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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 9:00 am

Results for afterschool programs

1 results found

Author: Florida TaxWatch

Title: Florida Boys & Girls Clubs: An Analysis of Educational, Juvenile Justice, and Economic Outcomes

Summary: The Florida Boys and Girls Clubs (FBGC) are local nonprofit organizations that offer a number of afterschool programs to help participants develop positive character traits, improve academic performance, and prevent delinquency. In order to evaluate the economic benefits of the FBGC, Florida TaxWatch compared club participants to demographically similar students. This study finds that: o The median achievement level in Reading FCAT attained by the FBGC group was 3, or "on grade level", as compared to a median achievement level of 2, or "limited success with grade-level content," attained by the comparison group; o When measuring both overall days absent and "chronic absenteeism," which is significantly correlated with grade retention and dropouts, the results were half as prevalent in the FBGC group; o FBGC had a higher percentage of grade promotion and a lower percentage of grade retention than their peers, and dropout rates were significantly lower for FBGC participants; - The total number of juvenile justice referrals for the FBGC group was 2.96 percent, as compared to 7.49 percent for the comparison group; and - More than half of referrals (58 percent) were first-time referrals for the FBGC group, compared to 40 percent for the comparison group. According to this analysis, the economic impact of participation in Boys and Girls Club programs ranges from a short-term taxpayer savings of more than $9,000 for each student that is not held back a grade, to an aggregate of nearly $29,080,000 in lifetime earnings for each 100 additional high school graduates. Taxpayers also realize a cost-avoidance of $5,000 per youth who is diverted from criminal activities, and about $45,012-$46,305 for each youth that is diverted from incarceration.

Details: Tallahassee: Florida TaxWatch, 2013. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 20, 2014 at: http://floridataxwatch.org/resources/pdf/FBGCReportFINAL.pdf

Year: 2013

Country: United States

URL: http://floridataxwatch.org/resources/pdf/FBGCReportFINAL.pdf

Shelf Number: 133743

Afterschool Programs
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Delinquency Prevention
Juvenile Justice Systems (Florida)
Nonprofit Organizations