in its early years, he found that it had generated significant levels of activity but it was ‘difficult to assess’ the actual impact on Aboriginal communities, or on those children who are experiencing or are at risk of sexual abuse. Throughout the period of the Plan’s implementation, a range of major initiatives have been introduced. In particular, the reforms to the child protection system arising from the Special Commission of Inquiry and the Government’s response, Keep Them Safe, as well as a range of initiatives linked to the National Indigenous Reform Agreement, settled by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in November 2008. In August 2011, several months before the Interagency Plan was due to end, the NSW Government established a Ministerial Taskforce in recognition of the need to improve service delivery and accountability in Aboriginal affairs and, in particular, to improve employment and educational outcomes for Aboriginal people in NSW. Although the Ministerial Taskforce has not specifically focused on the issue of child sexual assault, it has recognised the strong alignment between its commitment to building strong accountability across government and what is required to properly address child sexual assault in Aboriginal communities into the future. Throughout our audit, we have used a series of inquiries to focus agencies’ attention on issues that need to be addressed if specific child protection strategies are to have an impact, especially in high-need locations. Two of these inquiries have culminated in reports to Parliament – Inquiry into service provision to the Bourke and Brewarrina communities (December 2010) and Addressing Aboriginal Disadvantage: the need to do things differently (October 2011). We also issued a confidential report provided directly to lead agencies about our review of a group of schoolaged children in two Western NSW towns (July 2012). Each report highlights measures needed to create an environment where child wellbeing is paramount and communities can thrive, thereby paving the way for more effective child sexual abuse prevention measures. These reports, collectively, constitute our formal report to the Minister on our audit.

Details: Sydney: NSW Ombudsman, 2012. 310p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2013 at: http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/7961/ACSA-report-web1.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.ombo.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/7961/ACSA-report-web1.pdf

Shelf Number: 127995

Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Protection
Child Sexual Abuse (Australia)
Indigenous Peoples

Author: Stacey, Kathleen

Title: Panyappi Indigenous Youth Mentoring Program External Evaluation Report

Summary: Panyappi is an Indigenous youth mentoring service for young people who experience multiple problems that lead them to frequent inner city or other suburban hangouts, placing them at risk of being a victim of crime or engaging in offending behaviour. Panyappi aims to: 1. To intervene in pathways of offending behaviour and bring about a positive shift in each young person’s attitude toward offending and in their behaviour. 2. To decrease each young participant’s contact with the juvenile justice system and/or agencies associated with this system. 3. To promote self-discovery and self-determination by young people participating in the program their family and wider community. 4. To work collaboratively with all agencies that have mutual responsibility for resolving the young person’s difficulties. Most of the young people with whom Panyappi works are disengaging or already disengaged from education, have a high rate of social-emotional issues, and often engage in substance misuse. At least half of these young people are involved with FAYS and/or the juvenile justice system. They are unlikely to engage with mainstream youth mentoring programs, particularly on a voluntary basis, or with other youth groups or youth support services. They require longer-term, consistent, regular and more intense support in order to build trust, foster their personal resilience, and assist them to gain stability, a positive personal identity and constructive direction for their lives. Although it began in July 2001, like many pilot initiatives tackling a difficult issue Panyappi experienced disruptions during its establishment. Initially this was due to disagreement about the program focus, location, auspicing arrangements, and an insufficient funding base. The funding issue led to staffing the program with trainees only as mentors, rather than more experienced workers, which proved inappropriate and drew the Coordinator’s time away from service development. After making progress by March 2002, there were two quick changes of Coordinator resulting in an extended break in service in 2002. The program was stabilised in February 2003 and since then has functioned more smoothly, strengthened collaborative work with other agencies/ services, and provided consistent mentoring services for young people and families.

Details: Panyappi: Metropolitan Aboriginal Youth Team; Adelaide: South Australia Department of Human Services, 2004. 86p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 18, 2013 at: http://www.dcsi.sa.gov.au/Pub/Portals/7/panyappi-indigenous-youth-mentoring-program-external-evaluation-report.pdf

Year: 2004

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.dcsi.sa.gov.au/Pub/Portals/7/panyappi-indigenous-youth-mentoring-program-external-evaluation-report.pdf

Shelf Number: 128002

At-risk Youth
Delinquency Prevention
Indigenous Peoples
Youth Mentoring (Australia)

Author: Lyneham, Mathew

Title: Deaths in custody in Australia to 30 June 2011 Twenty years of monitoring by the National Deaths in Custody Program since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

Summary: Compiled for two decades by the Australian Institute of Criminology, this report found both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous rates of deaths in custody have decreased over the last decade and are now some of the lowest ever seen (0.16 per 100 Indigenous prisoners and 0.22 per 100 non-Indigenous prisoners in 2010–11). For the last eight years in a row, the Indigenous rate of death in prison has been lower than the equivalent non-Indigenous rate. While Indigenous prisoners continue to be statistically less likely to die in custody than non-Indigenous prisoners, there is a concerning trend emerging, as the actual number of Indigenous deaths in prison are rising again, with 14 in 2009-10 which is equal to the highest on record. More concerning still is that over the 20 years since the Royal Commission, the proportion of prisoners that are Indigenous has almost doubled from 14% in 1991 to 26% in 2011.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2013. 197p.

Source: Internet Resource: AIC Reports; Monitoring Reports 20: Accessed May 30, 2013 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/mr/1-20/20.html

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/current%20series/mr/1-20/20.html

Shelf Number: 128855

Deaths in Custody (Australia)
Indigenous Peoples

Author: John Scougall

Title: Keeping People Safe: An evaluation of the Nyoongar Patrol Outreach Service

Summary: NPS is the only Aboriginal patrol service operating in the Perth metropolitan area. There have been many It began in 1998 as a fledgling volunteer managed service operating only three night patrols each week. Through many years of hard work NPS transformed itself into a professionally structured organisation with a strong board, experienced CEO and seventeen fulltime staff, all of whom participate in a programme of professional development. There are a further seven trained casual staff. Description of the Service The objectives of the NPS are: 􀂇􀀃 Safety and harmony 􀂇􀀃 Referring people who are in need to agencies that can assist 􀂇􀀃 Transporting people to safety 􀂇􀀃 Partnering and cooperating with other agencies 􀂇􀀃 Remaining a strong viable organisation with a professional reputation 􀂇􀀃 Providing greater social and economic support to youth. The NPS currently delivers a range of community services which contribute to community safety: 􀂇􀀃 Conflict mediation and defusion of incidents 􀂇􀀃 Street level support to the homeless 􀂇􀀃 Youth support and child protection 􀂇􀀃 Street level linkage of people to health services 􀂇􀀃 Employment and training 􀂇􀀃 Policy advocacy and planning input. The crime prevention role of NPS receives the most emphasis and is the source of most current funding, but it is not the only street level service NPS provides. There is a need to ensure that performance measures are in place to enable progress in all areas of service delivery to be measured. There is also a need to ensure the organisation is adequately funded to provide these services. Strategies used by NPS to deliver its services include: 􀂇􀀃 Street patrols to maintain a visible presence 􀂇􀀃 Referral of people to other services including shelters and refuges 􀂇􀀃 Providing diversionary transport to a safe place 􀂇􀀃 Improving cooperation and relationships between Aboriginal people, the business community, police and other services. The NPS is about early detection of Aboriginal people in jeopardy. The target group are Aboriginal people in public places in Perth whose safety is at risk. Youth, the homeless and people affected by substances are amongst the primary beneficiaries. Desired outcomes expected as the result of the work of the NPS include: 􀂇􀀃 a safer community 􀂇􀀃 fewer incidents 􀂇􀀃 reduced assault and violence 􀂇􀀃 reduced property damage and robbery 􀂇􀀃 reduced detention and arrests by police 􀂇􀀃 reduced homelessness 􀂇􀀃 better access to services by people at risk 􀂇􀀃 reduced truancy 􀂇􀀃 reduced child abuse 􀂇􀀃 a more effective community safety service sector.

Details: Victoria Park, AU: John Scougall Consulting Services, 2012. 94p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accesssed August 5, 2013 at: http://apo.org.au/sites/default/files/docs/Keeping_People_Safe_NPS-Report.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://apo.org.au/sites/default/files/docs/Keeping_People_Safe_NPS-Report.pdf

Shelf Number: 129531

Crime Prevention
Police Patrol
Public Spaces
Street Patrols

Author: Day, Andrew

Title: Programs to Improve Interpersonal Safety in Indigenous Communities: Evidence and Issues

Summary: There is now a substantial amount of published literature describing the range of programs and interventions that have been implemented in an attempt to improve aspects of community safety. Only a small body of this work, however, has examined the outcomes of those programs delivered to Indigenous Australians or, indeed, the communities in which they live. This Issues paper provides an overview of those programs that were identified in a systematic search of relevant research databases. Although a wide range of programs have been described, the diversity of these programs—combined with the limited published data available that documents their outcomes—makes it difficult to articulate what constitutes effective practice in this area. It is concluded that an evidence-based approach to practice in this area is essential if the long-term aim of the Closing the Gap initiative is to be achieved. To generate this evidence, however, more attention is needed to develop evaluation methods that assess the impact of program activities on medium and longer term outcomes. In addition, information about program outcomes needs to be integrated with what is known about the mechanisms by which effective programs are delivered, as well as with knowledge about how they might be most effectively implemented in different communities.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2013. 29p.

Source: Internet Resosurce: Issues paper no. 4: Accessed August 12, 2013 at: http://www.aihw.gov.au/uploadedFiles/ClosingTheGap/Content/Publications/2013/ctg-ip04.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aihw.gov.au/uploadedFiles/ClosingTheGap/Content/Publications/2013/ctg-ip04.pdf

Shelf Number: 129627

Community Crime Prevention
Community Safety
Indigenous Peoples (Australia)

Author: Senior, Kate

Title: Developing Successful Diversionary Schemes for Youth from Remote Aboriginal Communities

Summary: This report explores the experiences and aspirations of youth in Wadeye, a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory which has become synonymous with the deviant behaviours of its young people. The research was undertaken over a three year period, and builds upon a previous ten year period of community based research. As such it forms a unique longitudinal study of young people during a period of extreme change in their lives. The research applied a mixed methods approach, utilising ethnography, interviews and the application of a community wide survey. Although young community based people were the primary focus of the study, the research also included the wider community perspectives, service providers and a sample of imprisoned community members. The proliferation of gangs in the Wadeye community has become a primary focus for outsiders' interpretation of social issues in the community. These gangs have been defined by their violent and oppositional cultures. This period of research and the research which preceded it, emphasise the complexity of gang cultures and gang dynamics in this community. The report also emphasises that a primary focus on gangs serves to obscure other factors influencing young people's lives and behaviours. This includes those youth who do not engage in deviant behaviour, who attend school and progress to employment. It also includes youth who engage in non-gang related violent and anti-social behaviour. The report argues that effective service delivery and the development of appropriate diversion activities for young people must recognise the diversity and complexity of the youth experience in the community and recognise and develop their current strengths. Feedback from elders, young people and long-term community workers, advocates that more partnership approaches to further research and program evaluation must become an integral part of the process. Involving young people themselves as part of this research process will provide opportunities to create new roles for them and to establish a positive foundation for the future of the community.

