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Results for alcohol ignition interlocks

4 results found

Author: Queensland. Department on Transport and Main Roads

Title: Drink Driving in Queensland: A Discussion Paper

Summary: The objectives of this discussion paper are to advise the public about the introduction of alcohol ignition interlocks and to seek comment from the Queensland community on potential new programs or improvement to existing policies and programs that could be introduced to address this road safety problem. The enhancements in this paper have been identified through an examination of: the benefits/limitations of existing programs and policies currently use in Queensland; crash and offense data; recent academic research into drink driving; and the various approaches adopted in other Australian and international jurisdictions.

Details: Brisbane: Department on Transport and Main Roads, 2010. 68p.


Year: 2010

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 118374

Alcohol Ignition Interlocks
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (Australia)

Author: Sheehan, Mary

Title: Drink Driver Rehabilitation and Education in Victoria

Summary: This report presents a review of the current Victorian drink driver offender program. The aim of the research was to: determine what best practice drink drive rehabilitation is and compare this to what is currently delivered in Victoria; and obtain feedback from stakeholders and service providers on their perceptoins of the effectiveness of the current Victorian program. Based on the findings of the review of relevant international iterature a comprehensive range of recommendations are provided.

Details: Victoria, AUS: Royal Automobile Club of Victoria Ltd., 2005. 64p.

Source: RACV (Royal Automobile Club of Victoria) Research Report No. 05/01

Year: 2005

Country: Australia


Shelf Number: 118708

Alcohol Ignition Interlocks
Drink Driving
Drunk Driving (Australia)

Author: U.S. Government Accountability Office

Title: Traffic Safety: Alcohol Ignition Interlocks are effective while installed; Less it known about how to increase installation rates

Summary: Motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers killed 10,322 people in 2012 and account for almost one third of all traffic fatalities annually. Ignition interlocks are one strategy states use to combat DWI. In 2012, MAP-21 established a grant program for states that adopt and implement mandatory alcohol ignition-interlock laws for all convicted DWI offenders. Funding authorization for this program expires at the end of fiscal year 2014. GAO was asked to review the effectiveness of ignition interlocks and NHTSA's implementation of the new grant program. This report discusses (1) what is known about ignition interlock effectiveness and (2) the extent to which NHTSA has assisted states in implementing ignition-interlock programs, including the grant program. GAO reviewed 25 studies that analyzed relationships between ignition interlocks and DWI arrests and fatalities; interviewed NHTSA officials and reviewed reports about NHTSA's assistance to states; and interviewed representatives from safety-advocacy and research organizations, and officials involved with ignition-interlock programs from 10 states. The states were selected based on grant program qualification and the number of alcohol-impaired fatalities, among other factors. The information from these states is not generalizable. DOT officials reviewed a draft of this report and generally agreed with the findings. DOT offered technical corrections, which we incorporated as appropriate.

Details: Washington, DC: GAO, 2014. 38p.

Source: Internet Resource: GAO-14-559: Accessed August 14, 2014 at: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/664281.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.gao.gov/assets/670/664281.pdf

Shelf Number: 133076

Alcohol Ignition Interlocks
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Drunk Driving (U.S.)

Author: Lucke, Roy E.

Title: Illinois Secretary of State Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID): program evaluation and final report

Summary: This report evaluates the effectiveness of the Illinois Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) pilot program. This pilot program was initiated in June of 1994 and is still in effect. The primary focus of the study is the comparison of a control group (no interlock device) to a group who used the BAIID. Participants in the study were all multiple DUI offenders who have been granted limited driving relief through a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) before potential reinstatement of full driving privileges. The report contains five chapters: - Chapter 1 introduces the report and provides some background information; - Chapter 2 contains a review of the literature; - Chapter 3 describes the Illinois BAIID program; - Chapter 4 contains the results of the evaluation; and - Chapter 5 summarizes recommendations arising from the evaluation. This report is based on two earlier documents. The first was completed by Etzkorn and Martin1 and was intended as a preliminary report on the effectiveness of the BAIID devices. Information in this report relating to the origins of the BAIID program and operations of the pilot program are based on that report. A discussion comparing findings of that preliminary evaluation and the current evaluation can be found in Chapter 4. A companion to this report was completed by Lucke, Wark, and Raub under the same contract that funded this study. Its purpose was to provide guidance to the Secretary of State on ending the pilot phase of the BAIID program, making the Illinois program compliant with federal guidelines, reviewing similar programs in other states, and providing options for the future of the Illinois BAIID program. The literature review from that report was updated for this study.

Details: Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, Center for Public Safety, 2001. 2 vols.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed March 12, 2018 at: http://www.popcenter.org/library/scp/pdf/232-Raub.pdf

Year: 2001

Country: United States

URL: http://www.popcenter.org/library/scp/pdf/232-Raub.pdf

Shelf Number: 149423

Alcohol Ignition Interlocks
Alcohol Law Enforcement
Driving Under the Influence
Driving While Intoxicated
Drunk Driving
Ignition Interlock Program