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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:39 am

Results for alcohol prohibition (alaska)

1 results found

Author: Shively, Michael

Title: Evaluation of the Rural Alaska Alcohol Interdiction, Investigation, and Prosecution Program

Summary: This report provides results of an evaluatoin of efforts to curb the trafficking of beverage alcohol into isolated Alaskan villages with local alcohol prohibitions. The study reported the following findings: (1) the design is well-conceived and based upon a logically sound model; (2) is being implemented as intended, particularly over the past two years; (3) is organizationally stable; (4) has increased the number of arrests, prosecution, and convictions for alcohol law violations, as well as seizures of bootlegged alcohol; (5) has not produced a statistically significant impact on the target outcomes of reduced crime, accidental deaths, or injuries; and (6) may be transferable to other areas of Alaska, but is probably not transferable to most other parts of the contiguous U.S. without substantial modifications.

Details: Cambridge, MA: Abt Associates, 2008. 95p.

Source: Report prepared for the U.S. National Institute of Justice

Year: 2008

Country: United States


Shelf Number: 116679

Alcohol Control (Alaska)
Alcohol Prohibition (Alaska)
Alcohol Related Crime and Disorder
Bootleg Alcohol