Details: Sydney: Criminology Research Advisory Group, 2012. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 27, 2014 at: http://www.criminologyresearchcouncil.gov.au/reports/1314/26-0809-FinalReport.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.criminologyresearchcouncil.gov.au/reports/1314/26-0809-FinalReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 131811

Antisocial Behavior
At-Risk Youth
Delinquency Prevention
Indigenous Peoples
Juvenile Delinquents
Juvenile Offenders
Longitudinal Studies

Author: d'Abbs, Peter

Title: Monitoring Trends in Prevalence of Petrol Sniffing in Selected Aboriginal Communities: An Interim Report

Summary: This report presents interim findings from a study of petrol sniffing prevalence in a sample of Australian Aboriginal communities that commenced in 2011 and is scheduled for completion in 2014. The study was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing in order to contribute to monitoring the impact of an ongoing rollout of low aromatic fuel (LAF) in communities beset by petrol sniffing, and is being conducted by Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, in partnership with Bowchung Pty Ltd, Canberra. Preparation of the report is also a response to a recommendation by the Senate Community Affairs Committee which, in a report of an inquiry into the Low Aromatic Fuel Bill tabled in 2012, stated: The committee recommends that the Government release an interim report based on the first round of data collection being undertaken by the Menzies School of Health Research. (Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, 2012, Recommendation 1). The report contains four sections: 1. background to attempts to date to monitor prevalence of petrol sniffing in Australian Aboriginal communities in general and, in particular, to monitor the impact of rolling out LAF; 2. methodological issues entailed in monitoring prevalence of petrol sniffing in communities; 3. the methodology adopted in the present study; and 4. interim findings of the study to date.

Details: Darwin: Menzies School of Health Research, 2013. 34p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 12, 2014 at: http://www.menzies.edu.au/icms_docs/176151_Final_Menzies_interim_report_May_2013.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.menzies.edu.au/icms_docs/176151_Final_Menzies_interim_report_May_2013.pdf

Shelf Number: 131861

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Petrol Sniffing

Author: Usher, Amelia

Title: The Effectiveness of Correctional Programs with Diverse Offenders: A Meta-Analytic Study

Summary: Correctional populations in most countries today are composed of a heterogeneous group representing offenders from varying ethnic and racial backgrounds. Correctional constituencies therefore have an interest in determining if interventions are effective in reducing criminal recidivism for a diverse group of individuals. Canada's federal offender population increasingly represents a broad range of ethnic and cultural groups. The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is responsible for providing effective correctional programming for all offenders requiring it. Traditionally, most research on correctional interventions has not disaggregated outcomes for the various ethnic groups participating in these programs. Some critics have suggested that the current correctional model may not be appropriate for all ethnic groups. There is evidence to suggest from individual studies, however, that cognitive-behavioural approaches, which form the basis of CSC's correctional programming, are appropriate for individuals from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The present study seeks to examine the effectiveness of CSC's correctional model for offenders of diverse ethnic backgrounds by using meta-analysis. The study will also estimate the base rates of reoffending for the various groups attending programming and their comparison groups. To investigate this issue, a search was undertaken of all previous outcome research on CSC correctional programs. Studies were selected for inclusion in the meta-analysis if they investigated cognitive-behavioural correctional interventions, included federal offenders from a wide range of ethnic groups, used readmission to custody as an outcome measure, and employed a control group methodological design. Participants were grouped according to four different ethnic backgrounds: Aboriginal, Black, Caucasian, and Other. Overall mean effect sizes were calculated for each group using the odds ratio. Overall, it was found that all ethnic groups showed decreased likelihood of readmission after participating in correctional programming. Odds ratios ranged from 1.36 to 1.76. For example, Aboriginal offenders who participated in correctional programming had odds of success that were 1.45 times greater than Aboriginal offenders who did not participate in programming. Base rates of readmissions to custody were also calculated. The highest rates of readmission were found for Aboriginal offenders, followed by Caucasian, Black and Other offenders. Results of this study indicate that CSC's correctional programs are effective across a broad range of ethnic groups. Offenders who participate in programming are less likely to return to custody than offenders who do not participate in programs, regardless of ethnic background. While the cognitive-behavioural treatment model appears to be effective in addressing criminal recidivism for offenders with diverse cultural backgrounds, the results do not preclude attending to responsivity issues related to culture within the treatment model. Offender ethnicity and culture remain important responsivity factors in effective correctional programming.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2011. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: 2011 No. R-246: Accessed March 31, 2014 at: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/lbrr/archives/cn21448-eng.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/lbrr/archives/cn21448-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 132033

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment
Ethnic Groups
Offender Treatment

Author: Kiedrowski, John

Title: Trends in Indigenous Policing Models: An International Comparison

Summary: The report reviews Indigenous policing models in Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. These countries were selected due to similarities in their colonial history, laws, political structures and the socio-economic outcomes of their respective Indigenous peoples. The purpose of the report is to facilitate opportunities for the exchange of information on Indigenous policing models, research and policy issues. The report, however, is not an exhaustive overview of all Indigenous policing initiatives, but an attempt to initiate information sharing, and enhance cross-national communication and discussion in this critically important area. In the countries reviewed, the Indigenous population is growing at a more rapid rate than the non-Indigenous people. At the same time, the Indigenous people have a much higher rate of offences, arrest and incarceration than non-Indigenous population. Furthermore, the Indigenous people are more socially and economically challenged in terms of unemployment, education and health care. This setting poses a challenge for delivering policing services. Among the countries reviewed, Canada is alone in having a comprehensive and national policing program (FNPP) for its Aboriginal peoples. In the United States many of the reservations have their own policing services which evolved from Congressional legislation. Recently, Congress passed the Tribal Law & Order Act of 2010 to help establish partnerships between the Tribes and Federal government to better address the public-safety challenges that confront the Tribal communities. In Australia, the Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths and Custody was the impetus for determining how policing models will service the Indigenous communities. Recently, the policing models have also been associated with the development of community partnership agreements and performance measures to better determine the impact of policing services. In New Zealand, policing services models continue to follow the Maori Responsiveness Strategy, which is geared towards building partnership and relations with the Maori people. The report identifies a few promising policing practices that can have a positive impact on public safety for Indigenous people. These practices where incorporated into an integrated policing model which highlights the importance of such factors as police training, the development of community partnerships, understanding Indigenous tradition and culture, and the use of a holistic framework. Finally, the report concludes that there is a critical need for further empirical research and more information sharing, and cross-national exchanges.

Details: Ottawa: Public Safety Canada, 2013. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 23, 2014 at: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/trnds-ndgns-plc-mdl/trnds-ndgns-plc-mdl-eng.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: International

URL: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/trnds-ndgns-plc-mdl/trnds-ndgns-plc-mdl-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 132144

Indigenous Peoples
Police Policies and Practices
Police Training
Police-Citizen Interactions
Police-Community Relations

Author: Woodley, Alex

Title: Breaking the Silence but Keeping Secrets: What Young People Want to Address Sexual Violence

Summary: Teen sexual assault and abuse in New Zealand is a significant problem, with nearly one in five New Zealand teens reporting unwanted sexual touching or being made to do sexual things that they did not want to. Statistically, young people aged 15-24 years are at the highest risk of sexual assault in any age group. HELP (Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation) is a specialist organisation that has been providing sexual abuse support services since 1982. It works with women and children in the Auckland area suffering from the effects of sexual abuse, helping them to regain their lives. Tu Wahine Trust is a Kaupapa Maori organisation providing services to Maori sexual abuse survivors, whanau and families. The research has been commissioned by HELP and the Tu Wahine Trust and is funded by the Lotteries Commission. This report, which is part of an overall research project which aims to identify the needs of young people affected by sexual abuse or assault, aims to investigate the psycho-social service needs of young people who have experienced sexual abuse in order to support improvements to services for sexual abuse victims/survivors. Cultural considerations were particularly important in this project. HELP and Tu Wahine partnered on the research approach, design, and methodology of this project. Whilst HELP focused on identifying the pyscho-social service needs of tauiwi (non-Maori) young people, Tu Wahine focused on the needs of rangatahi Maori (Maori young people). The sister organisations then worked together on the parts of the research process that sought the views of rangatahi Maori who had accessed, or might potentially access, mainstream services. The data collection for this report was undertaken in 2012, and comprised: - A literature review - Interviews with refugee and new migrant stakeholders (including GPs, practice nurses, health workers and youth workers) - Twenty-six focus groups, hui and fono with young people, in which 222 young people participated - Three stakeholder hui (organised by Tu Wahine). - Interviews with 16 service providers and stakeholders

Details: Auckland, NZ: Tu Wahine Trust and HELP (Auckland Sexual Abuse HELP Foundation, 2013. 61p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 24, 2014 at: http://helpauckland.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Breaking-The-Silence-FINAL-FINAL.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://helpauckland.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Breaking-The-Silence-FINAL-FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 132162

Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Assault
Sexual Violence
Victim Services

Author: Dobbs, Terry

Title: Kaupapa Maori wellbeing framework: The basis for whanau violence prevention and intervention

Summary: Key messages - Maori are over-represented in family violence statistics as both victims and perpetrators. The causes of whanau violence are acknowledged as complex and as sourced from both historical and contemporary factors. The impact of colonisation needs to be considered in order to respond effectively to whanau violence. - Western approaches have not curbed the epidemic of whanau violence. Multi-level approaches to whanau violence prevention and intervention are more likely to achieve the best results. - Understanding the difference between whanau and family is critical in terms of any prevention and intervention practices, policies and legislation. - The use of cultural imperatives, for example, whakapapa, tikanga, wairua, tapu, mauri, and mana, has the potential to inform wellbeing in intimate partner and whanau relationships, transform behaviours and provide alternatives to violence. Using these imperatives can guide transformative practices and inform strategies for whanau violence prevention and whanau wellbeing. They can also be seen as protective factors within whanau, hapu and iwi. - Culturally responsive initiatives and programmes that restore and strengthen whanau and communities should be considered as well as the individual based interventions of mainstream for Maori whanau. Kaupapa Maori conceptual frameworks, for example the Mauri Ora framework, advocate for the development of Maori models that change the way whanau violence is understood and managed. --Successful programmes are likely to have: - Maori population based responses that complement the work of Maori and other community-based intervention services. These should be grounded in te reo me ona tikanga (Maori language and culture), underpinned by Maori values and beliefs, Maori cultural paradigms and frameworks - Government agencies working in close collaboration with iwi organisations to facilitate the implementation of Maori whanau violence prevention initiatives that meet the needs, priorities and aspirations of iwi - Funding sufficient to (a) engage leaders and staff who have the nationally and locally recognised skills to ensure successful implementation of violence prevention initiatives, and (b) to allow for local consultation and subsequent responsiveness in planned activities and projects - Support for capacity building opportunities for both prevention and intervention staff, including opportunities for networking, advocacy, and training - Maori violence prevention initiatives that are funded for research and evaluation in a way that builds local knowledge within a Maori worldview.

