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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for alcohol abuse (canada, australia)

1 results found

Author: Stockwell, Tim

Title: Operator and Regulatory Best Practices in the Reduction of Violence in and Around Licensed Premises: A Review of Australian and Canadian Research

Summary: The social, health and economic costs of alcohol related problems are conservatively estimated to cost the people of Canada $14.6 billion per annum (Rehm et al., 2006). The problems of violence in and around licensed premises make a significant though often hidden contribution to these health, social and economic costs. Responding to alcohol related incidents utilizes a great deal of police and other emergency services resources, especially late at night when provision for these services is often stretched. This report was prepared to support efforts to respond to growing community concerns about alcohol related violence in recent years. While violence in and around licensed premises is commonplace among economically developed nations, especially in areas with large clusters of licensed venues, there are some special circumstances contributing to these problems in some regions of Canada, notably British Columbia and Alberta. These include a relatively healthy economy, an influx of young male fly in-fly out workers in some areas and the increasingly deregulated liquor markets. The purpose of this report is to summarize the evidence for "what works" in communitywide efforts to prevent the problem of violence in and around licensed premises based mostly on Australian and Canadian research. Special reference is made throughout to 92 strategies recommended as a result of the Alberta Roundtables on violence in and around licensed premises (Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, 2006). These strategies are grouped into larger categories in the present report under the general headings of operator, regulatory and community mobilization strategies. Each category was given a rating based upon the level of available evidence. In order to aid local efforts to implement evidence-based strategies, a set of basic principles are recommended for successful violence prevention in this particular arena.

Details: Victoria, BC : Centre for Addictions Research of BC, 2010. 78p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed November 6, 2012 at: http://www.carbc.ca/Portals/0/propertyagent/558/files/15/alcohol&violence.pdf

Year: 2010

Country: Canada

URL: http://www.carbc.ca/Portals/0/propertyagent/558/files/15/alcohol&violence.pdf

Shelf Number: 126887

Alcohol Abuse (Canada, Australia)
Alcohol and Violence
Alcohol Related Crime, Disorder