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Results for alternatives to incarceration (california)

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Author: Macallair, Daniel

Title: Lessons Learned: The Santa Cruz County Study

Summary: Within California, 58 counties operate 58 diverse local criminal justice systems. Some counties rely heavily on the state prison system, while others invest in local practices and alternatives to incarceration. A few of these self-reliant counties are demonstrating positive crime reduction and public safety trends. This indicates their success in implementing deliberate strategies to reduce the number of inmates housed locally and within the state prison system. Santa Cruz is one of those self-reliant counties, where the dedication of local administrators has improved the county’s justice system (“Santa Cruz” refers to the county here, unless the city is specified). Consequently, the county is more prepared to manage the increase in local offender populations resulting from realignment under Assembly Bill 109 (AB 109). Furthermore, the county’s Jail Alternatives Initiative (JAI) model helps anticipate the potential impacts of AB 109 and to develop systemic interventions necessary for successful implementation of the policy. JAI facilitates a continuous improvement process that is data-driven and can evolve over time. Santa Cruz engages in ongoing multi-agency collaborations that enhance the system-wide data analysis process to initiate deliberate interventions within the local criminal justice system. This publication explores the Santa Cruz experience through an analysis of data trends and implications for deliberate local strategies. Further, the study understands how Santa Cruz best utilized systemic interventions. This serves as a basis for concluding how California counties can improve their justice systems and better prepare for the increased local responsibility over offenders, following AB 109.

Details: San Francisco: Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, 2012. 16p.

Source: Case Study: Internet Resource: Accessed August 30, 2012 at http://www.cjcj.org/files/Santa_Cruz_Case_Study.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United States

URL: http://www.cjcj.org/files/Santa_Cruz_Case_Study.pdf

Shelf Number: 126172

Alternatives to Incarceration (California)
Case Studies
Crime Reduction (California)