Details: Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, University of Auckland, 2014. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Issues Paper 6: Accessed May 6, 2014 at: http://www.nzfvc.org.nz/issues-papers-6

Year: 2014

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://www.nzfvc.org.nz/issues-papers-6

Shelf Number: 132250

Crime Prevention
Domestic Violence
Family Violence (New Zealand)
Indigenous Peoples
Violence Prevention

Author: McGuinness, Kate

Title: Community Education and Social Marketing Literature Review: To inform a campaign to prevent child abuse and neglect in the Northern Territory

Summary: The aim of this review is to inform a community education and social marketing strategy to improve the safety and wellbeing of children in the Northern Territory (NT). Examining national and international literature provides an overview of the current research on i) what helps communities and families to keep their children safe; ii) the use and effectiveness of social marketing and community education approaches for the prevention of child abuse and neglect and/or approaches in remote and/or Aboriginal contexts and iii) their applicability to the NT context. In doing so the review seeks to answer the following questions: - Why is there a need for a community education and social marketing campaign in the NT? - Why do strategies need to reach Aboriginal families? - What helps communities and families to keep their children safe? - What methods of delivery (what strategies) are best for achieving change? - Who should key messages be targeted at?

Details: Darwin, NT, AUS: The Centre for Child Development and Education, Menzies School of Health Research, 2013. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 8, 2014 at: http://ccde.menzies.edu.au/sites/default/files/Menzies-SocialMarketing-Review-Final-May.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: http://ccde.menzies.edu.au/sites/default/files/Menzies-SocialMarketing-Review-Final-May.pdf

Shelf Number: 132292

Child Abuse and Neglect (Australia)
Child Protection
Crime Prevention
Indigenous Peoples
Media Campaigns
Publicity Campaigns

Author: Camman, Carolyn

Title: Environmental Scan of Canadian and International Aboriginal Corrections Programs and Services

Summary: To help inform the evaluation of Strategic Plan on Aboriginal Corrections (SPAC) in 2010/11 and CSC's future planning and policy decisions in this area, the University of Saskatchewan was contracted to undertake an external environmental scan of Aboriginal corrections programs and services within Canada and internationally. Program searches extended across the four elements of the Aboriginal Corrections Continuum of Care model but specifically excluded programs and services provided or funded by CSC. Pre-dispositional programs and services (e.g. sentencing circles, presentence diversion programs) were also excluded from the scan. The scan of corrections programs and services targeted to Aboriginal offenders revealed 38 (non-CSC) programs across Canada and 67 programs and services internationally. All Continuum of Care categories were represented, with the greatest number falling within the 'Intervention' category.

Details: Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, Forensic Behavioural Sciences and Justice Studies Initiative, 2011. 114p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 26, 2014 at: http://www.usask.ca/cfbsjs/research/pdf/research_reports/CSC_Environmental_Scan_Mar_22_corr.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: International

URL: http://www.usask.ca/cfbsjs/research/pdf/research_reports/CSC_Environmental_Scan_Mar_22_corr.pdf

Shelf Number: 132553

Correctional Programs
Indigenous Peoples

Author: Barnes, Helen Moewaka

Title: Sexual Coercion, Resilience and Young Maori: A scoping review

Summary: This report provides an overview of what is known in Aotearoa/New Zealand, particularly Maori perspectives, and internationally, on sexual coercion/violence, resilience and healthy relationships, particularly for indigenous peoples, with an overall focus on rangatahi and rangatahi wahine. The report provides a cohesive critique of the field, describes a recommended methodology for research with young people and outlines stakeholder engagement as a sound basis for future partnerships in research and prevention efforts.

Details: Wellington, NZ: Ministry of Women's Affairs | Minitatanga Mo Nga Wahine, 2010. 134p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 25, 2014 at: http://mwa.govt.nz/sites/public_files/sexual-coercion-resilience-and-young-maori-a-scoping-review-pdf.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: New Zealand

URL: http://mwa.govt.nz/sites/public_files/sexual-coercion-resilience-and-young-maori-a-scoping-review-pdf.pdf

Shelf Number: 132751

Indigenous Peoples
Sex Crimes
Sexual Violence

Author: Ogloff, James R.P.

Title: Koori Prisoner Mental Health and Cognitive Function Study

Summary: The Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science at Monash University (CFBS) and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) were engaged by the Department of Justice to examine the mental health, cognitive functioning, and social and emotional wellbeing of Koori prisoners in Victoria. The study arose from the policies and priorities articulated by the original Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA) released in 2000 to address Koori overrepresentation in the criminal justice system and the expanded AJA2 of 2006. The study was jointly overseen by Justice Health and the Koori Justice Unit. The project firstly sought to conduct a thorough assessment of needs from the perspective of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners in Victoria, and secondly, to gain an understanding of the service gaps and needs from the perspective of key stakeholders in Victoria. To this end, the aims of the project were to: - Identify the Social and Emotional Well-Being (SEWB) strengths and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners, including levels of psychological distress - Identify the nature and extent of mental illness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners and their associated needs- Assess the cognitive functioning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners and their associated needs- Identify barriers to accessing services and other potential gaps in meeting identified needs- Develop recommendations for improving current service systems and clinical practice

Details: Clifton Hill, VIC: Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science, Monash University, 2013. 155p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 31, 2014 at: https://assets.justice.vic.gov.au/corrections/resources/07c438bf-63a6-49bb-8426-d7fd073808a6/koori_prisoner_mental_health.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: https://assets.justice.vic.gov.au/corrections/resources/07c438bf-63a6-49bb-8426-d7fd073808a6/koori_prisoner_mental_health.pdf

Shelf Number: 120181

Medical Care
Mental Health Services
Mentally Ill Offenders
Prisoners (Australia)

Author: Native Women's Association of Canada

Title: Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Aboriginal Women and Girls - Literature Review and Key Informant Interviews

Summary: This research was prepared for the Canadian Women's Foundation's National Task Force on Trafficking of Women and Girls. This research will form a comprehensive picture on the state of human trafficking for sexual exploitation of Aboriginal women and girls in Canada. The review will help to inform the work of NWAC and the Canadian Women's Foundation's Task Force and aid in the Task Force's preparations to identify and suggest key solutions for a national anti- trafficking strategy effectively addressing sexual exploitation of Aboriginal women and girls in Canada.

Details: Toronto: Canadian Women's Foundation, 2014. 81p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 30, 2014 at: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//NWAC%20Sex%20Trafficking%20Literature%20Review_2.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://canadianwomen.org/sites/canadianwomen.org/files//NWAC%20Sex%20Trafficking%20Literature%20Review_2.pdf

Shelf Number: 133878

Child Sexual Exploitation
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking (Canada)
Sexual Exploitation

Author: Stewart, Jacqueline

Title: Indigenous Youth Justice Programs Evaluation

Summary: Diversion from the youth justice system is a critical goal for addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous young people in the criminal justice system. In this report, four programs that were already being implemented by states and territories and identified by them under the National Indigenous Law & Justice Framework as promising practice in diversion are examined. The programs were evaluated, as part of a broader initiative, to determine whether and on what basis they represent good practice (ie are supported by evidence). State and territory governments nominated the programs for evaluation. The four programs sit at different points along a continuum, ranging from prevention (addressing known risk factors for offending behaviour, such as disengagement from family, school, community or culture), early intervention (with identified at-risk young people), diversion (diverting from court process - usually for first or second time offenders) and tertiary intervention (treatment to prevent recidivism): - Aboriginal Power Cup (South Australia)- a sports-based program for engaging Indigenous young people in education and providing positive role models (prevention). - Tiwi Islands Youth Development and Diversion Unit (Northern Territory) - a diversion program that engages Tiwi youth who are at risk of entering the criminal justice system in prevention activities, such as a youth justice conference, school, cultural activities, sport and recreation (early intervention and diversion). - Woorabinda Early Intervention Panel Coordination Service (Queensland) - a program to assess needs and make referrals for young Indigenous people and their families who are at risk or have offended and have complex needs (early intervention and diversion). - Aggression Replacement Training (Queensland) - a 10 week group cognitive-behavioural program to control anger and develop pro-social skills, delivered to Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth assessed as 'at risk' of offending or reoffending (early intervention and tertiary intervention with offenders to reduce risk of reoffending). For each program, the evaluation team developed a 'program logic', identifying the activities and goals of the program, and how it articulates within a broader framework of criminal justice prevention. This informed the design of the evaluation and the approach to collecting both qualitative data (from young people participating in the program, program staff, family, or other service providers/community members) and quantitative data to identify any effects of the program on individuals, or the broader community.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2014. 146p.

Source: Internet Resource: AIC Reports: Special Report: Accessed January 15, 2015 at: http://www.aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/special/005/Indigenous-Youth-Justice-Programs-Evaluation.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.aic.gov.au/media_library/publications/special/005/Indigenous-Youth-Justice-Programs-Evaluation.pdf

Shelf Number: 134409

Alternatives to Incarceration
At-Risk Youth
Evidence-Based Programs
Indigenous Peoples
Juvenile Diversion
Juvenile Justice System
Juvenile Offenders (Australia)
Treatment Programs

Author: Simpson, Paul

Title: Views on Alternatives to Imprisonment: A Citizens Jury Approach

Summary: Alarming over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australian prisons, combined with high recidivism rates and poor health and social outcomes among those released from prison, has led many to claim that incarceration is a social policy failure. An important obstacle to a reform agenda in the criminal justice area is public opinion. The public are often perceived to hold punitive attitudes towards offenders, a situation often exploited by politicians to perpetuate punitive penal policies at the expense of developing decarceration initiatives. However, alternatives to public opinion surveys/polls are needed. Citizens Juries offer an alternative method to assess the public's views, views that are critically informed and thus better aid policy development. The Lowitja Institute has published the report that explores, through Citizens Juries, the views of a better informed public towards how we, as a community, should address offenders in terms of incarceration and incarceration alternatives. The research focused on a range of incarceration alternatives including Justice Reinvestment.

Details: Melbourne: Lowitja Institute, 2014. 48p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 19, 2015 at: https://www.lowitja.org.au/sites/default/files/docs/Lowitja%20Alternatives-text-WEB.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.lowitja.org.au/sites/default/files/docs/Lowitja%20Alternatives-text-WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 134650

Alternatives to Incarceration
Indigenous Peoples
Public Attitudes
Public Opinion (Australia)

Author: New South Wales Police Force

Title: NSW Police Force Priorities for Working in a Culturally, Linguistically and Religiously Diverse Society and Multicultural Policies and Services Forward Plan 2011-2014

Summary: This document follows NSW Police Priorities for Working in a Culturally, Linguistically and Religiously Diverse Society 2006-2009, which set a vision for delivering policing services in a multicultural community. This plan continues to inform future directions for an organisation that is at the forefront of the justice system and maintains its focus on enhancing the capacity, confidence and capabilities of the entire NSW Police Force to operate effectively in a diverse cultural, linguistic and religious environment. Understanding diversity in the Australian context must start with acknowledging the diversity and rich history of Aboriginal people as the original inhabitants and custodians of the land. Rich, diverse and long, Aboriginal cultures set the scene for any discussion of diversity and the benefits it offers. Many Aboriginal Australians, however, continue to suffer the effects of policies and practices that have impacted on their welfare, identity, culture and language over time. This ongoing struggle must be addressed in recognising the challenges that new Australians from diverse cultural and language backgrounds experience in contributing to society and giving expression to their cultural identities. Any effort on the part of government agencies to embrace cultural, linguistic and religious diversity must therefore also acknowledge the need for reconciliation and healing between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians as a starting point. In this spirit, the NSW Police Force Multicultural Policies and Services Program grounds its commitment to working with diverse cultural, religious and linguistic communities in its equal commitment to strengthening its relationship with Aboriginal communities. It is only through this that an authentic commitment to multiculturalism and culturally capable policing practice is possible. While the Multicultural Policies and Services Program celebrates cultural, linguistic and religious diversity, the NSW Police Force acknowledges that diversity and culturally capable policing draws on all aspects of everyday policing and the complex life events that affect individuals. This document is built on the premise that people and their diversity (in all of its dimensions including age, gender, culture, language, religion, sexuality, education, employment, ability, values, opinions and experiences) are the greatest asset available to any group, organisation or community. This includes the diversity amongst police officers themselves in terms of an individuals background, role and opinion and life experience.

