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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:20 am

Results for alcohol abuse (belfast)

1 results found

Author: Belfast Drug and Alcohol Working Group

Title: Scoping Report on Drugs and Alcohol Services in Belfast

Summary: This report presents a substantial insight into the current situation in relation to drugs and alcohol use and more importantly, it gives an overview of service provision currently in place to tackle substance misuse in the Belfast area. The drive behind this scoping report began in late 2009 when a number of community and statutory sector individuals came together to voice their concerns, especially in a North Belfast context, around drug and alcohol issues impacting on local communities and the need for a more Belfast-focussed co-ordinated approach. This small group felt it was timely to take an innovative Belfast-wide approach to this area of work. Initial meetings were held with John McGeown, Assistant Director of Mental Health Services in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust; Billy Hutchinson of Mount Vernon Community Development Association; Frances Black and Brian Allen of the RISE Foundation and Mary Black, Assistant Director of Public Health, Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement in the Public Health Agency along with Irene Sherry from the Bridge of Hope in order to consider the issues facing agencies in Belfast. However, it soon became clear that more stakeholders should be invited to participate in order to ensure a fully inclusive collective approach was adopted. Throughout 2010 representatives from a number of key statutory organisations and community/ voluntary providers met to undertake an initial scoping exercise. From this initial analysis, it was clear that there was a lot of work being funded or commissioned but that awareness of services and, more importantly, linking up of service provision was not always in place or as effective as it needed to be. With this in mind the group agreed that it would be worthwhile to spend some time looking at the gaps and issues locally and analyse the situation with a view to creating an overview report with recommendations for consideration, primarily by the Public Health Agency and the Eastern Drugs and Alcohol Coordination Team, but also by other statutory agencies with a responsibility for, or interest in, addressing drugs and alcohol misuse. Our recommendations focus on longer term planning and more cohesive partnership working as well as simplifying access to and participation in existing service provision. It is acknowledged that whilst many agencies are delivering services in this area, there is a lack of awareness of provision both within the health and social care sector itself and outside in the wider community/voluntary sector. Our recommendations focus on longer term planning and more cohesive partnership working as well as simplifying access to and participation in existing service provision. It is acknowledged that whilst many agencies are delivering services in this area, there is a lack of awareness of provision both within the health and social care sector itself and outside in the wider community/voluntary sector.

Details: Belfast: Public Health Agency, 2011. 96p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 29, 2011 at: http://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/16010/1/Scoping_Belfast.pdf

Year: 2011

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/16010/1/Scoping_Belfast.pdf

Shelf Number: 123172

Alcohol Abuse (Belfast)
Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder
Alcohol Treatment Programs
Drug Abuse
Drug Treatment
Health Care