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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:15 am

Results for alternatives to corrections

2 results found

Author: Kilmer, Beau

Title: Does San Francisco's Community Justice Center Reduce Criminal Recidivism?

Summary: In 2009, San Francisco opened a community court, the Community Justice Center (CJC), to serve the Tenderloin and adjacent neighborhoods, a traditionally high-crime area. Community courts are expressly oriented toward improving outcomes for offenders by addressing factors often linked to criminal behavior (by incorporating access to treatment and services within the criminal case management process); they also emphasize ties to a specific neighborhood. This report examines whether the CJC reduces the risk of rearrest when compared to more traditional approaches for addressing arrestees. Using a differences-in-differences (DD) design that exploits temporal and geographic variation in CJC eligibility, a RAND research team examined one-year rearrest rates among those arrested for eligible offenses within the four police districts that include a part of the CJC catchment area, including offenses inside and outside the catchment area both before and after the CJC opened. After controlling for a number of arrestee-level factors (including criminal history), as well as month- and police district-level fixed effects, the DD estimator from our preferred models ranges from -8.2 to -7.1 percentage points, which corresponds to an 8.9 percent to 10.3 percent reduction in the probability of being rearrested within one year. These findings support the hypothesis that the CJC reduces criminal recidivism and are robust to a number of sensitivity analyses.

Details: Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2014. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed October 13, 2014 at: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR700/RR735/RAND_RR735.pdf

Year: 2014

Country: United States

URL: http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR700/RR735/RAND_RR735.pdf

Shelf Number: 133648

Alternatives to Corrections
Community Courts (U.S.)
Community Justice Centers

Author: NPC Research

Title: Randomized Controlled Trial of Measure 57 Intensive Drug Court for Medium- to High-Risk Property Offenders

Summary: Oregon's Measure 57 required post-adjudication intensive drug court services for medium- to high-risk property offenders. NPC collaborated with the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission, Department of Corrections, and other partners to conduct a randomized control trial study to evaluate the effectiveness of Measure 57 drug courts, compared to traditional probation. The study included many components, including a process evaluation, interview study, preliminary outcome study, and cost analysis. The outcome evaluation found that the drug court group had significantly lower recidivism including 28% fewer new charges and 26% fewer new cases (cases can contain multiple charges), than the control group (a group of offenders who received traditional probation). When charges are categorized, drug court participants also had significantly fewer felony, misdemeanor, and drug charges. Overall, the drug court group had 37% fewer new charges for drug crimes than the control group. A follow-up evaluation with a longer time frame to analyze recidivism is planned. Many of the participants in the study were prison-eligible under Measure 57, and this evaluation provides support for drug courts as an effective alternative to prison. The Measure 57 Intensive Drug Court Program was one strategy within the continuum of services and programs for all offenders involved in the criminal justice system.

Details: Salem, OR: Oregon Criminal Justice Commission; Portland, OR: NPC Research, 2015.108p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 26, 2016 at: http://npcresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/CJC_and_NPC_M57_drug_court_eval_March_20_2015.pdf?utm_source=NPC+News+Vol.+4%2C+Issue+1&utm_campaign=Newsletter+4%2F1&utm_medium=email

Year: 2015

Country: United States

URL: http://npcresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/CJC_and_NPC_M57_drug_court_eval_March_20_2015.pdf?utm_source=NPC+News+Vol.+4%2C+Issue+1&utm_campaign=Newsletter+4%2F1&utm_medium=email

Shelf Number: 137660

Alternatives to Corrections
Drug Courts
Drug Offenders
Problem-Solving Courts
Property Crime (Oregon)
Recidivism (Oregon)
Repeat Offenders (Oregon)
Sentencing (Oregon)