Details: Sydney: NSW Police Force, 2011. 98p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 1, 2015 at: http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/73156/Internet_-_MPSP_Plan_2011-14.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/73156/Internet_-_MPSP_Plan_2011-14.pdf

Shelf Number: 135127

Community Policing
Minority Groups
Police Legitimacy
Police Recruitment and Selection
Police-Community Interactions
Police-Community Relations

Author: McIntyre, Susan

Title: Aboriginal Domestic Trafficking in Persons

Summary: The data for this report was summarized from the following studies completed by Dr. Susan McIntyre: - The Youngest Profession Oldest Oppression (1994) - Strolling Away (2004) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Alberta (2005) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in British Columbia (2006) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Saskatchewan (2008) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Manitoba (2008) - Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Western Canada (2010) The key findings in each subsection were derived from Under the Radar the Sexual Exploitation of Young Men in Western Canada (2010): - A total of 157 young men were interviewed and 96 of them were Aboriginal. The highest Aboriginal representation was from Saskatchewan where 85% were Aboriginal. - A background of sexual abuse prior to the street for this population was 70%. A background of physical abuse was reported in 82% of this Aboriginal population. - A total of 54% of these Aboriginal young men reported self harming actions prior to the street. - Sixty-one percent of this population entered into the Child Welfare system - Running away was reported in 81% of young Aboriginal men - Fifty percent reported being thrown out of their home - The youngest person began work at age 8 and the oldest at 30 with an average age of entering into street sexual exploitation being 15 years of age. - Just over half this population reported a connection to their Aboriginal culture - Eighty-three of the 96 Aboriginal young men (86%) had a history with the police - Seventy percent of this population were victims of violence within the home while 90% had witnessed family violence - Nine years was the average time Aboriginal youth reported working - Self introduction or introduction by a friend was the most common route into sexual exploitation - A family history of sexual exploitation was reported in over 60% of those interviewed - Thirty percent of this population reported being a biological parent - Over 60% of this population had not completed high school - Risk of gay bashing violence for this population is always a risk though only close to half had the experience - Family strain and disconnection was prevalent in 58% of these young men - Eighty-two percent of this population reported addiction as an issue - A person has a sexual orientation in their work life and in their private life - Having regular customers and/or sugar daddies was reported in 86% of those interviewed for the study - Sixty-six percent of this population had moved and worked in sexual exploitation - Over half of this population had worked in more than one province A review of the overall findings was complete, and the Aboriginal data was then separated out and analyzed for the Aboriginal Domestic Trafficking in Persons report. The remainder of this report is a discussion and series of seven recommendations which are as follows: 1. That an environmental scan be undertaken and completed at a national level looking at the services and supports available to sexually exploited young men. It should examine the extent of services available to Aboriginal sexually exploited young men given their overrepresentation in Western Canada. It will also be important that this document be province and city specific. 2. That studies such as Under the Radar be completed in other parts of Canada (e.g. Central and Eastern Canada) looking at the sexual exploitation of young men. National studies have been completed on females in sexual exploitation but not on males. This would provide an opportunity to have a complete picture of sexually exploited young men in Canada and the level of Aboriginal representation. 3. That specific research is undertaken that focuses on the issue of transgendered and/or Two-Spirited persons. That education and training be developed for educators, social service providers, health care workers, police, family and the general public in reference to transgendered and Two-Spirited persons. 4. That programs and services be designed, implemented and evaluated that are specifically focused on young sexually exploited young men; and that sexually exploited young men be the primary focus in this process. Specific attention should be directed toward the risk factors facing Aboriginal persons. 5. That a Federal Territorial Provincial Working Group be set up to look at sexually exploited young men. Establishing a gender-specific committee will ensure their needs is being considered from a program, policy and legal prospective. 6. That specific prevention and training programs be developed in looking at sexually exploited Aboriginal persons. Prevention programs and training materials should be designed, developed and delivered examining the role residential schools have played in impacting parents and their communities. These programs could be delivered to families, parents and the community both urban, rural and on reserve. 7. That training and education be designed and delivered to government, correctional and social service practitioners and students on the issue of sexual exploitation of young men including Transgendered and Two-Spirited individuals. Focus should be directed to the overrepresentation of Aboriginal persons and the relationship this has to residential school history.

Details: Calgary, Alberta: Hindsight Group, 2012. 42p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 1, 2015 at: http://www.hindsightgroup.com/Resources/Documents/Aboriginal%20Domestic%20Trafficking%20in%20Persons%20Final%20May%2018%20.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.hindsightgroup.com/Resources/Documents/Aboriginal%20Domestic%20Trafficking%20in%20Persons%20Final%20May%2018%20.pdf

Shelf Number: 135491

Human Trafficking
Indigenous People
Male Prostitutes
Sex Workers
Sexual Exploitation (Canada)

Author: Halacas, C.

Title: Keeping our mob healthy in and out of prison: Exploring Prison Health in Victoria to Improve Quality, Culturally Appropriate Health Care for Aboriginal People

Summary: The prison health system presents an opportunity to improve Aboriginal prisoners' health and wellbeing, diagnose and treat health and mental health problems, and mitigate the effects of harmful behaviours. Improving prison health systems for Aboriginal people can also reduce high rates of postrelease hospitalisation and mortality experienced by Aboriginal prisoners and improve quality of life. Aboriginal prisoners experience higher rates of health and mental health problems than non-Aboriginal prisoners. The impact on prison health care is foreshadowed by consistent increases in the number of Aboriginal people imprisoned in Victoria each year. One in 33 Aboriginal males is imprisoned in Victoria at any one time, and the rate of overrepresentation is increasing for both Aboriginal men and women. More than 50% of Aboriginal people released from Victorian prisons return within two years, which places increasing importance on continuity of care. With large numbers of Aboriginal people moving in and out of the prison system, a strong relationship should exist between prison health services and prisoners' community health and mental health provider. The 28 Aboriginal Community Controlled health Organisations (ACCHOs) and their auspiced organisations across Victoria are located within 55km of all Victorian prisons. ACCHOs are a critical extension of prison health care given Aboriginal prisoners access ACCHOs more frequently than mainstream services in the community. ACCHOs' comprehensive support and engagement of Aboriginal people plays a big part in improving quality of life and improving poor health and mental health outcomes by providing a holistic, healing health service. The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), with support from the Victorian Government Department of Justice, explored ways to improve continuity of care for Aboriginal people in Victorian prisons and identify ways to improve relationships and partnerships between ACCHOs and prison health services. ACCHOs, prison health services, and Koori support staff members from the Department of Justice were interviewed and their responses analysed for common themes. We found no relationship or partnership between ACCHOs and prison health services interviewed despite policy references requiring it within the Justice Health Policy and Quality Framework (attached to the prison health services contracts). Responses also indicated that prison health service systems were not meeting cultural safety policy standards. ACCHOs identified several areas in need of improvement to assist Aboriginal prisoner health including prisoner release planning and the transfer of health information. Given the low level of contact between ACCHOs and prison health services there were few working examples that could be shared. A list of recommendations based on interview responses, a literature review and exploration of non-Victorian models is presented as a first step in improving health and mental health outcomes for Aboriginal prisoners.

Details: Collingwood, VIC: Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, 2015. 50p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 9, 2015 at: http://www.vaccho.org.au/assets/01-RESOURCES/TOPIC-AREA/RESEARCH/KEEPING-OUR-MOB-HEALTHY.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 135546

Indigenous Peoples
Inmate Health
Mental Health Services
Prison Health Care

Author: Australia. Auditor General

Title: Delivery of the petrol sniffing strategy in remote Indigenous communities

Summary: Through the Petrol Sniffing Strategy (PSS), the Australian Government has supported initiatives to reduce the incidence and impact of petrol sniffing in remote Indigenous communities since 2005. The key element of the PSS is to subsidise the production of low aromatic fuel (LAF) so that it replaces regular unleaded petrol (RULP) in areas at risk of petrol sniffing outbreaks, without the higher production costs acting as a barrier to its uptake. While there are many underlying causes of petrol sniffing, generally associated with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and marginalised groups, research results have indicated that the introduction of LAF has been successful in contributing to reductions in the incidence of petrol sniffing. For this reason, additional funding has been made available by the Australian Government to expand the supply and distribution of LAF. From an initial 41 sites in June 2005, the PSS expanded and, as at January 2015, LAF was available in 138 sites associated with 78 Indigenous communities in Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Consistent with the policy objective of the PSS, these sites are located in regional and remote areas of Australia. While the number of sites has increased, the overall annual volume of LAF produced has largely remained stable since 2007-08 with approximately 21 megalitres being produced on average each year. No performance targets have been set in relation to the volume of LAF produced and distributed, although contracts with LAF producers allow for an annual production of up to 53 megalitres. In the most recent expansion of the PSS in 2010-11, the Australian Government provided additional funding to include 39 sites covering 11 communities in Northern Australia, with an associated increase in annual volume of production of LAF. As well as supporting extra production capacity, a significant element of the increased funding was to provide for additional storage facilities as the lack of bulk storage had been identified as the key barrier to expanding the PSS in northern Australia. Following a select tender, the department responsible for providing LAF, the then Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA), entered into contracts with two major fuel producers to supply LAF to different regions of Australia. The development of additional storage infrastructure was initially included by DoHA in the tender for fuel production, however, the department subsequently chose to enter into direct negotiations with the operators of terminal facilities in Darwin. These negotiations were anticipated to have been completed in time to allow for facilities to be operational by 1 July 2012 which, in turn, would enable the contracts for increased production to commence. Negotiations were lengthy and remained ongoing at the time the responsibility for petrol sniffing initiatives was transferred to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) in September 2013. An agreement for capital works was subsequently executed in December 2013, which enabled work to commence on developing the required storage infrastructure. The storage facility became operational in November 2014, more than two years later than expected. As a result of the delay, implementation of the expansion fell short of the Government's initial expectations. The facility was also more expensive than first anticipated, with the contracted cost of establishing the bulk storage facility being up to $19.2 million (including GST) - exceeding significantly the initial estimates of up to $12.9 million. Following the establishment of storage facilities, additional production of LAF commenced in late November 2014 and PM&C anticipates that the annual volume of LAF produced in 2015-16 will double. The department's processes for managing existing contractual arrangements and for monitoring the delivery of LAF are largely sound. Information collected under the production and distribution agreements enables PM&C to maintain appropriate visibility over the volume of LAF supplied and the locations of sites to which it is supplied. The main approach of the PSS is to reduce the availability of RULP in high risk communities by encouraging fuel outlets serving those communities and outlets in surrounding areas to only stock LAF and create a distance buffer zone around vulnerable communities. Accordingly, PM&C monitors supply information so that sites ceasing to supply LAF can be contacted and encouraged to continue to participate in the PSS. In addition, since 2005, a contracted research provider has assessed a sample of communities periodically for incidences of petrol sniffing and the role of LAF in reducing outbreaks. As a result of these data collection arrangements, PM&C has a reasonable evidence base to support the assessment of LAF in reducing the incidence of petrol sniffing. Between 2005 and 2009, the supply of LAF was identified as a program in the Health and Ageing Portfolio Budget Statements, and DoHA reported against the number of sites providing LAF as an indicator of performance for the PSS. Between 2009 and 2014 there was no formal reporting on the progress of the strategy. While the PSS has expanded, albeit more slowly than anticipated, there has been little information publicly reported on the effect that the supply of LAF has had on reducing the incidence of petrol sniffing in Indigenous communities. Research indicates that the supply of LAF is making a positive contribution to reducing petrol sniffing. The design of the PSS, however, also acknowledges that there are limitations to taking a single approach and that other actions need to be undertaken in conjunction with the supply of LAF to successfully address the issue of petrol sniffing. In 2014, the PSS was identified in the Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio Budget Statements as a specific initiative to be delivered under the Safety and Wellbeing Programme, with the key performance indicator being the number of sites providing LAF. Using this narrowly-focussed indicator alone, however, will provide for only a limited assessment of performance. In view of the PSS's maturity, it is timely for PM&C to strengthen its PSS-related performance reporting by including a greater focus on assessing the impact of the PSS. The ANAO has made one recommendation to improve PM&C's accountability and reporting for the PSS. .

