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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for african women

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Author: Chung, Donna

Title: Young Women from African Backgrounds and Sexual Violence

Summary: Service providers have recently reported increasing numbers of young African women accessing unplanned pregnancy and relationship services, with related concerns about domestic violence. This research explores how young women, aged 18 to 25 years, from African refugee and migrant backgrounds understand and experience sexual coercion and violence, and how service providers respond to their needs. The study drew on an online survey of service providers, individual and group interviews with young women from African backgrounds, and focus groups with service providers. The researchers faced challenges due to the sensitive nature of the topic of sexual violence and the silence that surrounds it, but achieved interviews and focus groups involved 21 young women. They found no agreement among the young women about what constitutes sexual violence, which was mostly defined in terms of stranger rape. Concerns about community judgement and exclusion, arising from stigma associated with sexual violence and the myths, beliefs and attitudes surrounding it created barriers for young women from African backgrounds speaking about men's sexualised behaviour. These barriers were compounded by other barriers such as language, transport, caring responsibilities, work/study commitments and other settlement issues. Service providers' input to the study highlighted the need for future service efforts being directed towards education and awareness raising, using culturally appropriate methods and sites. There is a need for increased cultural sensitivity and responsiveness of organisational and worker practices to improve their capability of working with young people from African backgrounds, together with specialist sexual violence responses for younger women in their early teens.

Details: Canberra: Criminology Research Advisory Council. 2018. 47p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 30, 2018 at: http://crg.aic.gov.au/reports/1718/07-1213-FinalReport.pdf

Year: 2018

Country: Australia

URL: http://crg.aic.gov.au/reports/1718/07-1213-FinalReport.pdf

Shelf Number: 149969

African Women
Domestic Violence
Gender-Based Violence
Sexual Coercion
Sexual Violence
Victim Services
Violence Against Women