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Results for adult corrections (california)

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Author: Lin, Jeffrey

Title: The Scope of Correctional Control in California

Summary: How many people are under correctional control in California? That is, on any given day, how many adults (18 and older) are held in adult county jails and state prisons, or supervised in the community on adult probation or parole? How many young people (ages 12-25) are held in county juvenile detention and state juvenile placement facilities, or supervised in the community on juvenile probation and parole? According to the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), in 2004, California had the largest adult parolee population in the United States, the second largest probationer population after Texas (Glaze and Palla 2005), and the third largest prisoner population after the federal system and Texas (Harrison and Beck 2005a).1,2 However, California is also the most populous state in the country. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that in 2004, there were 35.8 million California residents, with 26 million Californians ages 18 or older, and 7.2 million Californians between the ages of 12 and 25 (the ages of jurisdiction for the state juvenile justice system). Given differences in state populations, a more appropriate question to ask is: How do California’s rates of correctional control compare to national averages? This research bulletin presents one-day standing counts of Californians under correctional control on December 31, 2004,3 and where possible, compares rates of control to those found in other states. The bulletin considers adult correctional control (consisting of adult prison, adult parole, jail and adult probation populations) and juvenile correctional control (consisting of state Division of Juvenile Justice institution and parole, county juvenile detention and juvenile probation populations) separately, and also notes gender, racial and ethnic differences in correctional control rates. The purpose of this bulletin is to provide a descriptive overview of the California population over which some form of control is exercised by a state or local criminal justice agency, and situate this information in a national context. It serves as an extension to data reported annually by the Bureau of Justice Statistics on the prevalence of forms of correctional control, providing additional detail for California. Policymakers will be interested in this bulletin as background in crafting criminal justice policies. It will also be useful to researchers seeking to inform their work around issues of crime, justice and punishment.

Details: Irvine, CA: Center for Evidence-Based Correction, UC Irvine, 2006. 8p.

Source: Bulletin Vol. 2, Issue 1: Internet Resource: Accessed May 8, 2012 at http://ucicorrections.seweb.uci.edu/pdf/Bulletin706Da.pdf

Year: 2006

Country: United States

URL: http://ucicorrections.seweb.uci.edu/pdf/Bulletin706Da.pdf

Shelf Number: 125199

Adult Corrections (California)
Correctional Administration
Criminal Justice Policy
Juvenile Corrections (California)