Details: Canberra: Australian National Audit Office, 2015. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: ANAO Report No. 35 2014-15: Accessed May 14, 2015 at: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/anao_deliveryofthepetrolsniffingstrategyinremoteindigenouscommunities_may_2015.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://apo.org.au/files/Resource/anao_deliveryofthepetrolsniffingstrategyinremoteindigenouscommunities_may_2015.pdf

Shelf Number: 135634

Indigenous Peoples
Petrol Sniffing
Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse Treatment

Author: Jones, Nicholas A.

Title: First Nations Policing: A Review of the Literature

Summary: Although there are almost 70,000 police officers in Canada, fewer than 2,000 are directly engaged in Aboriginal policing (Burczycka, 2013). While representing a very small proportion of all Canadian officers and policing budgets, the manner in which First Nations communities are policed has profound long-term implications for the residents living there, especially given the high rates of crime and victimization in many of these places. The populations at risk of victimization are not isolated to the First Nations territories, and crimes often displace into other adjacent urban and rural communities. In addition, most Aboriginal Canadians live off-reserve and some of these individuals move between their home communities and urban areas. As a result, the after-effects of an offence may be felt in places far away from where they originated, making this an issue of importance to all Canadians. In order to better understand the challenges of Aboriginal policing, this review first presents a context that includes a review of Aboriginal population trends and the demographic characteristics of that population. The fact that the Aboriginal population is the fastest growing population group in Canada, and the youngest, has long-term implications for police services both on- and off-reserve. Consistent with other research, we found that rates of crime and victimization on many First Nations were very high. In addition to the impacts on victims, high crime rates have a corrosive effect on community relationships and especially opportunities that are lost. When responding to the after-effects of crimes that have already occurred and trying to prevent future offences consumes much of the creativity of a community, leaders lose opportunities to work toward job creation, promoting healthy lifestyles and relationships, helping youngsters succeed, or spending scarce resources on developing a community's infrastructure rather than repairing the damages caused by crime. Having established a context for this study, a historical overview of Aboriginal policing in Canada is presented. This is an important undertaking as academics, policymakers and practitioners often forget the lessons of history. As a result, crime prevention or reduction strategies that were unsuccessful in the past are sometimes re-introduced and unless there have been changes in the way that these 'recycled' interventions are delivered - or the context into The social phenomenon of First Nations peoples moving between the reserve and urban centers is called "churning." which they are delivered - we are often destined to repeat the mistakes of the past. An additional challenge of delivering police services in a nation as culturally, geographically and regionally diverse as Canada is that an intervention that is successful or promising in one jurisdiction might not be as successful in another province, community or First Nation. Consequently, by learning the lessons of history we are less likely to be confronted with unforeseen or unanticipated outcomes after new crime reduction strategies are introduced. It has been said that the past is prologue and our review of the historical context for Aboriginal policing revealed that many of the challenges that existed in the past are present today, such as a lack of resources for police services or the difficulty in engaging communities in the informal regulation of activities that bolster the social fabric and help reduce crime. The historical review is followed by an overview of the evolution of Aboriginal policing in Canada and in that section; the following policy-related areas where our knowledge is not fully developed were identified: - Resourcing / Funding - Administrative Capacity - Policing Arrangements - Aboriginal Policing as a Distinct Policing Model - Responding to Crime and Victimization The gap in our understanding of these five issues is due to a lack of timely and relevant research. In some cases, the answers to these questions might already exist, but researchers have not taken the time to collect and analyze this information and then report it back to police organizations. One of the challenges of policing research is that most of the studies that occur take place in urban areas, and this focus on 'big city' policing does not help us understand evidence-based practices or "what works" in responding to rural crime or best practices in Aboriginal policing. A second challenge is that policing research is also fragmented in Canada and there is a lack of coordination that reduces duplication and decreases efficiency. Our analyses revealed that there are three distinct types of agencies policing Aboriginal communities and peoples and that each type faces a different set of challenges that are shaped by their role and geographic location as well as organizational size and history: - Large networked police organizations, such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Surete du Quebec (SQ) of which we have a good understanding of their priorities and information about these agencies is generally available. The RCMP, specifically, provides enhanced police services to First Nations communities through Community Tripartite Agreements (CTA), i.e., agreements between the federal and provincial governments, and one or more First Nation communities. - Self administered Aboriginal police services (SA), that range from small stand-alone agencies such as the File Hills First Nations Police Service (under ten officers) to larger regional police services such as the Nishnawbe-Aski Police (NAPS), of which we have comparatively less understanding of their practices and their approaches to policing. - Specialized Aboriginal policing programs delivered by municipal or regional police services, such as the Aboriginal Peacekeeping Unit in Toronto and the Diversity and Aboriginal Policing Section in Vancouver, of which we have almost no understanding of their priorities, practices or inter-relationships with other Aboriginal policing services. Each of these police services is apt to respond to the challenges of crime in a different manner and it is likely that some of the crime reduction strategies developed by these organizations are very effective, although this information has not been consistently disseminated to the policing and academic communities. In respect to crime-reduction strategies, it is possible that responding to the knowledge gaps identified above can be addressed by better understanding best practices in other English-speaking common law nations, such as Australia, New Zealand and the United States as these countries also have large Aboriginal populations and legacies of British colonialism. Section V provides a brief overview of Aboriginal policing models in these nations. Again, we find that many strategies appear promising, but there is a lack of research-based information about whether these approaches are effective crime reduction strategies, and to a lesser extent, how to deliver these services in a cost-effective manner. Aboriginal policing is part of the larger Canadian policing environment - one that is evolving in ways that may have strong implications for police services overall (Murphy, 2007). Currently, Canadian policing is in a period of transition, due in large part to a global process in the adoption of private-sector managerial and organizational values and strategies in the hope of producing greater fiscal accountability, cost efficiency, return on policing investments and value for money (Ruddell & Jones, 2013). Given these larger social and political forces, the next few years will shape the future of Aboriginal policing. In March 2013, the federal government announced that federal funding for the First Nations Policing Program (FNPP) would be extended for the next five years, and this time-frame provides the funding stability for First Nations, Aboriginal stakeholder groups, federal and provincial policymakers and police leaders to chart the course for the future. Addressing the policy-related questions raised in this review of the literature provides these stakeholders a framework that will provide the evidence-based information needed to inform that undertaking.

Details: Regina, SK: Collaborative Centre for Justice and Safety, University of Regina, 2014. 147p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 18, 2015 at: http://www.justiceandsafety.ca/rsu_docs/aboriginal-policing-literature-review-092014.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.justiceandsafety.ca/rsu_docs/aboriginal-policing-literature-review-092014.pdf

Shelf Number: 135697

Evidence-Based Practices
Indigenous Peoples
Police Administration
Policing Minority Groups

Author: Earl, Catherine

Title: Justice or an Unjust System? Aboriginal over-representation in South Australia's juvenile justice system

Summary: Twenty-times more likely to be imprisoned than the non-Aboriginal population and making up 46% of the young people in SA's detention centres, this report highlights the problem of over-representation of Aboriginal young people in this state's juvenile justice system. The report recommends a new approach to engage Aboriginal people at all levels in the justice system, with a formally negotiated Indigenous Justice Agreement as a first step. There is little doubt that Aboriginal people are overrepresented in the SA juvenile justice system. The evidence suggests that similar trends are reflected across the nation and are also present in the adult population. However, this report focuses only on the juvenile system in South Australia. At its broadest, the juvenile justice system comprises all interactions with law enforcement. While this could include out-of-home care, the focus of this report is on the custodial and non-custodial system applying once a breach of the law is identified. In this part of the system, both the overall number of Aboriginal young people within it and the rate (per 100,000 population) have both decreased in recent years. However, the level of overrepresentation (that is discrepancy between rates for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people) has actually increased (because the rate of involvement of the general young population has decreased at a greater rate). The figures are stark: - Aboriginal young people comprise only 4% of the total population aged 10-17 years old, but make up 46% of young people in detention and 34% of young people under community-based supervision; - Aboriginal young people are 12.5 times more likely to be involved with the juvenile justice system than non- Aboriginal young people, and 19.7 times more likely to be in detention; - This level of over-representation is higher for young people than for the adult population: Aboriginal young people 19 times more likely to be imprisoned, by comparison with 16 times more likely for adults; - Over the five year period from 2009-2013 South Australia's rate of contact of Aboriginal young people with the juvenile justice system was the second highest in the country and well above the national average; - In 2013-14, the cost of incarcerating a young person in South Australia was $1,000 per young person per day, while the cost of community supervision was $73 per young person, per day; - The current cost of detention and non-custodial supervision of Aboriginal young people in South Australia is $13.3m per year; - If there was no over-representation, that is, if the rate of detention and community supervision of Aboriginal young people was the same as for the general young population, there would be fewer Aboriginal young people in the SA juvenile justice system, and a saving to the state budget of over $12m per annum. Several key inquiries and commissions have investigated issues of over-representation, providing a vastly underutilised resource for addressing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people in the justice system. The interviews and voices in this report add depth to this literature and suggest a need to revisit those reports and to re-address many of the recommendations which have not been carried through systematically or effectively.

Details: Unley, SA, AUS: South Australian Council of Social Service, 2015. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 26, 2015 at: http://www.sacoss.org.au/sites/default/files/public/documents/Reports/150401_Youth_Justice_Report_FINAL.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.sacoss.org.au/sites/default/files/public/documents/Reports/150401_Youth_Justice_Report_FINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 135786

Indigenous Peoples
Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Justice Systems
Juvenile Offenders
Racial Disparities

Author: Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission

Title: Unfinished business: Koori women and the justice system

Summary: It has been 20 years since the report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and, sadly, in that time the proportion of Australian prisoners that are Indigenous has almost doubled. In Victoria, the over-representation of Koori people in prison, women in particular, has also increased dramatically in the last few years. Research shows once they have had contact with justice system, they are very likely to reoffend and return to prison. Around 80 per cent of the Koori women in prison are mothers, so their imprisonment not only removes them from the community - it removes their children from them. This increases the likelihood of their children entering out-of-homecare, which is in turn one of the biggest risk factors for them one day coming in contact with the justice system themselves. The longer term effects of this are profound, on the women, their families and their children. In the shorter term they are compounded by the lack of pre-prison diversionary options and support postrelease and in the inability to access employment or education or find safe and affordable housing for themselves and their children. Without these things the risk of re-offending is significantly higher.

