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Results for africa

7 results found

Author: Wyler, Liana Sun

Title: Illegal Drug Trade in Africa: Trends and U.S. Policy.

Summary: Africa has historically held a peripheral role in the transnational illicit drug trade, but in recent years has increasingly become a locus for drug trafficking, particularly cocaine. This report examines the growth in the drug trafficking through Africa and the implications for the United States.

Details: Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 117322

Drug Trafficking

Author: Cockayne, James

Title: The Invisible Tide: Towards an International Strategy to Deal with Drug Trafficking Through West Africa

Summary: An invisible tide is rising on the shores of West Africa, creeping into its slums, its banks, its courts, its barracks, and its government ministries. It is a tide of money, influence, and power, born from the drug trafficking that is sweeping the region. This paper explains what the risks are, and recommends steps that policymakers in national capitals and multilateral institutions might take to address them in the next three to five year.

Details: New York: International Peace Institute, 2009


Year: 2009

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 116520

Drug Trafficking

Author: Marine Resources Assessment Group

Title: Review of the Impacts of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing on Developing Countries: Final Report

Summary: Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a global problem. Although there are numerous studies on IUU fishing in high seas waters, there is currently a lack of information on the economic and other impacts of IUU fishing on developing countries. This study sets out to address this lack, utilizing a literature review of empirical informatin and data from case studies of 10 developing countries around Africa and Oceania.

Details: London: MRAG, 2005


Year: 2005

Country: United Kingdom


Shelf Number: 115387

Illegal Fishing

Author: Fouche, Henri

Title: Policing piracy and armed robbery of ships in South Africa's territorial waters and contiguous zone.

Summary: This dissertation focuses on the policing of piracy and armed robbery against ships in South Africa's territorial waters and continguous zone. The study examines the phenomena not only in South Africa but throughout the African region, because piracy is a transnational crime which constitutes a security threat to the entire African continent. The nature and extent of piracy and armed robbery is determined as well as the consequences thereof on South African national interest. The meaning and nature of policing is examined and the effect of prevailing policing procedure, legislating, enforcing, preventing and partnershipping in the policing of piracy and armed robbery is analyzed.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: Faculty of Humanities, Tshwane University of Technology, 2006, 253p.

Source: Doctoral Dissertation

Year: 2006

Country: South Africa


Shelf Number: 117599

Armed Robbery Against Ships

Author: Offerdahl, Thomas G.

Title: A Systematic Analysis of the Challenges of Policing Senegal: The Role of the Police in Democracy

Summary: Little is known about the role of the police in Africa, and even less about the police in francophone African countries. Intrastate conflicts and peace-building after the Cold War tied policing to personal security, democracy, and sustainable development. Senegal has a stable democracy and police forces that were established prior to Senegalese independence in 1960, but it is still uncertain if they can become a police force that contributes to national and personal security capable of dealing with human and narcotic trafficking, transnational crimes, and international terrorism. This study investigates the challenges facing the Senegalese police forces and their impact on the Senegalese national and personal security environment. The primary police services face challenges with resources, capacity, terrorism, and transnational crime. The major finding is that the centralized structure of the Senegalese police, controlled by a semi-authoritarian president and the political elites, prevents the police from becoming a public safety institution able to address matters of personal security. This dynamic isolates the police from the Senegalese citizens and atrophies their ability to combat crime, preventing their development into a public safety institution.

Details: Scranton, Pennsylvania: University of Scranton, 2016. 107.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 30, 2019 at: https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/1029883.pdf

Year: 2016

Country: Senegal

URL: https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/50607

Shelf Number: 154387

Law Enforcement
National Security
Public Order
Transnational Crime
West Africa

Author: Commins, Stephen

Title: From Urban Fragility to Urban Stability

Summary: HIGHLIGHTS - The share of Africa's urban residents living in slums is steadily rising, an outgrowth of the continent's rapidly expanding population. Meanwhile, residents of African cities report among the highest levels of fear of violence in the world. - The inability of government institutions to resolve or at least mitigate conflicts over land, property rights, and services for urban residents, coupled with either absent or heavy-handed responses of security agencies in African slums, is contributing to a growing mistrust of African security and justice institutions. - Integrated urban development strategies - involving local government, police, justice institutions, the private sector, and youth - are necessary to build trust and adapt policies that strengthen economic opportunities, social cohesion, and security in Africa's cities.

Details: Los Angelos, California: Africa Center for Strategic Studies, 2018. 11p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed February 18, 2019 at: https://africacenter.org/publication/from-urban-fragility-to-urban-stability/

Year: 2018

Country: Africa

URL: https://africacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ASB35EN-From-Urban-Fragility-to-Urban-Stability.pdf

Shelf Number: 154655

Conflicts over Land
Fear of Crime
Land Governance
Property Rights
Rule of Law
Security Sector

Author: Scheye, Eric

Title: Heart of Africa's Organised Crime: Land, Property and Urbanisation

Summary: Most analyses of organised crime in Africa focus on illegal trafficking of commodities such as drugs, arms and wildlife. However, there have been few studies of what may be the largest type of organised criminal activity in Africa: land allocation, real estate and property development, which includes infrastructure and the delivery of basic public services such as water and electricity, particularly in urban areas. All 10 of the world's fastest-growing cities are in Africa and Africa's urban population is projected to double by 2030 - 2035. By then, 50% of all Africans are likely to live in urban areas, mainly in informal settlements. This policy brief recommends steps that can make urban development less vulnerable to crime.

Details: Pretoria, South Africa: Enhancing Africa's Response to Transnational Organised Crime, 2019. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 5, 2019 at: https://enactafrica.org/research/policy-briefs/heart-of-africas-organised-crime-land-property-and-urbanisation

Year: 2019

Country: Africa

URL: https://enact-africa.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/2019-05-10-urbanisation-policy-brief-001.pdf

Shelf Number: 156196

Land Rights
Organized Crime