Details: Carlton, Victoria: Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, 2013. 126p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 26, 2015 at: https://interactivepdf.uniflip.com/2/87691/311342/pub/document.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: Australia

URL: https://interactivepdf.uniflip.com/2/87691/311342/pub/document.pdf

Shelf Number: 129679

Children of Prisoners
Families of Inmates
Female Inmates
Female Offenders
Indigenous Peoples
Women Prisoners

Author: Canada. Office of the Correctional Investigator

Title: Spirit Matters: Aboriginal People and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act

Summary: i. The Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) makes specific reference to the unique needs and circumstances of Aboriginal Canadians in federal corrections. The Act provides for special provisions (Sections 81 and 84), which are intended to ameliorate over-representation of Aboriginal people in federal penitentiaries and address long-standing differential outcomes for Aboriginal offenders. ii. It has been 20 years since the CCRA came into force, and the Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI) believes that a systematic investigation of Sections 81 and 84 of the Act is both timely and important. This investigation aims to determine the extent to which the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has fulfilled Parliament's intent at the time that the CCRA came into force. It examines the status and use of Section 81 and 84 provisions in federal corrections for the period ending March 2012, identifies some best practices in Aboriginal corrections and assesses the commitment by CSC to adopt principles set out in the Supreme Court of Canada's landmark decision of R. v. Gladue. The investigation concludes with key recommendations for enhancing CSC's capacity and compliance with Sections 81 and 84 of the CCRA. iii. Section 81 of the CCRA was intended to give CSC the capacity to enter into agreements with Aboriginal communities for the care and custody of offenders who would otherwise be held in a CSC facility. It was conceived to enable a degree of Aboriginal control, or at least participation in, an offender's sentence, from the point of sentencing to warrant expiry. Section 81 further allows Aboriginal communities to have a key role in delivering programs within correctional institutions and to those offenders accepted under a Section 81 agreement (Aboriginal Healing Lodges or Healing Centres). iv. The investigation found that, as of March 2012, there were only 68 Section 81 bed spaces in Canada and no Section 81 agreements in British Columbia, Ontario, and Atlantic Canada or in the North. Until September 2011, there were no Section 81 Healing Lodge spaces available for Aboriginal women. v. One of the major factors that inhibit existing Section 81 Healing Lodges from operating at full capacity and new Healing Lodges from being developed is the requirement that they limit their intake to minimum security offenders or, in rare cases, to "low risk" medium security offenders. The evolution of this policy, which was neither Parliament's intent nor CSC's original vision, is seen as a way for the Service to minimize risk and exposure. It creates a number of problems, exacerbated by the fact that only 11.3% of Aboriginal male offenders, or 337 individuals, were housed in minimum-security institutions in 2010-2011. In effect, CSC policy excludes almost 90% of incarcerated Aboriginal offenders from even being considered for transfer to a Healing Lodge. With this limitation, it is no surprise that the investigation found that Healing Lodges do not operate at full capacity. vi. In addition to the four Section 81 Healing Lodges, CSC has established four Healing Lodges operated as CSC minimum-security institutions (with the exception of the Healing Lodge for women that accepts both minimum and some medium security inmates). CSC-operated Healing Lodges can provide accommodation for up to 194 federal incarcerated offenders, which include 44 beds for Aboriginal women. vii. Section 81 Healing Lodges operate on five-year contribution agreement cycles and enjoy no sense of permanency. There is no guarantee that the agreements will be renewed. Indeed, they are subject to changes in CSC priorities and funding, including a 2001 reallocation of $11.6M earmarked for new Section 81 facilities to other requirements. viii. We found that the discrepancy in funding between Section 81 Healing Lodges and those operated by CSC is substantial. In 2009-2010, the allocation of funding to the four CSC- operated Healing Lodges totalled $21,555,037, while the amount allocated to Section 81 Healing Lodges was just $4,819,479. Chronic under-funding of Section 81 Healing Lodges means that they are unable to provide comparable CSC wages or unionized job security. As a result, many Healing Lodge staff seek employment with CSC, where salaries can be 50% higher for similar work. It is estimated that it costs approximately $34,000 to train a Healing Lodge employee to CSC requirements, but the Lodge operators receive no recognition or compensation for that expense. ix. Another factor inhibiting the success and expansion of Section 81 Healing Lodges has been community acceptance. Just as in many non-Aboriginal communities, not every Aboriginal community is willing to have offenders housed in their midst or take on the responsibility for their management. x. CSC did not originally intend to operate its Healing Lodges in competition with Section 81 facilities, but rather saw itself as providing an intermediate step that would ultimately result in the transfer of those facilities to community control under Section 81. As the investigation notes, however, negotiations to facilitate transfer of CSC Healing Lodges to First Nation control appear to have been abandoned. Most negotiations never moved beyond preliminary stages. In some Aboriginal communities, this breakdown in engagement has resulted in long-standing acrimony and mistrust directed at Canada's correctional authority. xi. The intent of Section 84 was to enhance the information provided to the Parole Board of Canada and to enable Aboriginal communities to propose conditions for offenders wanting to be released into their communities. It was not intended to be a lengthy or onerous process, yet that is exactly what it has become: cumbersome, time-consuming and misunderstood. A successful Section 84 release plan requires significant time-sensitive and co-ordinated action. As the investigation reveals, there are only 12 Aboriginal Community Development Officers across Canada responsible for bridging the interests of the offender and the community prior to release. xii. The Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Gladue (1995) and, more recently, in a March 2012 decision (R. v. Ipeelee) compelled judges to use a different method of analysis in determining a suitable sentence for Aboriginal offenders by paying particular attention to the unique circumstances of Aboriginal people and their social histories. These are commonly referred to as Gladue principles or factors. CSC has incorporated Gladue principles in its policy framework, requiring it to consider Aboriginal social history when making decisions affecting the retained rights and liberties of Aboriginal offenders. Although the Gladue decision refers to sentencing considerations, it is reasonable to conclude that Section 81 facilities would be consistent with the Supreme Court's view of providing a culturally appropriate option for federally sentenced Aboriginal people. Notwithstanding, we find that Gladue principles are not well-understood within CSC and are unevenly applied. xiii. Today, 21% of the federal inmate population claims Aboriginal ancestry. The gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal offenders continues to widen on nearly every indicator of correctional performance: - Aboriginal offenders serve disproportionately more of their sentence behind bars before first release. - Aboriginal offenders are under-represented in community supervision populations and over-represented in maximum security institutions. - Aboriginal offenders are more likely to return to prison on revocation of parole. - Aboriginal offenders are disproportionately involved in institutional security incidents, use of force interventions, segregation placements and self-injurious behaviour. xiv. The investigation found a number of barriers in CSC's implementation of Sections 81 and 84. These barriers inadvertently perpetuate conditions that further disadvantage and/or discriminate against Aboriginal offenders in federal corrections, leading to differential outcomes: 1. Restricted access to Section 81 facilities and opportunities outside CSC's Prairie and Quebec regions. 2. Under-resourcing and temporary funding arrangements for Aboriginal-controlled Healing Lodges leading to financial insecurity and lack of permanency. 3. Significant differences in salaries and working conditions between facilities owned and operated by CSC versus Section 81 arrangements. 4. Restricted eligibility criteria that effectively exclude most Aboriginal offenders from consideration of placement in a Section 81 Healing Lodge. 5. Unreasonably delayed development and implementation of specific policy supports and standards to negotiate and establish an operational framework to support robust, timely and coordinated implementation of Section 81 and 84 arrangements. 6. Limited understanding and awareness within CSC of Aboriginal peoples, cultures, spirituality and approaches to healing. 7. Limited understanding and inadequate consideration and application of Gladue factors in correctional decision-making affecting the interests of Aboriginal offenders. 8. Funding and contractual limitations imposed by CSC that impede Elders from providing quality support, guidance and ceremony and placing the Service's Continuum of Care Model for Aboriginal offenders in jeopardy. 9. Inadequate response to the urban reality and demographics of Aboriginal offenders, most of whom will not return to a traditional First Nations reserve. 10. CSC's senior management table lacks a Deputy Commissioner with focused and singular responsibility for progress in Aboriginal Corrections. The OCI concludes that CSC has not met Parliament's intent with respect to provisions set out in Sections 81 and 84 of the CCRA. CSC has not fully or sufficiently committed itself to implementing key legal provisions intended to address systemic disadvantage. xv. It is understood that CSC does not control who is sent to prison by the courts. However, 20 years after enactment of the CCRA, the CSC has failed to make the kind of systemic, policy and resource changes that are required in law to address factors within its control that would help mitigate the chronic over-representation of Aboriginal people in federal penitentiaries.

Details: Ottawa: office of the Correctional Investigator, 2012. 44p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 4, 2015 at: http://www.oci-bec.gc.ca/cnt/rpt/pdf/oth-aut/oth-aut20121022-eng.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.oci-bec.gc.ca/cnt/rpt/pdf/oth-aut/oth-aut20121022-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 135881

Indigenous Peoples
Minority Inmates

Author: Beaudette, Janelle

Title: Aboriginal Women: Profile and Changing Population

Summary: Examinations over a ten-year period demonstrate that Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women differ on many indicators of correctional outcomes and that First Nations and Metis women also exhibit differences between groups. These patterns are being used as a starting point for a broader examination of First Nations and Metis women's social histories and correctional experiences. Findings from this study can assist the Correctional Service of Canada's (CSC) policy and practices specific to Aboriginal women. That said, the patterns revealed in this study also reflect women's lives prior to incarceration. As such, a comprehensive approach involving both government and community stakeholders would likely be most effective in contributing to closing the gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women that are present at admission. What we found Overall, Aboriginal women's profiles were more criminogenic, meaning they presented with more factors related to crime, than non-Aboriginal women's profiles, with relatively few significant changes over time. Differences between First Nations and Metis women were less consistent, although First Nations women tended to have more criminogenic backgrounds. Aboriginal women tended to be younger and to have lower levels of education at admission than their non-Aboriginal counterparts. Over the study period, First Nations women were more likely than Metis or non-Aboriginal women to be serving an indeterminate sentence and to be convicted of a violent offence. The levels of risk and need of First Nations and Metis women were similar; the static risk and criminogenic need of these two groups were assessed as higher than that of their non-Aboriginal counterparts. Both First Nations and Metis women were found to present particularly high levels of criminogenic need relating to substance abuse, employment, and the personal/emotional domain. When considering release, Aboriginal women's rates of discretionary release (that is, day or full parole) were lower than those of non-Aboriginal women. While Metis women's rates of discretionary release were similar to those of non-Aboriginal women in 2003-05, these rates decreased to join those of First Nations women by the end of the study period. Why we did this study Aboriginal offenders are over-represented in the Canadian federal correctional system, with Aboriginal women in particular representing the fastest growing group of offenders. The purpose of the study was to support future policy initiatives and decision-making by contributing a more complete understanding of Aboriginal women offenders' characteristics, as well as changing patterns over time. The findings will guide a larger body of research being conducted on Aboriginal women under federal jurisdiction.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2014. 21p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report No. R-341: Accessed August 10, 2015 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/research/005008-r341-eng.shtml

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/research/005008-r341-eng.shtml

Shelf Number: 136382

Female Inmates
Female Offenders
Female Prisoners

Author: MacDonald, Shanna Farrell

Title: Profile of Aboriginal Men Offenders: Custody and Supervision Snapshots

Summary: What it means Although Aboriginal offenders are often examined as one ethnic group, First Nations, Metis and Inuit offenders have distinct traditions, cultures and world views. In addition, they have unique characteristics that need to be understood and taken into account by decision and policy makers. Correctional staff could also benefit from a deeper understanding of the unique challenges faced by each of these groups. What we found Aboriginal offenders accounted for 22% of the in-custody offender population and 15% of the community population. First Nations were the largest Aboriginal group followed by Metis and Inuit offenders (in-custody: 70% First Nations, 25% Metis and 5% Inuit; supervision: 66% First Nations, 30% Metis, and 4% Inuit). First Nations and Metis offenders were more likely to be incarcerated and supervised in the Prairie Region compared to the Ontario and Quebec Regions for Inuit offenders. Both First Nations and Metis offenders had lengthy criminal histories. A large majority of Aboriginal offenders had committed violent offences, but Inuit offenders were most likely to commit a sex-related offence. First Nations offenders were more likely to participate in Aboriginal-Centred interventions and to be referred to Aboriginal-Centred programming. Regardless of Aboriginal group, however, a similar proportion of referred offenders participated and completed Aboriginal-Centred programming. Inuit offenders had the most stable institutional behaviour of the three Aboriginal groups, while First Nations experienced the most difficulties. Metis and Non-Aboriginal offenders had similar institutional behaviour patterns. Post-release outcomes were examined for the sample. Metis offenders were more likely to be released on discretionary release, while Inuit offenders had a greater number of supervision conditions imposed. About one-third of Aboriginal offenders in the sample returned to custody compared to 16% of Non-Aboriginal offenders. However, the overall return to custody rate for the general offender population in 2012 was 29%.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional S3rvice of Canada, 2014. 60p.

Source: Internet Resource: Research Report No. R-321: Accessed August 31, 2015 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/r321-eng.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/r321-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 136627

Aboriginal Offenders
Male Offenders

Author: Olsen, Anna

Title: Existing knowledge, practice and responses to violence against women in Australian Indigenous communities: State of knowledge paper

Summary: This paper is a comprehensive review of published literature to present the current state of knowledge, practice and responses to violence against women in Australian Indigenous communities. It was guided by the following questions: - What is known about violence against Indigenous women? - How do Indigenous women and communities see and experience violence against women (including how do they define family violence)? - What are the current responses (programs or approaches) to violence against women in Indigenous communities? - What are the Indigenous viewpoints on what works and what is needed? The review found that the cumulative nature of socio-economic disadvantage (such as personal, family and economic related stressors) and the lasting effects of colonisation are thought to be linked to violence against women in Indigenous communities. Any attempts to reduce violence in Indigenous communities requires a multi-faceted and holistic approach including efforts to improve the wider social, economic and health of Indigenous communities. Much of the grey literature contained information about Indigenous viewpoints on "what works" to prevent violence against women. Approaches to dealing effectively with violence, and which are valued by Indigenous communities, include cultural based leadership and governance, and programs focused on preventing the transfer of intergenerational trauma.

Details: Sydney: Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety Limited (ANROWS), 2016. 76p.

Source: Internet Resource: Landscapes : State of knowledge: 02/2016): Accessed at: http://media.aomx.com/anrows.org.au/s3fs-public/FINAL%2002.16_3.2%20AIATSIS%20Landscapes%20WEB.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: http://media.aomx.com/anrows.org.au/s3fs-public/FINAL%2002.16_3.2%20AIATSIS%20Landscapes%20WEB.pdf

Shelf Number: 137654

Family Violence
Indigenous Peoples
Intimate Partner Violence
Violence Against Women

Author: Putt, Judy

Title: The implementation of Indigenous crime and justice policies and programs in Australia: issues and challenge

Summary: This brief considers issues to do with implementation of policies and programs, and identifies strategies or frameworks that can be adopted to improve the implementation of Indigenous crime and justice policies and programs. It provides an overview of key polices and strategies being implemented in Australia that aim to address Indigenous crime and justice issues, and examines four specific key initiatives to highlight the kinds of issues encountered: the Northern Territory Emergency Response; night or community patrols; Aboriginal sentencing courts; and mens behaviour change programs. The theoretical and practical factors are brought together in a framework which can be used to evaluate and increase successful implementation across a range of programs.

Details: Canberra: Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Criminology, 2015.

Source: Internet Resource: Brief 18: Accessed February 23, 2016 at: http://www.indigenousjustice.gov.au/briefs/brief018.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.indigenousjustice.gov.au/briefs/brief018.pdf

Shelf Number: 137939

Criminal Justice Policy
Criminal Justice Programs
Indigenous Peoples
Minorities and Crime

Author: MacGillivray, Peta

Title: Australian Indigenous Women's Offending Patterns

Summary: Research Brief 19 provides new insights into Indigenous women's offending by examining previously unpublished police and court data for the period 2010-2012. While there are differences across the selected Australian jurisdictions, the authors find that the offences that most often appeared in charges, court proceedings and convictions were driving and traffic offences, assault, theft offences and offences against justice procedures. In all the jurisdictions examined, assault along with vehicle and driving offences were the top or second most serious offences with which Indigenous women were charged or proceeded against to court. The paper supports the conclusions of IJC Research Brief 14 that in some jurisdictions Indigenous women are imprisoned on more minor offences including public order offences than their non-Indigenous peers. The paper suggests that programs should aim to prevent Indigenous girls and women from becoming enmeshed in low level offending such as less serious driving offences and shoplifting.

Details: Canberra: Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse, Australian Institute of Criminology, 2015. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Brief 19: Accessed February 23, 2016 at: http://www.indigenousjustice.gov.au/briefs/brief019.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://www.indigenousjustice.gov.au/briefs/brief019.pdf

Shelf Number: 137940

Female Offenders
Indigenous Peoples

Author: Keown, Leslie-Anne

Title: Aboriginal Social History Factors in Case Management

Summary: Why we did this study Aboriginal Canadians are over-represented in correctional populations. The Supreme Court of Canada acknowledged this over-representation in a landmark 1999 ruling where they interpreted the Criminal Code of Canada to require that judges consider the years of systemic disadvantage of Aboriginal peoples in reaching sentencing decisions. Following this ruling, the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) incorporated this principle into its policy. CSC has implemented policy requiring that Aboriginal social history is reflected in correctional case management decision-making and offered all parole officers two days of related training in 2013-14. What we did This study was undertaken to examine the extent to which Aboriginal social history factors were considered in assessments for decision relating to both security classification and discretionary release. A total of 618 assessments for decision were coded to examine the extent to which these factors were incorporated in recommendation rationales. In addition, a matched sample of assessments for decision corresponding to non-Aboriginal offenders was included. Comparisons allowed for an examination of whether Aboriginal social history factors were associated with recommendations after accounting for the variables on which the groups were matched. What we found Aboriginal social history was documented in 98% of assessments reviewed. That said, there may be room for improvement in the extent to which these factors were explicitly linked to the resulting recommendations. Recommendations for Metis offenders were slightly less likely to be linked to Aboriginal social history factors. Overall, it did not appear that Aboriginal social history factors influenced decisional recommendations. There was no evidence that, as some have worried, Aboriginal social history factors were misperceived as risk factors. The lack of association between these factors and recommendations may be partly explained by the broader context in which parole officers formulate recommendations; it was impossible to disentangle the relative effects of Aboriginal social history factors and other priorities, such as public safety. What it means Clearly, CSC's parole officers are complying with policy with respect to the inclusion of Aboriginal social history factors in assessments for decision relating to security classification and discretionary release. Future iterations of training on Aboriginal social history factors may benefit from a focus on how to ensure these factors are explicitly linked to recommendations, as well as on certain domains that seem to be less well understood. In addition, training could also perhaps be enhanced by including further direction on how to consider both Aboriginal social history factors and other priorities - in particular, public safety - concurrently.

Details: Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, 2015. 23p. To obtain a PDF version of the full report, or for other inquiries, please e-mail the Research Branch or contact us by phone at (613) 995-3975.

Source: Internet Resource: 2015 No. R-356: Accessed March 4, 2016 at: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/r356-eng.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/005/008/092/r356-eng.pdf

Shelf Number: 138040

Case management
Indigenous Peoples
Parole Officers

Author: Pollack, Shoshana

Title: Locked In, Locked Out: Imprisoning Women in the Shrinking and Punitive Welfare State

Summary: Women represent a small proportion of people in jails and prisons in Canada. In 2003/04, 9% of prisoners in provincial and territorial jails were women and 6% of federal prisoners were women (Statistics Canada, 2006). However, despite decreasing crime rates, the rate of women federally incarcerated in Canada is steadily increasing. In 2003 there were 822 federally sentenced women, 374 (45%) of whom were in prison and 448 (55%) were out on bail or under community supervision. By 2006-07, there were 476 women in federal prisons. Between 1997 and 2006, the population of women in federal prisons jumped 22% (Correctional Service of Canada, 2006). Similar trends are seen in other industrialized countries. In the US, for example, Chesney-Lind (2002) states that there is a "women's imprisonment boom." Both Australia and Great Britain are also experiencing an increase in numbers of women being imprisoned (Balfour & Comack, 2006). Feminist activists and researchers have expressed great concern about this growing worldwide trend and many have pointed to neo-liberal policy changes as contributing to the dramatic increase in the imprisonment of women. Drastic cuts to social assistance, the creation of a precarious low-wage job market, reduction in publicly funded daycare, and cuts to social services, addictions treatment and mental health services have eroded the social safety net. It is the already disadvantaged members of our communities who are most hard hit by neo-liberal socio-economic policies. The dismantling of social services and welfare state provisions have resulted "in the increased criminalization of the most marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities" (Neve and Pate, 2005: 27). An overwhelming majority of imprisoned women are convicted of property offences whereas 3% are convicted of violent offences (Statistics Canada, 2006). The most common charge for women charged with property crimes is theft under $5000 or fraud. Many women have committed income-generating offences such as fraud, shoplifting, prostitution and robbery to support addictions (AGC, 2003). In Canada, the fastest growing group of incarcerated women is Aboriginal. The rate of imprisoned Aboriginal women jumped 72.5% between 1996 and 2004 (Office of the Correctional Investigator, 2006). Although Aboriginal people comprise 3% of the Canadian population, 19% of federal prisoners are Aboriginal. For women this number is even higher: 32% of federal female prisoners are Aboriginal. Research has illustrated that well over the majority of imprisoned women in North America have histories of childhood abuse, have experienced violence in their intimate relationships with men, often live in poverty, endure systemic racialized violence and have addictions (Gilfus, 1992; Comack, 1996; Richie, 1996; Owen, 1998; Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women, 1990). This research, often referred to as the 'pathways to crime' literature, illustrates that attempts to cope with victimization experiences such as childhood abuse and violence against women, propel many women into situations that put them at risk of being criminalized.

Details: Toronto: Wilfrid Laurier University, 2008. 37p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 22, 2016 at: http://www.efryottawa.com/documents/LockedinLockedout-SPollockresearchreport.pdf

Year: 2008

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.efryottawa.com/documents/LockedinLockedout-SPollockresearchreport.pdf

Shelf Number: 138722

Federal Prisoners
Female Inmates
Female Offenders
Female Prisoners

Author: Fitts, Michelle S.

Title: An investigation into drink driving among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in regional and remote Queensland and the development of the 'Hero to Healing' program

Summary: Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) people have been overrepresented in injury and fatality statistics in Australia and internationally for decades. In Australia, road deaths are the second leading cause of fatal injuries for Indigenous people, behind suicide. Currently, Indigenous Australians die from road injuries at almost three times the rate of other Australians. The majority (70%) of approximately 90 fatal injuries per year and 60% of around 1600 serious injuries per year are suffered by Indigenous residents of 'outer regional', 'remote' and 'very remote' localities. Although vehicle and environmental conditions play a role in road crashes in non-urban areas, road safety research has established a strong association between alcohol and more serious and fatal road crashes in regional and remote areas. Moreover, state transport agencies report Indigenous Australians as overrepresented in drink driving arrests while studies investigating drink driving predictors identify Indigenous background as a predictor for drink driving recidivism. Reducing drink driving among Indigenous Australians living in regional and remote areas is, therefore, a priority in road safety and will help to 'close the health gap' between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. However, to-date there is limited information in relation to identifying the characteristics of Indigenous drink drivers or profiling them. Historically, Indigenous people convicted of drink driving have received primarily deterrence-based punishments, including financial penalties and licence suspensions. Such penalties have arguably had limited success in shifting attitudes and behaviour among this group of drivers. Loss of a drivers' licence for Indigenous people often leads to further driving offences such as driving while disqualified, which then may result in more severe punishments such as imprisonment. Australian-designed educational and therapeutic drink driving programs have been developed over the last three decades in response to the harm drink driving causes to public health. However, Australian programs are primarily underpinned by literature based on non-Indigenous drink drivers. Evaluations of such programs, while deemed effective for the non-Indigenous populations, report higher levels of recidivism among Indigenous participants who have completed the program when compared to other participants. There is a limited understanding pertaining as to what motivates and sustains drink driving in regional and remote Indigenous communities as well as the factors that support the behaviour's cessation. Therefore, it is difficult to determine why drink driving programs are not as effective in Indigenous drink driving populations compared to the positive effects they have been shown to have on recidivism as well as health and lifestyle choices of mainstream (general population) drink drivers. This thesis incorporates three independent but linked stages of quantitative and qualitative research designed to comprehensively investigate drink driving behaviour among Indigenous people in Queensland. Specifically, the research investigated the characteristics of Indigenous drink drivers and described the psycho-social, cultural and contextual factors associated with Indigenous drink driving. Using this information, program content and delivery guidelines for implementation of a targeted drink driving countermeasure for Indigenous regional and remote communities were developed and then trialled. The program was piloted in two communities with attendance of drink driving participants, Elders and other community members. A number of additional recommendations were made in relation to the feedback from the pilot. This thesis comprises six papers arising from the three stages of research. Stage One comprised the foundation research and consisted of quantitative methods. The findings of Stage One are based on the analysis of drink driving convictions from 2006-2010, extracted from the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney General database. The first phase of Stage One provided information about the prevalence and the characteristics of Indigenous drink driving convictions in order to try to understand the higher rate of deaths and serious injuries in regional and remote communities compared to urban areas and also provide information about where the subsequent qualitative investigation should occur. Data on convictions were regrouped by gender, age, Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia classification and sentence severity. The analyses revealed the Indigenous conviction rate to be six times that of the general drink driving conviction rate in Queensland. There were 9,323 convictions, of which the majority were for male persons (77.5%). Half (52.6%) of the convictions were of persons <25 years. Age was significantly different across the five regions for males only, with a larger number of convictions in the 'very remote' region of persons over 40+ years of age. Increased remoteness was linked with high range BAC (≥0.15g/100ml) convictions for both males and females. Repeat offenders were more likely to come from locations other than 'major cities' with the association strongest for courts in the 'very remote' region (OR=2.75, 2.06-3.76, p<.001). Statistical associations between remoteness and drink driving convictions that were identified in Stage One analyses suggested that the studies for Stages Two and Three should focus on outer regional and very remote offenders.

Details: Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology, 2015. 374p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed June 8, 2016 at: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/89760/1/Michelle_Fitts_Thesis.pdf

Year: 2015

Country: Australia

URL: http://eprints.qut.edu.au/89760/1/Michelle_Fitts_Thesis.pdf

Shelf Number: 139313

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving
Indigenous Peoples

Author: d'Abbs, Peter

Title: Monitoring Trends in Prevalence of Petrol Sniffing in Selected Aboriginal Communities 2011-2014: Final Report

Summary: This report presents the findings from a study of petrol sniffing prevalence in a sample of 53 Australian Aboriginal communities. The study was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PMC) in order to contribute to monitoring the impact of an ongoing rollout of low aromatic fuel (LAF) in communities beset by petrol sniffing, and was conducted by Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, in partnership with Bowchung Pty Ltd, Canberra. The study commenced in 2011 and was completed in 2014.

Details: Darwin: Menzies School of Health Research, 2016.83p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 3, 2016 at: https://www.dpmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/publications/monitoring-trends-petrol-sniffing-2011-14.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.dpmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/publications/monitoring-trends-petrol-sniffing-2011-14.pdf

Shelf Number: 140162

Drug Abuse and Addiction
Petrol Sniffing

Author: PriceWaterhouseCoopers

Title: Indigenous incarceration: Unlock the facts

Summary: Indigenous incarceration in Australia has been the subject of many thorough and well evidenced reports and reviews over the past three decades including the landmark Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Our report contributes new economic modelling to the evidence base. It estimates the costs of Indigenous incarceration and the potential savings if Indigenous incarceration rates were no different to those of the non-Indigenous population. The high, and growing, rates of Indigenous incarceration has a heavy impact on individuals, families, communities, and the Australian economy but it doesn't have to be this way. Our modelling suggests that implementing a holistic suite of initiatives would contribute significantly to closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous rates of incarceration, but this alone would not be enough. Closing the gap requires systemic change, as well as smarter investment in programmatic solutions with Indigenous Australians having ownership and control over program settings. This report seeks to raise awareness of, and calls for action to address, the disproportionate rates of Indigenous incarceration across Australia.

Details: Australia: PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2017. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 5, 2017 at: https://www.pwc.com.au/indigenous-consulting/assets/indigenous-incarceration-may17.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: https://www.pwc.com.au/indigenous-consulting/assets/indigenous-incarceration-may17.pdf

Shelf Number: 145915

Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Prisoners
Sentencing Disparities

Author: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Title: Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: A National Operational Overview

Summary: In late 2013, the Commissioner of the RCMP initiated an RCMP-led study of reported incidents of missing and murdered Aboriginal women across all police jurisdictions in Canada. This report summarizes that effort and will guide Canadian Police operational decision-making on a solid foundation. It will mean more targeted crime prevention, better community engagement and enhanced accountability for criminal investigations. It will also assist operational planning from the detachment to national level. In sum, it reveals the following: Police-recorded incidents of Aboriginal female homicides and unresolved missing Aboriginal females in this review total 1,181 - 164 missing and 1,017 homicide victims. There are 225 unsolved cases of either missing or murdered Aboriginal females: 105 missing for more than 30 days as of November 4, 2013, whose cause of disappearance was categorized at the time as "unknown" or "foul play suspected" and 120 unsolved homicides between 1980 and 2012. The total indicates that Aboriginal women are over-represented among Canada's murdered and missing women. There are similarities across all female homicides. Most homicides were committed by men and most of the perpetrators knew their victims - whether as an acquaintance or a spouse. The majority of all female homicides are solved (close to 90%) and there is little difference in solve rates between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal victims. This report concludes that the total number of murdered and missing Aboriginal females exceeds previous public estimates. This total significantly contributes to the RCMP's understanding of this challenge, but it represents only a first step. It is the RCMP's intent to work with the originating agencies responsible for the data herein to release as much of it as possible to stakeholders. Already, the data on missing Aboriginal women has been shared with the National Centre for Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains (NCMPUR), which will be liaising with policing partners to publish additional cases on the Canada's Missing website. Ultimately, the goal is to make information more widely available after appropriate vetting. While this matter is without question a policing concern, it is also a much broader societal challenge. The collation of this data was completed by the RCMP and the assessments and conclusions herein are those of the RCMP alone. The report would not have been possible without the support and contribution of the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics at Statistics Canada. As with any effort of such magnitude, this report needs to be caveated with a certain amount of error and imprecision. This is for a number of reasons: the period of time over which data was collected was extensive; collection by investigators means data is susceptible to human error and interpretation; inconsistency of collection of variables over the review period and across multiple data sources; and, finally, definitional challenges.

Details: Ottawa: RCMP, 2014. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 4, 2017 at: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/wam/media/460/original/0cbd8968a049aa0b44d343e76b4a9478.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/wam/media/460/original/0cbd8968a049aa0b44d343e76b4a9478.pdf

Shelf Number: 147550

Crime Statistics
Missing Persons
Violence Against Women

Author: Ticehurst, Andrew

Title: National Deaths in Custody Program: Deaths in custody in Australia 2013-14 and 2014-15

Summary: The National Deaths in Custody Program (NDICP) collects information on deaths that occurred in prison, in police custody and in custody-related operations throughout Australia. This report presents data on the number of deaths in custody that occurred during 2013-14 and 2014-15 and trend data on deaths in prison custody (from 1979-80) and police custody and custody-related operations (from 1989-90). As no deaths occurred in youth detention during the reporting period, these data are not presented.

Details: Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology, 2018. 72p.

Source: Internet Resource: Statistical Report 05: Accessed May 10, 2018 at: https://aic.gov.au/publications/special/special5

Year: 2018

Country: Australia

URL: https://aic.gov.au/publications/special/special5

Shelf Number: 150143

Deaths in Custody
Indigenous Peoples
Inmate Deaths

Author: KPMG

Title: Maranguka justice reinvestment project: impact assessment

Summary: This is the first ever report of its kind in Australia, assessing the substantial economic impacts of investing in justice reinvestment and supporting communities to lead the solutions. Since 2012, Maranguka, the community-led entity in Bourke, in partnership with Just Reinvest NSW, has undertaken activities designed to create change within the community and the justice system. Those activities have included: Aboriginal leaders inspiring a grassroots movement for change amongst local community members, facilitating collaboration and alignment across the service system, delivering new community based programs and service hubs, and partnering with justice agencies such as the police, to evolve their procedures, behaviour and operations towards a proactive and reinvestment model of justice. The report highlights improvements in three key areas: Family strength: a 23% reduction in police recorded incidence of domestic violence and comparable drops in rates of reoffending -- Youth development: a 31% increase in year 12 student retention rates and a 38% reduction in charges across the top five juvenile offence categories -- Adult empowerment: a 14% reduction in bail breaches and 42% reduction in days spent in custody. Maranguka Justice Reinvestment has been largely supported by philanthropists. The economic impact was approximately five times greater than the operational costs in 2017.

Details: [N.S.W.] : [Just Reinvest NSW], 2018. 62p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed Dec. 11, 2018 at: http://justreinvest.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Maranguka-Justice-Reinvestment-Project-KPMG-Impact-Assessment-FINAL-REPORT.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Australia

URL: http://justreinvest.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Maranguka-Justice-Reinvestment-Project-KPMG-Impact-Assessment-FINAL-REPORT.pdf

Shelf Number: 153885

Community-Based Services
Cost Analysis
Justice Reinvestment